Wolves of a Pair Prowl Together

Chapter 46


After putting the phone back into the bag, Bian Nan was stunned for a while on the steps before turning his head to look at Wan Fei.

Wan Fei was probably calling Xu Rui, laughing so hard that his hairline almost bent.

Seeing that he had finished answering the phone, Wan Fei quickly hung up the phone and ran over: "What's the matter?"

"Qiu Yi said to bring me the gift tomorrow," Bian Nan picked up the bag and threw it on it, "Let's go, let's eat."

"He still has a gift for you?" Wan Fei was a little surprised, "You two can't even maintain your nodding friendship..."

"I asked him what he wanted for his birthday last month," Bian Nan said in a muffled voice, and Wan Fei's nod of acquaintance suddenly reminded him of Qiu Yi's faint "gone?" in the restaurant that day, and suddenly felt depressed, "You have mastered the idioms very well recently, and you have reached the height of looking for it."

"You still ask him for a gift?" Wan Fei laughed twice.

"Well, I just said something along the way." Looking at the ground, Bian Nan suddenly felt a little glad that he asked for a gift casually that day.

Although this time he was devastated by this incident, and he had received countless punishments during training, but hearing Qiu Yi's voice and knowing that he would meet tomorrow, he was still inexplicably happy and looking forward to it.

It's just that maybe we can't say a few words when we meet each other.

Thinking of this, he felt a little down again.

But on second thought, that's better than never seeing each other.

So the mood went up again.

But so what if we meet...

His emotions were tossing back and forth like this, he almost wanted to go crazy.

Just walking all the way without saying a word, Bian Nan didn't look at the road, and he didn't come back to himself until Wan Fei pulled him into a shop.

They are all too familiar with this piece, and when he saw the display in the store, he clicked his tongue: "Eat fried pancakes again, you are so fucking dedicated, if it weren't for Xu Rui, I would have thought you fell in love with his girl !"

"Stupid," Wan Fei gave him a sideways glance, "Didn't you see that Pan Yifeng is leading someone in front of you!"

"He brought someone here?" Bian Nan frowned, turned his head and wanted to go out to have a look.

"My dear brother," Wan Fei grabbed him and dragged him to the edge of the table in the back, "I don't even know the ones with me, let's not go out and find death."

Bian Nan sat down and poured a cup of tea and took a sip: "Are you still afraid of courting death? This is not your style. Your style should be dedicated to courting death."

"Fuck," Wan Fei pointed at him, "If it weren't for your virtue of being out of your mind, would I be afraid? I'm afraid you'll go out in a trance and drag me down! Hey... I seem to be really good at idioms recently. , it is estimated that it will not be a problem to enter the individual college."

"You're awesome," Bian Nan gave a thumbs up, "The hind legs are the best."

But what Wan Fei said was right, with such an absent-minded and dazed look, let alone Wan Fei, Bian Nan was tired of watching himself.

Thinking back and forth every day like a girl.

like men

Why do you like men

How the hell would you like a man

Do you like Qiu Yi

Why do you like Qiu Yi

Why the fuck did you fall in love with Qiu Yi

What about Qiu Yi

What is Qiu Yi thinking

Why didn't Qiu Yi ask him why he didn't contact him suddenly

guessed? felt it

What is Qiu Yi's attitude towards his own thoughts

"Fuck!" Bian Nan cursed, and put the teacup heavily on the table.

The waiter who was bringing them fried pancakes was taken aback, and threw two plates in front of them, and a piece of meat from the plate of fried pancakes in front of Wan Fei fell on the table.

"Hey my meat, there are three pieces in total and you scare me away with one piece!" Wan Fei felt distressed, staring at the meat on the table with his chopsticks.

Bian Nan didn't say a word, changed the fried pancakes for the two of them, bowed his head and started to eat.

After a few mouthfuls, he raised his head to look at Wan Fei, and said vaguely: "I will... tell him tomorrow."

"What?" Wan Fei was stunned.

"I'll tell him tomorrow." Bian Nan swallowed the pancake and said it again.

"Fuck me? Really?" Wan Fei's eyes widened.

"Well, I'm so tired, I don't need to think about it like this every day after I finish talking, it's not annoying enough!" Bian Nan stuffed another mouthful of fried pancakes into his mouth.

Wan Fei was stunned for a long time, reached out and patted his shoulder vigorously, gave him a thumbs up again, and did not speak.

After making a decision, even though he didn't know what the result would be, Bian Nan suddenly felt relieved.

It's like when I brought home the report card when I was a child. When I didn't hand it to my dad, my legs were so nervous that my legs shook. When I handed over the report card, I suddenly felt relaxed. It didn't matter whether I beat or scolded.

After eating fried pancakes, he took Wan Fei to eat some skewers before returning to school.

"Silly Pan is gone?" Bian Nan didn't meet Pan Yifeng all the way, and felt a little strange.

"I don't know, many people have returned to school now," Wan Fei looked around, "I guess he doesn't dare to do anything casually?"

"I don't know who they are looking for," Bian Nan said, "It may also be for demonstrations."

"Be careful these two days," Wan Fei clicked his tongue, "Didn't someone in the third grade last year get stabbed by outsiders? I don't think the people brought by Shapan are good birds. You can smell a hooligan."

After returning to the dormitory and taking a shower, Bian Nan lay on the bed and listened to Wan Fei and Sun Yifan and Zhu Bin's bragging competition, flipping back and forth with his mobile phone in his hand.

He wanted to send Qiu Yi a text message to ask what the gift was, but after thinking about it, he clicked on Doudizhu.

Just let Qiu Yi give him a surprise, and give Qiu Yi a surprise tomorrow, and everything will be done.

Doudizhu kept fighting until the phone ran out of battery before throwing the phone on the table to charge it, and fell back to bed to sleep.

There were so many dreams this night that he was shocked and woke up two or three times in the middle of the night. He had never had such a dream like a wheel war since he was a child.

At first he guessed that he would dream, and felt that he might be able to dream of Qiu Yi.

As a result, all night until dawn, he dreamed that he was climbing a mountain, climbed to the top of the mountain, jumped down, and then pulled the parachute, but failed to find the parachute line, fell to the ground and continued to climb, climbed up and jumped again...

After jumping back and forth about ten times, I realized that I climbed up to watch the sunrise.

During this day's training, he always felt that he didn't wake up, and was fined by Lao Jiang to run ten kilometers. After doing this a few times, he felt that he should just transfer to another class to practice the marathon.

There are no classes for summer training, so the afternoon training ends before meal time.

Ever since the training ended, Bian Nan couldn't help taking out his cell phone to watch it all the time. After taking a shower and returning to the dormitory, he put the cell phone on the table.

"What time do you leave?" Sun Yifan came over and asked him about the birthday meal, "I've made an agreement with the people next door, and I'll wait for the birthday star to order."

"I'll wait for a call, grab something and leave." Bian Nan scratched his head, feeling a little nervous, "Go and sing together after eating."

"Okay," Sun Yifan snapped his fingers, "By the way, I have prepared a very creative gift for you, please give me an excited response after reading it."

"...Success." Bian Nan had no expectations for Sun Yifan's gift, and he gave Wan Fei two boxes of condoms on his birthday.

After struggling in the dormitory for almost two hours, the phone on the desk finally rang, and Bian Nan jumped from the bed to the floor.

I rushed over and picked up the phone to see, it's dad's.

He was a little discouraged immediately: "Dad?"

"I'm spending today with my classmates, right?" Dad asked him.

"Well, have a meal and sing a song or something." Bian Nan said.

"I transferred money to your card yesterday, but I forgot to tell you, take your classmates to have fun," Dad lowered his voice again, "I will definitely go home tomorrow, and my aunt and I have prepared a gift for you."

"En." Bian Nan originally wanted to say not to give away any more mobile phones, but he was afraid that his father would not be able to stop, so he just agreed.

After hanging up his father's phone call, Bian Nan sat on the edge of the bed in a daze, feeling that he was a little...

After being stunned for two minutes, he stood up and went to the toilet.

Just before he got out of the toilet after urinating, he heard his cell phone ringing and Wan Fei's voice: "Brother Nan's call!"

"Hey!" Bian Nan quickly pulled up his pants and ran out.

This time the call was from Qiu Yi, and the words Qiu Dabao on the screen made Bian Nan's heart skip a beat.

"Hello?" He answered the phone.

"I'm here, at the gate of your school?" Qiu Yi's voice was panting, as if he was riding a bicycle.

"No," Bian Nan thought for a while, "Many people have come back for training and they all live in dormitories. Now there is no access control, so it's too easy to bump into people."

"Then I'll wait for you at the intersection?" Qiu Yi asked.

"Well, let's go to the construction site, I'll go right away." Bian Nan ran back to the dormitory.

"Okay." Qiu Yi hung up the phone.

Bian Nan changed his clothes, went out of the dormitory and found that he didn't bring his mobile phone, turned around and went in to get it, went out and took two steps, went back to the dormitory and took a drink of water with a cup, then went out and went downstairs again after he regained his composure, feeling a little nervous Go to the school gate.

As soon as he walked out of the school gate, he stopped.

There were three motorcycles parked at the gate of the school, all of which had people on board. Pan Yifeng was sitting in the back seat of one of the motorcycles, talking to his former follower.

Seeing Bian Nan coming out, he roared, "Bian Nan!"

Bian Nan glanced at him and didn't reply, thinking about which way he should run if there was a fight.

"Long time no see, I really want to have a good chat with you, but I'm too busy today, I've been working on it for a week," but Pan Yifeng didn't get out of the car, and didn't mean to ask someone to beat him up, just sneered and Pointing at him, he said, "Another day, don't run away."

Bian Nan didn't speak, just stood by the wall and looked at him.

After Pan Yifeng said this, several motorcycles started to drive away along the road with the fuel pumped.

Looking at the direction they were going in, Bian Nan frowned. The few of them were going to the city, and the construction site was a must.

He immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Qiu Yi's number.

"Reporter?" One of Pan Yifeng's former attendants said next to him, "It is said that you are familiar with the shipping people, or is it true?"

Bian Nan glanced at him and ignored him, held the phone to his ear and listened, what this man said made his heart sink suddenly.

It is the shipping people who are blocking.

With such a large formation, there will be no one else except Qiu Yi.

"It's too late, I've already blocked Da Pan before going over." The man added.

No one answered Qiu Yi's phone. After a few rings, Nan hung up the phone and ran over to the construction site at the intersection.

While running, he dialed Wan Fei's phone: "Bring a few people over here, the construction site."

"Fuck me?" Wan Fei was stunned, but his greatest advantage was his quick response in this regard. Bian Nan immediately heard him yell, "Go, go, construction site, something happened to Bian Nan!"

"Hurry up, bring something," Bian Nan heard the shouts on the phone, "It's Qiu Yi, don't let anyone come if you don't want to."

"We will go for you." Wan Fei said quickly and hung up the phone.

Bian Nan felt that he had never run like this before in his life, the wind was blowing loudly by his ears, his freshly shaved cropped hair was almost floating, and the blood all over his body was so hot that it was about to burst out.

Qiu Yi was alone.

Pan Yifeng already had five or six people just now, not counting the one who blocked Qiu Yi over there.

Even if Qiu Yi is recognized as a small fighter, he will definitely suffer a big loss this time.

Bian Nan was so anxious that he wanted to yell twice, his two legs were really not enough, if he was a dog, he would have run to hell by now!

No, if only a horse would do...

The city has been creating a city for a while, and this time it has been very vigorous, and the junction of urban and rural areas has not been spared.

Running all the way, Bian Nan didn't even find a stick, no sticks, stones, broken bricks, nothing at all.

He didn't know how useful it would be for him to run there empty-handed, but he kept his head buried in the construction site.

When he was still tens of meters away from the construction site, he saw several motorcycles outside the construction site, and two passers-by running away in the opposite direction.

Qiu Yi's white bicycle fell into his sight like a thorn.

The last ray of hope was not blocked by Qiu Yi's hope, which was also shattered.

You should be able to find fighting things on the construction site, but you may not have a chance to pick them up after passing by.

Bian Nan rushed to the side of Qiu Yi's bicycle, stepped on the rear wheel, grabbed the bike stay and pulled it hard, which was snapped off the bike by him.

The spring jerked across his hand, and there was a burning pain on the back of his hand.

As soon as he turned into the construction site, Bian Nan saw a dozen or so people wielding iron bars and knives.

Qiu Yi, who was already lying on the ground, was seen between the people, and he was raising his arms to protect his head. On the white T-shirt, large bloodstains of bright red could be seen.

"Fuck you, uncle!" Bian Nan roared, as if Qiu Yi's blood had stained his eyes, he felt blood red in front of his eyes.

He swung the pole of the car and threw it on the head of the person closest to him.

The car support is not very powerful, but the strong forehand smash is Bian Nan's trump card, and he used all his strength this time.

The man covered his head and let out a scream, Bian Nan kicked hard on his waist again, and the man fell to the ground.

Bian Nan's target wasn't the people who were still on the periphery and didn't have time to make a move. He swung his bike and kicked and kicked to get close to the few people who were beating around Qiu Yi. He saw Pan Yifeng holding a knife in his hand.

The group noticed that someone was coming from behind, and they immediately turned around, throwing the iron bars and chains on Bian Nan's body.

Bian Nan's eyes were still blood red, and he only stared at the knife in the hands of Qiu Yi and Pan Yifeng who were on the ground.

On the head, on the shoulders, on the arms, on the back, they all fell down.

The car stay was not easy to use, it was too thin to hold it firmly, and after Bian Nan's forearm was hit hard, the car stay came off his hand.

So he changed into a fist and slammed down on the face and neck of the person in front of him.

There was no pain in his body, only anxiety and anger, which he couldn't bear.

In the chaos, he rushed to Qiu Yi's side, grabbed the hair of the man who had just thrown a brick at Qiu Yi's chest, pulled back, and punched the man on the nose.

Bian Nan took advantage of the man's leaning back and threw himself on Qiu Yi.

Someone pulled his shoulder, and a brick fell on his shoulder. He gritted his teeth and grabbed Qiu Yi's arm, trying to make sure he was okay.

Touched a hand of blood.

"Stupid." Qiu Yi whispered in his ear, his voice sounded very labored, with hoarse panting.

Bian Nan felt that at this moment, he was probably beaten.

Want to say my gift, but also want to say I like you.

But before he had time to say it, he was hit twice on the back and head by something, and he was dizzy for a while, and was pulled away by the people behind him.

He struggled twice, and fished a hand aside, trying to see if he could snatch something like a stick, but he couldn't.

Pan Yifeng kicked Qiu Yi's stomach, and when Qiu Yi snorted and heaved his body together, Bian Nan saw the knife Pan Yifeng stabbed at him.

"Fuck you!" Bian Nan yelled, slamming his elbow back and breaking away from the person behind him who was pulling him.

Bian Nan directly grabbed the blade and blocked the knife that was aimed at Qiu Yi.

Pan Yifeng drew out his knife and made a deep cut in Bian Nan's hand.

Enduring the excruciating pain, Bian Nan grabbed Pan Yifeng's wrist again, trying to grab the knife with his fingers.

At this moment, Qiu Yi stepped on Pan Yifeng's lower abdomen.

Pan Yifeng yelled, losing strength in his hand, Bian Nan snatched the knife away.

Before he had time to adjust, a few people rushed up behind him, pressing him and Qiu Yi to the ground.

The scene suddenly became chaotic, Bian Nan couldn't hear the voice clearly, and couldn't see the person clearly, he only knew that Qiu Yi carried two sticks for him on his left.

He roared and waved his arms violently, trying to push the person who was holding him off.

"Ah!" someone shouted.

Bian Nan recognized that it was Pan Yifeng's voice, and then saw Pan Yifeng kneeling on the ground with his stomach pressed.

In the chaos, no one knew what was going on. Pan Yifeng gritted his teeth and squeezed out a few words: "Someone stabbed me."

Bian Nan was a little dizzy, he didn't know when he stabbed Pan Yifeng in the stomach.

"Give it to me," Qiu Yi blocked him, grabbed the knife in his hand, and said in a low voice, "Let go."

Bian Nan's hands clenched tightly, and before he could make a sound, he was kicked heavily on the head.

The blood red in front of his eyes disappeared, and a black mist enveloped him.