Without showing any emotion: President, please get out

Chapter 49: New colleague


A new colleague came to the office. Qi Zao Zao arrived and saw a group of people gathered together to discuss something. Feng Yuchen came over at this time and whispered, "There's a new colleague named Anna in the office. I heard she's going to take Ah K's position."

A K is the anchor of the traffic channel, and Qi Zaozao sometimes takes over A K's shift. A K is going to immigrate abroad, and will be leaving soon, so the position will be vacant.

Feng Yuchen whispered again: “It says you are pregnant, so let Anna take his place.”

Qi Zao Zao did not deliberately hide the fact that she was pregnant, nor did she say it explicitly. The director probably knew about it, but he didn't say anything. He probably thought that even if she took over A K's shift, she would have to take maternity leave, so he didn't let her really take A K's position.

Qi Zaozao didn't think it was a big deal. After all, it was because of her position as the young lady of the Pei family that the director looked at her differently. If she said anything, she would probably be criticized.

For her now, work is not urgent, she can take her time. Besides, she will need to take maternity leave when the time comes, and -

A year later, she might need this job even more.

Feng Yuchen saw what Qi Zao was thinking about, reached out and patted her shoulder gently and said, "You work so hard, the director has seen it. When you return from maternity leave, if you are still there, I believe there will be a channel for you to host."

She was comforting Qi Zaozao. Many colleagues thought that after A K left, Qi Zaozao would take his place. Even Feng Yuchen was no exception. Even if she was pregnant, it was no big deal given her status as the young lady of the Pei family.

Everyone thinks so.

But she didn't expect Anna to show up. Feng Yuchen was afraid that Qi Zaozao would feel bad, but Qi Zaozao smiled back, "I understand."

Qi Zaozao didn't mind. She thought it was nothing. She was not the greedy person. Besides, she couldn't rely on Pei Yifei for too long. What was important was her own ability.

"Hello, I'm Anna!" At this moment, a figure walked up to Qi Zaozao and Feng Yuchen and stretched out a white hand.

Following the hand, she had delicate make-up, neat medium-length hair that reached a little more to the neck, a beautiful face, a straight and tall figure, and an extraordinary temperament.

Her face is long and thin, and at first glance she gives the impression of a smart and capable professional woman.

"Hello... ... "

Anna smiled and said, "You must be the young lady of the Pei family. I have heard of your name for a long time. I didn't expect you to be here too. We will be colleagues from now on."

If she said this to someone else, it might feel like she was trying to curry favor with someone, but it didn't feel that way when it came from Anna's mouth. On the contrary, her temperament made her look like a queen, and there was a kind of pride in her eyes.

All the colleagues looked over here, and Qi Zaozao raised a professional smile on her face, but she didn't say anything, but seemed very polite.

Qi Zaozao didn't care about this woman named Anna, and didn't take her words to heart. Instead, Feng Yuchen whispered, "Be careful with this woman. I always feel that she looks at you differently."

"What's the difference?" Qi Zao Zao chuckled while busying herself with the manuscript.

Feng Yuchen held the water cup and hesitated for a while, "I just feel it's different. You'd better be more careful!"

Qi Zao Zao didn't take it seriously.

Feng Yuchen looked at Qi Zaozao.

Ever since Qi Zaozao came to work at the station, she didn't have the airs of a young lady of the Pei family at all. At the beginning, her colleagues at the station were a little worried, but as they got along with each other, everyone gradually ignored her identity. Rather than being the young lady of a wealthy family, Feng Yuchen felt that Qi Zaozao was more like an approachable friend.

In the afternoon, Qi was getting ready to leave work early when her cell phone rang. It was Pei Yifei. After thinking for a while, she answered the call. His voice came from the other end of the line, "Baby, my flight is at 6:30 pm. I'll be back in three days. Don't forget to miss me—"

Qi Zao Zao got goosebumps all over her body. It's not like she didn't hear Pei Yifei call her baby, but that was when both of them were engrossed in the moment... In short, she was shocked when he called her like that.

"What does it have to do with me?"

Pei Yifei chuckled, "Are you still angry?"

Qi Zao Zao felt a little awkward, and said in a bland voice, "I don't know, I'm hanging up!"

She said she would hang up, but for some reason she felt a little empty inside. These days she kept telling herself not to fall into his gentle arms and not to sink any further. However, she couldn't help wanting to get closer to him because of his gentleness and care.

Sometimes, she is just a bitch.

After get off work, she returned to the apartment, which was cold and deserted. Her eyes just fixed slightly, but she didn't know why she wanted to sigh. She was a little tired, so she fell asleep on the sofa. She fell asleep until about nine o'clock in the evening.

There was a sound on the balcony. Qi opened his eyes early and shouted towards the balcony in annoyance: "Pei Yifei, can you speak a little more quietly?"

But when she finished shouting, Qi Zao Zao was suddenly stunned. Pei Yifei was not at home. He was on a business trip. The night wind was a bit strong tonight. It was because the balcony door was not closed...

Qi Zao Zao rubbed his tired brows. At this moment, the phone rang suddenly, "Baby, have you eaten?"

"... ..."


Qi Zao Zao's forehead was full of black lines, "Can you please not call me baby?"

Pei Yifei chuckled on the other end, "Why not? I suddenly feel that these two words are very suitable for you. Have you finished your meal?"

It seemed that she could imagine what he looked like smiling, a little shameless, a little doting, looking at her with those beautiful eyes.

Qi Zao Zao's heart softened all of a sudden, and her tone softened a bit, "You called just to say this? If there's nothing else, just hang up. Long-distance calls are expensive!"

Pei Yifei groaned on the other end, and suddenly asked: "Did you miss me?"

Qi Zao Zao was stunned, and the decibel level suddenly increased, "No!"


"Are you the worm in my stomach? I'm so sure!!!"

"Women always say one thing and mean another. You must be very lonely now. You really want me to hug you, right?"

Qi Zao Zao's cheeks turned red, "Get lost, you'd better not come back!"

After hanging up the call, Qi Zaozao wanted to turn off the phone, but stopped and threw it aside after thinking about it. However, the text message alert sounded, and Qi Zaozao couldn't help it and went to check his phone again.

Pei Yifei: Don’t forget to eat, be good, and don’t be angry.

Qi Zao Zao didn't reply to his text message.

Eat and sleep as usual!

Xiao Li felt wronged. He looked at his boss, feeling a little helpless, speechless, and also a little amused. After the boss made the call, he just sat there holding the phone, not saying a word, as if he was waiting for something.

When he shouted, the boss looked unhappy. Now he had to rush to the hotel as there was a banquet later.


Pei Yifei frowned, and Xiao Li's heart suddenly jumped. Is he going to be angry? Is he going to be angry

Unexpectedly, Pei Yifei raised his eyes and said, "Tell me, how can a woman be so petty? She's still angry after such a long time? She's even bolder. Not only did she hang up on me, but she didn't even reply to my text messages once or twice."

As soon as Xiao Li heard it, he understood what was going on. He looked up at the sky, and continued to look up at the sky.

"Why don't you speak?"

Xiao Li looks at the sky.

In fact, he also felt that the young master had gone a bit too far. Although the young master did not cut off his conflict with Miss Ruohan cleanly, the young mistress suffered injustice, which she deserved!

Of course, Xiao Li didn't dare say this out loud.

Pei Yifei raised his eyebrows and said, "This month's bonus will be cancelled."

When Xiao Li heard this, he immediately became depressed, "Master, Master, can I tell you now?"


"Master, I am innocent. It's not that I don't want to tell you. I was just looking up at a 45-degree angle, thinking deeply about the profoundness of this question and how to answer you!"

"... ..."

Pei Yifei went on a business trip, and Qi Zaozao also had to go on a business trip. Although it was called a business trip, it was actually an activity organized by the station to go to Beiqing Beach to see the sea. Beiqing Beach is a very famous tourist attraction. Qi Zaozao had been there once when she was in college, but she just passed by and did not stay long. This time, she was moved by what Feng Yuchen said and decided to go.

Even on weekends, all expenses are reimbursed by the station, and there are special buses to pick us up.

It takes four hours to go to Beiqing Beach and back, so we just rest there for one night.

Anyway, the station will reimburse her, so Qi Zaozao doesn't have to worry about any difficulties with the expenses. Even though she is now the young lady of the Pei family, she still insists on not spending the money given by Pei Yifei. She just doesn't want to get used to the money. She would rather be the frugal Qi Zaozao again.

In fact, the most important thing is to relax herself. She really can't hold it in any longer these days.

The day they went to Beiqing was the day Pei Yifei was coming back. Qi Zao Zao thought about it and decided not to text him. She set off without saying anything.

"Why don't you see Anna?"

On the bus, Jia Mi, a male colleague from the station, asked in a hoarse voice.

A female colleague curled her lips and said, "Do you miss her so much after not seeing her for a while?"

Speak of the devil, and he will appear. Anna appeared in everyone's sight, wearing a blue long dress and a wide-brimmed straw hat.

"Anna, sit here!"

Qi Zaozao glanced at her, and their eyes met. After a while, Qi Zaozao looked away.

The two-day short trip began like this. Qi Zao fell asleep not long after the car started, and slept until noon when they were about to reach the destination.

The hotel had been arranged long ago, and Qi found his room early. After putting down the toiletries and clothes he brought with him, he reunited with other colleagues and did not notice that he had forgotten to bring his cell phone.

The sea in Beiqing is particularly beautiful, which is why it attracts many people. (To be continued)