Without showing any emotion: President, please get out

Chapter 139: Thrilling moment!


Lele accidentally dropped the toy ball in his hand to the front. Lele let go of Qi Zaozao's hand and ran over to pick it up. But at this time, a person walked very fast, as if avoiding someone, without even looking at the road ahead, and bumped into Lele. Lele was knocked to the ground. Qi Zaozao and Shen Xiaofei reacted, "Lele!"


Xuanxuan ran over immediately, and the man just now suddenly looked in Qi Zaozao's direction. Qi Zaozao looked over at her and saw a very familiar face. Qi Zaozao would never forget it, it was Feng Yuchen!

Qi Zaozao was very shocked and suddenly ran over to protect Lele and Xuanxuan. Seeing how shocked Qi Zaozao's expression was, Shen Xiaofei also looked over there.

But before that face was seen, Feng Yuchen had already run away, appearing to be in a hurry.

Moreover, Qi Zaozao just saw a hint of fear in her eyes.

What is Feng Yuchen doing

Five years!

After five years, she finally came out!


"Le Le didn't fall anywhere?" Shen Xiaofei said.

As he said this, he glanced at Qi Zaozao.

"It's okay!"

Soon, Lin Mobai drove over.

Xuanxuan and Lele got into the car by themselves. Qi Zao Zao told them to be careful. Shen Xiaofei came over and asked, "You looked so bad just now. Who was that?"

"Feng Yuchen!"

"Really?" Shen Xiaofei also gasped. She had not forgotten the woman named Feng Yuchen. She was extremely cruel and ruthless. Qi Zao Zao almost died in her hands several times.

Qi Zao Zao nodded, his eyes serious and solemn, "It's really her!"

"Did you look panicked just now?" Shen Xiaofei widened his eyes.

Qi nodded early.

"Are you planning to do something bad again? Be careful!"

Qi Zao Zao thought for a moment and said, "Feng Yuchen is a fan of Pei Yifei, and I have nothing to do with Pei Yifei now. Just now, she looked like she was being followed by someone!"

"What are you talking about?" Lin Mobai asked as he rolled down the car window.

"Uh, no."

Lin Mobai raised his eyebrows.

The two got into the car. Qi Zaozao still felt a little uneasy. She didn't know if it was because of the aftereffects of what Feng Yuchen had done to her, or for some other reason. She just felt uncomfortable in her heart.

"Uncle Lin, Lele almost got hurt just now!" Xuanxuan said suddenly.

"Eh?" Lin Mobai tilted his head, "What's going on?"

"I was just bumped into by someone accidentally..."

"Do you want to go to the hospital?"

"I'm fine, it's okay!" Lele said.

Qi Zao Zao touched Lele's head. At this time, Qi Zao Zao suddenly saw a figure. Shen Xiaofei also saw it. "Lin Mobai, drive slower!"

Lin Mobai was puzzled, but he still slowed down the car.

"What's wrong?"

Following the direction of Qi Zaozao and Shen Xiaofei's sight, they saw a black car without a license plate on the side of the road, near the flowers. A man with strange movements was helping Feng Yuchen, who seemed to be unconscious, into the car.

Qi Zaozao and Shen Xiaofei saw the whole process, and Lin Mobai also noticed it because of their gazes.

In the eyes of Qi Zaozao and Shen Xiaofei, the man was weird, and there was weirdness in every aspect of him, but Lin Mobai didn't think too much about it. He thought someone had fainted and was going to be sent to the hospital.

But now it seems that something is wrong.

Shen Xiaofei and Qi Zao Zao glanced at each other, and even Xuanxuan and Lele noticed that the atmosphere in the car was not right, and asked, "What's wrong?"



Shen Xiaofei knew Qi Zaozao too well, "You can't go!"

"Xiao Fei, take the child back first, I want to go take a look!"

Lin Mobai was stunned.

"Morning, less trouble is worse than more!"

If Qi Zaozao hadn't seen it, she might not have said or done anything, but she saw it. Feng Yuchen might be in danger of his life now, and she was also very uneasy, so she had to go and see.

Lin Mobai asked: "Shall I go with you?"

Before Shen Xiaofei could say anything, Qi Zao Zao spoke up: "Xuan Xuan and Le Le can go back with Auntie first, okay?"

"Where is Mommy going?"

"Mommy has something to do, and will be back with Uncle Lin soon!"


Shen Xiaofei was pushed out of the car by Qi Zao Zao. "Don't worry about us. If there is anything wrong, we will call the police immediately!"

Then Qi Zaozao didn't wait for Shen Xiaofei to say anything and asked Lin Mobai to drive and catch up with the car.

Keep a certain distance to avoid being discovered.

The car drove all the way to a more remote place on the river bank and stopped after nearly an hour. Qi Zao Zao told Lin Mobai not to get too close, and the two parked the car in a secluded place before getting out.


Lin Mobai went to see Qi Zaozao, who asked, "Do you have a steel bar or something in your car?"

"Do you think I'm a gangster?"

"no… "

Lin Mobai actually took out a stick from behind, but it was not a steel stick or something, but a wooden stick.

Qi Zao Zao looked at him strangely, and Lin Mobai shrugged, "For self-defense!"

There was only a wooden stick, which Qi had already held in her arms. She and Lin Mobai slowly approached that place. When they saw clearly what the man was doing, they were completely stunned.

At night, there is a cool breeze on the shore.

The man was strangling Feng Yuchen. Feng Yuchen was struggling, but the man was too strong.

Lin Mobai stood in front of Qi Zaozao, "Don't move, don't forget that you are pregnant!"

His expression became very serious!

Qi Zao Zao swallowed hard, feeling very nervous.

Lin Mobai took the wooden stick from Qi Zaozao's hand, quietly walked behind the man, and chopped the man's neck with the stick, but the man seemed to be aware of it, and the stick hit his shoulder. He let go of Feng Yuchen, and Feng Yuchen fell to the ground. The man was wearing a hat with a high collar covering his mouth. He turned his head and looked at Lin Mobai sharply. He was surprisingly skilled, and kicked Lin Mobai on the side of the waist. Lin Mobai stepped back several steps and sat on the ground. The man stepped forward and chopped towards Lin Mobai's head. Lin Mobai blocked it with the stick, but the stick was chopped aside.

Qi Zaozao's heart was in her throat.

Feng Yuchen obviously had no strength left. Qi Zaozao wanted to call the police, but found that his cell phone was in the car. He had forgotten to bring it with him because of his nervousness.

Lin Mobai and the man got into a fight and both of them rolled around on the beach.

Qi Zaozao didn't know where she got the strength from, but she actually picked up the stick and held it tightly in her hand. She took deep breaths and touched her stomach. All she breathed in was cool air. Even her hands and feet began to feel cold, and she felt a little top-heavy.

The man was obviously a martial artist. Lin Mobai was at a disadvantage and was tightly restrained. Qi Zaozao's movements were faster than her thoughts. By the time she realized it, she was already behind the man. The man was pressing on Lin Mobai. Lin Mobai saw Qi Zaozao's eyes widened, and Qi Zaozao also widened her eyes and tightly gripped the wooden stick.


She yelled, raised the stick, and chopped at the back of the man's neck.

It can be said that all the strength of sucking milk is used.

The man's body trembled, and his consciousness was a little unclear, as if he was about to faint, but he suddenly shuddered. Qi Zaozao thought to himself, it's terrible, the three of them can't beat him alone!

Lin Mobai got the chance at this moment. He suddenly stretched out his leg and kicked the man in the stomach. The man was kicked far away and lay on the beach. Lin Mobai quickly stood in front of Qi Zaozao. Qi Zaozao grabbed the stick in one hand and Lin Mobai's clothes with the other.

The man's hat fell off, but it was a little dark and his appearance was still unclear. He got up from the ground, turned around and ran, and was soon submerged in the darkness.

Lin Mobai looked back at Qi Zaozao, whose eyes widened. He immediately looked at Feng Yuchen, who seemed to have fainted again. "Go back quickly!"

Qi Zaozao was afraid that the man would come back again!

I'm even more afraid that the man will come back with his weapon!

Soon, Lin Mobai picked up Feng Yuchen, and the three of them quickly rushed to where the car was parked and drove back!

The car drove all the way to the downtown area, but Qi Zaozao's heart had not yet settled down. She saw Feng Yuchen in the back parking seat, still holding the stick tightly in her hands.

"Lin Mobai!"

"Yeah, I'm here!"

"I'm scared!"

"Don't be afraid, I'm here!" Lin Mobai held Qi Zaozao's hand, but at this time, Pei Yifei's face flashed through Qi Zaozao's mind.

The car drove all the way back. The lights in the house were on. Lin Mobai carried Feng Yuchen upstairs. Shen Xiaofei was at the door and saw Lin Mobai carrying Feng Yuchen back. He was stunned for a moment, and then went to see Qi Zaozao.

"I'll explain it to you later!"

Xuanxuan and Lele had already fallen asleep. Qi Zao Zao went to wash his face first, and then he gradually felt relieved.

"What's going on? Why do you and Lin Mobai look so embarrassed?"

Shen Xiaofei asked: "You brought Feng Yuchen back? What happened?"

"Feng Yuchen was almost killed!"

Shen Xiaofei's face turned pale when he heard this.

If Qi Zaozao and Lin Mobai had not caught up with the car, that man would definitely have killed Feng Yuchen and thrown him into the sea.

"Who wants to kill Feng Yuchen?"

"I, I don't know either..."

Qi Zaozao's hands were still shaking a little. What happened just now was really scary for her.

She also found that she was a little too rash.

Shen Xiaofei held Qi Zaozao's hand and said, "Don't be afraid, we are at home!"

Qi nodded early.

She told Shen Xiaofei what happened just now, and Shen Xiaofei was also shocked. Someone actually wanted to kill Feng Yuchen!!!

Lin Mobai didn't know Feng Yuchen and thought he was someone Qi Zaozao knew. He was indeed someone she knew, but when he heard that the person they rescued had almost killed Qi Zaozao, Lin Mobai became uneasy. (To be continued)