Without showing any emotion: President, please get out

Chapter 143: Is it playing hard to get?


The conversation last night brought Qi Zaozao and Lin Mobai closer. Although Qi Zaozao did not give him an answer, at least it was not like before. Whenever this kind of thing was mentioned, Qi Zaozao would avoid it.

Lin Mobai was already very satisfied. Now, it was enough for him to just stay quietly by Qi Zaozao's side.

As for other things, take your time and time will tell.

Lin Mobai has been a bit busy these two days. In order not to delay him, Qi Zaozao did not let him pick up Xuanxuan and Lele in the morning and afternoon. He is indeed very busy. The company's performance has been getting better and better since he took over, especially after snatching the project from Pei Yifei's company last time, the company's development is also getting bigger and bigger.

Qi would send Xuanxuan and Lele to school early in the morning, then walk from the kindergarten to the bus station and take the bus home slowly. After arriving home, she was not in a hurry to go back, but would go to a nearby park for a walk and relax.

Three days have passed since the morning when he met Pei Yifei. Qi Zaozao was going to call Pei Qiwei to ask about the situation, but he didn't call her in the end. He should be back in the United States now...

She had tried her best not to go to places where Pei Yifei would appear. After three days, she thought he was about to return to the United States, but...

Sometimes the world is so small. She didn't know why every time she made up her mind not to think about him, and every time her life was about to settle down, she would see him.

In the afternoon, when she was on her way to pick up Xuanxuan and Lele, she received a call from Lin Mobai. Today was Friday, and Lin Mobai picked up Xuanxuan and Lele before he got off work, but he forgot to tell Qi Zaozao. When he got home, he found out that she had gone out. He called her quickly, and Qi Zaozao had to turn back halfway.

She was so unlucky that the bus broke down halfway and everyone got off. It started raining outside. Qi Zaozao wanted to wait for the next bus, but it was raining harder and harder. She was pregnant and the bus stop was full of people. She had no place to hide from the rain. She took a taxi, but there were too many people taking taxis here. The rain was getting heavier and heavier, so she had to go to the intersection behind to wait for a taxi. There was a shop there so she could hide from the rain.

The red light was on, and the red light here lasts a long time. Pei Yifei rolled down the window and looked outside. It was raining heavily. His long eyelashes trembled twice, and his eyes were a little vague. At this moment, he saw a figure. She covered her forehead with her hands, her body was wet, and her hair was on her neck and face. She seemed to want to stop a taxi, but someone had stopped a taxi before her. She had no choice but to go to the other side of the intersection to stop a taxi.

Pei Yifei didn't know how he was possessed by a magic trick. When he saw the green light over there, he actually turned. He closed the car window, so people outside couldn't see inside, but people inside could see outside.

Pei Yifei drove the car to the parking space next to the intersection, but did not get out. Instead, he looked at her from a distance.

She seemed a little anxious, so she ran outside the shop and leaned against the wall to avoid the rain. She was not wearing much clothes, and her face was very white against her jet-black hair. Her face was only the size of a palm, but her eyes were big with a bright light in them. She looked around, trying to see if there was a taxi, but there was no one.

She is not very tall and looks rather thin.

Just at this moment, the young couple next to her ran over in a hurry, and the woman accidentally bumped into her, saying sorry, and she just nodded slightly and made some room for them.

The rain did not stop, but became heavier and heavier, turning into a downpour.

Pei Yifei sat in the car and looked at her in a daze.

I don’t know why, but this feeling is both familiar and strange, and my heart seems to be... aching...

"What are you doing? You're so annoying. It was you who said you wanted to come out. What do you mean now?" The young couple next to her started quarreling.

She looked at them, said nothing, and continued to hide from the rain.

The young couple was arguing more and more fiercely. They were standing in the middle, some distance away from each other. The woman wanted to leave, and the man tried to pull her away, but the woman got so angry that she threw her bag at the man, but because she used too much force, the bag hit her instead.

Faced with this sudden situation, she was startled and her body dodged subconsciously, but there was no wall behind her, but the direction of the store entrance. She sat facing the back. He saw her face turn pale, but she grabbed the door handle next to her in time, which almost made her sit on the ground.

The woman ran away, and the man ran over, picked up the bag, said sorry and went after the woman.

She bent her body as if she wanted to stand up, but before she stood up, her face changed. Pei Yifei's eyes fell on her feet. She was wearing a pair of apricot flat shoes, which were already wet. She accidentally twisted her foot during the movement just now.

Pei Yifei didn't know how he got out of the car. He was holding an umbrella in his hand. He opened the umbrella and slowly walked over there.

Qi Zao Zao felt pain in his foot. He accidentally twisted it just now, and now it hurts when he exerts a little force.

This is a bit troublesome.

Her brows were tightly knitted together. Her body was already wet and a little cold. She touched her belly. At this time, the owner of the shop suddenly said, "How long do you want to stand at the door?!"

"You are blocking my business, don't you know that?"

"… "

Qi Zaozao nodded slightly, looking very embarrassed. She moved her feet, endured the pain and turned around, but ended up in the arms of a man. He was wearing a suit with a coat on the outside. He held an umbrella in one hand and held her shoulder with the other. When Qi Zaozao raised her eyes and saw his face, her nose suddenly felt sore.

The eye sockets also began to turn red.

It was also at that moment that she forgot that Pei Yifei no longer remembered her, and also forgot about their divorce. She only knew that he appeared when she felt most helpless.

He saw the redness in her eyes and the tip of her nose was also red. She looked at him helplessly like a little girl, with a hint of happiness in her eyes, as if she was blaming him for showing up only now. Yes, that was the feeling.

But the next second, her expression changed.

It only took a few seconds from familiarity to unfamiliarity, but it surprised Pei Yifei.

But he didn't show it.

She happened to be blocking the door of the shop, and Qi Zao Zao thought he was here to buy something, but she didn't know that he had been looking at her for a long time in the car.

Qi Zao Zao nodded, indicating that she had accidentally bumped into him just now, then endured the pain and slowly walked into the rain.

Her right foot was inconvenient and it was raining, but she wanted to go back now and didn't want to hide from the rain.

I don't want to stay here any longer.

Her eyes became redder and redder as she walked past Pei Yifei and into the rain.

It’s pouring rain, and sometimes emotions are just so inexplicable.

It was also at this time that Pei Yifei turned around, followed her, and held the umbrella above her.

Qi raised his eyes early and saw the umbrella, then turned his head, and his red eyes, which had no time to hide, were exposed to his sight.

Pei Yifei watched her every subtle expression and movement, as if he wanted to see something from her face, but she said at this time: "Thank you."

It was a very polite thank you, just like a stranger kindly offering shelter from the rain to people around him. It was so polite and courteous.

"I'll take you home?" The words were said so naturally, without any sense of incongruity, as if it was a matter of course. When Qi Zao Zao heard these words, she was slightly startled.

Just like he said many times.

Should I take you home first and then go to the company

Qi Zaozao didn't say anything. She lowered her eyes, using her long eyelashes to hide the emotions in her eyes so that he wouldn't see them. She shook her head, turned around and was about to leave.

He said from behind: "Your foot is injured."

She turned her back to him. "Thank you."

Thanks anyway, very polite words.

She shook her head and didn't ask him to take her back, nor did she take his umbrella.

Qi Zaozao has all the memories of being with him, whether happy or painful, but he has no memories at all, does not remember her, and has forgotten everything.

Therefore, she didn't want to have anything to do with him anymore, not even if it was just an umbrella.

But Pei Yifei is wanton and willful in his bones, he will do whatever he wants to do.

She forgot that this was who he was.

The umbrella fell to the ground. Pei Yifei walked up from behind and suddenly picked up Qi Zaozao before she could react. It was a princess hug. Qi Zaozao was stunned, and Pei Yifei held her and strode towards his car.

He put her in the car, closed the door, and sat in the driving seat.

Qi Zao Zao finally reacted, "I..."

"Where is your home???"

He suddenly spoke.

He didn't remember her, but he didn't know why he was so persistent in doing these things.

If Qi Zaozao contradicted him again, it might arouse his suspicion, so she just remained silent for a moment and gave him the nearby address of her community.

Pei Yifei drove the car immediately. Qi Zao Zao looked at his back with mixed feelings.

It has been more than a month since that incident, and I have clearly lost my memory, but why has it become like this

They were obviously just passers-by, but he carried them into the car and sent her back.

He took out a dry towel and handed it to Qi Zaozao. Qi Zaozao hesitated for a moment, then took the towel from his hand and wiped the water off her face.

The car drove halfway and neither of them spoke during the whole journey.

Pei Yifei saw Qi Zaozao in the mirror. She lowered her eyes and said nothing. Her eyelashes hid the emotions in her eyes.

"Aren't you afraid that I might kidnap you and sell you off?"

He suddenly spoke out, and he was very annoyed, and even he himself had no idea where this annoyance came from.

Qi Zao Zao didn't say anything.

She knew he wouldn't. How could a man like him sell her

He doesn't lack anything, especially money.

She didn't say anything, but Pei Yifei suddenly turned the steering wheel, made a U-turn, and took another road.

Qi Zao Zao was stunned, "What are you doing?"

"I thought you were mute."

He still speaks so harshly.

"You're going the wrong way, I want to get off!"

"Are you anxious now? Why didn't you answer when I asked you just now?!" Pei Yifei parked the car on the side of the road, and just when Qi was about to get out, he locked the doors.

He turned his head and looked at her with his X-ray eyes, as if he could see through her heart and her disguise, and asked, "Do I know you?"

"Why do I feel so familiar with you every time I see you?"

"And, you..." Pei Yifei paused, but Qi Zao Zao's heart became nervous, "Do you know me!?"

Qi Zao Zao dropped her hands to her sides, clenched the corners of her clothes, and looked at Pei Yifei calmly, looking straight into his eyes.

"You know me, this must be your illusion, but..."

"But what?"

Qi Zao Zao's voice became very low, "I know you."

Pei Yifei frowned slightly.

Qi Zao Zao said slowly: "I know you. I've seen you on TV. Pei Yifei, President Pei."

"… "

This is what has happened now.

Pei Yifei felt that he was very familiar with the woman in front of him, and this woman seemed to know him, but she said that it was his illusion, and she knew him because he used to be the diamond man in City A.

There is nothing wrong with this.

When Pei Yifei first took over Mr. Pei's company, it was not that big yet, but in just a few years, he not only made the company a leader, but also made himself a business tycoon.

It is normal to have reports. Does that mean...

Pei Yifei suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked at Qi Zaozao. Qi Zaozao's heart skipped a beat. She really didn't know what was going on. He clearly didn't remember her, and they had clearly broken up, but things had turned out like this.

It shouldn't be like this!

"Did you do this on purpose?"

Qi Zao Zao was stunned.


She didn't know what it meant at first, but Pei Yifei smiled. He looked very handsome when he smiled, really very handsome, and the light in his eyes was like the light from broken diamonds.

After a moment, Qi Zao Zao finally realized what he meant by "you did it on purpose".

Last time, she was distracted by something and was almost hit by his car. He suddenly realized that she did it on purpose, knew who he was, and was looking for an opportunity to get close to him and create these things.

There are such crazy women who find ways to find out his itinerary, whether he is on his way to work or to a social event.

And Pei Yifei now regards Qi Zaozao as such a woman.

She did it on purpose last time, and this time, she also found out his itinerary and appeared near him, so she knew for sure that he had noticed her, so she did this. Is that right

Playing hard to get

Want to get his attention

Is this intentional

She has a pretty face and a very special temperament, which is also the reason why she attracted him.

Especially those eyes...

There is no doubt that she succeeded!

It successfully attracted his attention, and he also felt something.

"Open the door!" Qi Zao Zao was furious. How could it be considered that she did it on purpose

Did she do that on purpose

She wanted to stay away from him, but she couldn't say that.

Now the situation has turned out like this. Pei Yifei thinks Qi Zaozao did it on purpose and that she is just one of the many women who are infatuated with him.

Pei Yifei didn't unlock the door, but drove away. He didn't take her home, but went back to his own home. He went back from a small road and then turned at an intersection. How could Qi Zaozao not know that this was Pei Yifei's apartment? She knew!!!

He actually—

After Pei Yifei parked the car, he ignored Qi Zao Zao's struggle and carried her out of the car. Qi Zao Zao had sprained her foot, and she couldn't move around much when he was holding her. If Pei Yifei was unhappy and threw her to the ground...

Qi Zaozao didn't dare to think about it, but she didn't want to go back to the apartment, especially with Pei Yifei, and still in such a situation!

What is going on

Pei Yifei smiled without saying anything, just looked at Qi Zaozao, saw her eyes widened, then put her down and entered the password. However, Qi Zaozao wanted to take this opportunity to run away, but as soon as she ran, she felt a sharp pain in her feet. Pei Yifei came over again and carried her into the door.

"If you play hard to get too far, it's meaningless."

He said suddenly.

He put Qi Zaozao on the sofa, and he went to close the door. Just when Qi Zaozao was about to get up, Pei Yifei strode over, bent down, and put his hands on both sides of her, and made Qi Zaozao sit back in this position.

Qi Zaozao's expression was very strange.

Very strange.

"Isn't this the result you wanted?" Pei Yifei suddenly said, with a wicked smile on his lips. He found that he was actually very happy, and not just ordinary happy.

But Qi was unhappy early on.

"You're being too sentimental. I don't even—"

Pei Yifei narrowed his eyes, "Is that so?"

Qi Zao Zao didn't want to say anything to him, and was afraid that if she said too much she might accidentally say something she shouldn't, which would be troublesome.

“I want to go back!”

Pei Yifei said nothing, but leaned closer and stared at Qi Zaozao with slightly narrowed eyes.

Qi Zao Zao turned his head away and didn't look at him, but his heart was beating very fast.

"Am I right? You are actually feeling guilty right now, right? Have I seen through you???"

It would have been fine if she hadn't said anything. As soon as she said it, Qi Zao became angry and suddenly turned to look at Pei Yifei. However, because he was too close to her, when she turned her head, her lips just touched his cheek, and then it was like this...

Qi Zao Zao was very embarrassed and leaned back to avoid Pei Yifei, but Pei Yifei did not let her go (to be continued)