Wolves of a Pair Prowl Together

Chapter 57


Back in his room, Bian Nan stood outside the window for a long time.

This is the first time he has contradicted his father... it should be considered contradictory.

Although he was not a good boy since he was a child, he would fight with people outside and fight with Bian Hao at home, but every time his father taught him, he would be silent.

No matter how dissatisfied or wronged he was in his heart, he was used to not talking. After his father finished cursing and sighed, he would breathe a sigh of relief, feeling that he had survived.

He can't remember clearly what happened before he came to this home, but his sensitive nerves let him know his identity since he was taken here by his father, a child of an unwelcome spoiler.

No matter how his father treats him, he still can't relax like Bian Xinyu and Bian Hao.

Acting like a baby, being unreasonable, losing your temper, being self-willed... These normal children can't learn a single thing that their parents would do.

If you can't vent your anger, you can vent it by kicking a few walls and throwing things when no one is around.

In the few words before the dinner table, Bian Nan's voice was not high, and except for the chair knocked down by him, his attitude didn't even count as a temper tantrum, but the astonishment on Dad's face was so obvious.

Bian Xinyu threw the plate, Bian Hao yelled like his father was fighting a bull, his father never had such an expression.

Bian Nan suddenly felt a little sorry.

It must be so amazing that Bian Nan knocked down a chair and said such words.

Bian Nan directed out the window and laughed a few times, and when he heard his aunt barking the dog in the yard, he quickly backed away from the window and closed the curtains with his hands.

He packed up the things he was going to take to school next week, and he hesitated when he changed his clothes and wanted to go out.

Is this a fight with dad

Run away after the fight

Would it make people think that he... is ignorant

"Hey..." Bian Nan squatted down behind the door a little depressed, and leaned against the door in a daze for a long time.

It wasn't until someone knocked on the door that he recovered and stood up.

When he opened the door and saw that it was his father, he quickly threw the bag that was still on his back aside.

"You want to go out?" Dad's face was not very good.

"I want to go to Wan Fei's place." Bian Nan rubbed his nose.

"Are you... do you want to be an assistant for that club?" Dad asked him with a frown.

"...Well," Bian Nan lowered his head, "at least that... matches my major, so I'm familiar with tennis."

Dad was silent for a while and sighed: "It's still a while, think about it again, if you still have to go then, then you go."

Dad said this a little bluntly, turned around and went upstairs after speaking.

Bian Nan stood by the door for a few minutes, feeling suddenly relieved somewhere in his heart, bent down, picked up his bag and walked out of the room.

Downstairs, Bian Xinyu was the only one sitting on the sofa watching TV. When she saw Bian Nan coming down, she called out, "Hey, Bian Nan."

Bian Nan stopped to look at her, she jumped off the sofa, walked to Bian Nan, and said in a low voice, "Are you going to Wan Fei's place or Qiu... well, forget it, it's fine."

Bian Xinyu waved her hand and went back to the sofa: "I'll tell you when you're in a better mood. I'm not in a good mood right now, so I don't want to quarrel."

"En." Bian Nan replied, turned and walked out the door.

Bian Nan called Wan Fei, but the boy didn't answer, Wan Fei didn't sleep past ten o'clock on weekend mornings and wouldn't get up, so he took a taxi directly to Wan Fei's house.

Wan Fei's mother had just put breakfast on the table when she knocked on the door, and the whole room was filled with the smell of pancakes.

Wan Fei's father was about to go out, when he saw him pointing to the cakes on the table immediately: "It's just right, I made too much, you are strong in combat, so clean it up."

Bian Nan laughed a few times, went over to take a pancake and took a bite: "Ah, my aunt's skill is better!"

"Why did you come here so early today? Don't you have to sleep until tomorrow like Wan Fei?" Wan Fei's mother smiled and handed him a bowl of soy milk.

"I'm thinking about life," he said while eating cakes in the south and walking to Wan Fei's house, "I decided to get up early in the future."

Wan Fei was still in a deep sleep, Bian Nan opened the door to enter the room and closed the door with a bang, without moving a bit.

Bian Nan sat on the chair beside the bed, and said in a low voice: "Hey Xu Rui, why did you come here?"

"Huh?" Wan Fei immediately snorted in bewilderment, and raised his heavy head.

"So clever?" Bian Nan laughed, "Xu Rui, Xu Rui, Xu Rui...Xu Rui has a nice waist."

"Fuck..." After seeing that it was Bian Nan, Wan Fei slumped back onto the pillow, "Brother Nan, are you sick?"

"I woke up, my face was crooked from sleeping." Bian Nan jumped up and lifted the quilt, and slapped his buttocks.

Wan Fei was so tormented by him that he couldn't fall asleep. He sat cross-legged on the bed, lowered his head for a while before he finally woke up.

"Did something happen to you?" Wan Fei took the phone to check the time, and saw Bian Nan's missed call on the phone, "You called me just after eight o'clock?"

"I got up in the morning and scrambled eggs for my dad." Bian Nan smiled.

"Really fired? Was it successful?" Wan Fei was delighted, "Did you get picked on?"

"It's okay." Bian Nan was quite proud at first, but when he thought about what happened after breakfast, he became a little depressed.

"What's the matter?" Wan Fei got off the bed, looked at him while putting on his pants, "Did you have a fight with Bian Hao?"

"My dad wants me to do an internship in a logistics company." Bian Nan said in a muffled voice.

"Huh? Logistics company? Just the one from Bian Hao?" Wan Fei was stunned.

"En." Bian Nan nodded.

"Fuck, I don't want to go," Wan Fei said without thinking, "If I go, I can get some more! Besides, Zhanfei's place is not very good, first assistant, then slowly coach, and then get some work as a personal trainer Son, in the future, you can even rent a stadium and do it yourself, why is it not better than being angry under Bian Hao's hands!"

Bian Nan was stunned when Wan Fei spoke on the phone. He raised his head and stared at Wan Fei for a long time, then stood up and opened his arms to Wan Fei: "Come on, let me give you a hug."

Wan Fei immediately came over and hugged him: "Aren't you very touched, I showed you a clear way."

"At least it gave me some confidence." Bian Nan patted him on the back. "Up to now, you are the only one who supports me."

"Qiu Yi doesn't support you?" Wan Fei asked.

"I didn't explain it to him in detail," Bian Nan lay down on the bed, "He feels that everything he does is very straightforward and has a unique pattern. I'm so hesitant that I'm too embarrassed to explain it to him .”

Wan Fei clicked his tongue: "What's so embarrassing about it? Can you be the same as him? No matter how you say it, you're still the young master. You don't care about anything from childhood to adulthood. The main line of life is to dawdle. He has been working illegally since elementary school. , how can this be compared... Hey, I haven't asked about Qiu Yi yet... "

Wan Fei suddenly changed the subject, and before Bian Nan could react, he had already lay down beside Bian Nan, and asked, "What's going on with you two now?"

"What's the situation?" Bian Nan glared at him.

"It's... just... Jin, progress, I'm so embarrassed to say it," Wan Fei clicked his tongue, "Don't you tell him, did you say it?"

"Say it." Bian Nan cleared his throat, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Hey!" Wan Fei yelled, and then he rattled at the ceiling, "Hey! It's unbelievable... Then I see Qiu Yi's attitude these days... he is..."

"Your mother made pancakes, don't you want to eat them?" Bian Nan interrupted, he didn't know what was going on, even if he told Wan Fei, he would always feel embarrassed.

"Did he agree? How could I? He agreed after you said it?" Wan Fei completely ignored Bian Nan's words, and was immersed in talking to himself, "Did he have it too?" This meaning has been around for a long time? Hey, how could it be... Is he... Hey, fate, this is really... "

"I'd better go back." Bian Nan sat up, picked up his bag and was about to go out.

"Hey Brother Nan, Brother Nan," Wan Fei hurriedly held him back with a smile, "I won't ask any more, anyway, I'll stand by your side and don't care about anything else."

Wan Fei washed up, stuffed two pancakes, and returned to the house with a bowl of soy milk. Bian Nan was sitting in front of his computer fighting landlords. He went over and kicked the chair: "Go out and take a walk."

"Where are you going?" Bian Nan clicked the mouse.

"Whatever, do you want to go to the amusement park? Call...Xu Rui?" Wan Fei lowered his voice in the second half of the sentence, a little lacking in confidence.

"Hehe." Bian Nan said.

"Hey, what a ghost, I promised her yesterday," Wan Fei scratched his head, "Let's go together, you call Qiu Yi."

"The matter between me and Qiu Yi... Did you tell Xu Rui?" Bian Nan suddenly thought of this, and felt a little nervous.

"No, what are you talking about to her? The little girl likes to tell her best friend about everything, and the best friend tells her best friend again, maybe where it will go." Wan Fei clicked his tongue.

Bian Nan patted him on the shoulder and was about to speak when his cell phone rang.

He took out his phone and glanced at it, and the screen showed, little curly hair.

"Second Treasure?" He was taken aback for a moment, then picked up the phone, "You..."

Before he could speak, Qiu Yan's nasal voice was heard: "Big Tiger!"

"Hey, Er Bao," Bian Nan replied, "What's wrong?"

"Can't we go to barbecue when it's cold?" Qiu Yan asked loudly.

"It's cold..." Bian Nan didn't know what he meant when he asked, "It's cold and windy, the fire will be blown out during barbecue..."

"Then what should we do!" Qiu Yan was anxious.

"What... what should I do?" Bian Nan was taken aback by his question, "Erbao, is your brother there? Shall I tell him?"

"Not here, brother Xiaotao is here, he said he can't go to the barbecue!" Qiu Yan's anxious nasal sound became more anxious, and he felt like he was about to cry immediately.

"Then you give Brother Xiaotao the phone, and I'll ask him what's going on." Bian Nan said.

"Hello." Shen Tao's voice came from over there.

"Ouch, brother Xiaotao, what did you do to Erbao? Why am I about to cry?" Bian Nan asked him with a smile.

"Ask you," Shen Tao sighed, "Did you promise him to go to the barbecue, and now you have to make a fuss to go..."

"Huh? I... promised him to come," Bian Nan was a little embarrassed, he had completely forgotten about it, "I forgot, so Qiu Yi is not at home?"

"I'm planning to go back to the hotel to work. I passed it early in the morning. I guess I'll be back later. I brought him an internship form." Shen Tao's voice seemed helpless accompanied by Qiu Yan's yelling. , Now that Erbao still won’t let me go, I just said that if it’s too cold to grill, he’ll blow it up, I didn’t even know you promised him.”

"It's not cold yet!" Qiu Yan's voice was very loud, and he lowered his voice after speaking, "There is no wind today! I want to go to the barbecue, and Da Huzi said to take me there..."

"Hey, let's go, let's go to the barbecue today, damn it," Bian Nan looked at Wan Fei, "Wan Fei is here with his girlfriend, you can go with him over there."

"Barbecue?" Wan Fei got excited when he heard it, "Okay, I haven't been there for a long time!"

"Wait," Shen Tao and Qiu Yi basically belonged to the same style, and immediately questioned the unreliability of Bian Nan's whim proposal, "Don't be like Er Bao, who didn't prepare anything? What are you cooking? ?”

"No need to prepare, there is a barbecue place by the river in the east of the city, there is everything, people can eat, and there will be a bonfire party performance at night." Bian Nan talked about how excited he was, "It's quite It’s fun, and you can even live in a tent!”

"Wait... wait..." Shen Tao was probably a little speechless, and waited for a long time before he said, "I'll wait for Qiu Yi to come back."

"Just wait, Wan Fei and I will go there right away, if you and Qiu Yi don't go, we will take Erbao." Bian Nan finished talking and hung up the phone.

"I'll call Xu Rui." Wan Fei quickly took out his phone, looking more excited than Qiu Yan, "Do you want to go home and get the car?"

"No," Bian Nan shook his head. Ever since Qiu Yi told him about the car accident last time, he decided not to drive without a license. "Don't you have two small batteries at home, can you borrow them?"

Wan Fei gave him a strange look: "Okay, just don't go far."

"Just the barbecue site, we went there when we were in junior high school." Bian Nan said.

"That's no problem." Wan Fei snapped his fingers.

The two rode a small battery to the intersection of Xu Rui's house and waited for a while. Xu Rui also came out on a small battery with a smile on his face.

"Hey, are you crazy, you suddenly said to go to the barbecue," Xu Rui said with a smile, "My mother asked me for a long time, and asked Miao Miao to lie for me and said that she came out to play at her house."

"Did you tell her? Brother Nan will go too?" Wan Fei immediately asked.

"Well, I said it, why..." Xu Rui was stunned before covering her mouth, "Oh, You Bian Nan didn't ask her to come with her!"

"You are stupid!" Wan Fei pointed at her.

"It was infected by you." Xu Rui rolled his eyes at him, then looked at Bian Nan again, "But she didn't ask any more questions, should it be all right?"

"What's the matter?" Bian Nan smiled, "She hasn't even contacted me."

"No way," Xu Rui was quite surprised, "Yesterday I was still talking about you, saying that you have a game and I want to tell her to go to see it."

Bian Nan didn't speak, Wan Fei patted Xu Rui's arm: "Don't worry about it, let's go, today's big event is barbecue."

"Yes," Xu Rui nodded, "I'm still with the shipping boss, I feel like I'm going to fight after eating!"

When the three drove the battery to the gate of Qiu Yi's courtyard, they heard Qiu Yan's singing.

Bian Nan got out of the car and opened the door, and saw Qiu Yi walking out of the house at a glance.

"Crazy." Qiu Yi saw him say something.

"What's the matter?" Bian Nan replied with a smile.

"You're here, big tiger!" Qiu Yan rushed over and hugged him, "Let's go now!"

"In a while," Bian Nan picked up Qiu Yan and walked into the room, then pointed to Wan Fei and Xu Rui who had just walked in, "I also brought two light bulbs."

"Idiot, are you?" Qiu Yi smiled and whispered in his ear.

"Bulb?" Xu Rui was stunned, "Shouldn't you guys be the light bulb?"

Bian Nan was taken aback, he didn't know why he said such a sentence so smoothly, he quickly laughed twice: "Ah! Yes, three big light bulbs."

"Are there enough cars?" Shen Tao asked from the side, diverting everyone's attention.

"That's enough, you have one car, we have three cars here, I'll take Xu Rui, whoever can take Erbao," Wan Fei pointed to Xu Rui and said to Qiu Yan, "Hey Erbao, you haven't called sister-in-law yet. .”

"What!" Xu Rui shouted.

"Hello, sister-in-law!" Qiu Yan called out loudly without thinking, "Let's go barbecue together, sister-in-law."

Xu Rui's face turned red immediately, and everyone was amused, Wan Fei gave a thumbs up: "The little guy has such a sweet mouth! He even rhymes!"

Bian Nan went into Qiu's father's room and chatted for a few words. When he came out, he saw Qiu Yi entering the back room, so he followed him in and closed the door behind him.

There were so many people outside, he didn't have the nerve to lock the door.

"Hey, I just jumped up." Bian Nan said with a smile.

"What's the fun?" Qiu Yi looked at him and smiled, "I've been seeing you smiling since I entered the door."

"I don't know," Bian Nan knew that he was indeed laughing all the time, "I just... I can't help but want to laugh when I see you. I'm in a really good mood."

"I want to laugh when I see you smiling." Qiu Yi glanced towards the door, came over and hugged Bian Nan, and put his lips on his mouth.

Bian Nan quickly gave him a hand, and the two leaned against the wall behind the door.

This kiss, which was comparable to an affair, made both of them breathe heavily, while Bian Nan was entangled with the tip of Qiu Yi's tongue, while reaching into his clothes, he scratched and rubbed his back and waist.

Qiu Yi kissed Bian Nan's neck all the way along his lips, buried his face on his shoulder, hugged him tightly and smiled and said, "It's almost done, there are a lot of people..."

"I just came up with my strength," Bian Nan also hugged him tightly.

"The future will be long." Qiu Yi said.

"In a few days, who is Fang Chang, Dabao is okay." Bian Nan laughed.

"Stupid." Qiu Yi lightly bit his neck.

"Where's my brother!" Qiu Yan shouted from the yard.

"Hey! I'm in my room!" Qiu Yi quickly yelled and replied, "I'll change clothes!"

"I made you deaf by fucking your ears," Bian Nan let go of Qiu Yi, straightened his clothes, and said in a low voice, "It's been such a hard day, even a kiss on the mouth won't be enough..."

"Take out the bag on the bed, it's Erbao's stuff, let's see whose car can fit it." Qiu Yi opened the cabinet door and took a piece of clothes and changed into it.

"In the evening..." Bian Nan took the bag and asked in a low voice, "Are you staying overnight?"

"I don't know, it depends on the situation. I told my dad that he might stay overnight, and the meal is prepared for him." Qiu Yi glanced at him, "You can stay at my house if you don't stay overnight."

"My focus is not on staying overnight, but on playing, don't make me look like a hooligan." Bian Nan chuckled twice, opened the door and walked out.

"You're not a hooligan?" Qiu Yi followed behind him, "It's amazing, I thought we were both."

Bian Nan was happy, and looked back at Qiu Yi, feeling in a wonderful mood.

The matter of the morning was still in my heart, and I would jump out to make a reference from time to time, but now I'm lying in the corner as if I've been stewed soft.

"Let's go!" Bian Nan walked into the yard and shouted with a wave of his hand.