Woke up and Heard I Was Married

Chapter 72


"... terminate the contract?"

Mr. Li couldn't come back to his senses for a long time. He stared at Shao Si, opened his mouth, and repeated in confidence: "You want to terminate the contract?—Have you calculated liquidated damages? Can you afford it?!"

Contrary to Qi Ming's plan, Mr. Li just wanted to warn him and keep him in storage for a month or two to teach him a lesson. Let him consciously put away his vigor, and he will become more and more confused when he becomes popular, and the company should be the most important thing in everything.

Who knew that Shao Si immediately said two words: terminate the contract.

Liquidated damages are not such a simple matter. The liquidated damages for ordinary artists generally range from several million to tens of millions. This is the final amount obtained by multiplying the remaining unfulfilled contract years of the terminated artist by the average annual profit of previous years.

Last year, there was a big dispute over the termination of the contract. It was a small third-tier artist who had been excluded all the year round in the company. On average, he brought five or six million yuan in profits to the company a year. When the contract was terminated, there were three years left before the contract expired, and the total termination fee was less than two million.

For a small artist who is not well-known, this can be regarded as most of his savings.

With Shao Si's current salary and social status, if he unilaterally wants to terminate the contract, then the liquidated damages are not just a few million or tens of millions.

The meeting broke up in the end, and everyone knew it.

——Just because when Shao Si walked out, Mr. Li couldn't hold back his face, kicked the table violently, and shouted: "Okay, terminate the contract, I think you can afford this contract without understanding!"

A few employees happened to pass by outside the door, and they all slowed down when they heard the voice, and listened carefully with their ears pricked up.

Li Guangzong returned to the company to collect materials in the evening, just in time for them to clock in to get off work. Due to the large number of people, the elevator was very crowded. Li Guangzong stood in the innermost place, holding a tall stack of documents in his hand, which almost covered his face.

He took the time to look at his watch frequently, a little anxious.

He had to sort out these materials before eight o'clock in the evening and send them to the superior by email.

However, amidst the noisy voices around him, he keenly caught a person's name.

"Shaw Si?"

"Yeah, it's him, I'm scared to death today..."

"I've also heard...it's just a Shura field. I don't know what's going on. They said they want to terminate the contract. I don't think it's possible. How can it be possible to terminate the contract if it's so good."

As soon as Li Guangzong's ears pricked up, he was frightened soft by the two consecutive "termination of the contract".

Several staff members continued to whisper.

"It's really a termination of the contract. Some people heard that Mr. Li got very angry - if you say something, you can leave. I see where else you can stay after leaving here. Then Shao Si walked out while wearing a mask. It didn't make any sense. Take care of him."

"I made up my mind... I actually think it's handsome?"

"Handsome is handsome, but Shao Si terminated the contract...the liquidated damages are sky-high."

The elevator had already descended to the first floor, the indicator light dimmed, and with a "ding" sound, the elevator door slowly opened.

Everyone stopped this topic, rushed out the door, and rushed home for dinner.

But no.

Li Guangzong looked at their backs and added in his heart: a total of 250 million.

He didn't know why he was so calm, maybe it was because he was overly surprised—or maybe he subconsciously thought that this kind of thing would happen to Shao Si, it was really normal.

When he walked to the parking lot with the stack of documents in his arms, closed the car door and fastened his seat belt, he went over the words he heard in the elevator just now in his mind, and after thinking about it, he called Shao Si with trembling hands. Telephone.

Shao Si was sitting cross-legged on the carpet, counting the money in his bank card and passbook.

He had the cap of his pen in his mouth, and his bangs were tied up with a small rubber band so as not to cover his eyes. There was a pile of things spread out on the ground, even the real estate certificate was inside.

Shao Si lowered his head, showing his smooth neck, holding a pen and paper in his hand, and wrote a little fidgetingly: "Twenty million, sixty million..."

So much so that when the phone rang, he didn't even look at it. He spat out the pen cap from his mouth and said, "Hey, who is it?"


Shao Si: "... cub?"

"Father heard that you want to terminate the contract??" Li Guangzong twisted the key, tried it a few times but failed to find it, so he simply pulled out the key, and said, "I heard everyone talking about it in the company, tell me it's not true." of!"


Shao Si leaned over to check another passbook, and answered him by the way: "It's true."

Li Guangzong: "..." I actually had a feeling of 'as expected'.

"No, what happened?" He actually wanted to say, 'Are you crazy? Why can't you think about terminating the contract', but after thinking about it again, no matter what Shao Si does, he must have his own reasons, so he changed his words and asked, "Then do you have enough money? If not, tell me, I have a little more here."

Shao Si wanted to terminate the contract, and it took him a day or two to think about it.

When Li Guangzong first took over from him, he heard him yelling, "It's annoying to understand that we have an appointment" every day when he was sleepy. Li Guangzong often joked with him and said, "You can solve it if you can afford it. No one will stop you." '.

At such a time, Shao Si would either not speak, or he would tickle his fingers at him, and reply in a playful manner: "I'll tell you a secret, you might not believe me when I tell you, but I'm actually a rich second generation."

Li Guangzong also imitated him by hooking his fingers: "Actually, my father is Li Gang."

Shao Si fell back: "You suck."

Li Guangzong: "You are dead, go to sleep, maybe you can really be a rich second generation in your dream."


Li Guangzong recalled these, really a little emotional. Feeling that period of pure and unaffected years.

"No, I need your money for what I do." Shao Si's calculations were a bit messy, and he leaned over to sort out the bank cards, and whispered, "I'm really sick to apply for so many bank cards... What are these things? Bank, the name is so similar, how much I have deposited in it."

"Are you really good? Don't be polite to me, I'm willing to put a knife in my father's ribs."

"Come on, wake up, you're not stupid. If it's really not enough, I'll sell the house."

"..." An image of a poor homeless young man inexplicably appeared in Li Guangzong's mind. After a while, he said dumbly, "Isn't it, it's so miserable?"

Then he picked up the old stalk again, and said casually: "Aren't you the second generation rich? You... There is no such thing as you in the second generation rich."

Shao Si usually doesn't mention his family's affairs very much, but Li Guangzong even doubted whether this person came out of an orphanage and had no father or mother since he was a child. So I never dared to ask.

Until one time Shao Si's mother called him and accidentally let him listen.

The whole time I was talking about something: "Mom, I have eaten, my blood pressure is very good, my cholesterol index is also normal, there is nothing wrong with it, really... my heart rate is very stable, and my C-reactive protein never exceeds 3 mg/L."

Li Guangzong, who didn't know that Shao's father had a history of heart disease, had every reason to believe that Shao Si's mother was definitely a doctor.

Shao Si threw away the pen after finishing the calculation, and said again: "It's just a small matter, I don't want to bother them. The rich second generation also has dignity."

Li Guangzong felt that his values had been severely impacted: "250 million, is it a small matter?"

Shao Si stretched his legs, and lay down directly on the back, his whole body slumped on the plush carpet, and asked quite ignorantly: "... a lot?"

Li Guangzong hung up the phone directly.

— not much? !

It's so irritating.

This stupid kid.

Shao Si looked at the words "call ended" on the screen for a while, then put the phone aside casually, and then closed his eyes. After a while, he opened his mouth again, speaking softly, not knowing who he was talking to: "Although the money is not much... it will not be given to you for nothing."

He is now deliberately trying to let the company get such a large amount of liquidated damages. The larger the amount, the better, and the public reaction will become more intense.

After a while, he yelled again out of boredom: [All. ]

The system jumped up and said: [… What are you doing. ]

[You said, if I pay sky-high liquidated damages and terminate the contract with the company because of my refusal to accept the plagiarized drama, will the news be even bigger? ]

Shao Si sat cross-legged just now, causing his ankles to be a little uncomfortable, so he raised his legs, heel landed, and continued slowly: [Because the value of this news is equivalent to 250 million. ]

the next day.

Shao Si and Huaye Entertainment officially terminated the contract.

Various media scrambled to report on the event, and all of their manuscripts mentioned such a key word: the termination fee was as high as hundreds of millions.

Everyone was curious about what happened, because when Shao Si terminated the contract, there was no "next family" to take over for him, so there was no such thing as being poached, it was Shao Si who unilaterally requested the company to terminate the contract. In this way, the tortuous things in it are a bit unclear.

No one from Huaye Entertainment and Shao Si has clarified yet.

The media reporters were well informed, Shao Si was just signing a contract, and when he went out, the outside was already full of people.

The moment Shao Si showed up, they started to take photos like crazy, the flashes could blind people, the clicking sound kept coming and going, and the microphones were raised high up, and the microphones almost touched Shao Si's nose.

"Can you tell us why you want to terminate the contract with Huaye? As far as we know, no other company has offered you an olive branch."

"I heard that the amount of liquidated damages is close to 300 million yuan. Is this true?"

"Are you planning to quit the entertainment industry?"


Shao Si turned his face slightly, put on the mask, took out a pair of sunglasses from his coat pocket, and avoided answering: "Please let me go."

Amidst the aggressive questioning, a soft voice suddenly came out:

"Well, Mr. Shao, hello, I... I have nothing to ask."

The girl wearing the 'Bowen Society' press card on her chest looked thin, but she was fighting hard. She squeezed to the front with her own strength, and then she was like a bronze statue, and no one else could squeeze it away. And what he said was very different: "But if you want to say it, you can tell me about it."

"It's her again?" The colleagues around were laughing, "This person doesn't even have the most basic interview skills."

A young man beside her pushed her and complained, "little sister, what are you doing, have you graduated yet?"

The girl blushed amidst the ridicule around her, but her eyes were still fixed and clear on Shao Si.

Shao Siban took off his sunglasses, glanced at her breastplate, Bowen Society, Li Yuan.

"Then I'll tell you." To everyone's surprise, he responded to the girl's offbeat interview.

Shao Si took off the sunglasses completely and held them in his hands: "To put it simply, I just want to keep my bottom line."

This sentence stunned everyone, and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

However, Shao Si refused to say any more.

[Why don't you say it? Don't you just want to use this matter to attract Qi Xiayang? ]

[Hang them up first, and build up momentum for a while. ] Shao Si got into the car, in order to avoid being followed by the paparazzi, he stepped on the accelerator to speed up, drove randomly, made several turns, and made sure that the cars behind him had been thrown away by him. Go fast too. ]

In the information age, no matter how vigorous the news is, its timeliness is pitifully short.

People have to receive too much news every day—feeding too much with too many fast food products that are difficult to distinguish between true and false, full of gimmicks, and there is never a shortage of new things. Public opinion is dominated by marketing accounts, "entertaining to death".

Shao Si has dealt with the media for so many years, and when the media grabs him every day, he also knows them well.

As an artist, I am too familiar with the words 'public opinion' and 'hotness'.

Shao Si rolled down the car window, and at the same time as the wind came in, he saw from the rearview mirror that the black van that he had just thrown off followed quietly behind.

He still can't disclose the fact that he sold the house to pay the termination fee, try to wait another two days. Because the case of "a big star who lost money to terminate the contract and lost even a place to live" made people even more curious.

Shao Si still drove the car into the villa area where he lived.

The security of the community is very good. The security guard came out holding a baton, bent down and knocked on the window of the paparazzi: "Who are you looking for? If you don't look for someone, don't stop here."

The paparazzi apologized again and again and had to drive away.

Shao Si had already booked the hotel, but just to be on the safe side, he decided to drive out later in case the paparazzi were guarding the street opposite the door.

All he could do was sit on a nearby garden bench to pass the time.

I wanted to lie down and sleep for a while, but found that the bench was not long enough, making it uncomfortable to fall asleep.

When Gu Yanzhou rushed over, what he saw was this scene: Shao Si's legs were both bent and huddled together, his feet were on the edge of the bench, his hands were wrapped around his knees, and in the howling cold wind - holding a mobile phone to call game.