Woke Up, The Love Game Became A Thriller

Chapter 158: decisive battle (3)


He saw Ah Xue's face from a distance, with relief written all over it, staring at the collapsed red eyes. It blinked dully, then began to disintegrate from the edge, burst like an asteroid, burst a flower of smoke in the air, spider silk mixed with speckled blood fell, more than the end of everything grand.

It's time to say goodbye.


But this expression only stayed on her face for a moment. Suddenly, she changed her expression, and then dragged the knife again, and rushed towards Song Hong, shouting with all her strength: "Get out of here!"



Kou Dong also heard that voice. In his sight, something blood-red rose from the snow-white horizon again—

Its light is so dazzling that people cannot directly open their eyes.

He had a premonition, but couldn't believe it.

The red eyes rose again.

It was even brighter than before, and the pupils rolled back and forth in the huge sockets, finally glancing down sharply and refocusing on him.

Like a scorching sun, it hangs high in the sky again.

Kou Dong's heart finally fell heavily.

It's not dead.

It's... alive again.

From that eye, countless spider threads spewed out, sticky and woven into a huge, overwhelming web. Following this dull bang, Kou Dong's eyes were once again covered in darkness—

Everything seems to be back to the starting point.

He was still the same Kou Dong trapped in his deformed heart.

"It won't work like this," he heard the gray rabbit's low voice, "it's not the key to breaking the game."

It seemed to be still trapped not far from him, and the voice was close to him, burrowing into his ears and into his heart word by word.

"Think about it carefully."

"Master... think about it carefully."

A gray-white ghost figure emerged from above the rabbit. Lin Mengmeng, who had become a ghost, quietly stared at his sideways face, her voice seemed a little sad.

"You clearly know the answer."

There was still the aftertaste of blood in the air, which strangely seemed to be salty. Kou Dong unconsciously licked the corner of his mouth, only to realize that there was a small wound on his lip.

It doesn't hurt very much, but when you lick it, there is always a blunt, indescribable sweetness.

His voice is hoarse.

"I do not know."

"Lie," Gray Rabbit muffled, "you're lying."

It has two long ears, and its button eyes are staring intently, as if it can see the person in front of it without hindrance in the dark. Even if he couldn't see clearly, Kou Dong could still feel the burning gaze—from his gaze.

"This is more than just a copy, master. This is the whole game."

"Who is the real boss of this game? Who brought you in, trapped you here, and deprived you of your freedom? Who made you an NPC and lied to you that you belonged here? Who built Truman's World for you ??"

Kou Dong: "Enough."

"Not enough!" Lin Mengmeng's voice also rose, and he yelled at Kou Dong with an unprecedented attitude. This attitude has never appeared in him who has always blindly worshiped Kou Dong as a god, "Master My friends are still stuck here, I'm still here, the others are still here, the players like us are still here! They're all stuck here, counting on you—you save them!… Why don't you listen?—You Why don't you dare to listen!"

Kou Dong's chest heaved up and down, he was not angry, he just felt an indescribable exhaustion.

Oh shit.

He thought wildly, grabbing the spider web under his body.


They must all be crazy.

Lin Mengmeng seemed to be tired too. Its voice became soft again, as if it was right next to Kou Dong's ear, whispering to him intimately.

"Master, you are trapped in the heart of the game."

"If you want to kill this game... you can only kill the real master. If he doesn't die, this heart will never stop beating."

"You kill a thousand times, a hundred times... it will survive. It will find you, it will catch you. Its reincarnation will never stop, and in the next life, the next life, you will still be unable to escape its grasp."

Its dark eyes stared. The young man was still silent, his face hanging down was pale and delicate, revealing his slender, even somewhat thin neck. The light blue blood vessels on the top nod quietly on the background color, like flower stalks, supporting his blossoming flower.

He is undoubtedly good-looking, and this good-looking is more or less linked to his juvenile sense. It knows that it has nothing to do with the boy's age, when he grows up, becomes young, middle-aged, old... There is still something in him that can drive people crazy. This thing is hidden in the skin, buried in the bones, it is not the young age that makes him a boy, but this fragile and unwilling spirit that makes him a boy.

It's broken at the first break, but it just refuses to bow its head, refuses to accept its fate, and refuses to be imprisoned. The part of his neck that refused to admit defeat was supporting him, and with such brilliant expectations of freedom, he insisted on flying towards the sky.

But how is it possible

He should have been a flower in the greenhouse.

He finally spoke. When he spoke, his lips were as beautiful as a flower.

The gray rabbit stared at it almost obsessively, and heard his vague voice that seemed to be soaked in the bottom of the water: "What do you want to say?"

"You still have an arrow."

The gray rabbit answered. Its three-petal mouth moved and spit out the name without any doubt.

"Ye Yanzhi."

It paused, and finally announced the next sentence:

"—you're going to kill him."

You can only kill him.

From a certain logic, Kou Dong had to admit that it was right—Ye Yanzhi was the instigator of all this. This game is based on him, and only when he is not there will this place completely collapse.

Otherwise, they will never escape, and the dead man system will keep creating more Gatekeepers.

For the first time, he could destroy it with the help of Ashe.

The second time, he can unite all players to destroy it.

But the third time

What about the fourth time

What's more, there are those greedy spiders here, they are still devouring people's brains. He didn't really have that much time to think.

Kou Dong thinks he is not a hero, but he is not a villain who would run away from responsibility.

The dead, the dead.

He guessed that he might be dead, but not his soul. Ye Yanzhi imprisoned his soul here, making him think that he was the delicate young master in the manor, maybe he wanted to give him another life.

Unfortunately, Kou Dong would rather be a lonely ghost than a blinded nightingale.

He gritted his teeth, felt that his legs were weak, and after a little effort, he finally stood up slowly in the darkness.

He escaped from here once—

He should have taken them out the second time.

He heard his own voice, which was unbearably dry, as if someone had sucked out the water inside and lit a fire - the fire made his voice deep and hoarse, his thoughts and sanity were faltering, as if he was also hanging on a spider. silk.

He actually didn't dare to think about this ending, but now he couldn't help it.

"… Where is he?"


Ye Yanzhi was not far away, quietly sinking into the spider silk, allowing them to surround him tightly. Those spider threads had no good intentions, they tightened his throat and locked his hands and feet. If they could, they would forcefully scrape his skin and carve up his flesh and blood.

The dead had become a man-eating monster, Ye Yanzhi finally realized. But aware of this, his heart is still calm, and no waves have been caused, and he is indifferent to what kind of impact it will cause.

He just wanted to know what Kou Dong was thinking.

"He's going to kill you," he told him triumphantly when he heard the crawling spiders hovering beside him, "If I don't kill you, this place won't end... He's so convinced now."

"whee… "

There was a flash of disgust on Ye Yanzhi's face. He said, "Go away."

"Have you thought about it?"

The threads locked him tighter.

"Did you ever think—when you left us like shoes? Did you ever think we'd trap you?"

Ye Yanzhi's expression became even more disgusted, he stared blankly at the pictures that these spiders forced into his mind. They are still imagining how to trap Kou Dong, penetrate him with their mouthparts in the snow-white spider silk, and even open his abdominal cavity until it bulges up there, like a three-month-old pregnancy—they are always thinking these things.

These were his dark thoughts that flashed by, but they were constantly magnified and re-magnified in this game. His love for the child was enough to overwhelm these thoughts, but these NPCs were not like that.

When he threw these thoughts away, it never occurred to him that they would still germinate even if they were thrown away.


The dove occupies the magpie's nest.

They tightly surrounded Ye Yanzhi, and the spider's long mouthparts touched his head, caressing to find a place to insert it. This picture was like a group of gods who tried to kill the gods and betrayed them surrounding them. Now, they have made up their minds to take that treasured treasure away from the arms of the gods.

There was the rustling of feet stepping on spider silk, and someone approached.

"Come," the voice said slowly, "Come..."

They retreated silently. This small piece of world became brighter, and a little dark light poured in from the gap exposed above.

With this light, Ye Yanzhi saw the person in front of him.

Kou Dong still looked the same as before, the same as when he was pulled out of the exchange pool. Beside him was a gray rabbit with smooth fur. When Lin Mengmeng saw him, she let out a small exclamation.

"found it!"

In contrast to this, was Kou Dong's faint voice: "Dangerous, back off."

Ye Yanzhi's pupils finally trembled, and he raised his head.

His reaction to this statement was greater than the previous reaction, perhaps because more of these moments belonged to him.

Before that, he was the one who stood beside Kou Dong and listened to him say these words intimately. They even kissed in the angel's sanctuary, and in the virtual home built in the game, the young man exchanged a careful, almost ambiguous love with him.

Now, instead, he stood in opposition to the boy.

a villain.

He had never recognized his identity so clearly, and then he felt a pain that was almost sour and bitter, as if there was an olive stuck in his throat. His feet shifted slightly on the ground, which was somehow a reflection of pain, an indescribable struggle, but his voice did not tremble.

"What are you doing here?"

Kou Dong's eyes were deep. "I want to play a game with you," he said.

His lips seemed a little dry. At such an important moment, Ye Yanzhi suddenly thought inappropriately.

It has been like this since childhood. They are always easy to dry, whitish, and need a long time of careful care to reappear. That is actually a manifestation of a genetic disease.

He wanted to use his own lips to re-soften them, but at this moment, such an idea was obviously impossible.

After that, it should not be realized again.

"Do you think he will appreciate you?"

Death sneered before his men were wiped out.

His real outline is actually very similar to Ye Yanzhi, but he is much colder than him - that kind of coldness is almost engraved into his bones, making him feel as cold as the blade.

"He won't appreciate you," Death said intermittently, "He's like this...they are like this...I've seen a lot."

At that time, Ye Yanzhi didn't answer, but just pierced the sickle deeper into his body, like passing through a blunt piece of iron.

He also said indifferently: "I will not let him die."

"You think they're afraid of death?"

Reaper actually laughed, and then began to cough intermittently. Pale golden blood dripped from the corner of his mouth, but he didn't care about it at all, he just opened his mouth and said with a smile: "He's afraid of death? - He knew he would die a long time ago!"

"First his mother, then you—"

"Third Young Master Ye—"

There was an odd, mocking look on his face. Putting it on such a face, there is actually a bit of god-like compassion.

"Is he afraid of death, or are you afraid of death?"

Ye Yanzhi's lips suddenly pursed.

He thought of the young man who was teetering on the roof when they met again. What was he thinking at that time

When the young Kou Dong was led into Ye's house by his mother, what was he thinking

"Life and death are fate, the way is in the sky!"

"Third Young Master Ye, you forcefully keep people who shouldn't be kept, and take lives that shouldn't be saved—"

"Reversing life and death, reversing yin and yang, disregarding human ethics!"

"Third Young Master Ye!"

"You will never end well!"

The voice of the god of death is still in my ears, exploding like thunder.

It's a pity that the person in front of him didn't care a word about what he said. He didn't even raise his face, and gave the still-struggling god of death a last look, and without hesitation inserted the sickle in his hand even deeper.

Kill the god of death.

His boy no longer needs to be frightened.

He only cares about his youth, and doesn't listen to those ethical words.

Ye Yanzhi does not have the word childhood, it is a word suitable for ordinary people. On the day he was born, the pool of blood was overturned, the sky and the earth were turned upside down, and stars soared up from the west, flickering coldly, and the sun and the moon could not compete with them. After viewing the astrology, the Ye family members were overjoyed—this is a sign of the birth of a godhead.

The Ye family stands in the yin and yang realms, wandering between life and death. The ancestor was once a celestial master, with high morals and high prestige, even the god of death respected him a little. At that time, the god of death was still impermanent, and the world was full of aura, so his divine power was strong, so he recruited the ancestor to his command, gave him great power, and allowed him to take people's life according to the destiny. Later, it was passed down from generation to generation, and in Ye Yanzhi's generation, his spiritual power was exhausted, and the world was full of vicissitudes. The old god of death gradually abdicated, and his divine power was not as good as before. The sickle now cannot be compared with the Broken Soul Cord back then. In this way, the Ye family, which still retains the strength of the past, has become the real judge in the underworld, solving those who should die, sending all kinds of souls back to the underworld, and even pretending to replace the god of death.

What's more, there is now a young god. When the gods grow up and take their place, they will naturally shade the family.

Ye Yanzhi grew up in the ancestral temple since childhood. He was born with a godhead, and unlike the rest of the Ye family, he did not enter reincarnation and did not care about life and death, so he was only brought by the head of the Ye family to teach him about the yin and yang worlds day and night.

He has neither father nor mother. The woman who gave birth to him never came to see him once. Ye Yanzhi once heard her cry and ask the head of the Ye family where he took his child.

Ye Yanzhi thought it was about himself at first. It was only later that I found out that it was the skin.

The woman does not think that the god is her son, she believes in her heart that the god has taken this body. Her real son should have become a lonely ghost, wandering around day and night.

She cried a lot and suffered day and night.

Ye Yanzhi couldn't empathize. He looked at the woman kneeling on the ground through the lingering gray-white smoke. The incense ash fell on her head, staining her hair white. He looked at the woman and clearly saw her eyes full of hatred when she looked up.

Vaguely, her mouth was moving.

"The dove occupies the magpie's nest..."

The voice was so thin and weak, but Ye Yanzhi heard it clearly.

She was praying for her own death.

Ye Yanzhi watched calmly with the eyes of a three-year-old child. He knew how absurd the woman's idea was, even if the Ye family was gone, he would not die - he would live longer than all the people in the world, eternally, eternally.

"Don't listen to her nonsense." The Patriarch of the Ye family bent down with a loving face, "You are naturally different from these people. When you are in the right place, the Ye family can still have ten thousand years of prosperity—"

He seemed to see the infinitely glorious future of the Ye family through the immature child in front of him.

In the smoke, the child lowered his eyes.

… How to say.

In fact, he doesn't care about the Ye family's ten thousand years of prosperity.

Ye Yanzhi doesn't care about worldly affairs, gods have no seven emotions, no six desires.

The Patriarch of the Ye family said: "The words are really different, never like ordinary children." When he said this, several Ye family juniors were kneeling in the ancestral temple, punishing themselves for causing trouble in the mortal world.

Ye Yanzhi was only seven or eight years old at the time, and looked at the people below coldly with his hands behind his back, "I don't want anything."

The head of the family didn't care, and said casually: "If you want something, you can just say it."

Any family that gets a god will confess, and Ye Yanzhi is no exception. He nodded dispensably, taking it as an insignificant remark.

What could a god want? The desires in this world are not worth mentioning in front of him.

But just a few days later, Ye Yanzhi knew for the first time that he would have private thoughts. That day when he stepped into the gate, a child who came out of the ancestral temple tripped over the high threshold and fell straight into his arms.

Through the misty white mist, those eyes also met his. The very faint scent of medicine swept past his nose, it seemed like a seriously ill child, but for some reason, it was the first time that the young god liked it.

He changed his mind.

This should belong to his child, and should be raised with him.

Ye Yanzhi stood in front of the Patriarch, and said without hesitation or room for negotiation: "I want him."

It was the first time that the head of the family heard him speak in such a tone, and was surprised. He looked in the direction of his gaze, and it was another child who came into his sight. He was being held by a woman with a sad expression, dazed and unaware Looked up at them in bewilderment—

His eyes are very clear, like two ambers soaked in cold well water. They were born on a pale face, without any blood color, and even pale blue blood vessels could be faintly seen.

At that moment, the head of the family trembled.

how is this possible? !

He remembers the kid.

Brought by their mother for help, wishing them to turn their lives upside down—

This is a fate of premature death, not even three months.

But more importantly, at this very moment, through this fate, he vaguely saw another black thread growing intermittently, running under the pale skin. This black line is mixed with spots of golden light, which is a symbol of entanglement with the gods.

... This newborn is clearly an immortal life.

The author has something to say: Ye Yanzhi: I feel a bit at a loss when I think so.

Kou Dong: ...? ?

Ye Yanzhi: I have raised you for so long, but you still want to be my father.

Generations gradually become chaotic.

Kou Dong: ...


If you still haven't watched Big Eye Boy, please pay attention, there is already a chapter that has been updated, and another chapter will be updated this Saturday! When you watch the episode, you can clearly see the author's mental journey, from "I must do a big job" to "Wow, there are colleagues next to me" to "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow process.

But this time at home, without colleagues, you can play freely!

Next time, I will write Caisheng first. If you have any good update methods, please let me know. The current method is prone to problems TAT

And, if you want a refund, please knock on me, comments are easy to be swallowed, thank you little angels again. I am working hard to adjust, hoping to give you more compensation.