Woke Up, The Love Game Became A Thriller

Chapter 156: decisive battle (1)


The twins' eyes suddenly changed. The original emerald green eyes gradually turned into an inorganic color, they lowered their heads, and there were countless numbers floating in the pupils.

"Take who?"

"—You say, who do you want to take away?"


Lin Mengmeng shouted loudly.

"I will definitely save him, he—I won't let him be locked up here by you!"

Almost at the moment when he said this sentence, the sudden collapse came unexpectedly. A huge ferocious mouth opened on the carpet, accompanied by scattered feathers, spraying out countless snow-white silk threads. Their touch is sticky and flexible, full of crystal smooth mucus, suddenly forming a thick roll, tightly wrapped around the young man's calf.

It seemed to be devouring something. It was completely stimulated by that sentence and went crazy. It split open suddenly and turned into two soft coils like snakes. The poisonous scorpion snaked its way up the young man's body, causing goose bumps on Kou Dong's arm. Then it gathers upwards at the top of the head, traps the people inside in the soft cage made of silk thread, and drags down desperately!

Kou Dong sank down almost involuntarily, grabbing with his hands, but before he could catch anything—the world seemed to suddenly change its shape, those horizontal and vertical lines were gradually bending one by one in front of his eyes . The high ceiling with murals was pressed against him with a bang, and a large strand of silk was sprayed in front of his face, and the sprayed mucus almost stuck to his face—

There was only one anxious hand that seemed to want to reach out to him. But in the blink of an eye, that hand was also swallowed.

"Kou Dong!"

In a trance, only the gray plush rabbit shouted his name, in a girl's tone that Lin Mengmeng couldn't change. Immediately, it also fell heavily towards him, and together with him, it sank headlong into the white ocean.

at the same time.


Accompanied by this earth-shattering muffled sound, countless players who were still in "The Dead" raised their heads.

They saw the falling sky. From behind it was a maroon like dried blood, and a huge red eye rolling in its socket. It didn't look at them, but only looked at the other person's facial features and temperament in a posture that was almost searching.

"what is that… ?"

"what happened?!"

Before they had time to feel the horror from such a vision, new incidents followed one after another. The ground quickly receded toward the center, replaced by many white, cascading clumps of blooming things, blooming on the plains, blooming in the desert, blooming in the nests of butterflies—waiting for real touch. When you touch them, you realize what they are.

The sticky ones, the flexible ones, the ones that lock their hands and feet.

It's spider silk.

The world crumpled and crumbled and shrunk into a tangled mess of fishing nets, and they were fish caught whole and dragged wet along the way.

Countless people didn't even have time to scream, they were engulfed by the spider's silk in an instant, and became inconspicuous sesame spots in the vast white sea. They were forced to move forward under the coercion of this long army, and saw with their own eyes that the dungeon world they were in exploded in the air like a firework, and exploded into a snow-white silk flower.

They collapsed into a white ruin. In this ruins, countless players are suffocating and struggling, but the system seems to have never heard of it. Only NPCs turned into rotten water under its touch, and then grew up quickly, giving birth to extra ferocious hands and feet, stepping on their heads to Run without hesitation.

"No... no!"

A voice murmured, almost nervously. It opened its mouth wide, greedily devouring the young man in the center, and locked him even tighter with creaks. The remaining players were dragged over one by one, trapped on the snow-white spider web sporadically like prey, only showing their heads waiting to be devoured.

Many people were injured, and the blood that flowed down only existed on the surface of the spider web for two seconds, and it was sucked up in the blink of an eye.

For a moment, only the low cries of pain from the players could be faintly heard in the ears.

The whole spider web was still trembling, every thread was stretched straight, the dark red eye was hanging high in the center, and the pupil was facing Kou Dong directly.

"No, no..."

It said repeatedly, carefully hiding its innermost treasure even tighter. The spider silk covered it layer by layer, and gradually turned into a snow-white cocoon, without any trace of a human figure at all—so it was finally satisfied, and carefully hid the cocoon in its heart.

Just like it hid him from the god of death back then.

[Warning, warning, the destruction mode is officially launched.]

[The game channel has been closed. From now on, all players cannot enter or leave this game. This game will be permanently closed and will never be opened again.]

[Please note that this game will be closed forever and will not be opened again.]

[I wish you a happy game.]

Amidst the continuous roaring and cursing, the system's cursor dimmed slightly, and then completely lost its light. It turned into two small red dots and quickly merged into that huge red eye.

Song Hong and A Xue were also buried in the ruins.

They originally went with the team, but got lost with Kou Dong after the accident in the last dungeon, and entered another dungeon world. After being swallowed up now, Song Hong didn't know how long it took before he woke up again in a kind of almost suffocating dullness.

His head and face were covered by a dense layer of spider silk, and he could barely get a bit of breathing air from the gaps. His body was locked even tighter, and he couldn't even move his hands and feet. He tried to open his mouth, and it took him a long time to squeeze out some sound from his throat.



He couldn't make the second sound, he paused, and said harder: "Ah—"

There was silence.

He got no response.

Song Hong's heart suddenly dropped. He blinked desperately, trying to loosen some of the sticky spider webs covering his eyes, so as to teach himself to see more clearly. The system interface in the upper right corner had turned gray. He tried to shout a few times in his heart, but there was no response. It seemed that the system had been completely shut down.

Fortunately, the luggage rack was still lit, and he had some hope again.

He opened his mouth wide and began to bite with his teeth.

These spider silks are really too strong, they are not so much spider silks as they are flexible nylon threads. It took a lot of effort, but only one was bitten off. Song Hong didn't dare to try hard anymore, considering his limited physical strength, he could only cycle through the process of taking a break every time he tried.

After an unknown number of hours, he finally broke free from the spider threads on his mouth, and turned to remove the spider threads on his body one by one.

This process is long and boring. If it weren't for Song Hong's excellent physical fitness, it would have been even more difficult to achieve. When he finally managed to pull out a hand from inside and click open the luggage rail, and took out a prop gun from the luggage, his body was already muddy.

Song Hong fired two shots at both sides of him. These two shots successfully helped him start the game, making his movements much smoother. He climbed up from the ruins, looked around, his pupils suddenly dilated. His breathing was heavy, and after a long time, he let out an unbelievable exclamation.

"Oh my God… "

He was on the verge of a dizzying sight. What spread out from under his feet was a huge, endless, densely packed spider web—they rolled and surged like snow-white waves under the dark red sky.

In the surging waves, there used to be mountains, forests, and skyscrapers.

Now, a relatively round protrusion that occasionally appears in it only means that there is a player buried deep there. In this spider web, there are at least tens of thousands of such protrusions.

Many more are not even on the surface, but buried deep beneath.

The web was clearly alive.

Song Hong didn't see any NPC shadows, as if they had been swallowed up by now. He leaned on the long prop gun, and with the power of the prop, he walked forward step by step, trying to find Ah Xue's shadow from the middle.

However, no matter how he yelled or how he yelled, there was nothing but emptiness here.

As if he was the only one alive.

When he walked to the farther spider web, someone finally made a movement under his feet. Song Hong was overjoyed, but when he helped break through the superficial restraints, he only saw a strange face—it was a male player he had never seen before.

He was extremely disappointed in his heart, and walked away with a cold face.

"Don't go!"

The male player shouted behind him.

"Don't go!... Help me, I'll give you all my achievement points!"

Song Hong didn't even look back. There are so many people here, he can't save them no matter what - there are only six bullets in his gun, and the remaining four bullets will be used to help save A Xue.

Besides, achievement points.

—Who still needs that thing now.

Song Hong walked forward all the way, and when he reached a place, he finally stopped. He realized that the cobwebs under his feet sprayed out radially with this as the center of a circle. According to the reality when the accident happened, this should be the core of the dungeon he was in.

A dungeon world exploded into a dense net. If you look at it this way...

Song Hong looked again, and looked at the sea with a completely different vision. He suddenly realized that these spider threads have their own original winding direction. If every world is a circle, there are at least tens of thousands of circles here. And these circles shrink inward again and again, like countless planets, moving tightly around the core star—

The world seemed to expand at once. Song Hong leaned on the gun and moved his throat slowly.

He inexplicably feels that this is the most essential appearance of the "Dead Man" game. It is not a game, nor is it a treasure to make money—from the very beginning, this majestic, complex and indistinguishable creation should have been cast by a god, only to hide that one treasure, huge and magnificent— Pan's Labyrinth.

At the very center of the maze, a huge red eye hangs high. Below it, falling heavily in the white ocean, is a snow-white heart that is still beating.

Kou Dong was stuck in this heart.

It was sticky and cold to the touch, and the mucus completely soaked him from head to toe. He was almost soaked in this translucent, milky white viscous, and even his hair was dripping with slightly muddy water droplets. He was half sideways, his arms were suspended high above by two strands of spider silk, and only his chest It can also undulate slightly.

The spider silk twisted into a rope and slid past the bump on his chest.

He shivered, realizing that he couldn't struggle at all. The spider silk was all white, and his sight seemed to be deprived of it—he had to concentrate on it for a long time before he could barely realize his current situation.

There were voices calling him from outside, each sound more urgent than the other.



Seeing that he didn't answer, it beat the heart again, shouting even louder.


Kou Dong finally recognized that it was Lin Mengmeng's voice. The gray rabbit seemed to be outside him, talking to him through the thick layer of spider silk.

"Master, are you still awake? Are you injured?"

Kou Dong struggled a bit, and reluctantly replied: "It's okay."

Actually not so good. He shivered in fits and starts, feeling spider webs slowly running up and down his body.

His clothes seemed to be corroding away.

Lin Mengmeng fell into silence outside. After a long time, it whispered: "It's all my fault..."

Its voice was trembling, and the gray rabbit leaned its furry head against the still beating heart, and said slowly: "If it wasn't for me... I was so angry at the time and said I wanted to take you away, they wouldn't have gone crazy …”

Kou Dong didn't answer. In fact, he guessed that Lin Mengmeng's words should have just hit the system's emergency mechanism.

When someone discovers the truth and tries to take him out of the game, the game will automatically trigger a special mode to force him to stay here. Of course, he wasn't quite sure whether to keep him alone, or keep everyone together.

He said this to Lin Mengmeng, and Gray Rabbit choked up louder: "I heard it just now, it said that the game will be closed forever and will never be opened again..."

Kou Dong was also silent for a long time.

If this is the case, then their situation is really not optimistic.

It can even be said to be desperate.

"By the way, there is still a wish!" Lin Mengmeng said suddenly, "Didn't you make a wish? Is your wish still valid?"

Kou Dong shook his head and said in a low voice, "I can't."

The former Kou Dong escaped here with a wish. Before making the wish, the man promised him that no matter what, it would come true for him. The man didn't know that his nightingale had developed a heart to escape from the cage. In his opinion, what the nightingale was begging for was nothing more than water.

But Nightingale wanted to fly.

His wish finally came true, the creator's power is supreme, even npcs can't stop it. In a rage, they only stopped the others, but let Lin Mengmeng escape with Kou Dong.

But now the wish was obviously no longer valid, his candle was extinguished long before the world collapsed. The wish he made to the npcs was not as powerful as the wish he made to Ye Yanzhi, and it was far from enough to take him away from here.

This was once a way of life, but now it is clearly a dead end.

The gray rabbit let out a soft ah. It seemed to have fallen into this depressed mood, and it took a long time before it said, "I'll help you escape first."

Kou Dong asked: "Are you not trapped?"

"I'm a ghost," Lin Mengmeng stuffed the spirit body back into the gray rabbit's skin with great difficulty, and tried to tear the spider's silk with her two fat and short forearms, "but it's okay—thank God, they gave me a strong body of."

After all, whichever doll is pulled out alone, the combat power is leveraged.

Gray Rabbit tried its best to deal with this layer of cocoon, gnawing, scratching and biting, and finally tore open a hole. Its two furry ears got in first, and its voice sounded a little weird, calling out young master.

"You wait for me, I'll be fine soon."

It struggled to kick its legs outside, and finally, with this force, it stuffed itself into the cocoon, and slammed into Kou Dong's body. Kou Dong felt the soft fluff brushing against him, and asked it, "Successful?"

For some reason, he suddenly felt another gaze, from top to bottom, greedy, sticky—like these spider threads, getting into his clothes and sliding down against his exposed skin.

As if being stared at by a poisonous snake, he couldn't help but shuddered slightly, and suddenly looked up—

However, there was no one else in the cocoon, only Lin Mengmeng, him and Zhusi.

"Well," said Gray Rabbit, "I'll help you out now."

It lay on Kou Dong's body and bit off the shackles on his body for him. The two long ears pressed against Kou Dong's chest, and swept up his auricles after a while.

In the drenched state, all the senses seemed to be magnified thousands of times, Kou Dong's brows became tighter and tighter, and finally he couldn't bear it anymore, and reminded: "Help me let go first."

Lin Mengmeng opened her three-petal mouth, suddenly realized, "Yes!"

It jumped up to help Kou Dong untie.

When he finally let go, there were already two deep red marks on Kou Dong's arms. He rubbed his wrist, and suddenly realized that Gray Rabbit was also staring at him blankly.

Lin Mengmeng has always liked to watch him, Kou Dong has always been aware of this. But for some reason, these two gazes now made him slightly stumble in his heart.

Among so many dungeons, he didn't learn the other ones, but the one he learned the most is: don't be credulous.

Before he raised his vigilance, Gray Rabbit showed his usual innocence, and asked him with concern: "Can I still go?"

Kou Dong said yes, "It's just that we have to think about how to get out."

The game channel has been closed, how can they return to the real world

Kou Dong frowned in thought. Lin Mengmeng on the side opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but finally swallowed it down, changed her tone, and said, "If this is also a game level, there must be a boss guarding the level."

Kou Dong said: "You mean, if we kill the boss, we can go out?"

This statement is not without reason. "Dead Man" is still a game after all, since it is a game, there will naturally be rules. Judging from the rules, only by eliminating the boss of the level can the level be passed normally.

This is the normal routine of the game.

Gray Rabbit said tactfully: "I think so. There is no other way now, why don't we try?"

It waited on the spot for a while, but got no answer from Kou Dong, and urged again: "Try?"

The boy recovered.

"it is good."

Kou Dong pursed his lips and said in a low voice.


The gray rabbit suddenly jumped in front of him and looked at his expression. Its two button eyes are round and dull.

"What did you think of?"

Kou Dong didn't say anything.

Lin Mengmeng sighed deeply. Warning: "Master...don't tell me, you're thinking about that person."

"At the beginning, it was he who imprisoned you here, which caused you to escape now. Why are you still thinking about him? - Stockholm?"

Kou Dong still didn't answer it. In fact, he has always had doubts about his current memory, because in the memory he recovered, he was brought in by Ye Yanzhi and grew up here.

Ye Yanzhi tied him up, brought him from the real world into the game, and made him a character in the game.

To be honest, this passage is not that unconvincing. After all, before this, Kou Dong had dreamed that Ye Yanzhi had a history of stalking him, a pervert who had been following him for several years...

What's more, there is also the evidence of Lin Mengmeng's grandfather. As Kou Dong's friend back then, he also met the stalker, and even went to knock on the window of the stalker together. He briefly described the stalker's face to his grandson, which was obviously Ye Yanzhi's face.

That face is more representative than anything else. No one has more black and eye-catching eyebrows than him.

So as soon as you hear the description, you know who it is.

A pervert who imprisoned him because he loved him too much. The logic is smooth and coherent and convincing.

But there are still some unclear places.

One was his dream about the black shadow behind him. The approaching black shadows, the dull dull sound—those have yet to be explained.

The second is childhood memories that come from nowhere. Memories are filled with clouds and mist, as if someone is leading him to play hide-and-seek—it is also the same black shadow, the god of death who suddenly appeared.


The third is Ye Yanzhi.

If Ye Yanzhi is really the creator of all this, why did he help him escape in the first few copies

Why is it not compatible with those NPCs

If he really wanted to keep himself, he and the NPC should have the same goal, and they should really stand in the same camp. But at the time, he clearly didn't feel this.


In his selfish heart, maybe he is really naive and simple, maybe he is unwilling to admit that he misunderstood the wrong person and wronged his feelings before—this is the last thing Kou Dong wants to think about.

But he still couldn't imagine that his cub would be the one who imprisoned him regardless of his wishes.

Lin Mengmeng was still rambling, she talked more and more, maybe she had been holding back as a doll for a long time, talking about Ye Yanzhi's wolf ambition at length. In its narration, Ye Yanzhi is a real pervert at all, an unspeakable, outright bad guy. Kou Dong was also extremely disappointed with Ye Yanzhi, and his heart collapsed because the other party deceived him and forcibly left him in the game. However, listening to what he said, it seemed that there was another inexplicable feeling. .

Ye Yanzhi.


When these three words came out on the lips, they seemed to be soft. Even though he was carrying great anger, it was like a low, whispered love language. Like a pine tree with snow falling, or a rustling tree leaf. Like an open book, clean, winter-ripe fruit.

Like the touch of their unethical lips falling in the sanctuary of angels under the watchful eyes of the vampires.

Like the long, elongated shadow cast on the kitchen sink.

He felt sad—even at such a moment, when he said these three words, he could only think of good things. Like a ship crossing the ocean, the mast stood up in his heart little by little.




He didn't have the energy to listen to Lin Mengmeng's words anymore. It was difficult, even the most difficult thing, to figure out Ye Yanzhi's thoughts. It required his full concentration and connecting clues little by little. In the background of the gray rabbit chattering, he sighed softly and silently, thinking about Ye Yanzhi alone.

What are you hiding

And what...or am I just unaware

The words of the gray rabbit in front of him suddenly stumbled. Immediately afterwards, its voice seemed a little trembling: "Master..."

"Master! Master!!"

"Master—run away!!"

From above their heads, a huge, hairy chelicerium pierced the spider silk, and the joints twisted and clicked, forming an unbelievably weird arc—

There was a faint light shining at the top of it, as if it couldn't wait to penetrate Kou Dong.

It landed right in front of Kou Dong.


Kou Dong was startled, and immediately rolled out on the spot—he was now in the abdominal cavity created by the white spider silk, and he had just escaped from the ventricle where the heart was, and the soft and sticky spider silk was still under his feet, so the rolling was very special. Difficult, for a moment, he even felt that he would be pierced by this claw.

No, of course he knew they weren't going to kill him, but that didn't mean they wouldn't do something else to him. Kou Dong is also an experienced person. Whenever he thinks that he has enough knowledge, this broken game can always open up a whole new world for him, such as the mouthparts of butterflies, the ears of plush toys... He is not at all I hope there will be more of this kind of thing in this list, this thing seems to be able to rummage out his internal organs.

Relying on this strong belief, Kou Dong opened it abruptly and escaped the blow. The chelicera paused, and then pursued it persistently. From the gap it created, a crimson eye also appeared at the hole, looking down at him from above.

At that moment, Kou Dong suddenly had an idea in his heart. Pointing to that eye, he asked Lin Mengmeng, "Does that look like to you?"

Gray Rabbit raised his head and instantly understood what he was talking about. It answered loudly: "Like!"

If this spider is the final boss, from the current point of view, that eye is most like its weakness. They want to successfully escape from the dungeon, only by blinding this eye first.

It's just that the idea is beautiful, but in practice it is really difficult to implement. The spider silk curled up and stuck to him, and at the same time, more chelicerae emerged from the hole, the hairs on them almost touching Kou Dong's body.

His scalp began to tingle, and he began to wonder how many legs this spider had.

One five, ten, fifteen, twenty... Fuck, is this a spider or a millipede

Kou Dong felt that his insect PTSD after the butterfly was about to suffer again, and his throat moved slightly.

He took out the bow and arrow from his luggage rack, and realized that he still had points that could be exchanged to increase the effectiveness of the bow and arrow.

At this moment, the system couldn't shout, Kou Dong simply relied on his own efforts, and directly added all the points to the bow and arrow on the enhancement page of the luggage column. Soon, the success rate of bows and arrows rose from 20% to 100% in one breath.

It's just that while it's rising, there's also one more restriction: it can only be used three times.

Kou Dong couldn't care less. At this time, three times a hundred percent is obviously better than countless times twenty percent. One must know that when the arrow was shot, he still wanted to pick it up, and picked it up again and again in front of such a big spider... He was afraid that he would be played to death by these dozens of claws.

He resolutely aimed the first arrow at the exposed half of the spider's body.

bowstring full—



Accompanied by the crisp sound of cracking wind, the arrow stabbed the spider firmly. It trembled a few times, bleeding dark red blood, and fell straight down. Kou Dong breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and was about to observe it carefully, but he heard Lin Mengmeng's voice even more frightened.

"Master... Master..."

It stutters.

"Again... here again!"

Without raising his head, Kou Dong casually said, "It's all right, I have a bow and arrow."

This is not a matter of whether there is a bow or not! Gray Rabbit felt like he was about to cry, and tremblingly said: "Master, your arrows may not be enough..."

Kou Dong: "... ???"

He also raised his head, and felt his eyes go dark for a moment. Countless big spiders like before were climbing towards him. The posture and the number were enough to make people suffer from intensive phobia and insect phobia at once.

Let alone three arrows. Even if it's 300, it's not necessarily enough!

Kou Dong felt that it would be quicker for him to die directly.

He agreed with Lin Mengmeng's opinion, "You were right at the beginning."

Gray Rabbit was puzzled: "... huh?"

Kou Dong's eyes were far-reaching: "You should run."

What are you hitting!

Running quickly is the right way! ! !

So they turned around and ran, but rushed in the direction of the heart. As he was rushing, he heard a clicking sound behind him, as if someone was chopping something with a knife.

Although it is a bit wrong to say this, Kou Dong really contacted the family to chop chicken.

When he was running away, he turned his head and saw a short figure riding on one of the spiders, holding a cold machete in his hand, killing all directions there.

Just looking at it like this, Kou Dong suddenly felt that hope had come back.

He called Lin Mengmeng: "Wait a minute! Don't run away!"

The gray rabbit was confused and followed him back. Kou Dong waved at the figure, then bent down himself, twisted a rope with the spider silk bitten off by the gray rabbit earlier, and used it as a medium, and threw it towards the spider with all his might—

The little girl let go of her hand, firmly held the end of the spider silk in her hand, and slid towards them with this force.

Spiders don't dare to get close to the heart, just wandering outside. Kou Dong pulled her into his heart, feeling the joy of meeting an old friend in a foreign land.

"Axue, why are you here?"

A Xue didn't answer, but looked him up and down with an inexplicable gaze, making Kou Dong look back inexplicably.





The little girl pondered for a while, and finally spoke.

"Maybe, do you know what you look like now?"

Kou Tiantian was ignorant.

"What does it look like?"

The little girl said honestly and bluntly: "As far as you are now, it seems that you have been played by them outside in turn."

This red mark.

It's wet.

It's more than just playing it, it's like playing it thoroughly.

Kou Tiantian: "..."

Kou Tiantian is almost heartbroken! Today's little girl, why are all her thoughts so dirty! !

The author has something to say: Kou Dongdong: Every idea is too dirty! Can't you just be like me! ! !
