Woke Up, The Love Game Became A Thriller

Chapter 160: Decisive battle (5)


"Lin Mengmeng" grinned and actually laughed. It is still against Ye Yanzhi's face, but it has a completely different aura from Ye Yanzhi—

Ye Yanzhi is cold and light, like snow accumulated on the top of a pine tree, not to be played with in the slightest.

With the same eyebrows and eyes, "Lin Mengmeng" showed a bit more gloomy face, from head to toe, it revealed another kind of paranoia that was almost crazy. When it looked at the young man in front of it, it hardly looked like it was looking at a person—that gaze was simply looking at a mass of living flesh that couldn't wait to chew it into pieces and swallow it into its stomach.

Kou Dong was all too familiar with this look. In the game copy of "The Dead", he was seen by NPCs with such eyes countless times. So much so that as soon as he received this gaze, he felt a vague pain in the egg.

At that time, he didn't know it, and thought that these NPCs were really affected by the so-called favorability, but now it seems that they are too young. — Judging from the wonderful face-changing of "Lin Mengmeng" just now, what kind of different npc is this

It's obviously all done by the same person!

Although there have been some speculations, this fact still caused Kou Tiantian's young heart to suffer a lot. He recalled the days when he was chased by NPCs in the dungeon, and felt the deep malice from the game of the dead again.

too difficult.

Why is it so difficult for him

"I've been thinking," Kou Dong said softly, "Why is there such a big difference between the content of the date and the copy?"

"What kind of producer is able to make this kind of..." He paused, looking for the most suitable adjective, "fucking design?"

It's a double sky of ice and fire. He was being chased all over the ground and then he was spoiled on a date. This must be something that a schizophrenic can come up with!

Which normal person would play like this!

Ye Yanzhi on the side: "..."

He suddenly felt a little pain in his knee.

"But later, I figured it out." Kou Dong pressed the tip of his tongue to his lower jaw, narrowed his eyes slightly, and smiled lazily, "Ah, it turns out that there is more than one designer for this game."

"That's why the system is so strange. It gives me an exchange pool to help me out, and it also hopes that I can stay in the game if I can't get out. Because from the beginning to the end, there are actually two sets of completely different design concepts in the system, but now The dark side prevails, and the world of dating is what the game is supposed to be—right, System?"

The system of "Dead Man" seems to be dead at the moment, without making a sound. But Kou Dong knew that it must still be lingering in a certain corner. It's just that at this moment, he was allowed to pick the skin, and he couldn't say anything.

"So I was thinking again," Kou Dong slowly paced in front of "Lin Mengmeng", "What made the game change suddenly?"

"Lin Mengmeng" had no expression on her face, her pupils seemed to be on fire.

"Later, you told me the answer yourself." Kou Dong smiled softly, and nodded himself with his fingertips, "It's me."

"I left."

"—the game just changed."

Because of this, the NPCs in the dungeon are so sensitive to things like death or leaving. Their nightingale flies away once, and they will never let it fly away a second time.

"Lin Mengmeng" raised her eyebrows, and let out a slight mocking laugh. It raised its eyes and looked straight at Ye Yanzhi, who was opposite him: "Useless trash."

Even people can't stand it.

Ye Yanzhi was indifferent, but old Kou's father was instantly unhappy. Said he could, said that his cub was obviously not good enough, he held a bow and arrow, and slapped "Lin Mengmeng" directly in the face.

"How did you talk to my cub?"

"Lin Mengmeng" turned her head sideways after being beaten, and faint red marks appeared on her face. Its figure became more and more transparent, almost turning into a handful of gray mist, only the eyes were gloomy.

The ground under his feet trembled even more violently. Lin Mengmeng coughed twice, instead of getting angry at being beaten, she laughed even deeper. It was out of breath from laughing, and bent down deeply, clutching its injured chest.

More blood dripped out from between the fingers, and the world gradually collapsed amidst the bang. After being slapped, Lin Mengmeng stood with red marks on her face in the snowflake-like background, laughing wildly by herself—to be honest, this scene looked a little scary, Kou Tiantian watched it After a while, he couldn't help showing a questioning look to Ye Yanzhi next to him.

Is this person sick? Slapping him can be happy for so long.

Looks like a shaking M.

Ye Yanzhi didn't respond, his lips were tightly pressed, his face was still pale.

Lin Mengmeng finally finished laughing, the corners of her mouth were still upturned, as if she had heard a joke.

"You treat him as your son, why don't you ask him what he thinks of you?"

That must not be a father, Kou Tiantian rarely felt a little guilty, but soon regained her composure: "What's none of your business?"

"It's not my business?"

Lin Mengmeng lowered her eyes and said with a smile, "Of course it's none of my business."

A dark fire burned in his eyes.

"He brought you to me."

"—He brought you here, how could he let you leave like this?"

Ye Yanzhi suddenly raised his head.

"Guess, young master," Lin Mengmeng said with infinite tenderness and malice, "Guess, who am I?"

Ye Yanzhi finally reacted, his pupils shrank sharply!

"Guess," Lin Mengmeng said, "you look at my face, who am I?"

Kou Dong looked at it like he was looking at a lunatic.

Of course it won't be Lin Mengmeng. The real Lin Mengmeng was already dead when she was made into a rabbit, and what was attached to this body afterwards was just a ghost belonging to this game, and a man behind the scenes put on this layer of skin.

And now, it asked him this way, what did it want to hear from him

Kou Dong suddenly felt a strange feeling. He followed this face carefully, then turned his head to look at Ye Yanzhi again. This similarity didn't touch him too deeply just now, but for some reason, at this moment, it suddenly exploded in his heart like a thunderbolt.

"—Don't look at it."

The young god behind said suddenly.

His voice was calm, not trembling, but dry.

"it's me."

He saw the expression of the young man for a moment, as if a layer of gray had fallen all of a sudden: "What?"

Ye Yanzhi's lips moved slightly.

Time turned abruptly before his eyes, and then hurriedly traced back to the source. When he blatantly violated the law of heaven and decided to take his child away from life and death, the seal of God trembled, and quietly cast a small, dark shadow behind him.

Day after day, year after year. In the growing selfish desires and darkness, in the irrepressible conjectures and thoughts, the shadow was fed up. It lived on his private thoughts about the child, poking its head out every night when it was quietly sprouting.

It is the most secret desire of the gods that cannot be uttered, and it is a thought that should not exist, which is shameful but cannot be stifled. It is a unique monster that emerges from under the skin of a god, and it wants to devour that person with its bloody fangs.

Just as the psychology teacher said, Ye Yanzhi was never qualified to criticize them. They imprisoned, possessed, and bound them, all of which were just reflections of his heart.

If he had never had such an idea, where would there be a so-called "Lin Mengmeng" in this world

Where would there be a second dead man

In this regard, it is not wrong in fact.

He raised his dark eyes, and finally revealed the last truth to the young man standing in front of him—

"—it's me."

The first time Ye Yanzhi discovered the existence of the shadow was when the child was twelve years old, when Kou Dong left Ye's house. At that time, Kou Dong had lived for another six or seven years under the protection of the Ye family, and the god of death quickly discovered the key point, wandering around the small courtyard day and night, disturbing Kou Dong, who couldn't sleep for a moment. At this time, Ye Yanzhi was not yet in his seat, and he could not be regarded as a real god. He gradually realized that this method alone could not truly protect the child.

He had to find another way.

He decided to send Kou Dong out.

This move was actually considered a dangerous move. When Yan Zhi's brother said that he wanted to leave by himself, Kou Dong, who had been raised by him for many years, couldn't accept it at all for a while—but he trusted Ye Yanzhi after all, and finally obediently obeyed.

Under the protection of the young god, he quietly walked out of the gate of the Ye family. Before leaving, the god took off a lock of his hair and put it in a wooden man in front of him, and in a blink of an eye another Kou Dong who was exactly the same was transformed.

This is a substitute used to fool Tiandao.

Even after seeing many miraculous spells, Xiao Koudong was stunned by this move. Seeing him in a daze, the fingertips of the young gods nodded between his brows.

His hands were cold, but Kou Dong's body temperature was slightly warm.

He said, "Wait for me."

Xiao Koudong held back the tears in his eyes, grabbed the door frame, and asked him aggrievedly how many years to wait.

"When you grow up," he patted the child's head earnestly, and made an unbreakable oath to him, "when you grow up—"

"I'll pick you up."

This is not a lie. When he grows into a proper god, he will naturally reappear. At that time, he will be capable enough to protect the people he wants to protect.

But even though Ye Yanzhi planned all of this very clearly, when he saw the child walk out of the door of Ye's house with his own eyes, he still felt a little annoyed. He stood under the tree in the courtyard and watched. The moment the thin child stepped out of the threshold, he showed a slightly dazed expression. It was the Ye family's technique that was gradually clearing away the memories related to Yin and Yang. Simple experiences are left—this is also their rule.

Stepping out from here is to leave this world of yin and yang and return to the human world.

Heaven will not allow mortals to remember.

The child lingered at the door for a while, and was finally led away by a pair of women's hands. The woman who rushed over held his hand tightly, took him away step by step, and gradually lengthened the distance between them, he watched the child's hair jumping in the wind, a little bit blurred——

In the end, it was completely out of his sight.

Ye Yanzhi knew that all of this was necessary, but he still couldn't restrain his anger.

It was at that time that he turned his head and saw the shadow facing himself for the first time.

It came back to life, and it was still a short and small ball at that time, squeezed and fell on the ground, and the five senses could barely be discerned—it opened its mouth wide, and it was also full of anger, trying to chase the child back. Under the pressure, he didn't move. He once asked the Patriarch of the Ye family how to resolve it.

The head of the Ye family asked: "Why did you give birth to a demon?"

The god didn't answer, and after a while he said slowly: "Because of people."

The head of the Ye family lowered his eyes: "Then kill people."

A kind of unspeakable anger suddenly appeared in the heart of the god, and the black shadow behind him became more and more vivid, half standing up, staring at the Patriarch with no expression on his face.

"What if it's because of God?"

The head of the Ye family opened his eyes: "Then kill the gods."

Ye Yanzhi's voice was cold: "What do you mean?"

This is obviously prevarication.

"In other words, why are you in a hurry?" The Patriarch of the Ye family lay on the sickbed, coughed for a long time, and finally said what was in his heart, "I know where your inner demons are, if you practice hard, you will be able to get back to work as soon as possible." If you are in the position, you can kill the god of death, so why care about a little demon?"

Ye Yanzhi watched him, seeing his urgency. The time limit for the Patriarch was approaching, and before he passed away, he couldn't wait to win more for the Ye family.

The sooner the gods take their positions, the better they can protect the Ye family. He knew better than anyone else that this god was indifferent by nature, so he had to use that child as his weakness to persuade him, and he only hoped that he would change his mind a little.

At this time, it's too late for the owner to take care of the Ye family, so how can he really take care of Ye Yanzhi

Ye Yanzhi once again realized that he was alone. He didn't feel it when the child was by his side, but now it seemed to be all the more vivid, making it unbearable for him.

When he walked out of the ancestral temple, his biological mother was standing under a tree talking to people outside, her eyes were cold when she looked at him, as if she was watching the murder of a son and an enemy. The people around looked at him with respect, but that respect was lifeless, as if they were looking at a statue, a mountain that could support them.

… boring.


The only thing that is interesting is no longer there.

Ye Yanzhi did not get an answer from the Patriarch. Fortunately, the shadow only appeared for a moment, and soon disappeared, and he simply threw it behind him, and he never thought of it for a long time. Even though Kou Dong was gone, he still used his spells to look at him often. Later, even the spells made him feel inadequate, so he simply divided his thoughts and watched quietly.

The Ye family's car pulled him, not far behind the child. Kou Dong was very popular at the beginning, and he was always surrounded by several people. Sometimes when he was discovered by those people, they would come and knock on his window.

At that time, Kou Dong was alive, he was running and jumping, and his face was slightly red in the heat of the sun—he was not as pale as when he first entered Ye’s house, which made the gods gain a kind of An unspeakable sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

Kou Dong has become a normal child, and gradually drifts away from ghosts and gods.

Kami convinced himself to accept this.

He wanted the child alive more than that.

But as Kou Dong grew up day by day and his figure became thinner, things gradually changed.

At first someone handed love letters to Kou Dong.

At the beginning, the god didn't realize what the mortal trotting all the way and handing the thin sheets of paper to his child represented. He only heard a burst of booing beside him. Exploring desire, each other laughing and laughing together.

This laughter made Ye Yanzhi feel strange, so he read the letter. The letter was not explicit, reserved and shy, but it caused the god to be furious like never before—at that moment, he even had the heart to kill her.

How dare she? !

Before that, he didn't even think that Kou Dong might belong to a mortal. The logic in Shenshen's heart is simple and clear. Kou Dong was raised by him, so it should be taken for granted that he should belong to him without a doubt.

How could it be someone else's

But when he woke up from such anger, he found that the black shadow behind him appeared again. This time, its eyebrows and eyes became clearer, and it even developed its limbs to move the vehicle, teaching it to slam into the girl who was crossing the road.

Groups of grieving ghosts laughed softly, and surrounded her, circling around her, covering her eyes and ears—

All this happened in an instant.

If he wakes up one second later, this flesh and blood mortal will have completely stepped on the road to hell.

It was also from then on that he completely stripped the darkness that should not have been born from himself, and sealed this half of himself in the abyss forever. There are no stars, sun and moon, and time passes, and it will always be swallowed up in it.

God only wanted to be wrong about one thing.

As long as the child is alive, it will not die. It would crawl out of the carcass too, and it would always find him.

It respawns in Dead Man's Game.


Lin Mengmeng let out an undisguised mocking laugh.

"I originally thought that if he kills you, I can replace you." Lin Mengmeng raised her jaw slightly, her figure was almost transparent, she could only murmur to herself, "Waste, waste—I became a god, Absolutely won't let him go."

He was born to be its nightingale.

It seems to have seen Kou Dong back then in a haze. It was in the story of the dead, and it held the little baby in its arms, shaking it gently up and down.


The foreground changes, it is tall, supporting the godson who is dancing on his feet carefully. The godson's face was as white as oriental jade, and when he leaned his head against its chest, it was like a snow-white and warm dove folded its wings, handed its body tremblingly into its hands, and leaned against it. It's heart.

The siren and her lover turned into foam in the sea, and Ye Yan accompanied her daughter to the last Snow Country.

The evil god stood beside the righteous god, the vampire put away his fangs, the baby ghost grew into an adult who could shelter him from the wind and rain, and the psychology teacher kissed his students sideways in the night's fireworks and cool wind.

There is no death, no fear, no parting.

This is the real story of the dead.

This is the world Ye Yanzhi built for his children. There is a Kou Dong in every world, they enjoy thousands of favors, they belong to the sunshine, petals and the looming bright moon in the water.

After the real protagonist withdrew and left, these worlds finally collapsed inch by inch in the wind. Finally the dust settled and the curtain fell—

It changed from a hymn full of love to an elegy of blood and ashes.


"Lin Mengmeng" was still coughing, and suddenly inserted both hands deeply into the bloody chest, and pulled out a heart with sticky blood and arrows stuck in it—it was also almost transparent. that's it.

Kou Dong didn't move at all, this scene gradually overlapped with the scene of the evil god before his eyes. In the middle of the crumbling world, they took out that heart without hesitation, like a sacrifice—

Those dark and crazy loves are hidden deep in it like bright red blood vessels, and only those who hide them are happy.

They drink this madness like honey.

"Born because of you, and dying for you," "Lin Mengmeng" said slowly, her eyes still fixed on him, "it's not a bad thing."

The system voice suddenly appeared again:

[The system has been destroyed, all players will be removed from the game world. The extraction will take place in ten seconds, and the countdown begins.]

"what… "

"Lin Mengmeng" seemed a bit pity, "There is no time."

It still held the heart that had been shot by an arrow, and didn't ask Kou Dong if he wanted more. He just raised his hand and threw it heavily into the dust—it fell heavily, splashing a small piece of flying air. dust.

Kou Dong's toes couldn't help but took a slight step towards it, as if a thorn had been stuck in his heart, and he couldn't spit it out, only bringing a small, unspeakable pain.

Whether this is love, even he can't say clearly. This deformed and morbid injustice came from him, and finally died in his hands.

He can't give positive feedback to such love, but he can't be indifferent either. Man is such a strange and contradictory creature.

"Lin Mengmeng" lowered her head and made an elegant medieval salute.



Its figure gradually faded, and finally completely disappeared from Kou Dong's sight——

"The Dead" completely collapsed before his eyes, quickly shrinking into a painting with only some messy white lines left. He was thrown into the sky far away, and the feeling of weightlessness came up all at once.


[Transmission starts.]

A strong suction came suddenly, and his eyes were suddenly plunged into a vast darkness. In a trance, he didn't know whether it was the wind or something else, and the last words were sent to his ears far away.

"I wish you a long life, my young master."

"May the shadow of death never be able to cover you."

The author has something to say: sort out the general logic.

Kou Tiantian was sick since she was a child, and when she was taken by her mother to beg Ye Yanzhi, she was taken by Ye Yanzhi, and she stayed by her side to play hide-and-seek with death for several years.

(The first game with Death)

After being discovered by the god of death, Ye Yanzhi sent Kou Tiantian back to the present world, leaving a puppet by his side to fool the god of death, but he did not expect that he would give birth to a demon.

(Second round with Reaper)

When Kou Dong grows up, Ye Yanzhi seals the heart demon to look for him again, but the god of death finds out and takes Kou Dong's life away.

(The third game with Reaper)

In order to save his child bride-in-law, Ye Yanzhi built a dead man's game, and hid Kou Dong's soul in the core copy of the game, resurrecting his inner demons.

(Fourth game with Reaper)

Kou Dong finds himself in the game by accident, escapes spontaneously, the game of the dead becomes black, and later pulls Kou Dong into the game again. The god of death followed into the game and was finally killed by Ye Yanzhi.

(Fifth game with Reaper)

Calculated in this way, this can actually be called the history of the struggle with the god of death. I have to say that it is really not easy for the god of death to get a salary...


Let's write about Tiantian in the next episode, I really want to write about Tiantian. Write a warm one, write a ghost baby!

The new article is already being saved, and it will not be published until 30,000, so as to ensure the update (crying) This is the longest article I have ever written, and it should be the only article that has been written for such a long time. I really feel sorry for everyone. It’s like trying a subject that I’ve always wanted to try, but it’s painful to write. QAQ is like squeezing toothpaste…

Write something happy in the next book, and restore the familiar Tiantian and Shura field~


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