Woke Up, The Love Game Became A Thriller

Chapter 159: decisive battle (4)


Everyone in the world longs for longevity.

In ancient times, emperors spent thousands of dollars in begging for elixir, and now the centenarians in Changshou Village are regarded as blessings. Because of these two words, there are always idiots who come to the door of the Ye family, begging the Ye family to protect them from life and death.

But from the perspective of the Ye family, the word longevity is absurd on the one hand and ignorant on the other.

The absurd is that it is said to be a long life, but in fact it is only a short hundred years, and it is only a moment in the world; the ignorant is that it does not know that the way is in the sky, fate is fixed, and ethics are human, how can they be reversed at will

But now, the Patriarch of the Ye family clearly saw the destiny of immortality from the face of the child in front of him. He was terrified by it, and gave birth to 12 points of vigilance——

This should not be the fate of mortals.

Who will turn things around for him

"I want him."

When he was silent, Ye Yanzhi had already repeated this sentence again, he was still holding the hand of the child beside him, raised his dark eyes, "He followed me."

The head of the Ye family tried to persuade him, but when he met his gaze, his heart suddenly turned cold, realizing that the other party did not give him room to refuse.

It's not asking for his opinion either.

When he came to his senses, he stopped talking immediately. The Ye family will still rely on this young god in the future, if there is no Ye Yanzhi, how can there be another hundred years of glory

I had to nod.

Gray smoke curled up, covering most of his brows and eyes. Among them, Ye Yanzhi asked the child who was still confused by him in a gentle voice: "What's your name?"

"Kou Dong..."

The child answered in a low voice, looked up at his mother, and explained softly, "I, I was born in winter."

At that time, Kou Dong was only six years old, and his mother held the other hand, revealing a terribly pale face, even his fingernails and lips were white. Those are the traces left by the genetic disease on him. He had been weak and sickly since he was born. He was supposed to have a miscarriage, but his father passed away when his wife was just pregnant. He became the only consolation for the woman who was about to become a mother, and he refused to give up no matter what.

After seeing many doctors and drinking countless medicines, he was born. Kou Dong was born weighing less than three catties, and was admitted to the ICU as soon as he was born.

In the years since then, he has spent more time in the hospital than at home, and has been hanging by medicine for a long time. After he was five years old, finally even doctors could not save him.

Just these two years.

They all gave the woman this result with regret, and advised her: "It's better... let the child suffer less."

But women don't want to believe it. She is just such a relative, she would rather die than her child, no matter what method she tried, she wanted to keep her child alive. The doctors in the world were helpless, so she began to pray to gods and Buddhas, and finally found out about Ye's family from a master, and immediately brought her child to ask for help from thousands of miles away.

The matter of Kou Dong staying in the Ye family can be said to be settled immediately. His mother agreed without hesitation. The moment she heard the other party's words, she burst into tears and dragged her son to kneel down. stopped.

"Don't kneel. Who can say accurately about life and death?"

He didn't say anything with a deeper meaning.

The Ye family themselves are the executioners of the dead. Now, do those who hold the butcher's knife want to protect them and indulge them under their noses

This is just listening, it makes people feel ridiculous.

What's even more ridiculous is that they have nothing to do about it.

Kou Dong just moved into the residence of the gods. In order to cultivate the relationship between Ye Yanzhi and the Ye family as early as possible, the owner of the family has always taken him to live in the ancestral temple, but now that there is an extra Kou Dong, Ye Yanzhi asked for another place, and the two moved in alone. It's not too big, it's a small and neat yard, but fortunately there are flowers in front and trees in the back, it's quiet and clean, no one else dares to come in to disturb it, not even the god of death dares to approach it at will.

Although the young god claimed to be mentally mature, it was the first time raising a child. Besides, he himself was also a child, and he had never met his peers, so it was hard to avoid. The Ye family has the blood of a celestial master, and there are many people who practice at night. At the beginning, he didn't even know that Kou Dong needed to sleep at night, and he didn't arrange for Kou Dong to sleep for two or three consecutive days.

Xiao Koudong suffered only because he was naturally sensible when facing such a stern-faced stranger, he didn't dare to talk when he was sleepy, and he didn't dare to take a nap even when his head was like a chicken pecking rice. In addition, he was born weak, and he almost fainted soon, which frightened Ye Yanzhi into confusion.

It was so easy to save the person, but the young god immediately asked, "Why didn't you tell me?"

Xiao Koudong died of grievances, and finally choked up in a low voice: "You are scary..."

After all, he was still young, and Ye Yanzhi remained expressionless all day long, looking at everyone with awe-inspiring power, and Ye's family members respected him when they saw him. Coupled with the fact that he occasionally caught a glimpse of the lonely ghosts who came to pay Ye Yanzhi's peace, they nodded and bowed cautiously in front of Ye Yanzhi, and the young gods were basically equated with these in his heart.

Lonely ghosts are tantamount to scary.

Ye Yanzhi, who is stronger than them...

It can only be equal to more scary!

Xiao Koudong was so frightened that he didn't sleep for a few days and didn't dare to mention it, for fear that he would be dragged to slaughter if he mentioned it.

Regarding this, Ye Yanzhi: "..."

He is not, he does not.

It's you who think too much.

Ye Yanzhi finally realized what was wrong, and began to clumsily try to take care of the child in a child's way, playing and chatting with him, and finally opened the child's heart, in exchange for a timid "Brother Yanzhi" .

In Kou Dong's eyes, brother Yanzhi is always powerful, extremely powerful. When he was a child, he watched cartoons in the ward, and always yearned for a hero in the cartoon, who could help him drive away his illness and pain at once.

Now the heroes in their minds all have the same name, and they are all called Ye Yanzhi.

Ye Yanzhi Ye Yanzhi Ye Yanzhi.

Reading these words, it seems that even the shadow of death has dissipated. Kou Dong even forgot that his original date of death passed by in such a day-to-day manner.

His illness relapsed twice during this period. He was talking to Ye Yanzhi at first, but when Ye Yanzhi looked back, he had already fallen on his back, his face was as pale as a piece of freshly printed paper, in one sentence I couldn't say anything, and fell to the ground in a faint.

Ye Yanzhi was frightened by him once, and only experienced it the second time, he took out the medicine from the medicine bottle and poured it into his mouth.

His little friend always has a lot of medicine, and he carries a big medicine jar with him. The head of the Ye family sometimes said: "I am afraid that this child has suffered a lot since he was a child."

I have been ill since birth, and pain has become a common occurrence. The kind of pain that is unbearable for adults, he was able to express it by crying when he was just born, but now that he is a little older, knowing that this kind of crying might make his mother uncomfortable, he simply didn't say a word.

Ye Yanzhi covered his forehead with his hands, and asked him if it hurt, and Xiao Koudong could open his eyes and tell him it didn't hurt.

With the fine sweat on his forehead, he smiled slowly, and repeated as if he was afraid that he would not believe it: "It really doesn't hurt."

The young god didn't withdraw his hand, and didn't make a sound for a long time.

He is not stupid, so he can tell that the child is lying. For some reason, his heart seemed to be gripped by an invisible hand, and this hand tightened a little bit. For the first time, he felt the delicate and unfamiliar pain emanating from his chest cavity.

The head of the Ye family advised him several times not to be so hard-working, "After all, he is just a mortal and cannot stay with you for a long time..."

The young god seemed to have listened, but also seemed not to listen, and did not respond.

The Patriarch of the Ye family persuaded again: "You treat him sincerely. If one day the time limit is up, wouldn't it be uncomfortable? Besides, he is not from the Ye family. If he later failed your heart—"

Ye Yanzhi raised his head and looked straight at him with thick black eyes. That look made Patriarch Ye's heart tremble slightly.

"What is it that makes grandpa unhappy?"

He said slowly.

"Is he dying soon, or..."

"Isn't his surname Ye?"

Patriarch Ye was speechless for a while. He regards the young god as the blessing of the Ye family, how can he be happy to see that the other party loves outsiders other than the Ye family who come to share the wealth

He couldn't even tell what Ye Yanzhi liked about that child. Is it looks? temperament? Or next to it

The Ye family has been proud for many years, and the house is full of descendants, including many young children. He tried to find the same sick one, the same harmless soft temperament, the same brown eyes, it can be said that he tried all kinds of things that could be tried, and he tried them all.

However, it was useless. The young god didn't even look at other people.

"And don't bring other people to see me again," the young god said softly, "Don't do it again."

He is not a merciful god. On the contrary, he is paranoid, vicious, and ruthless, and no one can make him change his mind except what he has already determined.

The Patriarch of the Ye family hesitated and said after a long time: "But his lifespan..."

Ye Yanzhi didn't speak any more.

His paranoia has actually shown its head at this moment, making him determined to protect the child he decided to protect regardless of everything.

Kou Dong is unique. The child god loved his brownish, translucent pupils, half melted like honey; On his knees, the half-warm and half-warm body temperature; I like the two light blue blood vessels on his neck, which seem to be dizzy and open. Appearance, temperament, experience, it is these that make people unique and unusual. Not to mention substitution, even similarity is a luxury.

Ye Yanzhi's eyes gradually gathered together. He looked straight into the distance, and there was a black shadow looming on the high eaves there.

"Wrong," a voice from the bottom of my heart told him decisively, and the god seal buzzed and vibrated, sending out a sharp reminder for the first time in history, "You can't think like this. This thought will make you angry, obsessed, and The dark side, once the dark side emerges, you will end up doomed—”

But Ye Yanzhi strangled the voice without hesitation.

"I won't watch him die."

"I won't—see him die."

He suddenly taught Kou Dong a new game one night.

"Hide and seek," the child god told him. "Hide, hide—don't be found."

Xiao Koudong raised his face and looked at him in confusion, because Yan Zhi's brother was still holding his hand, and the two held hands tightly, and there was no sign of letting go.

But how to play hide-and-seek? Aren't they the only ones who hide and those who catch

Ye Yanzhi's hands were cold, not as warm as his.

"I didn't catch it," said the young god lightly, "someone will come to catch him."

"Someone will come... to play with us."

One night, Ye Yanzhi woke him up from his dream. Kou Dong raised his head, but heard a strange sound of approaching footsteps. The footsteps dragged very slowly, each step seemed to be heavy and strenuous, accompanied by the sound of iron chains rattling.

someone is coming.

Ye Yanzhi pulled him up without saying a word, covered his mouth and shook his head, motioning for him: Hide!

Still holding hands, they quietly slipped out of the room and all the way to the courtyard. The sound came and went, and Kou Dong caught a glimpse of a long and thin black figure, wrapped in a thick and wide hood, with an unusual pointed weapon in his hand.

His body was filled with such a thick and low breath, which made Xiao Koudong inexplicably frightening. He shrank back to the side of the young god, and asked in a low voice who it was.

The young god also answered him truthfully.

"It's Death."

Kou Dong's face suddenly turned pale.

"grim Reaper?"

He naturally knew what Death was doing. His mother prayed to gods and worshiped Buddha all day long, and often set up an offering table for the god of death at home, begging the other party to let her son go for the sake of these tributes. From then on, Kou Dong knew that the god of death came to take him away.

Ye Yanzhi quickly felt his curling up.

"Don't be afraid," the god covered his ears with his small palm, "don't be afraid..."

Together they looked at the courtyard in front of them. In the misty white mist, black shadows gradually approached.

On the other end, there was the low voice of the young god.

"You just treat this as a game of hide and seek."

Those who catch people are ghosts, and those who are caught are people.

Don't let ghosts find you—

Kou Dong suddenly closed his eyes, the figure of the god of death was already close in front of him, and the cold light of the sickle frequently flickered in front of him. He could even see the lifeless eyes under the hood, staring at him, cold, emotionless—

He wanted to shout, wanted to shout loudly. His heart was beating fast out of his chest, and he realized that he was still going to die.

There is no escape—he must die. This seemed to be a doomed ending that could not be escaped. No matter how many times he tried, he could not change the fate of early death.

But the young god still didn't let go of his hands covering his ears.

"I'll make him invisible to you."

He murmured as if swearing, and dragged the child closer to him. Kou Dong could smell the faint breath coming from him, as if it was snow on a high mountain, or a pine tree standing upright in winter. Through the hazy white mist, his deep eyebrows are still clearly visible.

"I will, keep him from seeing you."

He forcefully created a life for him in death. In the countless days that followed, countless games of hide-and-seek unfolded in the small courtyard, and then expanded from this small courtyard to the streets where Kou Dong lived, and to the entire dead. He hid Kou Dong at the core of the game , leading his children out of the shadow of death time and time again.

Just like what he said to Kou Dong at the beginning, this is a game, a turn-based hide-and-seek.


In the labyrinth made of spider silk, the pale-faced Kou Dong appeared before his eyes. There was the gray rabbit in front of him, also looking up, and he saw unmistakable hatred in the eyes of the two.

His children found him.

"Stop watching," Lin Mengmeng urged, "You should do it! If you don't do it, those spiders will follow again!"

As if to verify his words, there were subtle rustling sounds in the distance, like the sound of insect limbs rubbing against the ground.

"Here they come," said Gray Rabbit anxiously, "you—"

Kou Dong's pupils were not focused, and the emptiness floated in the air, "Let me think about it."

Actually no time to think anymore.

In just a few minutes, he saw once again the hideous, compound-eyed heads of the giant insects at the end of his line of sight—looking at him, rustling with unmistakable joy, stepping on the sticky The white spider web approached him.

At this moment, he is the prey stuck in the spider's web.

The gray rabbit made an inhalation sound like fear, then turned to look at him, and gritted its teeth as if it had made up its mind.

"If you don't think about it, you can think about it again. I can barely hold on for a while."

"But you have to remember, we don't have much time left!... There are so many people waiting for you!"

After saying this, it was also ready to fight, and with a sudden push of its hind legs, it started a fight with the nearest spider. Its small size has no advantage in battle. Basically, it was played back and forth between the claws of a few spiders, and it was thrown back and forth, and the little fluff fell down.

If so, it is still shouting at Kou Dong:

"You... think again! I'll stick to it!"

Up to now, Kou Dong actually only has this companion left by his side. Only this one companion ran out with him back then, and now he came back again for him, just to save him.

And Song Hong.

And Ashe.

And gardeners.

There are many other players.

They were all still buried under the spider silk ruins, and they didn't know when they would be completely shrouded in the shadow of death.

Kou Dong really wanted to have a cigarette. He is not a person who likes to smoke, but now he really wants to smoke one.

He looked down at the person in front of him.

Ye Yanzhi also raised his jaw slightly and looked at him.

It was as if what he held in his hand was not the last arrow that could kill him.

"Zai," the young man finally lowered his head and whispered, "how did things become like this?"

I can still vividly remember the moment Ye Yanzhi was drawn from the prize pool. He worked so hard to finally hatch that egg, took Ye Yanzhi by his side, and treated him as his own—at that time, he never imagined that there would be such a son who would harbor unruly feelings towards his old father and lead to father and son. The bloody ending of hatred and love and killing each other.

What kind of plot is this? It doesn't fit the perception of a sweet girl like Kou Dong from an anchor!

It's like a vulgar family ethics drama!

Ye Yanzhi only slightly hooked the corners of his mouth. His strength was exhausted.

From the death of the god of death to the present, he has suffered powerful revenge from the rules. The stronger the dead person is now, the weaker his strength will be.

Now, he would really be killed by that arrow.

Kou Dong stood in front of him, sizing him up seriously for the last time, staring at his extraordinarily dark and deep eyebrows.

"Will you regret it?"

The god struggled to shake his head slightly.

"Don't think you killed me," he finally said staccato to his child, "it was—it was me."

"... not you."

What Shenyin said was absolutely right, his greed, anger, and obsession eventually taught him that he could never recover.

And the young man should be innocent, dreaming back at midnight, he didn't want it to be a nightmare about murder.

"The hide-and-seek is over," he finally whispered tenderly. He actually wanted to reach out and touch the child he had raised twice with his own hands, but now he is imprisoned and cannot be touched. A slight indistinguishable movement, "You win."

Kou Dong's eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of mist, and it seemed to disappear in a blink of an eye. He exhaled lightly, and stroked the sharp arrow with his fingers.

In fact, there was nothing to hesitate at all, there was no other way in front of him.



The right hand moves backward slowly, full of the bowstring, like a beautiful crescent moon.

The tip of the arrow moved down slowly, aiming at the chest of the person in front of him, which was entwined with spider silk. From a distance, the gray rabbit was stunned for a while.

His voice was dry and his voice became hoarse.

"Bye now."



He changed direction abruptly.

- one!

What a sharp arrow! At that moment, it seemed to come alive, and it shot forward quickly, leaving only an almost invisible afterimage. Accompanied by a flash of cold light and the sound of tearing the air, it moved forward accurately, piercing itself through the chest in front of it without hesitation.

—soft, hairy chest.

The gray rabbit looked down slowly, and the arrow was not elsewhere.

It is firmly inserted in its chest.

In an instant, the dead let out an unprecedented stern roar, and countless spiders rushed to the place—while Kou Dong, who was in the center of the storm, still maintained his archery posture and watched calmly.

Lin Mengmeng didn't fall down, it was still standing. Its black buttonholes stared at Kou Dong, moved its mouth, and finally said, "Why?"

It's starting to melt. Clusters of soft fur flew up from it, and in a trance, vague human figures emerged from it, first the godfather, then the siren, Ye Yan, the psychology teacher, the vampire, the ghost baby... all these were on it like a revolving lantern. The changes and fusions on his body finally formed a face that was exactly the same as Ye Yanzhi.

And it looked at Kou Dong with Ye Yanzhi's eyes.

From the eye socket, a drop of pitch-black blood dripped slowly, stagnating forever on the cheek.

"Master, why...kill me?"

"Why?" The corners of Kou Dong's lips hooked slightly, and he even smiled slightly, "Didn't you teach me this?"

"Never believe in games, only believe what you should believe."

"You're only a little wrong."

"Lin Mengmeng" still asked what it was, Kou Dong put down his bow and arrow, nodded his head, and said in a normal way: "You brought the whole world here, and I believe him too."

Ye Yanzhi's heart suddenly became hot.

"Do you know why?" Kou Dong sneered, "This is called father-son love, do you understand? I don't trust my own cub, am I sick, so I ran to trust you?"

"Lin Mengmeng" on the opposite side: "..."

Ye Yanzhi, who was well aware of his peeing nature, was still caught off guard by his child's sudden father-son relationship: "..."

Sure enough, no matter when.

He couldn't even get used to the meme.

The author has something to say: The next chapter will officially recover all the previous clues!

In fact, some readers have already analyzed it before, of course they will not fall in love and kill each other, we Dongdong are smart.

not stupid.
