Woke up and Heard I Was Married

Chapter 92


Qiao'an Primary School, alleys, trash cans.

When these three words were strung together, a picture flashed in Shao Si's mind.

His memory has always been very good, and there is almost no deviation.

But at that time, it was just a hasty glimpse. Although suspicious, it didn't prove anything.

The urgent news was broadcast quickly, and the TV screen switched back to the original program, and a host in a blue uniform continued to introduce important news at home and abroad.

"A few days ago, there was a new development in the case of an international student that attracted everyone's attention. According to German law, he was sentenced to 12 years in prison. It is reported that this refugee lives in a refugee camp near the university..."

After Gu Yanzhou took a shower, he opened the bathroom door and came out. He saw that Shao Si was completely naked, the quilt barely covered his waist, his legs were exposed, and his body was covered with marks from last night.

He wiped his hair and walked over, reminding: "Who is the seducer in the early morning, pull the quilt up, what should I do if I catch a cold."

However, Shao Si lowered his head and held the phone, not knowing what he was looking at, and he didn't move for a long time after hearing this: "Wait a minute."

Gu Yanzhou was also convinced, so he had no choice but to go over and cover him with a quilt. When he got up, he caught a glimpse of the familiar Weibo interface from the corner of his eye.

Shao Si finally found the news record just now, and dragged the progress bar of this one and a half minute video to the middle, which happened to be stuck on the screen where Ms. Wang was being interviewed.

-right here.

Shao Si stared closely behind Ms. Wang, the deep alley, and the trash can that had been exposed to the wind and sun, and its body was twisted to one side.

He will never remember this place wrong.

"A temporary news break in the morning," Shao Si pointed to the headline for him to read, and continued, "I was on my way to your brother's company at noon yesterday, and I passed by here, so I took a second look."

Gu Yanzhou glanced at it, frowned and said, "Huh? The girl was murdered... got together again?"

Shao Si looked at him sideways: "You know?"

Gu Yanzhou raised his hand and rubbed Shao Si's hair, and said something unexpected: "The child who was killed last time was a classmate of Sheng Sheng's class next door.

Shao Si frowned.

Gu Yanzhou said: "The plot is too bad, and the police are currently blocking the truth for fear of causing social panic."

Shao Si: "The plot is bad, how bad it is."

Gu Yanzhou only said four words, and Shao Si couldn't help shivering down his spine: "Rape, corpse."

Gu Feng spent a lot of effort to ask the chief of the police station about this matter. After all, he was in the class next to Shengsheng, and the news was blocked. He didn't say the specific situation, but said that an accident happened, and parents and children were asked to travel—especially up and down. Be careful when you study.

The Gu family has a large sphere of influence, no matter what kind of business they are in, there are people who support them. However, regarding this matter, even if the director was related to them, he was very secretive when talking about the case at the beginning.

"When I went to the police station that day, I also went there." Gu Yanzhou said, "The whole wall is covered with photos, and the whiteboard is filled with speculations about the suspect's motives. They are all about five to eight years old. Between, this time... the third grade, ten years old, should be outside the scope of victims originally designated by the police."

Shao Si thought for a while, but still couldn't hold back, pointing to the phone screen and said: "I saw a strange man at the entrance of the alley yesterday. He was dressed so tightly that he couldn't see his face, and he was sneaky."

"Suspect it's him?"

"It's not suspicious, it's just a little strange."

Gu Yanzhou said: "The time of death was announced here, and the diagnosis was around 7 o'clock this morning. When the witnesses found him, he had just died two hours ago, so the time did not match."

This time is really embarrassing.

Besides, there is no evidence, everything is just speculation.

No one knows whether there is any connection between the man who appeared in the alley yesterday morning and the murder case that just happened this morning.

"Okay, don't think about it, your voice is so hoarse. If you are really worried, call the police station and tell them the clues." After Gu Yanzhou finished speaking, he approached him again, "You want to sleep a little longer Or should I hug you to wash your face?"

Shao Si glanced at him, put down the phone: "... I'm not disabled."

Gu Yanzhou cooked a pot of porridge in the morning, Shao Si felt uncomfortable all over and had no appetite, so he planned to withdraw after taking a few sips.

Gu Yanzhou grabbed him and refused to let him go. He insisted on eating two more bites, and it took him a long time to coax the ancestor to open his mouth.

At this time, the doorbell rang suddenly, and it tended to intensify, and it rang several times in a row.

The two of you looked at me and I looked at you, neither of them wanted to move.

Gu Yanzhou was afraid that if he went out to open the door, the man in his arms ran away.

Li Guangzong stood at the door with his things in his hands, studied the advanced electronic device on the door, raised his hand hesitantly, and pressed the small red button, and his face was immediately reflected on the small screen.

Li Guangzong raised his hand stupidly, and smiled at the camera twice: "Good afternoon, I guess you should wake up too... Although the morning is over, we still have a good afternoon."


So stupid.

Shao Si couldn't stand listening, he kicked Gu Yanzhou and said, "Open the door."

Li Guangzong was actually a little nervous. It was the first time he came directly to ask the male god to ask for someone, and he did a lot of psychological preparation before knocking on the door. As a result, Gu Yanzhou opened the door, and when that face appeared in front of him, he began to speak incoherently again: "So what... is my father there?"

Gu Yanzhou was holding a bowl in his hand, and there was a spoon in the bowl, and he gave way to him: "Yes."

As soon as Li Guangzong entered the door, he saw Father Shao half lying on the sofa, hugging a pillow, and glanced over indifferently.

"I brought some scripts here for you to read. During this period of time, many directors have called you by name, and the pay is higher than the other." Li Guangzong put down the big cardboard box he was carrying, bent down and took out a stack of them. A stack of scripts was temporarily placed on the mahogany floor, "We may soon have a second spring, dad."

Shao Si straightened up, frowned and said, "Second Spring, when did I get mad... Also, what do you call this?"

Li Guangzong moved the script vigorously without raising his head: "Yes, there are only a few dozen copies."


"You pick it first, I don't have enough. By the way, we changed the company address. During this period, fan letters, gifts and other things received are all stored in the warehouse. When you are free, I will send They all moved over."

After Li Guangzong finished speaking, he patted the dust off his hands, stood up, and when he looked up, he saw an extremely horrifying scene—his Father Shao was sitting on the sofa like an old man, and his male god Gu was feeding him porridge.

Seeing Shao Si frown, Gu Yanzhou coaxed: "One last bite."

"God's mother's last bite, that's what she said just now." Shao Si turned his head away and said, "Gu Yanzhou, you are just like my mother."

Gu Yanzhou didn't change his expression: "I'm your man."

Li Guangzong felt like a big light bulb stuffed with dog food, the kind that could bark.

He put the scripts neatly on the table, and thought of another thing: "Well, the director of Young Woman Returning to the Village 2 came to me and asked if you still want to continue as a guest star..."

Shao Si suspected that there was something wrong with his ears, after all, the words "young woman returning to the village" were too far away from his current life: "What about returning to the village?"

Li Guangzong explained: "The Young Woman Returning to the Village 2, the second part. It is expected to be launched in two months."

Taking advantage of Gu Yanzhou's time washing dishes in the kitchen, Shao Si pinched his brows and said, "It's just this drama, and there is a second one? Who gave them the courage... What does this have to do with me, why should I comeo."

Li Guangzong rubbed his head: "... I thought you liked this script very much."


Shao Si said expressionlessly: "Sorry, I don't like it."

Li Guangzong thought to himself, didn't he rush forward when he was filming the first film, and he was very active.

He always thought that apart from Yang Yinyin, Shao Si should also appreciate the script. Although the subject matter is, well, more subtle. But maybe his Father Shao has a unique vision

"Oh, that's fine, I know, I turned around and pushed it." Li Guangzong found a single sofa and sat down, "But I think the plot of the second part is quite interesting, are you sure you don't want to give it a try? Rural love, so down-to-earth. The heroine feeds the pigs and cuts the grass in the countryside, and competes for the leadership of the village committee. It’s a clean stream—this is what you said when you took the first part.”

Shao Si didn't want to recall this dark history. When he first took over the drama 'The Young Woman Returning to the Village', the Internet was full of doubts about his taste.

——Zhu Jun, when I saw the word Shao Si in the list of young women returning to the village, my heart collapsed.

—Is there anything more hopeless than watching idols and the heroine feeding pigs together in the pig shed, saying "I want to raise pigs and I want to be prosperous"

"I was blind at the time. People always change, and now I'm grown up."

Li Guangzong: "..."

Gu Yanzhou washed the dishes, and listened to their conversations, except for the name of the play: "What TV show?"

Shao Si turned his face away: "... nothing."

After finishing speaking, he pointed to Li Guangzong again: "As for you, you can go and close the door when you go out. I don't feel well today and I won't go anywhere."

Li Guangzong only thought that they were all showing affection just now, and didn't think about the complicated matter of Shao Si's mobility. Now thinking about it, Shao Si's face really looked not very good, and hurriedly said: "What's wrong with you? Is there something wrong?" Ah, do you want to go to the hospital?"

Shao Si curled his lips: "It's okay, it's just that my butt hurts."