Without showing any emotion: President, please get out

Chapter 82: What a coincidence!


In the past five years, City A has undergone many changes and has become more prosperous.

Under the night sky, neon lights flickered. It was almost ten o'clock, but there were still a constant stream of cars on the street.

Qi Zaozao notified Shen Xiaofei and also told Ji Chengen. At the beginning, Qi Zaozao did not tell him where she lived. It was later that she contacted Ji Chengen after contacting Qi Lexue and others. Before Xiaoxuanxuan was three years old, he would visit Qi Zaozao once in a while, but he had been abroad for more than a year and only came back recently.

She didn't expect that when Shen Xiaofei and his boyfriend came to pick her up at the same time, Ji Chengen also came to the station to pick her up.

"Oh, so you have a knight to pick you up as soon as you come back?" Shen Xiaofei joked, and immediately gave Qi Zaozao a big hug.

Qi Zao Zao smiled slightly.

"I'm just coming to see you. When will you go back?" Ji Chengen asked.

He is still the same, just a little more mature than before.

"I'll go back after I finish here. Xiao Xuanxuan is still with the landlord."

Ji Chengen groaned for a moment, "Then let me know when the time comes. I should go see Xiao Xuanxuan, too."

Qi Zao Zao nodded, Ji Chengen smiled, and after a while Ji Chengen drove back first.

Shen Xiaofei's boyfriend is not the one from five years ago. His name is Wu Cheng. Shen Xiaofei has changed boyfriends countless times. Fortunately, she has been dating this boyfriend for a long time, almost two years, so she chose to get married.

He looks pretty good and is a senior executive of a company.

"I said, your relationship with Ji Chengen seems to be pretty good, right? Are you planning to have a romantic relationship?"

"Is it okay to be kidding me? We haven't seen each other for a few months. You're kidding me when I just came here?"

Shen Xiaofei hugged Qi Zaozao's shoulders, "You can't live with Xiaoxuanxuan like this for the rest of your life, right? It was your own choice at the beginning. Five years have passed. You have to find a man to rely on. I think Ji Chengen is okay. He silently gives to you without regrets. How great!"

Qi Zao Zao shook his head, "Don't you understand yet?"

"Why don't I understand? But you can't live like this forever, right? It's been so long, I think it's over. You can think about it. At worst, let him go to Hongcheng with you. I think he will agree. Hahaha—"

Qi Zao Zao rolled her eyes ungracefully.

She didn't plan to look for him, at least she had no idea at the moment. Besides, if she really looked for Ji Chengen, it would be unfair to Ji Chengen.

She was grateful to Ji Chengen, but gratitude does not mean love.

"By the way, I called your sister last time and told her that I was getting married, but she seemed very busy. What was she busy with?"

Qi Zao Zao sighed, "I'm not sure either. The last time I called was two months ago."

Shen Xiaofei raised his eyebrows, "Let me ask you, you have done so much for your sister, how many times has she visited you and Xuanxuan in Hongcheng?"

Qi Zao Zao was stunned, "Why are you asking this?"

"It just feels like your sister seems cold and indifferent. Does she know about that?"


Qi Lexue had guessed it long ago because she had received a text message from Xu Yan before the car accident. When she woke up and heard about the relationship between Xu Yan and the Pei family, it was easy for her to make the connection.

She also asked Qi Zaozao in person, and she admitted it.

"I just want to say that you are so fucking stupid. You work like a slave for your sister. Before you met him, you worked so hard. Later, you went to this point for your sister. I really don't know what's going on in your head."

Shen Xiaofei felt resentful whenever he thought about it. He resented Qi for being so stupid so early and for ending his happiness in vain.

"You also said that it's all in the past, isn't it? Why bother talking about the past when it has come to this point."

Shen Xiaofei glared at Qi Zao Zao and said, "If Qi Lexue doesn't treat you better in the future, I will kill her with a knife myself!"

Qi Zao Zao chuckled, "How is that possible?"

Qi Zaozao called Qi Lexue again. Qi Lexue has been very busy recently. She has worked in a company for two years and finally got promoted, so she has not visited Xiaoxuanxuan during this period.

Qi Lexue's voice on the other end of the phone was very nice, "If I'm free before you go back, let's have dinner together?"


A lot has happened in five years.

Qi Lexue, Xu Yan, Shen Xiaofei, and Ji Chengen all knew about that matter. This was her choice and there was no room for regret. She was also very pleased to see that her sister's life was now on track. In fact, if she thought about it, this was not bad because she still had Xiaoxuanxuan.

As for uncle and Chi Xiu's family, Qi Zaozao frowned slightly when she thought of them. Pei Yifei gave Qi Lexue a sum of money, but it was all taken away by uncle and Chi Xiu.

When Qi Lexue talked to her, she didn't say anything. She just regarded the money as compensation for taking care of Qi Lexue.

She had never thought about contacting them. Although they were family, their relationship was based on money and interests, so she never thought about contacting them in the future.

"Let's have a bachelor party tonight!" Shen Xiaofei smiled widely.

"Bachelor party?" Qi glanced at Wu Cheng early in the morning.

Wu Cheng smiled very gentlemanly, "Then I will take you to the agreed place, right?"

"OK, dear!"

"He's not going?"

"It's a bachelor party, why would my boyfriend go?"

"It's a little late now." Qi Zao Zao added.

Shen Xiaofei groaned, "Are you still going to say, I'm getting married tomorrow, so I have to go to bed early today!?"

"How do you know?"

"That's what my mom said!"

Wu Cheng seemed to be very doting on Shen Xiaofei. He just smiled and looked at Shen Xiaofei with a gentle gaze.

In response to Shen Xiaofei's request, Wu Cheng went back and kissed her forehead before leaving, "Call me if you have anything."

"Okay, okay, go back!"

Wu Cheng nodded to Qi Zao Zao and left.

"You look great as a match!"

"Of course, you don't even know who I am."

"Give you some sunshine and you will be brilliant."

"Let's go, there are still a few friends inside!"


"Don't worry, they are all my colleagues."

Qi Zaozao was afraid of seeing some of her old classmates who had guided her to marry Pei Yifei, such as Huang Yingying and others. She didn't want to be asked by them why she divorced Pei Yifei.

"Let's forget everything today and have a good time!"

It is a hotel called Imperial Palace in the north of the city. It is the tallest building in the country. It was built four years ago and is extremely luxurious. It is not just a simple hotel, but also has a casino, KTV, clubs and everything else.

After all, she was going to get married tomorrow, so Shen Xiaofei indulged herself and chose a KTV in the Imperial Palace.

Needless to say, whether it is the service or the facilities, they are absolutely first-class in the country.

Except for Shen Xiaofei who is getting married tomorrow, everyone else is single, which is just right for a bachelor party.

"Order what you want to drink!"

Qi Zao Zao felt a little sleepy. She had gotten up early in the morning and had been busy all day. It was almost eleven o'clock now and she couldn't feel sleepy after drinking some wine.

"Is your name Zaozao? This is the first time I meet you. I heard that you and Xiaofei are very good friends!" A man who looked a bit like a pretty boy sat down next to Qi Zaozao.

Qi Zao Zao opened her eyes slightly and said, "Yes, I'm not in City A."

"Where do you work then?"

“Out of town.”

The man was very interested in Qi Zao Zao and sat a little closer. "You look familiar to me. We are destined to meet. How old are you now?"

The man's "destined relationship" was just a way of getting close to her, but Qi Zao Zao suddenly woke up, stood up and said, "I want to go to the bathroom."

After saying that, she went out.

Qi Zaozao really didn't want anyone to recognize her. Although five years had passed, what happened before seemed as vivid as ever.

What happened back then was known to almost everyone in City A, like a sparrow becoming a phoenix from a tree.

Qi went to the bathroom early to wash her face. In the mirror, her bangs were wet and her face was bare. She had no makeup on and her hair was medium-length and just above her shoulders. Her eyes were still as big, but their spirit was replaced by calmness.

She probably stayed in the bathroom for about a quarter of an hour before coming out.

But he had only taken two steps when a figure came out of the men's restroom next door. Qi Zao Zao raised his eyes casually, but was slightly stunned at this moment and immediately turned his head.

The other party did not notice her. She was wearing a clean white shirt, suit pants, messy but very stylish short hair, and a broad back. Qi Zao Zao looked at her out of the corner of her eye, with a little disbelief in her eyes.

It was indeed Pei Yifei.

Her heart was beating so fast. It had been five years, and she had never expected to see him as soon as she arrived in City A.

She didn't see his face, but she could recognize his back anyway because he had a very special temperament and a strong aura. They had been together for a year, which was very short compared to five years, but she couldn't forget him.

His elegant steps, sometimes like a lazy aristocratic cat. I still remember his wicked smile and the cold face when he was angry.

how so

Imperial Palace

Qi Zaozao was suddenly stunned. How could she forget that the Imperial Palace was still under construction five years ago, and she first met Pei Yifei nearby. This was a project invested by Pei Yifei. When she first met him five years ago, Qi Zaozao was seen by him in a very unbearable scene.

Sometimes, fate likes to play tricks on us. Qi Zaozao didn't know how she got back to the box. Shen Xiaofei and the others were having a great time, but Qi Zaozao just couldn't get into it no matter what. She was scared, really scared.

Guilty, scared, and uneasy.

Even though it's been five years.

But I didn't expect to see him when I came back here. (To be continued)