Woke Up, The Love Game Became A Thriller

Chapter 154: Memories (2)


Kou Dong was not actually asleep. He was lying on his bed sunken like a cloud, his cheeks pressed against the soft bedding. I felt the twins blowing out the candles noiselessly and retreating from the room.

The darkness is a slightly thick silk cloth, and the moonlight is tulle, with a layer hanging loosely on top of it. Kou Dong hugged the quilt and turned over lightly on the bed.

He was thinking about other things.

In Kou Dong's memory, he was raised by the owner of the house himself. He didn't remember where he was born, but he was already here when he opened his eyes, at the knee of this mysterious and unknown master. No one in the manor explained to him the identity of the master. Those servants asked him for everything, and never refused any request he made, but they were only silent about the man.

"Those things we shouldn't tell you," the twins would tell him when he pressed again. "You are too young. One day, when you grow up, the master will naturally tell you all these things."

Kou Dong didn't understand the meaning of growing up in their mouths, he felt that he had already passed the age they described as young and immature. But the servants didn't see it that way. They looked at him full of affection, as if they were looking at a young bird that was still staggering, wishing they could chew up the food with their own mouths and feed it into his mouth little by little.

Their eyes are too focused. Kou Dong grew up under such concentrated gazes, and gradually got used to being watched with such enthusiasm by them. He didn't know how to describe it—as if these people's mission was for him, and they were born for him.

Once, Kou Dong woke up in the middle of the night, stood up and wanted to pour himself a glass of water, but before his hand touched the teapot, there was a slight push in front of the door.

The twin figures appeared there.

"What do you need?" The twins stepped forward quickly and took the teacup in front of him. "Do you need tea? I'll make it for you now."

Kou Dong felt incredible, and he couldn't understand it.

He got up suddenly, without warning, and without ringing the golden bell.

But how did the twins sense that he was awake

This question lingered in his mind for a while, but for some reason, he didn't say it. A few minutes later, he drank tea and went to bed. Under some unknown thought, he sat up again, held his breath deliberately, and listened to the movement in front of the door.

As expected, the twins opened the door again and walked towards him gracefully as usual. The elder brother held a candlestick in his hand, and the candlelight made the shadows of the two of them slender, like two thin and tall puppets being held upright by strings, standing upright on the floor.

"Is there anything else you need, Master."

Kou Dong vaguely felt something was wrong, and when the man came back, he raised this doubt to the man.

"Aren't they sleeping?—watching my door all night?"

The man's hands that were straightening his clothes paused, as if he could hear the suspicion in his words.

"Why didn't you sleep," the man replied, "It's just a coincidence that the night watchman came here at that time."

Later, when Kou Dong opened the door again, he did not see the twins again. There were only two dolls sitting silently by his bedside, side by side, head to head, looking at him with black eyes—they were men. This time bring back a gift for him. As the man said, that night was just a coincidence, there is no one in the world who does not need to rest.

If it is really unnecessary, then it is not considered a human being.

Kou Dong is very dependent on men, in his opinion, this comes from a kind of necessity.

He vaguely remembered the first time he saw a man. Although the man laughed and said that he was afraid that he thought it up, Kou Dong firmly believed that it was true, even though he should have just been born at that time and had no memory. baby.

He remembered those dark eyes, with the eyelashes drooping tightly, and an inexplicable attitude floated from them—it seemed sad, but determined. The man's arm was very hard when he was holding him, and he even felt pain, but he didn't cry out.

He smelled the man's scent, which was very light and long lasting.

Like snow, like pine trees.

He liked the smell very much, so he moved closer and bit the corner of the man's clothes.

This time, the gnawing as a baby seemed to have laid the foundation and imprinted the relationship between the two of them afterwards. In short, after that, the man raised him very carefully, and as expected, he was very dependent on this man.

This kind of dependence is like a fledgling to an adult bird, even whining anxiously when they cannot see each other. Although Kou Dong, who grew up, somewhat realized that such a near-adhesive dependence is a bit shameful, but this emotional bond has been tied since childhood, and cannot be separated or removed.

Even if he refused to admit that he missed him, he still knew in his heart that he was lying.

Simply admit it.

He didn't know a man's name until he was twelve.


The man taught Kou Dong to write it word by word. His hand is bigger than Kou Dong's, and his fingers are much longer, enough to hold Kou Dong's tightly and teach him to control the direction of the pen in his hand.


The three words are beautiful, and even the direction of writing is also beautiful.

From now on, he will no longer just call him brother, but will take the last two characters of his name together and call him "Brother Yanzhi". Every time he yelled, the man's already dark eyes seemed to be darker than usual, and he would hold him on his knees, teach him to sit on his lap, rub his forehead and kiss.

This is probably a sign of liking, Kou Dong thinks so.

... It wasn't until later that he realized that this was a sign that a man didn't intend to continue being a human being.

The delicate and precious young master in the manor will not have any troubles, the servant will make everything go his way. Wait until the figure grows. After his body was stretched, Kou Dong finally had his first trouble.

For some reason, his brother Yan Zhi didn't get close to him anymore.

Children are extremely sensitive to people's likes and dislikes, especially those who are spoiled. The frequency of Ye Yanzhi's return became lower, and Kou Dong noticed it almost immediately, and realized it.

Of course, a large part of the reason for this was because the man's return was the only thing he was looking forward to and what Baba was thinking about. Now this idea has become out of reach, Kou Dong can't accept it.

He also sometimes felt that he was strange, obviously he was spoiled since he was a child, but there was a kind of cautiousness that he couldn't understand - after he found out, he didn't make trouble or cry, half thinking "Brother Yanzhi doesn't want to Want me", half of my heart was at a loss thinking about it, wondering if I did something wrong.

Thinking of the final result, I became more and more wronged, and I didn't go back to the room, and hugged those furry bears and rabbits alone in the doll room. The fluffy fur of a doll is always very soothing, he got some comfort from it, and unconsciously curled up and fell asleep in his arms.

When I woke up, there was a vague voice, it was a man talking to the twins.

"Why are you sleeping here?"

"I didn't find the young master just now..." The twins seemed to whisper something, as if explaining to the man that Kou Dong was not happy these two days.

Ye Yanzhi heard it, and immediately bent down, picked him up from the ground, and put him in his arms. His bare calf was hanging out from the loose nightgown, and the man held his ankle and rubbed it on the lonely bone.

The man's hands were cold, just like his breath, without any warmth.

"Careful to catch a cold."

Those words were, as always, full of pity.

This kind of pity seemed to give Kou Dong a little confidence, so he suddenly stretched out his hand to hook his neck. This blow was almost ferocious, and the man's figure swayed slightly, as if looking at him in surprise.


Kou Dongxin said that he was going to die, he couldn't hear the man calling himself that - the tone was too real, as if he was really a pearl, a treasure, being held in the palm of someone's hand.

But it's all a fucking lie, no one would throw away jewelry so easily.

The young master's temper finally surged up at this moment. He hooked the man's neck and asked him why it took him so long to come back. Ye Yanzhi had a very strange fishy-sweet smell on his body today, he didn't know what it was, anyway he didn't like it - after questioning, he was surprised to see the man smile slightly.

"Why," Ye Yanzhi said softly, "Miss me?"

Kou Dong admitted confidently.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with wanting a man, he just felt a little ashamed of being too clingy. But the shame is being firmly held down by anger at the moment, and he can't lift his head at all, and can only sink into the dripping water.

The man said, "Just to get things done."

Kou Dong believed it, men never lied to him. But he was not relieved because of this, he knew that if the man wanted to, he would definitely come back to see him.

This only shows that it is not enough to think about.

He was put on the bed by Ye Yanzhi, but his hand did not move away, still stubbornly hooking the man's neck. The man didn't leave, and simply sat by his bed.


He didn't speak, but Ye Yanzhi understood and smiled slightly.

"Baby," he almost sighed, "you can't ask me to do so much."

Kou Dong was even more upset.

Such an identity is not good

So what kind is possible

The man's breathing was restrained and cold, and his exhalation was cold. His eyes, encased in a velvety darkness, were still striking.

He is more touching than this darkness.

"Still be my baby, I will still love you. But you can't expect anything else."

He spoke in a low and slow voice.

"Be my lover, I will be yours from body to soul."

Ye Yanzhi was silent for a while, a few stray strands of hair fell onto the young man's face.


He said almost coaxingly, condescendingly looking down at this child who was raised by himself and was as clean as a piece of white paper. He is trapped in the pile of soft dolls, revealing his fragile, thin and white neck, like a hazy paper moon in the water.

"Which do you want to be?"

—From body to soul, nothing can be more moving than such a temptation.

He knew that the child didn't even understand the meaning of a lover, but he still threw out such a bait. The vague indifference of these days has already made the child stand up with thorns all over his body, and now trembling, he buried himself deeper into his chest, tightly clutching the hem of his clothes. The man's clothes were slightly wrinkled by him, and a pearl button on it left a small red mark in the palm of his hand.

"Brother Yan..."

"The latter."

He finally jumped into the woven net, and he was still waving his tail at him without knowing the danger, asking for more from this dangerous source.

"I want the latter."

The conscience of heaven and earth, up to that time, Kou Dong still didn't understand what Ye Yanzhi's "that kind" meant, he was just acting like a baby, and wanted men to spend more time with him.

— But Ye Yanzhi had long planned to be a man, so he turned over and pushed him into the pile of toys on the bed. With his words, he shot him without any scruples.

Only then did Kou Dong realize that the so-called "that kind" refers to the kind that makes him cry.

If both parties are considered ships, his ship can be regarded as a small boat at most, and the other party's is an unsinkable 10,000-ton giant ship-even the quantifiers are not of the same level. The waves that the other party could stir up made noises, and he could only toss back and forth on the top of the waves, swaying, trembling as he was hit by the big waves driven by the oars of the giant ship, and the boards creaked and twisted. The twist is at stake.

When they really got on the base and the two sides collided, Kou Dong's small boat was crushed to pieces and was crushed to pieces, leaving only some debris floating in the water.

The most irritating thing is that this 10,000-ton giant ship is not the Titanic—it doesn't sink at all!

He whimpered and yelled countless times to no avail, and softly yelling at Brother Yan didn't work at all, the man only had superficial tenderness. Kou Dong once felt that Ye Yanzhi's posture didn't seem like he was going to take him to the ends of the earth, but that he was going to send him to hell...

Ye Yanzhi didn't show fatigue at all, according to Kou Dong's point of view, his face was stained with a few blushes, changing from his usual calm and calm appearance, he actually looked more radiant.

He lay down on the side of Kou Dong, and even had the posture of eating the essence, trapping him in his arms, stroking the slender, white, trembling arm of the young man in his arms one after another with his slender fingers.

The boy's voice was still trembling, and he was curled up into a ball, with a stuffed rabbit whose ears were already soaked under his body. The tails of the rabbits were deformed by his hands, and the black button eyes stared at him, listening to their young master complaining softly, "I'm going to die..."

The man took a heavy breath and patted him.


The boy then leaned sleepily into the pile of dolls and stopped talking.

He quickly fell into a deep sleep, and he didn't even notice that a teddy bear on the bedside blinked and turned his head slightly in his direction.

The change of identity at this level did not affect too much. There are only two owners in this house. It doesn’t matter what their relationship is, whether they are father and brother or close lovers. This independent small world only revolves around They work. The only change is probably that men come back more and more often and rarely go out again.

The twins are loyal people, and they have not changed their expressions in the face of the traces that often appear on the young master, serving loyally as always.

And seven days ago, the man was going out again.

Kou Dong seldom faces parting anymore, since he left, he feels bored and interested. Seeing that he was unhappy, the twins came up with a plan, saying that they wanted to let some newcomers into the house and let them prepare for the birthday party, so as to please this noble young master.

This finally aroused Kou Dong's interest—he had never seen anyone outside the house, let alone so many at once. He lay on the window sill and watched those people come in one after another, with the fresh and damp breath outside, as if injecting something else into this gloomy house.


Kou Dong turned over on the bed again, unable to fall asleep. This is largely because he is used to lying in a man's arms and smelling the snow-like pine breath.

It didn't mean he wanted to do something before bed.

Kou Dong thought firmly in his heart.

-no way.

Suddenly there was other movement outside the door, as if someone's footsteps were hesitating at the door, and then the footsteps suddenly became faster. The sound of cloth rubbing against the floor sounded, and Kou Dong was a little strange, got off the bed, and stretched out his hand to pull the door.

He only opened the door a crack, and through the crack, he saw a tall figure tremblingly hiding in the dark corner.

She was tall, with long red-brown hair, and her figure could be seen from just a glance. It just seemed to be injured, and he was still clutching one arm, thick blood seeping from his fingers.

Kou Dong has seen him before, and this person is also in today's rookie team.

What he didn't understand was why she appeared here.

At the same time, the newcomer apparently caught a glimpse of him. Her chest suddenly rose and fell a few times, she seemed a little flustered, and then she glanced to the side in fear—there were already two identical shadows reflected on the stairs, and the twins' footsteps were approaching.

Kou Dong knew the twins, they would never let anyone else get close to him, not even the other servants here. Those who can reach this level, except their master, are the only ones left.

If found out, the newcomer in front of him will definitely be punished.

Apparently the newcomer heard it too.

She gritted her teeth, her eyes wandered, and finally she seemed to have made up her mind, she suddenly raised her eyes and looked at Kou Dong.

"You," she said quickly, her voice low and hoarse, "you... let me hide for a while, okay?"

Lin Mengmeng felt bad from the moment she stepped into this corridor. It's not that she didn't doubt Lu Ran's intentions before, but Lu Ran is indeed a person who can incite others, and she really needs money urgently. After being talked about by Lu Ran, he was really moved.

"Just go and have a look at the young master's door," Lu Ran said, "Maybe you will find something else... Now it seems that the success depends on the young master alone. If you don't take the initiative here, the NPC will not let you go." If you don’t go anywhere, are you waiting to die?”

He spoke more emphatically.

"Not only you, I will also go out to find clues. We will be more efficient if we split up."

When Lin Mengmeng asked him why he didn't go, Lu Ran sounded extremely impatient.

"You look like a woman!" he yelled, "How do you let me, a big man, approach that young master?"

He reached out his hand vulgarly, and made an obscene gesture, "You can't be taller than anyone else, can you pee farther than anyone else?"

It's all very reasonable, and people can't refute it at all.

Lin Mengmeng had no choice but to bite the bullet and go up to the floor that was repeatedly reminded not to approach. She saw that no one was relieved, but the plush doll that appeared from nowhere trailed a long shadow all the way to chase and kill her, no matter where she hid. You can find her anywhere, the picture is comparable to a horror movie, at least it can make her have nightmares for three days in a row. Her legs and arms were bitten by dolls while she was hiding, and she still doesn’t understand how those cloth teeth and tongues have the ability to tear blood vessels from flesh and blood, dripping a lot of blood.

Finally, he staggered and hid in the corner, only to see another door in front of him being opened. Lin Mengmeng's heart hung high at that moment, thinking that she might be doomed.

If there was another doll coming out of it, she couldn't resist it no matter what.

She might not be the first to die in this game.

With this thought in her heart, she glanced at the crack of the door in fear, but saw a strange face behind the crack, a human face.

Not a doll!

She was happy in her heart, and then cold again—

Even if it's not a doll, it's still an NPC, if it's also malicious...

She looked at each other. This NPC doesn't look very old, his skin is very white, the kind of white that can't see the sun, reflected by the candlelight in the corridor, it looks like a paper moon with misty corners and soft corners. He is undoubtedly good-looking, and this kind of good-looking is different from the good-looking of the twins, and it is not aggressive. Maybe the familiar black hair and black eyes are more friendly in this gloomy manor, and it is easy to let people off guard.

Seems like a nice guy.

Footsteps were heard not far away, and the twins approached.

Lin Mengmeng gritted her teeth, remembering her purpose, and finally summoned up her courage.

"... Let me hide for a while, okay?"

The young man frowned slightly, as if thinking for a moment. Lin Mengmeng's stomach was churning in her stomach, and she wrinkled up nervously, afraid that he would disagree.

Fortunately, in the next second, the boy opened the door of his room and said without doubt: "Come in!"

Lin Mengmeng was overjoyed, and then dived in.

The moment she entered, the door panel was slammed shut at the same time. There were low voices outside, as if the twins were asking someone for something.

Immediately, a hand knocked on Kou Dong's door, politely.


Lin Mengmeng's eyes widened suddenly, and she turned to look at the young man beside her.

No one in the room answered, Kou Dong held his breath.

The people outside still didn't give up, and after a few seconds, they knocked again.


The twins' voices were low.

"Are you awake?"

Kou Dong shut his mouth tightly and didn't say a word. The twins seemed sure he was still asleep and moved away.

Lin Mengmeng breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to speak, but the boy pushed her hard and motioned her to hide among the dolls.

Everyone is gone, why are you still hiding

Her head was full of confusion, but she obediently got in after all, covered by these dolls again, her whole body was trembling. At the same time, someone turned the doorknob suddenly, and the twins appeared at the door.

Kou Dong was already lying on the bed, covered tightly with the quilt as always. The twins patrolled for a week, their eyes slowly falling on the dolls piled up in the corner.

They approached.

Lin Mengmeng's heart rose again, almost jumping out of her chest. She stared, listening outside, feeling the twins' hands resting on the top stuffed bear—

The boy turned over at this moment.

He hummed slightly, then raised his eyes immediately, his voice was sleepy, as if he had just woken up.

"What are you doing?"

The twins paused, then bowed respectfully in the darkness.


"I seemed to hear someone knock on the door just now," the young man muttered, "What happened?"

The twins exchanged glances with each other.

"It's okay." They finally replied, their blue eyes were as deep as underground rivers.

"It's just... some disobedient bugs."

Just bugs.

Bugs shouldn't disturb the young master's sweet dreams.

The author has something to say:

Kou Tiantian: I will report my cub, if you don’t want to be a good person, you must be a beast!

Ye Qinshou: Yes. After all cool.

Kou Tiantian: ...