Wolves of a Pair Prowl Together

Chapter 43


Bian Nan left home early in the morning.

Yesterday Qiu Yan played too crazy, he told Qiu Yi to let Qiu Yan rest today and not play, and he went to school at about the same time as usual, sitting in the training ground and watching the children in the summer class train.

The coach was very satisfied with getting a free helper, and took Bian Nan to help him with a few children to practice until noon.

In the afternoon, Bian Nan sat outside the iron net of the stadium. When the coach asked him to go in to practice with him, he grinned happily: "I just passed by to have a look, but I didn't even go in."

"You'll be training next week, and you're still warming up!" said the coach.

"I've always been hot," Bian Nan bounced on the spot, flipping up his T-shirt, "Look, it's all hot sweat."

"Why did you come here today without Qiu Yan?" The coach looked at him helplessly.

"I'm free, I'll be leaving in a while." Bian Nan laughed twice.

Mainly because there is nowhere to go and nothing to do.

There is training in the summer vacation, and all the people in the class are rushing to go out for a trip. Those who don't go out just make appointments in the Internet cafe and video game city all day long. Bian Nan has no interest.

It's as lonely as snow.

When Wan Fei called at three o'clock in the afternoon to say that he was home, Bian Nan felt that he had finally regained his vitality, ran out of the school gate, took a taxi and went straight to Wan Fei's house.

When Wan Fei's family arrived home, they had just packed up when Bian Nan knocked on the door.

"Oh, I knew I would bring Bian Nan with me when I went out." Wan Fei's mother smiled when she saw him, "He came here as soon as he entered the door without any errands this second."

"Auntie, I lost weight," Bian Nan pointed at Wan Fei's mother's stomach after greeting Wan Fei's father, "The little belly that has been worrying about is gone!"

"Do you want to eat pancakes tonight?" Wan Fei's mother patted him.

"Just look at the arrangements for the next few days, I'll stay here." Bian Nan ran into Wan Fei's room with a smile.

"I picked this one just for you," Wan Fei handed him a box, "My mother even went to the temple to consecrate it."

"Jade pendant? Hey, beautiful!" Bian Nan opened the box, and there was a safety clasp inside. He opened the door and shouted into the living room, "Thank you, auntie!"

"Brother Nan, come and help me take a look." Wan Fei sat on the bed and took out a small box, "This is for Xu Rui, do you think she will like it?"

Bian Nan clicked his tongue and leaned over to have a look. It was a small jade pea.

"Fuck, I like this." Bian Nan touched it.

"Why are you like this!" Wan Fei laughed, "The peas are worn by girls."

"What's more important? I think it's very interesting." Bian Nan picked it up and looked at it. "She must like it. Don't all little girls like this kind of thing. The key is that you brought it all the way back."

"Yeah!" Wan Fei put the box away and lay down on the bed, "Give it to her when I ask her out tomorrow, and let's go out to eat together by the way."

"Okay." Bian Nan nodded.

"Brother Nan," Wan Fei lay down for a while, and kicked him, "What have you been doing these days, I still feel that you are not interested, and I didn't even drag me out to play video games."

"I'm afraid you're tired from traveling." Bian Nan was indeed a little depressed, and he didn't know if it was because he was too free or because of what happened yesterday.

"Not tired," Wan Fei looked at him with his arms pillowed, "Tell me, did something happen to you?"

"No." Bian Nan leaned against the head of the bed, thought for a long time and suddenly threw himself on Wan Fei, leaning close to stare at him.

"What are you doing?" Wan Fei stunned him and stared at him eye to eye.

"Am I handsome?" Bian Nan asked.

"...Handsome, quite handsome," Wan Fei said after a long time, "Damn it, what made you doubt your own beauty?"

"Don't talk nonsense, just look at me," Bian Nan pointed to himself, "Aren't you handsome? Do you want to kiss me?"

"Think about it," Wan Fei stretched his neck and kissed him softly on the face, "Let me kiss enough at once..."

"Forget it." Bian Nan sighed, and leaned back on the bed, Wan Fei probably couldn't understand his depression, and he didn't know what to say now.

"Brother Nan, have you... met a girl who ignores your handsome face?" Wan Fei asked after pondering for a while.

"No." Bian Nan muffled his voice.

"What's the matter?" Wan Fei sat up.

"I don't know," Bian Nan said with a muffled voice, "I'm probably sick."

Wan Fei was stunned, stared at him for a long time, opened his mouth a few times, and finally said: "What... What's wrong?"

"Do you have any brains!" Bian Nan kicked him on the leg.

"Damn, you said you were sick, so I can only ask you what's wrong!" Wan Fei shouted, clutching his legs.

Just as Bian Nan was about to say, quickly get those idiots out of your mind, the phone rang.

He took out his phone, glanced at it and then stared at the screen.

It's Qiu Yi.

He was suddenly afraid to answer Qiu Yi's call.

"Qiu Yi," Wan Fei leaned over and glanced at the phone, "Pick it up."

Bian Nan still didn't move.

He didn't heave a sigh of relief until the bell stopped.

"Why didn't you pick it up? Did you two quarrel? Did you break up?" Wan Fei guessed, "Did he beat you? No, did you beat him? Or..."

The phone rang again, it was still Qiu Yi.

Looking at Wan Fei's inexplicable eyes, Bian Nan couldn't bear it any longer, so he picked up the phone.

"The user you dialed... For the time being..." Bian Nan felt that he was probably really sick, and after answering the phone, he said this into the receiver, but he didn't speak quickly.

"Temporarily unavailable." Wan Fei quickly reminded him.

"...I can't answer for the time being," Bian Nan said, but Qiu Yi didn't make a sound or hang up, so he could only continue, "Sorry, The sub... ...sub... Forget it, what's the matter?"

"The subscriber you dialed can not be connected for the moment, please redial later," Qiu Yi's voice came from over there, speaking quite standard English, "Do you want to say this?"

"...No." Bian Nan said.

Qiu Yi smiled: "Er Treasure wants to eat egg tarts, let me make more for you, you will..."

"I'm not going," Bian Nan quickly interrupted Qiu Yi, "I'm staying at Wan Fei's house."

"That's it, that's fine." Qiu Yi didn't say anything else, and hung up the phone.

Qiu Yan kept looking up at Qiu Yi on the phone, and after hanging up the phone, he pulled Qiu Yi's clothes eagerly: "When will the big tiger come?"

"He's not coming today, he's at a classmate's house." Qiu Yi patted his head, "Are you going to buy egg tart wrappers with me?"

"He won't come?" Qiu Yan was a little disappointed, "Isn't he coming to eat egg tarts?"

"He'll come over to eat next time." Qiu Yi changed his shoes, "Why don't I make some more tomorrow morning and bring them to him when you go to play."

"Okay!" Qiu Yan nodded.

Qiu Yan didn't go with him to buy egg tart skins, compared to his elder brother who doesn't like to tease him and doesn't always have the energy to play with him, Qiu Yan probably prefers staying with Bian Nan.

Qiu Yi went to buy the ingredients for making egg tarts and returned home. Qiu Yan was squatting in the yard playing with the remote-control car, using the car to circle around the bumblebee that Bian Nan sent him.

"Brother Xiaotao will come back tomorrow, how about taking you out to play video games?" Qiu Yi said.

"Brother Xiaotao is not fun," Qiu Yan stared at the car, "Da Huzi is fun."

Qiu Yi is happy. Shen Tao is similar to him. Compared with Bian Nan, he is a little too serious. The reason why Qiu Yan likes Bian Nan so much is probably because Bian Nan is... childish

No, he has a childlike innocence, and his patience with children is much stronger than that of him and Shen Tao.

It's just that Bian Nan won't come to his house to play with Erbao all the time.

Qiu Yi went into the kitchen, poured milk and sugar into the pot, put it on the fire and stirred slowly, waiting for the saccharification.

After stirring for a while, he tasted it. Qiu Yan likes sweets, the sweeter the better, but he didn't put too much sugar, which was at the highest level of his tolerance for sweetness.

After saccharifying, he took the pot aside, turned around and took the flour to sift into the pot.

I don't know if he was affected by Bian Nan's nagging behavior. He was a little absent-minded. He just sifted it, but the fire rising under the sieve startled him. After stepping away, he realized that he had sifted all the flour onto the stove. Yes, the fire is still on.

He went over and turned off the fire, sifted the flour into the pot, and almost threw it on the stove again when he put the egg yolk in.

He clicked his tongue, put down the things in his hands, took a breath while supporting the stove, and slowly exhaled it before picking up the egg beater again and continuing to stir in the pot.

"Brother," Qiu Yan ran into the kitchen, "Are you ready?"

"... It's only been made for a little while, and it hasn't been baked yet." Qiu Yi smiled.

"Then remember to save the ones for tomorrow morning and bring them to Da Huzi." Qiu Yan reminded him with a serious face.

"Well, remember." Qiu Yi nodded.

"Brother," Qiu Yan sat on the small stool by the kitchen door, "Da Huzi will start training next week."

"Yeah." Qiu Yi stacked the egg tart skins on the baking tray.

"I can't play with him after he started training." Qiu Yan was a little disappointed.

"If you're sure you like to play, I'll pay you to practice with those summer class kids." Qiu Yi said.

"No, the tuition is very expensive, you can teach me when Da Huzi is free," Qiu Yan looked at him, "Can I watch him when he is training?"

"He doesn't have time to talk to you during training." Qiu Yi poured the mixed milk paste into the egg tart skin.

"I'll just watch from the side, and he doesn't need to talk to me." Qiu Yan said.

Qiu Yi was silent for a while, and after putting the egg tart into the oven, he said, "It's up to you."

Bian Nan and Wan Fei squatted at the bus stop, Qiu Yi didn't have time to send Qiu Yan over today, the little guy came here by himself by bus.

Seeing Qiu Yan jumping off the bus carrying a lunch box, Bian Nan was stunned: "Do you still have a lunch box?"

"Egg tart!" Qiu Yan held up the lunch box, "Brother made it this morning... Hello, Brother Wan Fei."

"Hey, good, good," Wan Fei patted his head, "Erbao has a good memory, I'll just go there once, and I remember my name? Do you want to eat chocolate? Brother will buy it for you!"

Bian Nan took the lunch box, and after opening it, a strong fragrance wafted out immediately. He looked at the six warm egg tarts neatly stacked in the lunch box, and felt an indescribable feeling in his heart, with a bit of inexplicable feeling. flustered.

"This is made by Qiu Yi?" Wan Fei reached out and took one, took a bite and shouted, "Huh? It's delicious!"

"If you want to eat, you can take it!" Bian Nan didn't appreciate it enough, and suddenly one was missing, one two three, one two was gone, one two, one two, one was gone, it looked very uncomfortable.

"It's really delicious, try it quickly," Wan Fei stuffed the egg tart into his mouth, "I didn't expect Qiu Yi to be quite virtuous, there are not many girls who know how to cook like this now."

Bian Nan picked up one and took a bite, the soft and sweet taste made him close his eyes, squatted down and said to Qiu Yan vaguely: "Tell your brother, it's delicious."

"Okay!" Qiu Yan looked at him contentedly.

"You take one and eat the rest during your break." Bian Nan handed the lunch box in front of him.

"I won't eat. I ate ten yesterday, but my brother won't let me eat." Qiu Yan looked at the egg and swallowed.

"Ten?" Bian Nan immediately covered the lunch box, "You're not afraid of having a stomachache."

When he led Qiu Yan to the school field, Qiu Yan was in a good mood, jumping up and down.

"Big Huzi," he tugged at Bian Nan's hand, "my brother can also fry Mahua, let him fry it for you when you go to my house, it's delicious."

"Okay." Bian Nan nodded.

"When are you going?" Qiu Yan immediately asked.

Bian Nan opened his mouth but did not say a word, Wan Fei answered at the side: "Is there something to eat when I go?"

"Yes, I'll give you one." Qiu Yan said.

"I have to eat ten," Wan Fei clicked his tongue twice, "one won't be enough."

"Then I'll give you what you can't finish, big tiger." Qiu Yan thought for a while.

"Damn," Wan Fei laughed, and slapped Bian Nan on the shoulder, "This is not Qiu Yi's younger brother, this is Bian Nan's real younger brother!"

Bian Nan chuckled twice, bent down and kissed Qiu Yan on the forehead.

"When are you going?" Qiu Yan asked again persistently.

"Then what," Bian Nan rubbed his nose, "I'm going to train next week, I'm very busy, I don't know when I'll have time."

"Then go before training." Qiu Yan thought clearly.

"Training...before training, there are a lot of things..." Bian Nan didn't know what to say, he didn't want to see Qiu Yi, he was embarrassed, and didn't dare, but he didn't know how to reject Qiu Yan.

"Second Treasure," Wan Fei said aside, "Is your brother busy this summer vacation?"

"Yeah." Qiu Yan looked at him.

"Do you have to go to work every day or something? Didn't you take a break?" Wan Fei asked again.

"... Mmm." Qiu Yan lowered his head.

"I'll go back later, Big Huzi. Fried Mahua is quite troublesome. Let's eat it when your brother is not so busy?" Wan Fei said.

"Then I'll tell you when brother is not busy?" Qiu Yan hesitated for a while and raised his head to ask Bian Nan.

"Okay!" Bian Nan nodded quickly.

After Qiu Yan started playing, Bian Nan bought two bottles of water and sat next to Wan Fei to watch.

"Brother Nan," Wan Fei took a sip of water, "Are we buddies?"

"Huh?" Bian Nan glanced at him, "It must be two brothers."

"Then tell me," Wan Fei clicked his tongue, "What's the matter with you and Qiu Yi?"

Bian Nan squeezed the bottle in his hand: "No..."

"Shut up," Wan Fei interrupted him, "I'm not stupid, really I don't see it? Usually Er Bao wants you to go to his house, and you go there on a hot wheel. Today I can't find a reason to go, there must be something wrong with Qiu Yi, tell me, is there a fight? Let me tell you, no matter how good the relationship with Qiu Yi is, he is also a shipping company... "

"Shut up." Bian Nan hit Wan Fei on the head with a bottle.

Wan Fei ignored him: "Don't tell me I can't shut up, don't say I can't shut my mouth, I can't even close my eyes when I'm sleeping. From yesterday to now, I've been annoyed by your virtue. You said you..."

"I kissed him." Bian Nan said.

"You don't usually grind like this..." Wan Fei said angrily, changed his tone halfway, and raised two miles up while turning, "What did you say?"

Bian Nan didn't speak, but stared at the water in his hand.

After he said this, he regretted it, his whole body was burned like a fire, and he couldn't stay still.

"What did you say? Who did you kiss?" Wan Fei turned his shoulders and stared at him in shock, "We are talking about Qiu Yi, right? Where are you talking?"

"Just talk about him." Bian Nan gritted his teeth and said.

"Fuck!" Wan Fei jumped up on the chair, and shouted again, "Did you kiss Qiu Yi? Why did you kiss him? You kissed him once and he beat you up? Fuck me, I kissed you too." …”

"Can you stop for a while and not make a sound?" Bian Nan rubbed his forehead and looked at him.

Wan Fei suddenly fell silent, leaning his arms on his knees, staring at the children running around on the field.

Bian Nan kept pinching the bottle in his hand.

Wan Fei turned his head after a long time, and said softly: "I see, you kissed Qiu Yi, it was like kissing a girl, right?"

"Well," Bian Nan put the bottle to his mouth, and knocked his teeth up and down on the mouth of the bottle, "Do you think there is something wrong with me?"

"What's wrong?" Wan Fei said.

"What do you think?" Bian Nan gave him a sidelong glance.

"Same... homosexual?" Wan Fei said hesitantly.

Bian Nan's hands trembled, the bottle mouth slipped from his teeth, and it hit him hard on his mouth. He covered his mouth and frowned and cursed: "Fuck."

"A man who loves men doesn't necessarily mean he likes men, does he?" Wan Fei also squeezed the bottle, "Kissing Qiu Yi doesn't necessarily mean he likes Qiu Yi, right?"

"That's what I'm thinking about," Bian Nan stared at him, "Speak softly."

"Brother Nan! I'm already so angry," Wan Fei leaned close to his ear, and said in a voice that was dying, "I think... Hey, did I use an idiom?"

"Fast your fart all at once." Bian Nan said.

"I don't think you've ever liked anyone. How could you like Qiu Yi, right?" Wan Fei thought for a while, "You don't have to be so nervous if you just kiss him? Do you like him?"

Bian Nan didn't make a sound.

Like it

Don't like it

But really nervous.

quite tense.

The author has something to say: continue tomorrow.

Regarding Qiu Yi's attitude, everyone is guessing. In fact, the point is not whether he likes Bian Nan, or whether he is afraid to respond to Bian Nan. During Shen Tao's conversation, there should have been a sentence that expressed his attitude towards himself... But it doesn't matter, it will be clear later, okay.