Woke up and Heard I Was Married

Chapter 89


Qi Xiayang received an anonymous document.

There are only four words on it: Be careful Qi Ming.

Further down are a few attachments, ranging from navy certificates to office recordings, everything - relying on these few things, she can do a lot of things, and she can even hold the lives of Qi Ming and Yang Yu in their hands without any effort. hand.

"... Netizens are so stupid, they listen to the wind and rain, we just need to invite some sailors to fight back against the gangsters... What is Shao Si? As long as we don't admit it, what can he do with us."

Qi Ming's voice weakened, and Yang Yu's old smoky voice sounded again: "That's the reason, even if it's plagiarized, why can't I act, it has half a dime to do with me?... I think Shao It's been a long time since Si Bukuang. In the last Golden Dragon Award, why did the Best Actor give him..."

"You're lucky," Qi Ming said with a flattering smile, "If you ask me, your strength, your qualifications in the entertainment industry, this award will never be his turn."

This flattery was so accurate, Yang Yu just wanted to hear this kind of talk, so he also laughed along with it.

Qi Xiayang felt more and more dangerous the more he listened to this recording.

She's not that stupid, at this juncture, who would give her such a thing? Who's going to hand her this 'cake' when she's dying of starvation

More importantly, is this 'cake' poisonous

Qi Xiayang started to lose his mind when he listened. The light in the room was not good, it was a bit dim. There is no sun, the air in the south is humid, and it has rained a few times in the past few days, and there is still a musty smell in the house.

She hesitated, not knowing what to do with the email.

To cousin? Let my cousin solve it? After all, she and her cousin are a family...

Even though there was a quarrel on the phone just now, for Qi Ming's sake of helping her sell the copyright, Qi Xiayang let go for a moment.

However, the downloaded recording continues to play.

Qi Ming joked with Yang Yu in a relaxed tone: "Even if the situation is too bad, the two of us can't control it... But what does it have to do with us? We didn't copy this novel, so we are responsible? What are we responsible for?" responsibility?"

This sentence exploded like a bomb in Qi Xiayang's mind with a "boom".

She trembled all over and picked her fingers unconsciously. Due to excessive force, the long nails accidentally poked into the flesh, causing a sharp pain.

Be careful Qiming.

... Be careful Qi Ming.

The few words on the email were clearly reflected in Qi Xiayang's eyes.

It took her a few minutes to calm down, saved those few recordings, and then made a bold decision.

Qi Xiayang held the USB flash drive tightly, with a bit of ruthlessness in his eyes, and muttered to himself: "If this matter must be sacrificed, who can it be settled... It must not be me, it must not be me."

At three o'clock in the afternoon, one wave of ups and downs rose again.

The matter of Shao Si's termination of the contract has fermented until now, too many people have stood up, and too many versions have appeared. Everyone is bewildered.

Entertainment Focus V: Shocking Reversal! unambiguous evidence! The author speaks out against the water!

New Entertainment Weekly V: The few people who jointly issued the lawyer's letter in Shao Si's contract termination incident now have different opinions. For details, please click the address below.

Not long after Qi Xiayang's Weibo was posted, Yang Yu jumped up with a quick glance. He couldn't control his emotions for a while, cursed dirty words in the comments, and then deleted them in seconds, but the word 'bitch' was still captured by netizens as proof.

Soon, Qi Ming also received news abroad.

Since the situation was as it was, there was no way to undo it, and Yang Yu and Qi Ming couldn't let Qi Xiayang get away safely, so they brought out the matter of her plagiarism, and the three of them fell into a fierce scolding battle for a while.

A dog bites a dog, and a mouthful of hair.

At this time, Shao Si hadn't woken up from his afternoon nap.

He recently found a good place, there is a big rocking chair in the back garden of Gu Yanzhou's house, and sleeping on it at noon to bask in the sun is more comfortable than sleeping on a bed. Sometimes a few stray cats would crawl in along the trees from outside the wall, meow for a while, and squat at Shao Si's feet to tickle.

After Gu Yanzhou finished the work matters sent by Gu Feng in the study, he took a water glass in one hand and a blanket in the other, and went out to see him.

Shao Si is tall, even the rocking chair can't hold the whole person. He was curled up at this time, and because of his sleeping position, the neckline of his sweater was tilted a little to the side—fortunately, he usually runs around, and the back seat of the sleeping car has developed a special skill, so falling asleep doesn't seem strenuous.

I don't know if it was because the sun was too dazzling, or to prevent his face from getting sunburned, Shao Si covered his face with a hat. So from Gu Yanzhou's perspective, you can only see a few raised hairs on the top of the head, and then the neck and collarbone.

The sun is about to set, and the temperature is gradually dropping.

Gu Yanzhou casually put the water glass on the window sill, and walked over to cover him with a blanket. As soon as he approached, the Chinese garden cat squatting under the rocking chair immediately yelled "meow", and then rushed to the side with its tail between its legs.

Gu Yanzhou originally planned to cover him with a blanket and leave, and then let the ancestor sleep for a while.

As a result, when I got close, I didn't want to leave.

Shao Si was sleeping soundly at first, but he always felt that someone was making trouble for him, so he opened his eyes impatiently, but what he saw was Gu Yanzhou's "uninspiring" face: "...what do you want to do?"

Gu Yanzhou supported Shao Si's ear with one hand, and lifted the hat on his face with the other hand: "I want to fuck you."

Shao Si rubbed his temples, and said, "Oh, then just think about it."

Gu Yanzhou reached out and pinched the bridge of his nose lightly, then got up and said, "Go back to the house when you wake up, it's cold outside, you still wear so little."

Shao Si propped up his hands, sat up, didn't recover, and was still a little dazed, so he responded casually.

He didn't bring his mobile phone with him, so he threw it on the sofa. When he and Gu Yanzhou returned to the living room one by one, they heard the phone ringing from a distance. When they entered, the ringing of the bell just stopped.

Li Guangzong, 3 missed calls.

Shao Si clicked the call back, scratched his hair and sat down on the sofa.

After Gu Yanzhou finished folding the blanket, he asked casually, "Who is it?"

Shao Si curled his lips: "The son you just met recently."

No one answered Li Guangzong's call. He was editing a text message and told him to call him back when he saw it. As a result, the call came right after the text message was edited. Li Guangzong answered the phone immediately, and shouted loudly: "Father! Father, we've made a comeback!"

"What are you shouting about, it excites you."

Shao Si was not sitting comfortably, and he hadn't slept enough just now, so he leaned on the pillow for a while, and then bent his legs to change positions.

Gu Yanzhou was lowering his head and fiddling with his phone, chatting with Chen Yang about the next play, when he distractedly noticed that Shao Si had changed his posture several times, and he couldn't help but fish him over and press him on his lap: "Lie down, don't mess around verb: move."

Shao Si was also very conscious, found a comfortable position, and used Gu Yanzhou's leg as a pillow. After Gu Yanzhou finished sending the message, he threw the phone aside and rubbed the person's hair one after another.

Li Guangzong's hearing is extremely keen—especially for his male god's voice, his ears are like radar: "Hey, my father Gu is also by your side?"

Shao Si didn't want to talk to this white-eyed wolf: "Do you want to say hello to him?"

Li Guangzong repeatedly refused: "No, no, no, I just said it casually, I can't bear it, the actor Gu called my son, I would faint when I heard it... no, it's getting too far, have you read Weibo? It's the same as what you think The words are not bad! She sent out those recordings—except for the part Qi Ming said she plagiarized."

This matter was completely within Shao Si's expectations, but he never thought it would be so soon: "She just can't wait to step on Qi Ming and Yang Yu and go ashore by herself."

Li Guangzong: "Yeah, that's pretty harsh—that the two of them are insane. She also flipped through a bunch of Qi Ming's old materials, pointing out that he has been forcing his artists to carry out unspoken rules and so on. I said it. I also said that I was threatened and persecuted by them before, but now I decided to stand up bravely... That face, tsk tsk, how innocent it is. I have always wondered how these people can turn their faces faster than turning the book ?”

Shao Si sneered: "Stop praising them, where do they have face?"

Gu Yanzhou's hand had been resting peacefully on Shao Si's head, but within a few minutes it began to slide down, his fingertips lightly slid across his Adam's apple, and finally rested on his neck, with his fingertips gently touching the side of his neck caress.

Shao Si looked up at him, and Gu Yanzhou bowed his head and kissed his smooth forehead.


Li Guangzong was very worried that he would fail this time, let alone Shao Si being misunderstood. He swiped Weibo for several hours in trepidation, just to get the media news as soon as possible. The moment he finally read the report, the big stone in his heart finally fell down.

"Now the ins and outs of this matter are clear, and anyone with a discerning eye can see it. Several companies have come to me, asking me about your situation, and want to sign you. The conditions are very good, and there are no restrictions on accepting plays. .In particular, there is one company that is willing to pay you the full liquidated damages when you left Huaye Entertainment."

250 million is not a small number.

Shao Si didn't react too much: "What do you think?"

Li Guangzong: "Me? I think it's pretty good."

"Okay, I won't tell you now," Shao Si said noncommittally, "I'll call An Yin."

An Yin is at home at this time, and Wang Ping is also there.

Wang Ping didn't scold her for the Weibo post she posted before, but just separated the pros and cons and told An Yin: "Think about it yourself, if you insist on doing this, I can't interfere with you. "

At that time, An Yin said: "I have thought about it, no matter what the consequences are, I will bear them alone."

Now that the ending came out, Wang Ping breathed a sigh of relief—thanks to An Yin who took the initiative to stand up before, they basically didn't have any losses.

Wang Ping put down her phone, but she didn't feel as relaxed as she imagined. She hesitated to speak: "... I should apologize to you for this matter."

"You're right. As an artist, you don't just use money to make movies, you also have to be responsible to yourself and the audience." Wang Ping continued, "I'm ashamed to say that I've lived for so many years. You young men have courage."

After this turmoil, the crew of "One Life, One Couple" stopped filming, investors withdrew their funds one after another, and finally disbanded completely. The contract with the actors will naturally become an invalid contract.

Qi Ming went abroad, and Yang Yu was permanently banned from Xuezang by the company.

Qi Xiayang canceled her pen name and works in Literature City, and she never appeared in everyone's sight.

And "Out of the East Gate" written by Xyyi became famous for a while. A famous company announced that it has bought the film and television copyright, and it is expected to be launched early next year. The starring role has not yet been determined.

So far, the series of incidents caused by Shao Si's termination of the contract gradually subsided.

But the lesson left by this incident is deeply imprinted in everyone's heart.

Director Ou posted on Weibo: Thank you to those who stood up and spoke out, because of you, this kind of incident will never happen again.

The next day, the weather was fine.

Fang Jing opened the door and was going to fetch water from the water room when she ran into a woman wearing sunglasses.

An Yin raised her hand and took off her sunglasses. The bouquet in her hand was too big, covering most of her face. She mustered up her courage and said, "I... can I go in and see her?"

Shao Si came later, he didn't get up, and Gu Yanzhou was reluctant to wake him up.

In the end, it was almost noon when the two of them bought some things and arrived at the People's Hospital. Shao Si was about to knock on the door and go in, but Gu Yanzhou gently held him back: "Shh."

Shao Si's footsteps stopped: "What's wrong?"

The door was ajar, Gu Yanzhou carefully pushed the door open a crack, Shao Si clearly saw An Yin sitting on a chair, talking to Dai Wei through the crack.

The two of them didn't know what they were talking about and laughed together.

"Come back later," Gu Yanzhou helped Shao Si put on the mask, pinched his ears, and said, "Let's go eat first."

Shao Si thought about it too: "What do you eat, Sichuan food? A Zai and I seem to have eaten here once before, and there is a restaurant that is not bad."

Gu Yanzhou glanced at him: "As long as you have a stomach like this, and Sichuan food, isn't our son pampering you too much?"

Shao Si almost jumped up and strangled his neck: "Who is our son with, no big or small."

Volume Four: Rashomon