Wolves of a Pair Prowl Together

Chapter 35


Although he didn't understand why Qiu Yi suddenly became indifferent, Bian Nan didn't care too much, he just thought Qiu Yi was sick.

Anyway, now the two of them have returned to their previous state, sitting in the sun and chatting nonchalantly, without any inexplicable embarrassment, that's all.

He has never been very good at pursuing this kind of thing. It is a habit he has developed since he was a child. If he keeps chasing why you treat me like this, the final result will usually make him fall into pain.

"It's a holiday now, aren't you as busy as usual?" Bian Nan looked at Qiu Yan who was running back and forth with the ball on the sidelines.

"Basically," Qiu Yi smiled, "There's a lot of time in the summer vacation, so it's time to find another job to do."

"Hey," Bian Nan couldn't help but sighed, "Can't you take a rest first?"

"You train every day and feel tired, but you can bear it. Let you rest for a summer vacation and start training again. How do you feel?" Qiu Yi asked him.

"I want to die." Bian Nan said.

"It's the same here." Qiu Yi smiled.

"... If you mean it, let yourself be stretched until it breaks," Bian Nan clicked his tongue, "You're pretty good, and you still have the time to take care of your shipping stuff."

"It doesn't matter," Qiu Yi leaned on the chair and raised his head, "In the future, whoever wants to take care of it, I have to do an internship next semester."

"Then we'll have to dance wildly for a while." Bian Nan beckoned Qiu Yan over, "May I find a little brother to teach you how to serve?"

"Okay!" Qiu Yan nodded vigorously holding the beat.

"It's really easy for you to be a coach." Qiu Yi said with a smile.

Bian Nan got up and walked to the coach next to him and said a few words. The coach called a little boy, who looked eleven or twelve years old.

The little boy took Qiu Yan to the field and began to explain to him the posture and essentials of serving.

Qiu Yan stared at his movements with wide eyes, very serious.

"Bian Nan," the coach patted Bian Nan on the shoulder, "go and help me feed the balls to the kids over there, and those kids practice hitting back."

"Huh?" Bian Nan was stunned for a moment, and suddenly he looked reluctant, "I'll just rest for the next two days and you don't let me touch the ball. My friend is still here."

"Who told you to come here on vacation?" The coach pushed him.

Bian Nan had no choice but to drag a basket of balls past, and glanced back at Qiu Yi, who was joking at him.

Feeding the ball was not tiring, so he acted like a serving machine. Bian Nan took the ball and hit it lazily one by one, while the children on the opposite side practiced hitting back.

"Don't spin it!" shouted the coach.

"... Oh." Bian Nan replied lazily, and continued to pick up the ball and hit it.

Qiu Yi looked at him, took a piece of chocolate and put it in his mouth.

Bian Nan's movements were very lazy, as if he was about to fall to the ground and fall asleep in the next second, but his technical movements were still very standard, and the landing point of the ball in the past was always changing.

After feeding the ball for half an hour, Bian Nan returned to the chair on the sidelines and sat down.

"It looks like I was beaten up just this morning." Qiu Yi gave a comment.

"Damn, I know what, I don't want to sweat," Bian Nan clicked his tongue a few times, and then shouted at Qiu Yan who was practicing his serve, "Erbao! Take a break!"

"No!" Qiu Yan shook his head simply.

"I'm going to play with Erbao for a while." Bian Nan stood up again.

Qiu Yan is very smart, with good imitation ability and physical coordination ability. He can serve the ball decently in a short time, but occasionally hits the air.

Bian Nan took his hand and corrected his posture, feeling the sweat all over his body.

"Honey, I put a towel in your golf bag to wipe off the sweat."

"Oh." Qiu Yan ran to the side of the golf bag, took out a towel from the bag, wiped his face and neck randomly a few times, then covered his head with the towel like Bian Nan did, took out a bottle and drank two saliva.

Qiu Yan was very energetic. At noon, Qiu Yi couldn't stand the sun, so he went directly to the venue and took him out.

"Look, you're all tanned." Bian Nan touched his face.

"I'm not afraid of the dark." Qiu Yan looked reluctant.

"Then look at your brother," Bian Nan could only point to Qiu Yi again, "he's all tanned."

"My brother can't get a tan. My dad said that when he was young, he spread a mat in the courtyard and lay down on it for two days without getting tan..." Qiu Yan said.

"Hey," Qiu Yi was a little helpless. He lifted Qiu Yan's clothes and wiped his sweat with a towel, and packed his things into the golf bag. Tooth left."

Qiu Yan turned his face and stared at Bian Nan.

"Fart your fart," Bian Nan laughed, "I'm a healthy, handsome and sunny wheat color, far from only teeth!"

"Cooperate." Qiu Yi said.

"Oh, Erbao, first you need to recognize my teeth," Bian Nanchong Qiu Yan bared his teeth, "From now on, when you can't see my face clearly, you can look at my teeth."

Qiu Yan was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly.

Qiu Yi didn't have time to send Qiu Yan to practice basketball every day. He also took make-up lessons from two third-year junior high school students, and arranged them in the morning and afternoon of the next day.

When he couldn't send Qiu Yan off, Bian Nan would take a taxi to pick him up, took Qiu Yan to the field every day, and occasionally helped the coach.

Dad took the whole family out to the beach for vacation. Before leaving, he made a last effort to ask Bian Nan to go with him, but Bian Nan still refused.

Bian Nan heaved a sigh of relief because he had only his own home, and he also gave the family's nanny a vacation. When he returned home from practice with Qiu Yan, he finally no longer felt tormented.

"Big Huzi," Qiu Yan took the initiative to rest on the sidelines during practice today, and sat beside him wiping his sweat, "What can you buy with 30 yuan?"

"Huh?" Bian Nan was playing with his mobile phone, and turned his head after hearing this, "What do you want to buy?"

"I don't know," Qiu Yan lowered his head and shook his legs, "I have 30 yuan."

"Who do you buy things for?" Bian Nan asked.

"Give it to my brother," Qiu Yan said with a embarrassed smile, "He's celebrating his birthday tomorrow, and I want to give him a gift, but I haven't bought one yet."

"Your brother's birthday? Tomorrow?" Bian Nan was stunned.

"Well, can you accompany me to buy gifts? I don't know what to buy, what can I buy for 30 yuan?" Qiu Yan was a little confused, "Snacks?"

"I bought the snacks for you, right?" Bian Nan laughed, "I'll accompany you to the shopping mall after practice."

Bian Nan is an old hand at buying gifts, and the gifts he bought for little girls before were all refurbished.

He also bought gifts for boys, but if it was a gift from him to Qiu Yi, he could think of it casually, but the upper limit of this gift for Qiu Yan was 30 yuan, so he had to think about it.

After taking Qiu Yan around the mall, the two of them went to the Small Commodity Street, where there are many cheap but fun little things.

Qiu Yan held his 30 yuan and stared at all kinds of gadgets all the way, but he never picked out what he wanted to buy. This one is good, and that one is also very interesting. Bian Nan feels that this kid’s difficulty in choosing has reached the advanced stage. .

In the end, he decided to choose a reading lamp that could be clipped by the bedside.

The design of the lamp is very simple, there is a metal hose that can adjust the angle and a slender small lamp tube on the clip.

Bian Nan used all his skills in bargaining over the past ten years, but he basically didn't bargain when he bought things, so adding all his skills together would probably add up to 20%. Finally, the boss waved his hand, and 30 yuan could buy a white light one.

Bian Nan originally wanted to buy a Tim 20 that could adjust white light and warm light, but after much deliberation, he gave up. After all, it was a gift from Er Bao himself to his brother.

"Will brother like it?" Qiu Yan hugged the box and followed Bian Nan, "This lamp is like a water pipe."

"...it looks like a water pipe!" Bian Nan wanted to laugh.

"Like the pipe on the top of my nozzle." Qiu Yan looked at the picture on the box.

"This is called simplicity! What do you know!" Bian Nan clicked his tongue, but it was actually quite similar, "You can't decide on your brother's birthday even if you choose it yourself."

"But this one can be twisted and twisted, it's good," Qiu Yan studied for a while, "It's fun."

When sending Qiu Yan home, Qiu Yi went out to make up lessons, and Bian Nan helped Qiu Yan hide the lamp in the cabinet.

"Take it out tomorrow, you know?" Bian Nan closed the cabinet door, "This is called a surprise."

"Yeah." Qiu Yan nodded.

"I'll keep it a secret that I'm coming here tomorrow afternoon," Bian Nan said, "I'll bring cakes. You like chestnut cakes, right?"

"Yes." Qiu Yan answered brightly.

"Then I'll order a chestnut, don't let your brother know." Bian Nan emphasized again.

"Got it!" Qiu Yan patted him on the shoulder.

Bian Nan didn't really care how he celebrated his birthday, anyway, Aunt Lin would celebrate it for him at home every year, and he would take his classmates out to celebrate it again.

But he likes to celebrate other people's birthdays, choose presents, surprises, and every time he finds it very interesting, especially if the other party is someone like Qiu Yi who never celebrates his birthday and cooks a bowl of noodles by himself on his birthday, then it will be more interesting up.

The feeling of seeing the other person happy because of him makes him feel that he is still needed every time.

After leaving Qiu Yi's house, Bian Nan ran to the mall, planning to buy a gift for Qiu Yi.

But after turning around twice, he sat down on the chair in the rest area of the shopping mall, and he didn't know what to buy for Qiu Yi!

In his heart, Qiu Yi’s gifts can’t be bought casually, and he has to be like Wan Fei, giving something that matches his relationship. He bought a PSP and a game controller for Wan Fei, and Wan Fei loves to play games. .

But what about Qiu Yi? This person works part-time besides attending classes.

Bian Nan doesn't even know what hobbies he has. Qiu Yi will fight when he has time, but this can't be regarded as a hobby, and he can't give away a set of fighting tools. Besides, Qiu Yi has already indicated that he will quit the fighting world.

Love to read? What kind of book is cute reading... I don't know, because Bian Nan has always felt that he has a word allergy, and he feels uncomfortable when he reads a word, so he has never carefully looked at the books in the cabinet in Qiu Yi's bookcase.

Encyclopedia? Twenty-four history

... 100,000 why

Bian Nan bought a cone, and sat on a chair to brainstorm for half an hour. Finally, he went to the skin care product area first, then left the mall and walked into a bicycle store.

Qiu Yi's iconic green bike has been riding for a long time, and the last time he and Wan Fei made a sneak attack, the bike also fell over. When he took Qiu Yan to swim that day, he could hear the bike rattle from time to time. A few times.

Get a new car!

Bian Nan didn't know much about bicycles, so he could only choose one according to Qiu Yi's car, and rode it on the sidewalk for a couple of laps. .

"Very good," Bian Nan said, and took a few glances into the store, "Any other colors?"

"Yes, there are white ones, black ones, blue ones, and a floral one," the salesman pointed at several cars, "We don't have all the colors here, you just have to pick the ones that suit you, and we'll send them from the warehouse for you."

"Yes..." Bian Nan scratched his hair, "Are there... green ones?"

"Green? No," the salesman was stunned. "What green do you want? If you don't rush to take it away, we can paint it for you."

"Ying... Fluorescence..." Bian Nan patted the car seat, "Forget it, it's white, with a white shelf and white wheels, the brighter the better."

After finishing the presents, buying cakes is much easier. There is a coffee shop in the community of the villa at home, which is only engaged in the business of the community owners. The desserts for the afternoon tea are very good. Aunt Lin and Mr. Bian Xinyu His family eats, and his family will also order various snacks for guests.

Bian Nan went to the store and ordered a double-layered cake, which made people remember to write Qiu Dabao happy birthday on it.

The next day, when he was riding a bicycle to Qiu Yi's house with a cake in his hand, Bian Nan felt that he had suffered a lot.

His family is quite far from Qiu Yi's family, and he has to ride a bicycle across mountains and rivers. His bicycle skills are quite average, and he has never ridden a few times since he was a child. When he took Qiu Yan to swim last time, he was always worried that he would take Qiu Yan with him. The car was overturned, and now he was steering with one hand, and it was a pain to be caught in the battery car that was as surging as the sea. He had to pay attention to the car, and he had to be careful not to touch the cake in his hand.

When he rode to the entrance of Qiu Yi's alley, his face was sweating.

But the timing was quite accurate, when Qiu Yi arrived home but hadn't started cooking yet.

He rode his bike into the alley, and the courtyard door of Qiu Yi's house was open, and he could hear Qiu Yan singing inside from outside, but he couldn't understand the lyrics, and he didn't know what song he was singing by listening to the tune.

"Second Treasure." Bian Nan called him in a low voice from outside the door.

Qiu Yan's singing paused, and then he ran to the gate of the courtyard while singing: "It's too strong, too strong, too strong, too strong! This hallucination during the day, yeah yeah yeah..."

"Too hot, too hot, too hot, too hot," Bian Nan finally heard the lyrics clearly. He didn't expect Qiu Yan to sing such a song. He sang along in a low voice, trying to pull Qiu Yan's tune back from the top of the universe. But it didn't work, he scratched Qiu Yan's nose, "Is your brother back?"

"This beautiful misunderstanding, yeah yeah yeah..." Qiu Yan nodded while singing.

"Hey, stop singing," Bian Nan sighed. Although he knew that Qiu Yan was very smart, and this was to prevent Qiu Yi from knowing that someone was coming, he still couldn't bear it. "Get out of the way, I'll ride right in." .”

"It's the taste of love!" Qiu Yan insisted on finishing the song before retreating behind the door.

Bian Nan moved the bike over the barrier at the gate, got on it and shouted, "Qiu Dabao!"

"Huh?" Qiu Yi came out of the room with a glass of water.

Bian Nan kicked hard at the same time, and the car quickly rushed under the grape trellis, and stopped in front of Qiu Yi.

"Happy birthday!" Bian Nan picked up the cake and shouted again.

Qiu Yi took a step back, looked at him with some surprise, opened his mouth and said nothing for a long time.

"Fuck, take it quickly." Bian Nan handed the cake forward.

Qiu Yi took the cake, put it on the small table next to him, and stared at him again, as if he hadn't recovered yet.

"I picked this car, it's much more comfortable than your current one." Bian Nan got out of the car and parked it, "Come up and try it, but I forgot an important thing, I forgot to buy a car lock it's..."

Qiu Yi's arm suddenly stretched out from behind him, grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back.

Bian Nan couldn't stand still, and leaned on Qiu Yi staggeringly: "What are you doing!"

"Thank you," Qiu Yi whispered in his ear, "Thank you."

"Your uncle! Shocked me! Threats and thanks are both ways of expression?" Bian Nan quickly grabbed his waistband, "Don't you have the procedure of pulling people's pants?"

Qiu Yi let go of him with a smile, and patted the car seat: "You... are too much trouble."

"No need to bother, just go to the store and buy it and ride it back." Bian Nan chuckled a few times, "But to be honest, I'm not ashamed to ask people if they have fluorescent green paint, you painted that color yourself. "

"No, I just bought this color." Qiu Yi stepped into the car.

"It's just like this? The whole city will sell your car..." Bian Nan laughed.

"You're going to have trouble with this fluorescent green, right? It's endless." Qiu Yi was a little helpless.

"Would you like to try riding?" Bian Nan said.

Qiu Yi turned the car around, turned around in the yard, and stopped in front of Bian Nan: "It's very comfortable."

"You have good riding skills." Bian Nan gave a thumbs up. The small yard is still full of flower pots, wooden boxes and broken pots. Qiu Yi turned around steadily and didn't touch anything. I'm tired of riding and sweating."

"You are not as good as Erbao for riding a bicycle." Qiu Yi smiled.

"Get out," Bian Nan entered the room carrying the cake, "Is there any space in the refrigerator? Let's ice it first."

Qiu Yi followed in and opened the refrigerator, and moved for a long time to make room: "Why did you buy such a big cake."

"It looks good. If you can't finish eating today, you can save it for breakfast." Bian Nan looked at Qiu Yan who was still circling the car in the yard, "Erbao likes to eat, I bought chestnuts specially."

"Thank you," Qiu Yi looked at him, "I was really surprised."

"Our birthdays are pretty close, and I'm still a month and a half away from my birthday," Bian Nan laughed aloud, "Remember to give me a present when the time comes."

"Okay." Qiu Yi nodded.