Wolves of a Pair Prowl Together

Chapter 14


Bian Nan felt that the reason why he was able to swallow his anger and stay at Qiu Yi's house was not only because he deliberately tried to resist Qiu Yi, but also because he liked Qiu Yan, and he didn't want to disappoint Qiu Yan.

Of course, there is also a little bit of guilt. Before, he never thought that his two sticks would make the Qiu Yi family even worse...

Besides, Qiu Yiping didn't do anything to make Bian Nan particularly annoyed except for a few words occasionally.

So he never expected that Qiu Yi would punch himself on the face at the dinner table in front of his younger brother, and hit his nose so accurately.

He is proud of his tall, rich and handsome nose.

Straight, straight nose.

"What are you crazy about!" Bian Nan covered his nose and yelled. After the yell, he couldn't say anything else. The soreness, numbness, and pain in his nose, which was delayed for two seconds, made him cry Don't say anything, just bend over and cover your nose, but you can't find a suitable posture.

"Brother, what are you doing—" Qiu Yan was frightened, his eyes widened for a long time before he called out, his voice full of tears.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Papa Qiu's voice came from the back room. He first asked, and then turned into reprimand, "Qiu Yi, what are you doing!"

Bian Nan stood up, the chair fell to the side, he didn't bother to help it, and rushed directly into the yard.

He has no other emotions in his mind except inexplicable anger and anger, afraid that he will throw the table over on impulse.

After squatting down by the pool, he took a look at his hand, and there was a ball of blood in his palm, and some more would probably be enough to dye a red scarf.


"Big Huzi!" Qiu Yan ran out after him, almost tripped when passing under the grape trellis because of his anxiety.

"It's okay, it's okay, don't worry," Bian Nan frowned, covering his nose with one hand, enduring the soreness, "I'm fine."

"I'm sorry," Qiu Yan, with tears still on his face, hurriedly ran to his side and whispered in succession, "Don't be angry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

"What are you sorry for! You didn't do it!" Bian Nan saw that Qiu Yan was so angry that he could go to the Olympic distance relay, he turned on the faucet, "I'll wash it first."

"I'll help you," Qiu Yan immediately rolled up his sleeves, reached out to catch some water, and then patted his forehead lightly, "I used to have nosebleeds, and I know how to stop the bleeding..."

"Oh." Bian Nan didn't move, let Qiu Yan catch the water and pat him on the forehead.

"Don't be angry with my brother," Qiu Yan sniffed, tears still hanging on his face, and the small light in the yard was shining brightly, which made people feel distressed, "He didn't mean it. "

"It's not because of him..." Bian Nan couldn't help shouting, but Qiu's father's angry roar in the room kept him from finishing his sentence. He glanced back, "Did you wake up your father?"

"My dad will scold him," Qiu Yan lowered his head, wiped the tears from his face, and continued to pat Bian Nan's forehead, "My brother is because... it's because... you said fuck you..."

"Kids, don't swear!" Bian Nan reflexively said, and then he was stunned to react, "Me? I'll just say it, I said fuck your mother..."

My mother died.

Bian Nan suddenly remembered what Qiu Yan had said.

In other words, Qiu Yi is fucking dead.

"I just said something casually, I didn't mean to scold your mother," Bian Nan frowned, "His reaction is too big..."

"He's not in a good mood these days," Qiu Yan bit his lip, took out a small handkerchief from his pocket, and went in front of Bian Nan, "Da Huzi, wipe your face."

Bian Nan pointed to his face: "You should wipe your own face first."

"I don't need it," Qiu Yan rubbed his hands on his face a few times, "The handkerchief is clean, I haven't used it yet."

Bian Nan had no choice but to take the handkerchief and wipe it on his face. There was still some blood under his nose. He couldn't stand his own blood, so he stood up and rubbed the handkerchief under the faucet: "It's okay, I'm leaving .”

"Ah?" Qiu Yan grabbed his hand anxiously.

"Wait." Qiu Yi's voice came from behind.

Bian Nan threw the handkerchief on Qiu Yan's head, turned around and looked at Qiu Yi: "What else do you want to do?"

"Erbao, go into the house and tidy up." Qiu Yi was no longer in the wheelchair, and slowly jumped a few steps from the door, jumped under the grape shelf, and put the plaster leg on the small stool next to him, "I and Daddy Hu Zi chat."

"Oh." Qiu Yan glanced at Bian Nan, and ran into the room wearing a handkerchief.

Bian Nan wasn't interested in chatting with Qiu Yi, and felt that he didn't know how to turn around. When he was about to turn around and leave, Qiu Yi cleared his throat: "I was too impulsive just now."

These words made Bian Nan stop in his steps, did he come to apologize

Bian Nan was suddenly a little embarrassed. Although his nose was still uncomfortable, he didn't want to make a big deal, especially the premise of this punch was that he said a bad word.

"Forget it," Bian Nan waved his hand, hesitated for a while and said again, "But I really didn't target anyone in particular, so I just said it casually."

"My mother passed away," Qiu Yi said, "I don't feel comfortable listening to this, and besides, I was upset just looking at you."

"I usually go to other people's uncles." Bian Nan glanced at him. "Actually, I don't feel very happy looking at you. I always look at Erbao when I eat."

"Don't worry, sir." Qiu Yi lowered his head and adjusted the posture of his legs, then pointed to the stool next to him, "Sit down and chat for a while."

Bian Nan looked at his legs: "I won't sit in the posture of stepping on a stool to see all living beings."

"Qiu Xiaoyan," Qiu Yi called back into the room, "Push the wheelchair here for me."

"Oh—" Qiu Yan put down the chopsticks he was tidying up, pushed the wheelchair and ran out, skillfully put the wheelchair behind Qiu Yi, and helped Qiu Yi to sit down.

"Go wash the dishes." Qiu Yi patted his head.

"En." Qiu Yan looked at Bian Nan again, then lowered his head and ran back into the house.

"My dad asked me to apologize to you." Qiu Yi said.

"No, there's nothing to apologize for. I didn't apologize for beating you." Bian Nan washed his face under the tap, and his nose stopped bleeding. He sat down on the small stool next to him, "This matter It's my fault, and I... Anyway, I don't feel like someone is going to my mother."

"Is that so?" Qiu Yi lightly replied with his finger on his forehead.

"Well," Bian Nan grabbed a grape leaf from the shelf and held it in his hand, and smiled with the corners of his mouth pulled, "It's impossible that Bian Xinyu didn't tell you."

"Talk a little bit," Qiu Yi took out the cigarette case from his pocket and took a cigarette, "Or?"

"No," Bian Nan shook his head, "If you're not proficient in business, you'll always choke."

Qiu Yi smiled, lit a cigarette and drank it.

They said they wanted to chat for a while, but they were silent for a while, neither of them could find anything to say.

Qiu Yan came out with a stack of bowls and squatted by the sink to start washing, the two of them were still struggling silently.

"Bring me a glass of water, I'm dying of thirst." Qiu Yi said suddenly.

"Oh." Qiu Yan responded, stretching out his hand to wash the dish soap in his hand.

"Let me go," Bian Nan clicked his tongue, stood up and walked into the house, "I'll let the kid do it very neatly."

"Cold and boiled without adding salt." Qiu Yi said behind him.

"Are you finished?" Bian Nan stopped in his tracks.

"Thank you." Qiu Yi said.

Bian Nan went into the room to pour water for Qiu Yi, and it was the first time he noticed that there were black, white and red cups next to the water dispenser. Usually, Qiu Yan used black cups to drink water for him, so he didn't pay much attention.

Now I suddenly realized that these three cups should belong to each person in his family. Whose is the black one

"Is it a big tiger?" Dad Qiu's voice came from the back room.

"It's me," Bian Nan hurriedly replied, walked to the door of the back room, and saw Father Qiu sitting on the bed, "Uncle still up?"

"Are you okay?" Papa Qiu turned on the light in the room and stared at his face, "Qiu Yi is too ignorant... He's not like this usually, he has a bad temper when he's injured, and I'm not in good health right now. He may be…”

"It's okay, it's okay," Bian Nan touched his nose, "I'm really fine, uncle, don't worry."

"I scolded him just now," Qiu's father sighed, "You didn't eat, did you?"

"Eat well, I'm full," Bian Nan rubbed his stomach, "It's all round..."

"Dad!" Qiu Yi shouted in the yard.

"Uncle, please rest." Bian Nan left the room and asked again before closing the door, "Uncle, which cup does Qiu Yi drink from? I'll pour water for him."

"The black one is his." Papa Qiu said.

"Oh." Bian Nan closed the door, looked at the three cups next to the water dispenser, and was a little speechless.

He actually kept drinking from Qiu Yi's cup! It was quite a pleasure to drink!

He poured a glass of water back to the yard and handed it to Qiu Yi: "Here."

"Do you still know that this cup is mine?" Qiu Yi tapped lightly on the cup.

"I just found out!" Bian Nan said angrily and sat down on the stool. Just as he sat down, he remembered that he seemed to have said a sensitive word again, and immediately glanced at Qiu Yi, "I just follow suit."

"Yeah." Qiu Yi took a sip of water with a calm expression on his face.

"I didn't fucking poke your sensitive temper?" Bian Nan tried to ask.


"Where the fuck are you?"


"...Understood," Bian Nan nodded, "It won't work to add a verb in front."

"Do you still know what a verb is?" Qiu Yi smiled.

"Beat you, hit you, beat you to the point where you can't find your teeth. There are verbs in front of this." Bian Nan also bared his teeth and smiled.

Qiu Yi's smile was not very friendly, it was slightly mocking, Bian Nan didn't bother with him, for a person who always failed in elementary school, being thought of as a bad grade is no longer a blow.

Qiu Yan washed several dishes for about 20 minutes before finishing. He took the bowls into the kitchen and put them away. When he came out, he looked up at the sky and shouted: "It's raining!"

"Impossible?" Bian Nan also looked up, only seeing the grape racks covered with leaves.

Qiu Yi stretched his arms out of the shelf and paused: "It's raining."

"It's raining!" Qiu Yan yelled again, excitedly running back and forth in the courtyard with his face up.

"I have to go," Bian Nan stood up, quickly turned Qiu Yi's wheelchair and pushed it into the room, "Let's go."

"Big Huzi," Qiu Yan ran over and threw himself on him, pulling his hand and pulling it away, "Let's go watch the rain."

"Aren't you watching Korean dramas all day long? Oppa, let's watch the rain, what a beautiful rain, oh..." Bian Nan was pulled into the yard by Qiu Yan, and he bent down to hug Yan, "Er Bao, I have to go, If it gets heavy in a while, I'll have to go back to school in the rain."

"Oh," Qiu Yan looked up at the sky, and hugged his neck again, "then you can go in two minutes, no, one minute, one minute, okay?"

"...Okay." Bian Nan patted him on the back.

Bian Nan accompanied Qiu Yan to squat in the yard to "watch the rain". After the beginning of summer, the rain became very vigorous. After a while, the raindrops began to gather densely. Bian Nan hurriedly dragged Qiu Yan back to the house.

He was about to borrow an umbrella to go back to school before the rain officially roared, but before he could speak, his phone rang. He took out his phone and took a look, it was Wan Fei.

"What?" He picked up the phone.

"Where are you?" Wan Fei asked.

"Where else..." Bian Nan glanced at Qiu Yi, "What are you talking about?"

"Don't come back tonight, don't you have an exam, Lao Jiang and Lao Wu are arresting people," Wan Fei lowered his voice, "I just swept a bunch of people from the Internet cafe, and now we are counting the number of people in the dormitory one by one. Jiang said that you have something to do at home and went home, don't go back to the dormitory for a while, then we are both finished!"

"Fuck me?" Bian Nan was stunned, the rain outside was pouring down like hailstones at this moment, Qiu Yi was directing Qiu Yan to go out and collect the few clothes hanging outside, "Then I and he Where are you going, mom?"

"You go home! I'm afraid that Bian Hao will be disabled if I just sleep all night." Wan Fei whispered.

"Okay, okay, I'll figure it out for a while." Bian Nan hung up the phone.

He didn't care about other things and ran into the yard first, there were other people's clothes in the yard, after Qiu Yan finished collecting his own, he ran out to collect the old man's and old lady's next door.

"Go into the house!" As soon as Bian Nan came out of the house, his heart was poured into a chill. He slapped Qiu Yan on the shoulder, "I'll take it!"

"Oh!" Qiu Yan's self-roll roll on his head was drenched until the door was closed, but he seemed to be very happy, his voice was very loud, and he ran back to the house laughing and screaming all the way.

"Why are you so excited?" Bian Nan entered the room with his clothes in his arms.

"It's like this when it's raining." Qiu Yi pushed the wheelchair into the room and took out two towels. He threw one on Qiu Yan's head and the other on Bian Nan.

Bian Nan took the towel without moving it, Qiu Yi glanced at him: "I didn't wipe my feet."

"Damn," Bian Nan scolded, "Can you still do it!"

"New." Qiu Yi said.

Bian Nan put the towel aside and pulled Qiu Yan who was wiping his hair clumsily: "I'll wipe it for you."

In fact, Bian Nan's movements were not much better than Qiu Yan's, that is, he rubbed his head randomly with a towel in his pocket, following the way of kneading dough, but Qiu Yan still leaned on him enjoying himself, and closed his eyes.

"Let him wipe it himself, he will." Qiu Yi said aside.

"When did he wipe it himself, he caught a cold." Bian Nan frowned, and Qiu Yan had already sneezed when he entered the room.

"If someone helps you with everything, he will know nothing." Qiu Yi said.

Bian Nan couldn't stand Qiu Yi's attitude towards Qiu Yan, maybe it was because he had never felt the normal emotions between brothers and sisters from Bian Hao and Bian Xinyu, maybe it was because Qiu Yan was very clingy to him, maybe it was just pure love. Because it was Qiu Yi who said it...

In short, he immediately became a little angry, and worried that Papa Qiu would hear it, so he suppressed his voice: "That also counts for occasions, you have to exercise and pick a time when he won't get sick."

Qiu Yi didn't speak again, and Bian Nan ignored him. After drying Qiu Yan's hair, he took off his wet clothes, went into the room and asked Qiu Yan to find some clothes and change into them.

"You know," Bian Nan looked at him and said with emotion, "I have never served others like this in my life for more than ten years, and you are the first one."

"The first one is my brother." Qiu Yan lowered his head and pulled up his pants.

"I..." Bian Nan asked Qiu Yan to answer without raising his head, so that he didn't say a word.

Qiu Yan ran to the living room, leaned on the window and looked out.

Bian Nan followed and stood for a few seconds: "I'm leaving."

"Go home?" Qiu Yi looked at him.

"I didn't think about it," Bian Nan guessed that Qiu Yi understood the phone call just now, and stood at the door, the rain had officially started to fall, and after the two thunderstorms, Bian Nan's face was covered with rainwater, "Internet cafes are also fine, you guys Is there an internet cafe nearby?"

"No, the nearest walk will take twenty minutes." Qiu Yi pointed to the door, "Close it first."

Bian Nan closed the door: "Do you have an umbrella at home?"

"Yes." Qiu Yi pushed the wheelchair towards the cabinet next to him, and took an umbrella out from inside.

"Qiu Yi!" Dad Qiu shouted from the back room.

"Huh?" Qiu Yi responded, "Why haven't you slept yet?"

"Tell Da Huzi not to go, it's raining so heavily that even an umbrella will be drenched." Papa Qiu said inside.

Qiu Yi didn't make a sound, and turned to look at Bian Nan.

"It's not raining too much, Uncle, you can rest, I'm leaving." Bian Nan said, opened the door with an umbrella and walked out.

"Big Huzi," Qiu Yan called him through the window, "it's raining heavily."

Bian Nan was splashed with water before he could speak. He opened his umbrella and strode into the yard: "It's not too old, Er Bao, close the window."

It was about 20 steps from Qiu Yi's house to the gate of the courtyard. When Bian Nan opened the gate, his whole body was already soaked.

The rain fell without any rules, and there were joyful gatherings from all directions. He frowned, walked a few more steps wrapped in the clothes that stuck to his body, and finally ran back into the yard.

When he knocked on the door, Qiu Yi couldn't hold back his joy when he saw him: "Didn't you fall into the well?"

"Do you have a raincoat?" Bian Nan stood outside the door dripping with water.

"No." Qiu Yi shook his head.

"Don't play with me." Bian Nan pointed at him.

"No, Qiu Yan bought one when he was in kindergarten, but it's too small now," Qiu Yi narrowed his eyes, "Do you want to try it?"

"Your uncle." Bian Nan cursed in a low voice, a flash of lightning flashed behind him, followed by a clap of thunder, and he jumped into the room.