Wolves of a Pair Prowl Together

Chapter 59


"What are you thinking?" Qiu Yi turned his head to look outside the tent, reached out and flicked Bian Nan's chin.

"What else can you think about?" Bian Nan laughed aloud, "It's about the same as what you think."

"I think I'm thinking seriously, I'm thinking about barbecue for a while." Qiu Yi smiled.

"Pretend," Bian Nan pointed at him, "You must have maxed out your serious skills ten years ago."

Qiu Yi smiled for a long time, lowered his head and kissed him, the tip of his tongue lightly pressed against his teeth, and then parted quickly: "Are you thinking about this?"

There was still Qiu Yi's wet touch on his lips, Bian Nan came back to his senses after a few seconds, before he could speak, Qiu Yi added: "Is it even more shameless than this?"

"Fuck!" Bian Nan immediately swayed Qiu Yi's slender and strong body, which was still naked, in his mind. He tried his best to keep his imagination from developing under the front of Qiu Yi's fruity body, "You better pretend." .”

Qiu Yi laughed for a long time, and fell beside him: "How can it be so easy to turn off the rogue mode?"

"Qiu Dabao," Bian Nan clicked his tongue, "Will you be embarrassed when you say this? I feel that I feel embarrassed when I think about it. I may be too pure."

"I'm also embarrassed." Qiu Yi said with a smile.

"I didn't see it," Bian Nan turned his head and stared at him for a while, "The rascal is so smooth."

"No way, I don't think so." Qiu Yi said.

"Hey, Qiu Dabao," Bian Nan thought for a while, leaning on his arms and turning his face, "I'm asking you."

"What." Qiu Yi looked at him.

"Just...before you...just before me..." Bian Nan spoke with a little difficulty, "That is, have you ever been like this with others before?"

"No." Qiu Yi replied.

"Is that so..." Bian Nan grabbed his hand, and gently scratched his fingertips up and down, "I thought you should have something like that before."

"No." Qiu Yi's answer was simple.

"Why?" Bian Nan actually couldn't understand it, just like him, who felt almost like that when he had a girlfriend, and he would always look at beautiful girls before, even if it was just for the sake of face.

"No reason," Qiu Yi smiled, and said again after a while, "... I don't want to."

"Don't want to?" Bian Nan still didn't understand, "Have you never met someone you like?"

"If you don't want to, there will be no one you like." Qiu Yi said.

This answer was a bit taxing for Bian Nan, he stared at Qiu Yi for a long time but couldn't figure it out: "Then what about me?"

Qiu Yi didn't speak, just turned his head and kissed him on the forehead.

Bian Nan squeezed his fingers and didn't speak.

This thing is really confusing.

The two were embarrassed to stay in the tent with only four feet outside the tent for too long, and Qiu Yi hurried out of the tent before Wan Fei and Xu Rui finished studying the tent.

Qiu Yan had already dragged the bag containing the snacks into the red tent, and poured out all the snacks. When Qiu Yi went to look at it, he was busy dividing the snacks into several portions.

"What are you doing?" Qiu Yi patted his head.

"Share it and let's eat together," Qiu Yan pointed to various bags, "There are so many."

"Okay," Qiu Yi smiled, "You can divide slowly."

After Wan Fei and Xu Rui finished researching the tent, a few people ran to the warehouse. Shen Tao had already picked out two sets of relatively new barbecue grills.

"Let's go and look at the food," Shen Tao said, "I think the poker players will play until tomorrow, so let's grab the food first, before it's too late."

"Let's go, let's hurry up," Wan Fei pushed everyone to the kitchen as soon as he heard it, "Drag a few more cases of beer."

"What beer do you drink when it's cold?" Bian Nan felt dizzy when he heard the wine.

"We even had a barbecue in the cold weather, and the barbecue has to be served with beer," Wan Fei clicked his tongue, "You and Xu Rui Erbao drink Coke together."

"Damn," Bian Nan was very dissatisfied with being included in the ranks of women and children in an instant, "I drink."

Chicken wings, chicken legs, beef, mutton, pork, meatballs, and a lot of green vegetables that can be grilled and that don't seem to be grilled. They emptied half of the freezer like a canteen owner buying vegetables.

Set up the grill, put food and drink in a pile beside him, Qiu Yi nodded: "I can eat till tomorrow morning without stopping."

"Then let's start," Xu Rui snapped a photo with her mobile phone, "Hey, I don't dare to take pictures of your faces, I'm going to post this on Moments, I'm sure you guys will be shocked when I see it. "

"You can pat your boyfriend." Bian Nan pointed at Wan Fei.

"Yes, shoot me." Wan Fei immediately stood behind the grill, picked up a handful of meat skewers, and grinned until he lost his eyes, "Is this okay?"

"It's good. With this smile, Xu Rui directly changed her boyfriend." Qiu Yi said.

"Hey," Xu Rui laughed until her hands shook, "I regret seeing you like this."

"I want to take a picture too! Sister and sister-in-law take one for me." Qiu Yan stood next to the vegetable shelf and held up a bunch of leeks.

"Can we get some meat..." Shen Tao sighed.

"My brother won't let me eat so much meat." Qiu Yan said.

"Hey? I remember now, why didn't I say it when I was eating." Qiu Yi clicked his tongue.

Xu Rui took a few pictures of Qiu Yan, then turned her phone to Bian Nan: "Hey Bian Nan, can I take a picture of you? It's for Miao Miao."

"Ah?" Bian Nan was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously glanced at Qiu Yi.

Qiu Yi was taken aback by him, and lowered his head to push the grill.

"Look at what Qiu Yi is doing," Xu Rui laughed, "Do you need permission from the shipping boss?"

Bian Nan suddenly felt that he was an idiot again, and he had been an idiot for the past two days.

He clicked his tongue and smiled at Xu Rui: "Take a picture quickly."

Xu Rui took a good shot and put away her mobile phone, and everyone started to light the fire and prepare for the barbecue.

While brushing the barbecue sauce, Bian Nan took a furtive glance at Qiu Yi, and happened to meet Qiu Yi's eyes, and Qiu Yi mouthed silently, idiot.

Fuck you. Bian Nan also mouthed back.

After finishing speaking, he lowered his head and directed a ton at the meatball in his hand, not knowing why he was so silly.

Qiu Yi was so happy that he couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Aren't you two sick?" Wan Fei squinted at them.

"I don't know, I forgot to take my temperature this morning," Qiu Yi said with a smile, "I don't know if it's an attack."

A few people were all laughing, it's not good that there are too many people, but whenever someone starts to giggle, the group of people can't stop laughing.

After finally laughing, Qiu Yan, who had been standing seriously on the sidelines waiting to get the meat skewers brushed with sauce, said: "Crazy."

A few people had fun again.

After finally brushing several plates of meat skewers, Qiu Yan stood excitedly in front of the grill, guarding the skewers he was in charge of, turning the skewers from time to time, and kept chanting: "Left and right, up and down, up and down. Two or three, okay, little pepper, big pepper..."

Bian Nan took two chicken legs and roasted them, and couldn't help looking at Qiu Yi's face, the chicken legs, and then Qiu Yi.

Qiu Yi was helping Qiu Yan sprinkle salt and pepper on the meat skewers, his eyelids were drooping, and his eyelashes cast a long shadow on his face, Bian Nan was a little lost in his eyes.

"I'm confused." Qiu Yi suddenly looked up at him.

"Huh? What?" Bian Nan didn't react.

"Your legs..." Qiu Yi glanced at the grill.

"Hey! My leg!" Bian Nan immediately smelled the smell, quickly picked up the chicken leg with tongs and blew it, but luckily only a small piece was black, so he turned the chicken leg and put it back on the shelf.

"It's mushy! Hey, take it away!" Xu Rui, who was in front of another grill, also shouted.

"What to do, what to do!" Wan Fei held a few bunches of meatballs with a sad face.

"The boss has a few dogs in the front yard..." Shen Tao pointed back, "Over there, let's go."

Wan Fei's meatballs were too mushy, and he couldn't find a solution after staring at them for a long time, so he had to take the meatballs to the front yard to find a dog.

After Bian Nan's chicken legs were roasted, he took a paper plate and put one on it and handed it to Qiu Yi: "Taste it."

After saying this, he found Qiu Yanzheng looking at him eagerly, and suddenly felt that he was really...

So he quickly handed the plate to Qiu Yan when Qiu Yi reached out to pick it up: "Two treasures to eat."

Qiu Yan took the plate happily, turned around and lifted the plate up against the wind: "Blow it to cool down..."

Qiu Yi clicked his tongue, without saying a word, and put a few skewers of beef that Qiu Yan had roasted on the plate.

There was also a chicken leg, Bian Nan hesitated whether to give it to Shen Tao nearby or take it to Xu Rui, Shen Tao sighed: "Don't think about me."

Bian Nan was overjoyed, and gave Xu Rui the chicken legs, and then took another seven or eight chicken legs and stacked them on the grill.

So much is no problem at all!

When Wan Fei came back from feeding the dogs, he was followed by three dogs, all of whom were fat and looked like they were only four or five months old. He looked back as he walked helplessly: "Hey, what should I do!"

"Puppy!" Qiu Yan's eyes lit up, and he fed one of the chicken leg bones that he had eaten, and the three dogs immediately sat beside him, looking up at him together.

"I want bones, give me bones!" Qiu Yan hurriedly ran to Bian Nan.

"Here, I haven't gnawed out the bones yet..." Bian Nan gave him the half-eaten string of beef, and beckoned to several people, "Hand over your bones."

Qiu Yan collected a plate of bones and ran to feed the dogs.

The dogs here are not short of food, and they are all round. It is estimated that the guests will feed them.

After Qiu Yan fed them the bones, he led them to run back and forth in the camp, and finally the three dogs ran to the river to find gems.

"Qiu Yi, your brother is really full of energy." Xu Rui looked at Qiu Yan's background and sighed.

"It's not my brother anymore, it was sold to Bian Nan." Qiu Yi smiled.

"Bian Nan, your brother is really full of energy!" Xu Rui smiled for a long time, and said to Bian Nan.

"It's not booming yet. When it's really booming, none of us are his opponents." Bian Nan snapped his fingers proudly, as if this was really his own brother.

"Give me the skewered meatballs," Qiu Yi whispered while standing beside Bian Nan, "Put more peppers."

"Okay," Bian Nan glanced at him, flipping a few chicken legs back and forth with a tong in his hand, "I'll bake you a leg later."

"No legs, no one for each person," Qiu Yi said in a very soft voice, "I want meatballs, just a bunch."

Bian Nan was delighted when he heard it: "You are sick."

"Well, I came out without taking medicine in the morning." Qiu Yi nodded.

The main force of the barbecue is Shen Tao for the time being. At the beginning, he and Wan Fei and Xu Rui were grilling in front of a barbecue grill. After Qiu Yan went to find the gem, he took over Qiu Yan's position and switched to Bian Nan and Qiu Yi. .

"Can't stand those two?" Bian Nan glanced over there, the young couple laughed like two big peonies.

"It's almost the same." Shen Tao buried his head in brushing the sauce.

"Hey!" Bian Nan yelled, and suddenly felt a little panic on his face, he didn't know what to say for a while after the hey was over.

Qiu Yi took a roasted chicken leg and handed it to Shen Tao: "Hurry up and eat."

"Do you drink?" Shen Tao asked after taking a bite of the chicken leg.

"Drink," Qiu Yi said, and then called out to Wan Fei, "Do you want beer?"

"If you want it, I'll get it," Wan Fei smiled and ran to the kitchen. The boss didn't have cold beer, so they threw two dozen into the freezer by themselves, "I don't know if the ice is ready."

"I'll go with you." Xu Rui put down the things in her hands and chased after her.

Bian Nan baked the meatballs that Qiu Yi wanted, added another layer of chili, and handed them to Qiu Yi while Shen Tao wasn't paying attention: "Here."

Qiu Yi bit one with satisfaction, and said vaguely: "Just this feel..."

"Beautiful!" Bian Nan answered.

"This feels so good, feels so good..." Shen Tao continued on the sidelines, "It's so cool!"

Bian Nan thought for a long time, and finally said with a smile: "I can't continue, I don't know the words."

"Erbao probably remembers it." Qiu Yi said.

Wan Fei and Xu Rui brought over the beer, and there were quite a lot of messy baked things here, and several of them spread moisture-proof mats on the floor, and put all their food on the mats.

"Erbao—" Bian Nan shouted towards the river, "Erbao—Qiu Er... No, Bian Erbao—"

He yelled twice, and from a distance, he saw three puppies running towards this side first, followed by Qiu Yan, who was unable to walk with his clothes wrapped around a pile of stones.

Seeing that everyone was already seated, Qiu Yan ran into the tent excitedly, poured the rocks in, and ran over with a bunch of snacks and squeezed to sit next to Bian Nan: "There are still sugar and chocolate here. .”

"Er Treasure is really generous." Xu Rui gave him a bunch of leeks and teased him, "Do you want to eat vegetables instead of meat?"

Qiu Yan stared at the leeks for a while, took them helplessly, and sighed: "Forget it, let's eat some vegetables first."

"Little thing, you are really hopeless." Bian Nan smiled and put a meat roll on his plate.

"It gets dark earlier in the suburbs than in the city." Wan Fei took a sip of beer and looked up at the sky. "I can't see my wife's face clearly at six o'clock."

"Aren't you annoying!" Xu Rui gave him a sideways look.

Bian Nan looked at the two of them, a little envious, the two flirted and scolded so unscrupulously all afternoon, they were so unscrupulous and shameless that they were both angry.

"There will be lights in a while," Qiu Yi pointed to the lights that had been pulled around the camp, "But there is no performance tonight, and the boss said it was cold."

"It's okay," Wan Fei waved his hand, "It's fine just eating, drinking, and chatting like this. If you want to watch a show for a while, if I get too drunk, you can trick me into dancing for you."

"I can't wait for you to get high," Shen Tao smiled, "Why can't you be the first high in Bian Nan?"

"Fuck," Bian Nan picked up the bottle and took a sip, "I'm going to show off once today, and try to get two bottles before I pour it."

Qiu Yi glanced at him with a smile, and gently touched his waist from behind.

Bian Nan choked, and almost sprayed all the unswallowed beer on Qiu Yan's head.

The owners of the next few tents came back after it got dark and started to barbecue. There were a dozen of them, men and women, all in pairs. They grilled and ate something when you touched me and I pinched you and laughed. It was in the middle of shouting again, and I also brought an external speaker to turn on the music.

"Why does it feel like this group of people is trying to gather a crowd..." Shen Tao looked at Qiu Yan who was beside him, and didn't finish his sentence.

"You can eavesdrop at night," Wan Fei took a sip of his wine, "Anyway, if you are idle, you are idle."

"Really," Shen Tao said slowly while eating, "Maybe they still want to come and listen to you two."

"Fuck!" Wan Fei yelled, his face turned red immediately.

Xu Rui next to her raised her plate to cover her face, and cursed while laughing: "Shen Tao, you're crazy."

Bian Nan Bian Le felt that he wanted to blush a bit after following along, so he quickly raised the beer bottle and stretched it in the middle: "Come and touch it."

The beer and drink bottles of several people were clanging together, and Qiu Yan shouted: "Cheers!"

Both Qiu Yishentao and Wan Fei shouted cheers, and downed the beer in the bottle in one gulp.

"Cheers." Qiu Yi looked at Bian Nan and said with a smile.

Bian Nan chuckled twice, and drank half of the beer.

The noisy sounds of the group of people next to them can really set off the atmosphere, and everyone is brought to chat happily, from the grievances and hatreds of the two schools to the cute girls in the medical school, and from the haunted dormitory incident to last year. The Guoben incident...

Bian Nan chatted with a few people while eating, and drank three or four bottles of beer without paying attention.

"I feel like eating so much. I eat more than usual. We are really strong in fighting." Wan Fei brought over the two plates of meat skewers that had just been grilled.

"I'm sleepy from eating!" Qiu Yan lay on the mat with his stomach in his hands.

"Go to bed." Qiu Yi took out his phone and checked the time, it was past eleven o'clock, "Red tent."

"Red tent!" Qiu Yan shouted, got up and happily ran into the opposite red tent.

"Cover the quilt to sleep." Qiu Yi chased after him.

"Okay—" Qiu Yan replied in the tent.

As soon as Qiu Yan said he was sleepy, Bian Nan felt a little blurry in front of his eyes, not because he was sleepy, but probably because of the alcohol. When he raised his face and looked at the stars and moon in the sky, he felt that they were all fringed.

"Look," Bian Nan bumped Qiu Yi with his shoulder lightly, "the fluffy moon."

"Mao... Fluffy?" Qiu Yi looked up, then looked at the wine bottle behind Bian Nan, and said with a smile, "It's just a few bottles of fluffy?"

"Xiao Feifei, hurry up," Bian Nan raised his head, feeling a little dizzy, he couldn't sit still, he swayed and lay down on the mat, facing Tianle for a while, before heading towards Wanfei Kicked on the leg, "You two should go to see... the snow looks at the stars and the moon, from poetry and songs... to the philosophy of life..."

"Let's talk about philosophy!" Qiu Yan shouted from the tent.

"Is Bian Nan so bad at drinking?" Xu Rui looked at Bian Nan in surprise, and said with a smile, "I feel like I should be able to drink."

"Today has already broken the record. In the past, I used to drink a bottle and then go to sleep on the side." Wan Fei laughed.

Bian Nan didn't speak. He didn't feel too obvious when he was sitting still, but now he was talking and laughing and laying down again. He suddenly felt that his body was soft, and he was about to take off following the mat.

Qiu Yi glanced at him: "Why don't you go to sleep too."

"No," Bian Nan rubbed his face and got up slowly, "I have to go to the toilet first, where is the toilet?"

"In the front yard, the row of small houses to the west..." Shen Tao said.

"Are you a toilet addict? It's so clear." Bian Nan laughed and walked towards the front yard.

The lights are not too bright, and there are many grass pits on the campsite. When walking in the south, I feel that I can twist if I walk a little longer.

"You won't fall into the toilet." Wan Fei put down the bottle, followed him habitually, took a look at Qiu Yi and picked it up again.

"I'll go take a look." Qiu Yi looked back at Bian Nan, got up and followed.

"Turn back to the edge of the woods." Shen Tao finished speaking.

Qiu Yi laughed: "You're breathing hard enough."

When Bian Nan floated leisurely to the front yard, he heard footsteps behind him, he turned his head and saw that it was Qiu Yi, and smiled: "Hey, I don't want to follow, can I still fall... into the toilet."

Qiu Yi walked over to him and gave him a gentle push.

"Hey!" Bian Nan staggered back.

Qiu Yi went over and grabbed him: "It must fall."

"Fucking, I'll push harder." Bian Nan clicked his tongue.

Qiu Yi grabbed his arm, and the two walked behind the row of small houses.

The toilet was unexpectedly beautiful, it looked like a study, and it was clean, with incense burning.

"This boss has really special taste. The guest room looks like a remote place, and the toilet is so artistically designed..." Bian Nan walked into the toilet, "I feel that I am not good enough to pee here."

"Where are so many nonsense, you still experience life when you go to the toilet." Qiu Yi supported his shoulder, "Hurry up and pee."

"Do you want to see it?" Bian Nan unzipped the zipper.

"I've touched it and I still rarely look at you?" Qiu Yi said.

"Qiu Dabao, you uncle!" Bian Nan laughed, "I really fucking admire you."

After going to the toilet, Bian Nan washed his face while washing his hands. This is the underground water pumped by the boss himself. It is cold now, and it feels a little warm when splashed on the face, which is quite comfortable.

Qiu Yi stood outside waiting for him, saw him come out, and asked, "Do you feel uncomfortable?"

"It's not uncomfortable, just a little dizzy. I guess the wind blows while drinking." Bian Nan walked up to him, put his arms around his shoulders, and pulled him towards the woods.

"This way." Qiu Yi pulled him.

"Let's go," Bian Nan also tugged at him, "Let's go for a walk in the woods."

"What are you doing in the woods in the middle of the night?" Qiu Yi couldn't hold him back, and followed him into the woods.

The woods are very quiet at night, and no insects can be heard in this season. The two of them stepped on the thick fallen leaves sprinkled with moonlight, making a soft rustling sound.

"You also want to look at the snow, the stars, and the moon, from poetry to poetry..." Qiu Yi was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"Come on," Bian Nan suddenly turned around and hugged him, and whispered in his ear, "Come play a hooligan."

Before Qiu Yi could speak, Bian Nan's hand tore off his clothes, reached in, and grabbed his waist.

Qiu Yi paused, grabbed Bian Nan's hair, pulled it back, and kissed him.

Bian Nan breathed heavily, and responded crazily, his tongue was entangled with him fiercely.

Qiu Yi lifted his clothes and stroked his body with his hands.

"Damn," Bian Nan let go of him and gasped softly, "I can't stand."

Qiu Yi pulled him to a nearby tree to lean against: "You still play hooligans with this kind of virtue?"

"You can control it," Bian Nan laughed twice, pulled his trouser waist and pulled himself up, hugged him and kissed his neck back and forth, "Kiss again for a while."