Wolves of a Pair Prowl Together

Chapter 105


The yard was very lively, no one noticed what the two people were doing in the room, Bian Nan bent down against the wall for a while, and then walked out behind Qiu Yi.

Qiu Yan was very interested in the remote control plane that Xu Rui bought for him, so he took it apart and played with it in the yard when no one was around.

When the yard door was pushed open, the plane swooped down on the door and landed on the head of the person who came in.

"Hey! What is this!" the man covered his head and shouted.

"Luo Yiyang!" Qiu Yan happily called out, "My plane!"

"Did you do it on purpose..." Luo Yiyang swept around the yard, "You still play this game with so many people?"

"Come on!" Someone said something.

"Here we come." Luo Yiyang responded.

There was a wave of greetings in the yard, as if everyone knew everyone.

"Happy birthday," Luo Yiyang walked up to Qiu Yi, and handed him a box wrapped in a bag in his hand, "For you, this thing... You always have a long time to make up lessons and you should need it."

"What?" Bian Nan leaned over to take a look, "press... a massager?"

"The waist massager," Luo Yiyang said, "how about it, can you use it?"

Qiu Yi looked at the picture of an old man leaning on a massager on the box and smiled for a long time: "I have seen what I will look like in fifty years..."

"Sitting always makes your waist tired." Luo Yiyang patted him on the shoulder, turned his head to look at the people in the yard, "Can I eat? Did I come just in time?"

"Go to work!" Bian Nan gave him a push, "Just right!"

Bian Nan was in a good mood, this is what he wanted for his birthday, a group of friends got together carelessly, no matter if you knew each other or not, just drink and eat to brag and be full of enthusiasm.

Luo Yiyang was quite thoughtful, because he came by car, and he also brought a set of barbecue grills.

Three barbecue grills were lined up in the yard. The girls were in charge of sprinkling the seasoning, and the boys were in charge of grilling. It didn't take long to eat them all, and I didn't know if they were cooked or not.

Qiu Yi, the birthday star, was left alone. Bian Nan brought a few skewers over, and wanted to get some for Qiu Yan, but when he turned his face, he found that the little guy had already taken several skewers, and he didn’t know who would bake them for him. of.

"We have been forgotten." Bian Nan handed the meat skewers to Qiu Yi.

"Are you happy?" Qiu Yi asked him after taking a bite.

"That's right." Bian Nan leaned against the grape trellis and looked up, "Are these grapes edible? Oh, there are a lot of grapes!"

"Be quiet," Qiu Yi raised his index finger, "They haven't noticed it yet, we just take it off later, and if they hear it, we have to remove the shelf together."

"This year's grapes seem to be more fruitful than last year." Bian Nan raised his head, and among the large leaves, there were more than a dozen clusters of grapes, large and small, at a glance. "Is it fertilized?"

"Well," Qiu Yi nodded, "Fertilize, love, the ingredient list includes kissing and touching the caterpillar, and the big one who drank too much..."

"Fuck," Bian Nan bit the bamboo stick and rubbed his hands on his arms, "Shut up."

After a round of eating, a pot of skewered skewers bottomed out, and Qiu Yi called Shen Tao over: "I think this skewered skewers are definitely not enough to eat, and there are still some marinated skewers. Just take it out and grill it, you can grab it with your hands."

"I'll go take a look." Shen Tao said with a smile, then turned around and called the two girls to the kitchen.

"Let's pick the grapes." Qiu Yi took a stool.

"Okay." Bian Nan ran to the side and brought a basket.

As soon as Qiu Yi took the scissors and stood on the stool, someone saw it immediately and shouted: "Hey, there are grapes!"

"Hey, I thought it was fake! Here are some strings!" Another person shouted.

"They're all standing," Qiu Yi shook the scissors in his hand, "I feel like I'm about to grab them."

"No, how dare you snatch the boss." Someone said with a smile.

"Then maybe, the sports school is here." Someone answered.

"Come on," Wan Fei said happily, rolling up his sleeves, "It just so happens that I haven't been active for a long time."

"Forget about Bian Nan and Wan Fei, it's not easy to mess with," the man also smiled, and said with emotion, "Hey, it was like that at the beginning, but now they can still get together for a barbecue..."

It's a good fight.

Bian Nan held up the basket and picked up the grapes thrown by Qiu Yi, it was good to beat.

Fortunately, Zhang Xiaorong upset him that day.

Fortunately, Fang Xiaojun cheated Erbao of his money.

Fortunately, he and Wan Fei went to attack Qiu Yi.

Fortunately, he didn't leave after knowing Dabao was Qiu Yi.


Too many coincidences made him and Qiu Yi stand together now. If any link is missing, he and Qiu Yi are now two irrelevant lines, moving forward separately.

Shen Tao was very prescient and brought beer over. The group ate, drank and played from afternoon to night.

They bought up all the cold beer from several small shops at the entrance of the alley, and finally drank up all the beer brought by Shen Tao, and that was the end of the day.

Bian Nan drank one bottle, then poured two bottles of Qiu Yan's Coke into the empty bottle, and no one noticed when he took it around.

When it was eleven o'clock, Qiu Yi drove everyone away, and a group of people took taxis on the side street for half an hour.

Before getting into the car, Luo Yiyang put the car keys in Bian Nan's pocket: "I'll come to pick up the car tomorrow, please put it away for me."

"Can't you just come and get it? Why give it to me?" Bian Nan was puzzled.

"Hey! If you don't hold the key for me, what if the car is driven away?" Luo Yiyang stared at him.

"Brother," Bian Nan patted his face helplessly, "I put the car keys on you, not in the car, you take the car keys back home, bring them over tomorrow..."

"Oh yes, that's right." Luo Yiyang was stunned for a moment, then nodded and turned to get into the taxi, "Let's go! Happy birthday!"

Except for the young couple Wan Fei and Shen Tao, everyone was gone at last.

"Hey," Wan Fei stretched his waist, "Hurry up, we'll help clean up and then leave."

"No need," Qiu Yi looked at the time, "You guys go too, I'll clean it up tomorrow."

"That's not good, birthday star." Xu Rui said with a smile.

"Let's go," Shen Tao said, "It's fine to clean up tomorrow. He won't be a birthday star tomorrow. We should be crazy to go and clean up the neighbors now."

Shen Tao left on the phone, Wan Fei and Xu Rui walked away in a ball.

When Bian Nan turned around and walked back, he couldn't help clicking his tongue a few times: "Suddenly everyone is so sweet."

"What's wrong with you?" Qiu Yi put his arm on his shoulder, "The two of us are enough to make a barrel of honey."

"Well," Bian Nan gave him a sideways glance, "it's still black and white honey."

"You can add some green syrup to make it green." Qiu Yi said.

"Can the two of us still be able to do it?" Bian Nan clicked his tongue, "Can this black, white and green one still get by!"

"You started." Qiu Yi thought for a while, "It's your birthday, and this lust is over."

"Why is it my birthday?" Bian Nan asked.

"Because I plan to make a little clay figurine with black and white stripes for you." Qiu Yi said with a smile.

Qiu Yi promised him that he would give him a little clay figurine every birthday.

Bian Nan was suddenly very moved, although he felt that he had predicted his birthday gift for the next few decades without any sense of mystery...

And it was only a few days away from his birthday, and it was so unromantic for this person to make a gift for someone to refer to.

"Don't take a racket this time, let's wear swimming trunks." Qiu Yi sat by the bed, holding a sketchbook in his hand and bowed his head to draw, "One is easy to do, and the other is that it can better reflect the stripes on the body." …”

"Can I not want it?" Bian Nan lay on the bed, "I don't want it anymore."

"No," Qiu Yi glanced at him, "Why don't you wear big underpants."

"Can I put all my clothes on? A vest is also fine." Bian Nan said.

Qiu Yi thought for a long time: "Okay, do you like standing, squatting or sitting?"

"Only the kind of three-headed, short-legged person you pinched can stand, squat and sit?" Bian Nan laughed.

"Yes, I know," Qiu Yi turned a page and continued to swipe for a while, "It's so cute."

In the past, birthdays were more obvious. Summer vacation was very boring. I was looking forward to going out with my classmates on my birthday when the summer vacation was coming to an end.

It's different now, I have a lot of things to do when I go to and from get off work every day, and it doesn't feel so obvious that my birthday is approaching day by day.

Bian Nan is very serious about his work. Even if he was not interested in the training before, he would not be lazy in the exhausting physical and boring technical training. Now he thinks that going to work is quite interesting, so he does it very seriously.

There is a sense of solidity that I finally have a direction.

However, the plan to teach Qiu Yi to play tennis has not yet been implemented. Qiu Yi is busier than him. In addition to teaching students, he also has to run procedures with Luo Yiyang every day.

However, the matter of the venue was finally settled. Luo Yiyang found it. It is at the back door of the market next to the No. 2 Middle School in the city, on the second floor of the old office building, and there are four rooms. It can be used after tidying up and redecorating.

When Bian Nan took out the bank card and showed it to Qiu Yi, he suddenly became nervous: "Principal Qiu, I've never felt this way before."

"How does it feel?" Qiu Yi took the card and put it in his wallet.

"Excited and nervous," Bian Nan scratched his hair, "This matter is finally on the right track, but I'm afraid... of losing money. I've never been so concerned about money before."

"Because the two of us saved up the money little by little, I was also nervous," Qiu Yi smiled, "That's why I was so cautious, but it was also because I had considered a lot that I dared to do it."

"Yes." Bian Nan nodded, "Yes."

"Actually, even if you really lose money, it's nothing. The worst thing is to return to the state of renting a small class and accepting a few students to make up lessons. What's the point?" Qiu Yi lit a cigarette, "You still have a job, you can support And me."

"Damn, yes, I will support you!" Bian Nan laughed, "Shi Jiang talked to me two days ago. If I can pass the assessment by the end of the year, I can lead students by myself next year. Just like Gu Wei, I am not an assistant anymore."

"Awesome, in another year, I will be the head coach." Qiu Yi gave a thumbs up.

"Zhanfei will have a new branch next year. It's in the western suburbs. It's quite large. Would it be better for me to apply for it? But the upfront money is definitely not as much as the headquarters." Bian Nan touched When it comes to this kind of thing, I habitually want to hear Qiu Yi's opinion.

"Go if you want, if you have less money, you will have less money. From now on, you will be the elder of the branch. Even if you want to be the head coach, you should go to the branch to develop. Are you going to compete with Shi Jiang at the headquarters?" Qiu Yi smiled. laugh.

"Then I'll apply if I pass the assessment," Bian Nan snapped his fingers, "I suddenly feel that my future is boundless."

"That's why you're so good," Qiu Yi leaned over and kissed him on the tip of his nose, "A meadow can come out after just one pass of the sprinkler."

"So the two of us are more suitable," Bian Nan said, "It's a perfect pair of zebras."

Bian Nan's birthday is not a weekend this time, because Qiu Yi's birthday has already passed, and he plans to celebrate his birthday with the three of them alone.

He had already thought about it, it was hot, he would find a farmhouse near the water, and rent a boat to eat on board.

Qiu Yan was very excited about this proposal, and kept asking if he could swim in the water or fish, and even imagined if he could drive a speedboat and drag him water skiing with a rope...

"Keep an eye on the second treasure, this kid might be able to play tricks when he grows up." Bian Nan was very helpless, "I can still be so energetic after practicing the ball every day, is it because your mother has the genes of the fighting race?" Inherited to him..."

Qiu Yi laughed for a long time, and when he was about to speak, the cell phone that Bian Nan threw on the table rang, he took it over to look at it and handed it to Bian Nan: "Your father, if you tell me about your birthday, don't you Just say no to going home."

"I know, I can't leave for work," Bian Nan smiled, and answered the phone, "Dad?"

"Xiao Nan," Dad's voice was quite chaotic, and there was also the sound of the machine booming, "Have you eaten yet?"

"Eat." Bian Nan was quite familiar with the voice, "Why did you go to the mine?"

"Come and see, I can go back tomorrow for your birthday." Dad said.

"No, my birthday... Let's change it to the weekend. I'm going to work tomorrow, and I don't get off work until nine o'clock in the evening," Bian Nan said quickly, "You can just come back on the weekend."

"Yes, you are at work now, and I always feel that you are at school," Dad smiled, "Then you will definitely come back on the weekend? My aunt and I have prepared gifts for you, so don't come back."

"Return, definitely," Bian Nan said, "Did you buy me a mobile phone again?"

"It's not a mobile phone, I bought you a car..."

"What?" Bian Nan was stunned, "Car? Why did you buy me a car? I didn't even take the exam."

"Bian Hao also bought a car for him when he was 19 years old. Your aunt said she would buy one for you too. You can find time to learn how to drive, and you can drive with a book," Dad arranged, "There is a car It's convenient for you to go anywhere."

"...Thank you, Dad." Bian Nan couldn't tell what it was like, his nose was a little sore.

"Then isn't your birthday tomorrow?" Dad paused and tried to ask again, "Or spend it with your friends?"

"I'll have a casual meal with my friends, and then I'll go home on the weekend to have a formal dinner," Bian Nan said.

"Qiu Yi?" Dad asked.

Bian Nan glanced at Qiu Yi, hesitated for a long time before whispering: "Yes."

"Oh, it's okay, it's okay," Dad said, "then remember to go home on weekends."

"En." Bian Nan replied, and felt his palms sweat after hanging up the phone.

"I bought you a car?" Qiu Yi asked with a smile.

"Yes, they bought Bian Hao's car on his 19th birthday," Bian Nan scratched his head, "so they bought one for me too."

"It's pretty good," Qiu Yi came over and scratched his head, "You take the time to take the exam, and then drive your dad and aunt out for a walk."

"Well," Bian Nan thought about it and was happy again, "Principal Qiu, do you need a car for your cram school? You don't need to buy it."

"Do you care about pick-up?" Qiu Yi smiled.

"Come on," Bian Nan became interested, "Hey, how about we go to the exam together, and whoever wants to use the car can drive it."

"I'm still thinking about buying a car next year." Qiu Yi said.

"You don't need to buy it, just save it if you can, right?" Bian Nan looked at him, "You don't want to drive this car, do you?"

"Why don't you want to? I'm not that hypocritical. The money I save can be used for other things." Qiu Yi snapped his fingers, "The cram school will be busy with chores in another month, and then go to sign up. Learn to drive."

"Okay!" Bian Nan laughed.

When it comes to cars, Qiu Yan is the most excited. When he took a taxi to the farmhouse for dinner the next day, Qiu Yan kept tossing in the back seat: "Can you drive me to school?"

"Yes." Bian Nan said.

"Can I drive to the grocery store?"


"Can I drive to play tennis?"


"Can… "

"You pay for the gas." Qiu Yi interrupted Qiu Yan from the side.

Qiu Yan stopped talking, and asked after a while: "Can I pay on credit?"

Both Bian Nan and Qiu Yi were happy, Bian Nan patted his head: "Yes."

Arriving at the farmhouse and boarding the boat, Qiu Yan temporarily forgot about the car, sat on the bow of the boat and dipped his feet in the water: "Can I get into the water?"

"No," Qiu Yi looked at the menu, "Eat fish?"

"Okay," Bian Nan nodded, "No drinking."

Qiu Yi didn't look at him, and laughed for a long time at the menu: "If you don't drink, don't drink."

After ordering the dishes, Qiu Yi turned his chair around, facing the side of the boat, and Bian Nan also took a chair and sat down next to him.

Here is a river bend, the water is very slow, there are a few boats floating around, all lit with yellow lights, it looks very peaceful.

"Is the view nice?" Bian Nan leaned on the back of the chair and put his feet on the edge of the boat.

"Well, it's comfortable." Qiu Yi took his bag and took out a small box from it, "Happy birthday, a gift from Erbao."

"Where's your gift?" Bian Nan opened the box with a smile, and there was a black thing in a pile of colored paper.

"After dismantling his, let's dismantle mine," Qiu Yi said, "Er Bao made it himself."

"This is... what?" Bian Nan took out this thing, a round clay dumpling, and it could be seen that the material was the clay used by Qiu Yi to make clay figurines, but he didn't know what it was because it was so dark, it reminded him of Qiu Yan. The bunch of meatballs I made for him for the first time... I haven't improved my skills at all after so long.

"Second Treasure," Qiu Yi turned around and called Qiu Yan, "Da Huzi asked you what you pinched?"

Qiu Yan immediately withdrew his legs from the water and ran to Bian Nan: "Happy birthday, Big Huzi."

"Thank you," Bian Nan hugged him, "You did this?"

"En!" Qiu Yan nodded, "I pinched it, and it took me a long time to make it round."

"...What is this?" Bian Nan apologized for not seeing what it was.

"This is... this is..." Qiu Yan guessed that he didn't have a definition. After thinking for a long time, he finally gritted his teeth, "This is an egg!"

Qiu Yi laughed out loud.

"Egg?" Bian Nan looked at it, "Okay, black egg?"

"Songhua... egg." Qiu Yan hesitated.

Bian Nan couldn't hold back anymore, he couldn't stop laughing while holding this preserved egg: "Thank you Er Bao, I like it so much."

"Really?" Qiu Yan's eyes lit up.

"Really, I like it so much, I want to put it on the table." Bian Nan nodded happily.

"I'll do it for you later!" Qiu Yan said happily.

"It's mine now." Qiu Yi took out a bigger box and put it on Bian Nan's lap.

"There is no novelty anymore. Look at how pleasantly surprised Ren Erbao's preserved eggs are. You..." Bian Nan said as he opened the box. When he saw the little clay figurine inside, he was stunned and then raised his head to Tianle. Yes, "Damn!"

"Is it fresh? This is what you looked like when I first saw you, how fresh." Qiu Yi said with a smile.

Bian Nan didn't speak, and couldn't stop laughing.

Qiu Yi made a squatting little person, holding a bowl of tofu nao, wearing a black and white striped vest, no pants...

"Do you like it?" Qiu Yi turned his head to look at him.

"I like it." Bian Nan rubbed his face and looked at the little figure in his hand, "Why didn't you put a love letter in it?"

"Love letter?" Qiu Yi pointed to his head, "here, listen?"

"Listen!" Bian Nan immediately sat upright.

"Dear Bao, it's your first day on the boat, and I'm lying on the bed to write you a love letter again..." Qiu Yi leaned back in his chair, closed his eyes and began to say, "The weather is fine today..."

"Damn it!" Bian Nan was stunned when he heard that, "This...why the fuck are you reading me?"

"It's not reading, it's memorizing," Qiu Yi smiled, "But we both slept on the sofa all afternoon..."

"Shut up!"

"It's kind of a waste of time..."

"You're not done, are you?"

"At least we should chat more..."

"All right, all right, you carry it on your back."

I find it boring to chat with anyone, but I don’t feel that way just chatting with you. I find it interesting no matter how boring the content is.

Miss you.

Dear Bao, this is your second day on board.

I used to think it was okay if you weren’t in front of me, but it’s really different when I’m on the boat. I miss you so much that I’m bored thinking about it, and doing anything is quite boring.

Baby, it's been three days.

Dear Qiu Yi, I haven't written for many days. I feel very sad about your father and can't write any more. You are also suffering, sorry I yelled at you that day.

He is just like my father, I really can't accept without him.

Dear Bao, I haven’t written for many days. I’m really confused recently. I probably shouldn’t think so much. The more I think about it, the more worried I get. Fight back.

When I am not with you, I want to die, but when I am with you, I feel distressed. It is really contradictory.

And I always feel unsteady, and I don't know why.

Dear Bao, I probably don't have the skills to write a diary, and it's been a long time since I wrote it. I don't know when I will finish it. Your request is too overbearing.

The weather is good today, and I feel much better. You don’t know if you will laugh at this kind of composition for elementary school students.

What I wrote before really affects my mood, why don't you start reading from here.

Bao, I saw a dog on the road today with curly hair, like Erbao.

Is this a love letter? But it's really similar, why don't we live together in the future and raise a dog, the curly one, called Sanbao.

I don't know when I can live in the same house with you. I really want to, but I dare not say it. Let's see when you can say it.

Dabao, I dreamed about you yesterday, you were a bit of a hooligan, it was really enjoyable to think about it, haha.

The above line was written yesterday, and I really wanted to cross it out when I saw it today. Forget it, I’ll save it for you to read, anyway, you must have dreamed about me, maybe even more rascal than me.

I really don’t want to write today, I’m too tired, and the students are very annoying.

I still don’t want to write today. I feel that the task will not be completed. After counting and writing for so long, I still haven’t reached 700 words. I can’t figure out how I used to take Chinese exams.

Let's write a little bit today. When I was eating today, I thought you were handsome and wanted to touch you, but Erbao was beside me, so I didn't dare to move.

The sun shines in the sky, and the flowers smile at me. It feels a little hot today, and when it gets hot, I always want to play hooligans...

Today is a good day, to commemorate it, commemorate it, commemorate it.

But it's really embarrassing to write it out, hahahaha.

It's good that we both know it in our hearts, but you have a really good figure, big baby.

I don't know if I can see what happened today when I look back in a few years.

Memorial Day.

This should be able to remember.

Qiu Dabao I love you.

After thinking about it for several days, I don't know what to write.

Every time I see you smile, I want to kiss you.

Watching the match between Yang Bing and Shi Jiang today, it was really surprising. So I was inspired and decided to teach Qiu Dabao to play tennis, and to play together after ten years to see what it would be like.

Ten years later we will still be together, suddenly a little worried.

But who else can you be with if you are not with me, I am so nice, right

Happy birthday, Dabao.

19 years old, awesome!

Wake up early in the morning to write a few words, and celebrate your birthday with you at night, happy.

But today I want to tell Erbao about the two of us, and I suddenly feel a little uneasy. The word should be wrong, I'll check it on my phone.


I hope Erbao doesn't mind this matter.


I won't drink anymore!

Qiu Yi, you are too insidious, playing a hooligan like this is really invincible.

If I hadn't been drinking, I definitely wouldn't have made it so smooth for you!

Forget it, let you be beautiful for a while, and take turns in the future.

No, scratch. Grab it.

I haven't written for a long time, why can't I write any words.

In fact, anything is fine, it doesn't matter if I'm with you.

Dabao, I’m going to give you this love letter tomorrow, I looked back and I can’t even tell what I wrote.

You can make do with it, after all, when I write, I always write with you in mind.

I don't know if you will laugh when you see this thing, forget it, just laugh if you want to.

Is it enough for 1000 words

Qiu Yi, I am very lucky to meet you, I have changed a lot with you, I like this change, and I also like the differences you bring to me.

I want to be with you seriously, we are always together, no matter what happens we will not be apart.

Ten years later we played tennis together.

Twenty years from now, we should be able to see Erbao's little Erbao, let his wife have more children, and give us a little girl and a little boy.

Thirty years from now, we will probably be quite rich, so we can do nothing for a month and go on a trip, no, two months.

Forty years later, let me do the math, we will be almost sixty then, ah, it’s so sad to be an old man, don’t become fat, don’t become fat.

Fifty years later, we are still together.

Sixty years later, we are still together.

Seventy years later, oops are still together.

In the end, they died together, and the stele reads:

The white skin next to me is my favorite.

The black skin next to me is my favorite.

use up