Woke Up, The Love Game Became A Thriller

Chapter 157: Decisive battle (2)


Not to mention, it was very happy to meet old friends again. When Kou Dong saw A Xue, he suddenly felt that he had a way out again.

This is at the same level as Ye Yanzhi, and he can fight properly.

They are simply the fighting duo in their original team.

"I didn't see anyone else from Song Hong," Ah Xue said while wiping the knife, "but I guess something happened on your side. I thought you should be in the center, so I came here directly. Sure enough, you are in the center."

She glanced at the big gray bunny who was tilting his head to the side to look at her.

"Who is this?"

Lin Mengmeng's identity could not be explained clearly in a few words. He himself was quite obedient, and he took the lead in introducing himself: "I am a friend of the young master."

The little girl's eyes were fascinated, and she looked back at Kou Dong again.

"Less... what?"


Slightly secondary.

Kou Tiantian shamelessly tried to cover it up: "Hey, it's just a useless title—" He quickly changed the subject, "Let's think about how to get that eye out."

He briefly talked to Ashe about his previous conjecture.

After hearing this, the little girl stretched out her head without hesitation, and looked out through the broken heart. The red eyeball above was hanging high, still twirling, and when it sensed the breath of a stranger, it suddenly lowered and was firmly fixed on her body.

A chelicer suddenly appeared across the sky and attacked her head suddenly. It was a big spider that suddenly broke its web and rushed down from above. Look at the barbs and hairs that are bound to appear on the top, if this hit hits, it can instantly pierce Axue into a blood gourd.

Fortunately, her reaction speed is extremely fast, which is also practiced in the game for many years, and she immediately jumped forward.


The chelicera flew into the air, and when she wanted to pounce on her again, Axue rolled continuously, and then swung the long knife in her hand without hesitation, only to hear the whistling wind in the air, and in a blink of an eye, she met the spider that was pressing down Come giant claws—

For a moment, the sound was like the clang of steel colliding, endless. Finally, the eyes suddenly went dark, and the chelicerus was cut off abruptly, and it crashed down before their eyes from top to bottom.

Ashe didn't give up, she held the piece of spider silk thrown by Kou Dong earlier in her hand, put a loop on her hand, and went straight to the spider's ferocious hood. When she got it right, she jumped up from the air with the strength of being pulled by the spider, avoided the spider's attack, and accurately and without any mistakes made the long knife—

Inserted - into the spider's eye socket.

A huge mournful sound suddenly sounded, the spider turned and struggled, and the ground trembled faintly. The drops of blood fell one after another, as if there was a light rain.

A drop of blood was also spattered on Ah Xue's brow bone, and she didn't have time to wipe it away. A little red.

This changed the temperament of her body to some extent. The originally quiet and gentle person seemed to have a bit of evil spirit all of a sudden, as if the sharpness of a sword suddenly drawn out of its sheath was sharpened, and it was completely revealed.

She didn't move her eyebrows or eyes, but turned her wrist cruelly, stirring the spider's eyeballs, like those ordinary housewives stirring a pot of soup. There was a turbid yellow-white juice flowing out from under it, smelling fishy, and she didn't even wrinkle her nose as if she didn't see or smell it.

She didn't jump down until she was sure the spider was dead.

Lin Mengmeng: "..."

Lin Mengmeng was completely stunned, her mouth remained open for a long time.

After a while, it turned around and murmured: "Master..."

Kou Dong: "Huh?"

Gray Rabbit struggled to swallow the non-existent saliva, and said from the bottom of his heart: "I finally understand why you didn't run away."

No one needs to run away—this is a walking spider killer!

Kou Tiantian was also extremely shocked. I haven't seen her for a while. The little girl seems to have stepped up to a new level, and she will soon be overwhelmed by the heights. As a person who also suffers from insect PTSD, in front of Ashe, his combat effectiveness was almost compared to the mud, and he felt a little bit ashamed.

Can't help but sigh: "I'm not as good as her."

Lin Mengmeng: "..."

What are you talking about, do you really want to be compared with others

"But I have an idea," Kou Dong added, licking his lips, "Although I'm not as good as hers, when it comes to absorbing monsters, I should be considered one-on-one—"

Lin Mengmeng: "Suck... what?"

He didn't quite get it.

"Monster sucker," Kou Tiantian said, "to put it simply, it's the one responsible for distraction."

He pointed to the top red eye. It is obviously difficult to hit directly, it hangs outside this layer of spider silk, and the spider silk and spider will become a barrier in front of it. He only has two arrows left in his hand now, so he must not shoot rashly in this situation.

But if you change your mind...

Kou Dong looked up, his eyes became deeper and deeper. He murmured, "I don't know if there are steel pipes here."

Lin Mengmeng: "...???"

What the hell did he hear

Steel Pipe? ?

At the same time, Song Hong was still struggling to cultivate the land just above their heads.

He didn't know how long he had walked, and how long he had left. In short, there was no way to go under his feet. He struggled forward in the spider webs with one foot deep and one foot shallow, raising his head from time to time, squinting his eyes, to confirm his current position.

It's all snow white. The flowing spider silk is like a big river, with waves of tides, easily engulfing them in it. After watching for a long time, these whites even turned black.

Song Hong knew that he might suffer from snow blindness, so he had to stop and slow down a little.

Suddenly, his toes touched something hard. He opened his eyes a little, carefully looked at the ground, and pulled the spider threads away—

It was a sickle that was still glowing coldly. But now, it was covered with light golden blood, and this blood dyed the surrounding spider silk into the same light golden color, like sunlight. Only by looking closely can one see its not only unattractive, but creepy meaning.

No one else was around.

The only thing buried in the ground is this lone sickle. It seems that there is no master, lying here alone, covered with a thick layer of spider silk, as if coated with a layer of snow-white frost.

Song Hong hesitated for a long time, and finally dug it out carefully.

He had seen this scythe before.

At that time, it was still held in the hands of the god of death, drawn from the blood of the god of death, and looked like an important weapon that the handsome god of death never left his hand.

Why are you here

Song Hong did not see the final outcome of the god of death. In the ghost baby dungeon, before he could see it, he was forced to withdraw from the dungeon because Kou Dong had completed the task. The last sight he saw was the same as that of Kou Dong, the moment when the scythe was raised high and slashed at the young man.

As for what's next...

He carefully stroked the grain of the sickle. Except for the spider silk, it is still cold and cold, with a black handle, shrouded in a blood-like dark red halo.

How did it get thrown here

In an instant, Ye Yanzhi's face suddenly broke into his mind. The young man's expression was so indifferent, as if he had foreseen everything at the beginning; he looked at the god of death, his eyes were full of indifferent but desperate determination.

Song Hong couldn't help himself to think of these things. Thinking about Ye Yanzhi's face, he couldn't help but come up with an idea:

Could it be that the god of death died in his hands

No, no, no, Song Hong thought about it carefully, and felt that his idea was extremely absurd.

The god of death is a god, so who else can kill a god

This should not be the power of man.

Song Hong hesitated, but finally dug the sickle out of the ground and carried it on his back. He continued walking, and on the way came across two more spiders, which were lifting the cap to eat the brains of a trapped player. Song Hong's scalp was numb, his throat moved faintly, and he could only smell a pungent fishy smell.

People cannot be saved. Without thinking about it, he directly took out the scythe of death and killed the two spiders on the spot.

But the spider left a deep hole drilled out. Song Hong looked down and couldn't help but knocked himself on the head.

Is he stupid? It's obviously much easier to go down here!

So he changed his path.

The further you go, the wider the road becomes. It was as if thousands of spiders had found the same goal and headed in the same direction, forcibly opening up the road.

Pieces of dark colors gradually appeared in Song Hong's sight, like purple grapes strewn on the ground. After he looked carefully, he realized that those were not grapes, but blood from spiders.

When their blood dries up, it will show a purple-red color that is completely different from the original color. Song Hong had also fought against them before, so he knew very well that even if he used all his strength at that time, he could only barely beat them.

It is even more difficult to keep their blood.

Now, they are colorfully imprinted on the ground. As we go forward, these grapes become bigger and denser. They are no longer small clusters like before, but large clusters. It gradually became thick and colorful, lying on the ground like exploded fireworks. The dense spider skeletons were left in place, stretching out in all directions, huge clusters, almost becoming connected hills.

It smells fishy. The sticky translucent liquid mixed with the severed spider silk was trampled under the feet, making a creaking sound.

Song Hong took a little effort to turn over from the top, and after thinking about it in his heart, he couldn't help being startled—how many people have been killed!

It was clearly a killing.

He pushed aside layers of curtain-like spider threads, and saw a thicker blood color behind it, as if he had stepped into the purgatory of the world for a moment, and the smell of blood was engulfed by the curtain. The wind rushed straight into my mind.

There was a strange light red color in front of his eyes, as if covered with a layer of blood-stained mist. The field of vision became blurred, and it took a little effort to vaguely make out what the spreading black in front of my eyes represented.

The moment he saw it clearly, Song Hong couldn't help taking a deep breath, and subconsciously took a step back——

Stretching across his field of vision was a wriggling, pyramid-like spider mountain.

They are still eating each other. The big ones gobble up the small ones, and the small ones gobble up the smaller ones. They grow by devouring their companions. The bottom one is already two people tall, and the chewing sound is so clear that people can feel it. I feel apprehensive. At the top of this cruel food chain, there seemed to be a vague figure standing, from which more new, fluffy little spiders continued to emerge. He seems to be the host of these spiders, they just got out after tearing him apart.

There are people inside!

Song Hong's thoughts suddenly paused, and then his eyes froze suddenly. He didn't even want to pull out the sickle, but he only saw a pair of dark, familiar eyes behind the floating blood mist.

Song Hong was startled suddenly.

He looked at the person in front of him in disbelief, and for a while his mind seemed to be buzzing. After a while, he said softly: "...Ye Yanzhi?"

The man was on the spider's back, looking down at him.

That eyebrow.

that eye.

that look.

Song Hong will never admit his mistake.

... It was Ye Yanzhi!

When he blurted out that sound, Song Hong saw the glances of the people above - at this moment, he knew that the other party also saw him.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

A calm, undisturbed voice.

This is very different from Song Hong's imagination. It was as if they had met in a sunny cafe instead of standing in this creepy, spider-ridden, inescapable place—such a serene and peaceful greeting.

Song Hong stared dumbfounded, and heard the other party say calmly: "Wait for me first."

Immediately afterwards, he jumped down from the high spider mountain, holding something in his hands, and he chopped them from the middle to the bottom with ease like chopping melons and vegetables. The wailing sound in his ears suddenly became stern, and Song Hong's scalp began to tingle when he heard it. He only felt a slight heat on his cheek. After he reacted, he realized that it was a drop of warm blood.

The violent wind came oncoming, and he couldn't help closing his eyes.

The boots hit the ground. Ye Yanzhi was wrapped in a long black robe, but it seemed to be thicker than the usual black. When he looked carefully, he realized that it was the color soaked in blood bubbles. His face was pale and sickly under the hood, from his cheeks to his lips, there was not even a trace of blood, and his thin jaw was half hidden in the shadow of the hood.

It was the first time Song Hong saw him with such an expression, and he couldn't hide his exhaustion at all. He was clearly weaker than usual.

At the same time, his physique is also different from before. Song Hong doesn't know how to describe it, but he always feels that his superior leg length seems to be more and more eye-catching, as if he has completely stretched out from the original youth, and has grown into a taciturn and indifferent man.

That ray of unapproachable aura became more intense, and his eyes were like two deep pools that could not see the bottom, making people just want to avoid him.

"Long time no see, are you hurt?"

The man didn't answer, but lifted the hood over his head with one hand. He held a weapon in his other hand. It looked a bit strange in shape, and after a few more glances he realized that it was a polished pincer taken from the spider at the bottom.

The spider swarm behind him started to stir again, crawling towards him quickly. Song Hong realized that it wasn't some weird birth scene just now, those spiders were besieging him.


Ye Yanzhi nodded slightly, and said flatly, "They want to devour me."

Song Hong's lips moved, wanting to say something, but he didn't say it. In fact, this is not just devouring—he has seen them devouring ordinary players, it is just one or two, and they can suck people into a brainless corpse.

But what you see in front of you is enough to describe it in four words.

Are they also just here to devour men

Ye Yanzhi stared at this spider mountain, and a smile seemed to flicker from the corner of his mouth.

"But they can't do it yet."

He said calmly.

"At least for now...they can't devour the Lord yet."

Eat the Lord.

These two sudden words made Song Hong's mind suddenly plunge into chaos.

... devouring what

Who is their master

Ye Yanzhi's gaze was deep and far away, as if he was looking at someone across the air. The corners of his mouth finally curled up slowly, revealing a mocking smile.

"What's the use of being jealous?" He whispered into the void, "He's thinking of me—never of you."

The magnitude of the spider's surge suddenly increased, almost submerging them in an instant. Song Hong instinctively realized that Ye Yanzhi's words made the boss lose his temper.

But before he could think it through, the man had already turned towards him.

"Help me," Ye Yanzhi said, "I'm going to the center."

Song Hong gritted his teeth and simply agreed. Instead of being slaughtered on the cutting board here, it is better to go to the center to fight.

What's more, he has always believed in Ye Yanzhi. At this time, the other party is always better than an NPC who doesn't know the details.

"What's in the center?"

"… have what?"

A fleeting smile appeared on Ye Yanzhi's face.

"There are those who are desperate for it."

He said in an unusually determined manner, his face was still pale, like a thin piece of paper, unable to reveal any vitality.

"They're bound to go there."

"There will be the final place."

His eyes were so dark, but it seemed as if a paper moon had risen from them. The paper moon is light and thin, in order to prevent it from breaking, he hid it in the deepest heart.

At that time, he did not expect that from that moment on, other gears had started to rotate. They finally converged into a driving torrent in which everyone was inevitably caught up.

"From the very first engraved place—"

"To the last withered land."

They will eventually return to this place where it all began.

It is here that the founder of this world engraves the rules that the world will abide by on the thin inner wall of his heart:

— hide him.

He is the supreme treasure of the gods.

He is the zeroth principle that all NPCs are engraved in their bones.

Guidance himself is busy in the middle right now, the little girl and the gray rabbit are using the force of the spider silk to swing left and right among the spider piles, looking for a clearing, and firmly sticking the four longest claws into the ground , Shake it to make sure it is stable.

Seemingly seeing through their intentions, the spiders' attacks became more violent. Kou Dong inadvertently turned his head, only to feel a sudden cardiac arrest: "—Look to the left!"

Asue went back and forth like a whirlwind, and was accidentally hit by a strand of spider silk spiraling upwards from the left. Rao spent the most of her strength to adjust the direction and tried to avoid it, but she was not completely successful. She was caught by it all at once, almost The whole child was thrown out and lay heavily on the ground.

That strand of spider silk was about to move again, but Lin Mengmeng had already pounced on it, forcing it to change direction in the air as if riding a dragon.

Another strand of spider thread that Kou Dong twisted struck from the middle, only a blunt muffled sound was heard, it was beaten limp in a blink of an eye, and it didn't get up again for a long time.

Kou Dong hurried to see, the little girl propped up half of her body from the ground, and it took a long time to spit out a mouthful of bright red saliva.


She said briefly, "It's just a little scratch."

Kou Dong saw that her neck was wounded, but there was no bleeding, only the vomit was bloodshot, so he couldn't help but gritted his teeth.

"You go back first."

"Back to what?" Ashe wiped away a little blood from her mouth, her eyes became brighter, "Hurry up, right now!"

She gritted her teeth and looked at these spiders, as if she was completely irritated: "It's been a long time, and this is the first time I've been hurt like this—I can't go now, so what are you waiting for?!"

Under her murderous intent, Kou Dong was speechless for a moment. Only then did he remember, who is Ah Xue

——That's the person who can smash the glass of NPC with a long knife on the night when he knows that his father who abandoned his wife and daughter has entered the game.

Could it be ordinary people

Could that be an ordinary little girl

Lin Mengmeng seemed to be shocked too, she stood beside her for a long time without regaining her senses, and after a while she said weakly, "Then come again?"

Axue said firmly: "Come again!"

Their plan is actually quite simple. With hard work, the spider silk was gradually wound around the four chelicerae, weaving into a giant soft and sticky white web. Countless spiders were drawn into the web following Kou Dong's swaying left and right movements, struggling left and right, but couldn't escape immediately because the entrance was quickly sealed.

After confirming that there are no other spiders at the entrance of the cave for the time being, Kou Dong swings up again with the power of the spider silk, and bounces to a higher place with the help of the elasticity of the spider silk. A Xue and Lin Mengmeng tensed the bowstring like shooting an arrow, Kou Dong himself was the arrow that was about to be fired, and at the same time he held tightly the arrow feather in his hand that was 100% hit.

This stretch will help him get close to the red eyes successfully. If successful, he can shoot down the opponent with one arrow.

If successful...

The blood-red eyes blinked quickly.

Kou Dong suddenly narrowed his eyes slightly, and found that his vision suddenly became blurred, as if covered with a layer of white mist. This is the second layer of self-protection for this eye. At this moment, he couldn't tell the direction at all, he just barely opened his eyes, trying to distinguish its position from here.

Where is it hidden

Must be in this fog... must be in this!

He clearly felt that gaze, sticky, crawling like a snake... that gaze!

He gritted his teeth, knowing that he didn't have a second chance to try. Such a plan can only be executed once, and the NPCs will not give him a second chance to try to escape.

They are always like this. If he can't escape, he can only be this puppet, hanging in that heart, living day after day!

His chest was dulled by this thought, as if there was a sharp echo echoing loudly inside. Kou Dong drew the bowstring fully, without turning his head, he turned towards the front—


This arrow pierced through the fog, and flew towards the center he believed to be without any mistakes.

At the same time, a low exclamation suddenly came from below, as if someone had come.

But Kou Dong didn't look at it.

He heard a soft puff, as if chopsticks had been inserted into the soft egg yolk. Immediately afterwards, everything in front of my eyes began to shake—

He seemed to be falling headfirst.

This sea is extremely deep, and it will not be possible to step to the bottom for a long time. His figure was floating, soft like a water plant without bones—he fell down.

Dark red sparks splashed in front of his eyes, and the remaining ash from the collapsed red eyes poured down heavily. Out of the corner of his sight was a hand, long and slender, shining on the dark base cloth, stretching desperately towards him.

"catch me!"

Kou Dong looked up and saw a familiar face.

It was Ye Yanzhi.

He couldn't help laughing, spit out a small bubble from his mouth, and soon exploded with a soft "boo".

Ye Yanzhi can catch him every time.

The abyss of death, or any other abyss—he pulled himself out again and again, and stood in front of him.

But this time, Kou Dong didn't want to be held by him anymore.

this time.

Only this time.

He wanted to live to die.

The author has something to say: Kou Dongdong: I found out later that the one who was finally beaten to death was just a small boss...

Cry out sadly QAQ