Wolves of a Pair Prowl Together

Chapter 7


Qiu Yi felt that he shouldn't change shifts with someone today.

It was Qiu Yan's birthday at the beginning of next month. Although it was still early, he wanted to take the time to buy a gift first, so when the little girl in the same group said that he would change shifts, he agreed, thinking that after buying the gift, he went to the restaurant.

When Shen Tao came out of school, he still wanted to follow, but Qiu Yi didn't let him with him. The people in the sports school have just finished training, so they shouldn't be able to meet them when they eat and rest.

As a result, as soon as he walked to the bus station, he bumped into Pan Yifeng.

Seeing Pan Yifeng rushing out of the nearby milk tea shop, Qiu Yi cursed in his heart.

This is too persistent, if you go after the girl with such vigor, you will be arrested by the police.

Pan Yifeng brought three people with him. If he was prepared, Qiu Yi might not suffer any losses, but today he was empty-handed and didn't want to waste time, so he chose to run away.

Qiu Yi didn't have any advantage in running against the sports school students. While running, he quickly swept to the side of the road, trying to see if he could find bricks and sticks.

But before he could find something suitable, Wan Fei rushed towards him from the front left.

"Fuck." Qiu Yi's way was cut off, so he had to turn around and step up the fence of the sports school, planning to climb in first and then find a way to get out.

It was a bit unexpected to bump into Bian Nan face to face on the wall, and he even considered whether to say hello or not at the moment their eyes met.

However, the road to climb over the wall will be blocked by Bian Nan again, so he will be in trouble today.

Bian Nan's posture was not very favorable. When Qiu Yi jumped down, he didn't use much strength, but when he landed, he still heard the muffled sound when Bian Nan fell to the ground.

He didn't look back, and ran directly to the playground of the gymnasium. After crossing the playground and turning over the fence, there was a small street, which was very dark and the terrain was complicated.

When I went out from the small street and returned to the back door of the shipping company, I could no longer see the pursuers behind me.

He called Shen Tao: "Take my bicycle through the back door."

"Let's get people blocked!" Shen Tao shouted as soon as he heard it, "I'll take people there!"

"No, there's no one else," Qiu Yi touched a cigarette, and just about to light it, the homeroom teacher came out from the back door, and stopped when he saw the cigarette in his hand, and stared at him without saying a word , Qiu Yi smiled and put the cigarette back in his pocket, "Hurry up and get out of the car, I still need to buy something."

After the class teacher walked away, Shen Tao came out of the school with a few people pushing his bicycle: "Did you go to the station at the sports school?"

"Yeah." Qiu Yi nodded.

The bus has two stops in the area of several schools, one is near the sports school, and the other is at the gate of the health school.

Shipping has to walk a long way to go. When Qiu Yi is not riding a bicycle, he is usually unwilling to walk backwards to the medical school to wait for the bus.

"How about..." Shen Tao wanted to say something, but before he could finish, Qiu Yi patted him on the shoulder, stepped into the car and left.

When Wan Fei jumped in over the wall, Bian Nan just got up from the ground, the two of them didn't have time to talk, they jumped up and chased in the direction where Qiu Yi was running.

But he chased him all the way to the wall over there, but he didn't see anyone.

"Fuck!" Bian Nan was quite annoyed and kicked the tree next to him.

"Where's the girl!" Pan Yifeng ran after him, pointing at Bian Nan and shouting.

"Let's run away," Bian Nan said angrily. He was very annoyed when he was thrown, but Pan Yifeng pointed his nose and yelled at him inexplicably. He stared at Pan Yifeng, "you run away again!" Slow down and take three police dogs and they can't smell it anymore."

"How the hell are you talking!" The people who followed Pan Yifeng immediately exploded. No matter how Pan Yifeng said it, he had walked sideways for three years in the sports school.

"How do I talk, I just talk like this, saying that it's been more than ten years, the first day you know me!" Bian Nan threw down a sentence, turned around and walked back.

Wan Fei followed behind him, still carrying a bag of food in his hand, which seemed to be beef powder, but the soup was probably gone.

The two of them had just taken two steps when Bian Nan was pushed hard from behind. He didn't look back and punched the man in the chest: "It's not over, is it?"

"Want to fight?" Wan Fei pointed to the gymnasium, "How about waiting for you there?"

The one who got punched in the sneak attack was Zhou Wei from the track and field class. He staggered a step, stared at Bian Nan and wanted to pounce, but was stopped by Pan Yifeng.

The relationship between Pan Yifeng and Bian Nan was not good. When they agreed to the outside world, it was okay, and the internal struggle could maintain a superficial peace.

But even if Qiu Yi rushed into the sports school for a while and ran away, even if he wanted to vent his anger on someone, he couldn't turn to Bian Nan who had helped him just now.

Both sides didn't speak any more, after a moment of silence, Bian Nan pulled La Wanfei: "Let's go."

"Look, with Pan Yifeng's pissing nature, we will definitely be in trouble within three days." Wan Fei glanced back, cursing all the way, "Fuck, I don't need to learn from Lei Feng to do good deeds today to help Block Qiu Yi!"

Bian Nan didn't say anything, took the bag in his hand and opened it to have a look, it was really beef noodles whose soup was gone, it was hard for Wan Fei to throw away the bag after all this trouble.

"What's the matter with you, didn't you lie down in the dormitory squatting, why did you run out? And..." Wan Fei clicked his tongue and didn't continue, "You can mix this beef powder with some boiling water and pack instant noodle seasoning for a while. .”

"You're gone forever, I don't have to go and see." Bian Nan muffled his voice.

"I chatted with Xu Rui a few more times when I met Xu Rui." Wan Fei scratched his hair in embarrassment, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Bian Nan touched his back, the fall was not too heavy, but now it's not so cold and he wears less clothes, his back hurts a lot from the messy stones on the ground.

Being lifted off the wall by someone's arm and falling to the ground with all four feet in the air, when I think about it, I feel very annoyed. Bian Nan felt a small flame blazing out from his forehead, so he raised his hand to wipe his forehead.

Now he can bear losing face in front of anyone, but it can't be Qiu Yi.

Wan Fei's prediction was not accurate, and within three days, Pan Yifeng did not bother them.

This is not surprising, Pan Yifeng fought like he had just returned from Korea after getting his chin corrected and failed, so he didn't dare to cause trouble in school again.

Bian Nan has few chances to meet Pan Yifeng these days. The few members of their tennis class who will participate in the ranking competition next month spend every day on the tennis court with Lao Jiang in love, sweating profusely, and are as tired as grandsons. They even sleep during class time. All feel strenuous.

"It's been a long time since I went to an Internet cafe." Wan Fei said while sitting on Bian Nan's back, his voice was quite depressed.

"Fart," Bian Nan was sitting on the ground, pressing his legs, his face buried in his knees, "Have you grown your scale?"

"No," Wan Fei pressed down again, and sighed, "Xu Rui and I just had some hopes, so we let Lao Jiang die."

"You only have Xu Rui in your mind," Bian Nan arched his back, "get up."

"Not only, but also you." Wan Fei chuckled twice.

Bian Nan stood up and stretched his arms and legs. The trainees had finished their training and went to eat. Bian Nan was about to take his clothes and leave when Lao Jiang yelled, "Bian Nan, where are you going!"

"It's over." Bian Nan said.

"Go eat." Wan Fei also called out.

"Bian Nan made a fixed-point backhand for half an hour!" Lao Jiang shouted.

"Your uncle!" Bian Nan gritted his teeth and whispered.

Bian Nan didn't have enough backhand strength, Lao Jiang kept watching him practice, and often the others left, and if Bian Nan stayed, he was thrown to the assistant coach and the serving machine.

Bian Nan has no enthusiasm for improving his backhand strength and technique, and he has no enthusiasm for training. Generally speaking, he has no enthusiasm for tennis.

Dad asked him to come to the sports school and he came, and he practiced tennis when he asked him to practice. After a few years, Lao Jiang felt that he could develop. Even if he was not active, he still practiced as Lao Jiang arranged for him...

Bian Nan looked at the flying ball and slapped it with his backhand. Strictly speaking, he didn't even know what he was interested in.

Even the enthusiasm for girls only lasted for two or three months, and I felt boring after chasing them, and it was boring if I couldn't catch them like Zhang Xiaorong.

The teaching assistant was not as strict as Lao Jiang, and he was stuck for half an hour to let Bian Nan rest.

Wan Fei, who was waiting on the side, shook his mobile phone at him: "Just now a number you didn't save called, and I didn't answer it for you."

Bian Nan took a look at the phone: "Let's harass the phone, let's go."

The two of them had just packed up their things and walked out of the stadium when the phone rang again, the same number as before.

"The harassing calls are quite persistent." Wan Fei leaned over to take a look, "If you don't harass and succeed, don't let it go."

"Hello?" Bian Nan answered the phone.

"Brother, have you finished your meal?" A very immature voice came from over there.

"Brother?" Bian Nan was taken aback, "Did you make a mistake?"

"No, you lent me four hundred dollars..."

"Oh, I remember, it's you," Bian Nan smiled, he had completely forgotten about the kid, "I haven't asked your name yet."

The child was silent for a while: "My father and brother call me Er Bao."

"Second Treasure? Do you see your brother every day..." Bian Nan laughed, feeling that the child was quite vigilant, why didn't he realize it when he was tricked into hiding the money in the tree hole, "Then I Call it Big Huzi."

"I have the money to pay you back," Erbao said happily, not feeling much about Bian Nan's name, "My dad gave me fifty yuan, and I can pay you... thirty yuan first."

"Your father has a lot of money," Bian Nan clicked a few times, "You should save up first, don't worry."

"I can't save it," Er Bao said anxiously, "If you save it, it will be gone."

"Then you can spend it." Bian Nan was a little funny, he didn't intend to ask the kid to pay back the money.

"No," Er Bao became very serious, "You can come here today to get the money. This money was given by my father on my birthday. My brother doesn't know, so I can pay you back."

"Your birthday? Today?" Bian Nan asked.

"Not today, there are still many days, next month." Er Bao was a little excited when he mentioned his birthday, with a smile in his voice.

"That's fine," Bian Nan thought for a while, today is Friday, and the training is tight now, he won't go home on weekends, "I'll go find you."

Bian Nan didn't take the bus, so he took a taxi directly to the place where he met Erbao that day.

I bought a cartoon pen in a nearby mall and packed it in a gift box. When I walked out of the mall, I saw Erbao standing at the door of the coffee shop looking around.

"Happy birthday." Bian Nan walked over and tapped him on the shoulder with a gift box.

"Ah!" Er Bao turned his head and was surprised when he saw the gift box, "Thank you brother! Is it a gift? There are gifts!"

"Birthday gift, I don't know if you like it or not," Bian Nan knelt down and looked at him, "How old are you after your birthday?"

"I like it!" Erbao lowered his head to open the box, and was very happy when he saw the pen. "I'm eight years old."

Bian Nan originally wanted to change the topic of repaying the money with Er Bao and leave, but without saying a word, Er Bao took him by the hand and dragged him to the other side of the street: "Brother went to my house, I didn't Take out the money, I'm afraid I'll lose it..."

"Then next time, don't worry." Bian Nan said.

"It's the same next time." Er Bao turned to look at him, "He doesn't know when my brother is not at home."

Bian Nan was dragged helplessly into the alley across the street.

This area is all alleys, there are quite a lot of courtyard houses, Bian Nan followed Er Bao and walked slowly inside.

He likes this kind of environment very much. Although there is no single courtyard and there are only a few families, it feels very lifelike. Even if the yard is messy, it is better than the neatly organized front and back yards of the villa at home.

"Have you grown anything in your yard?" Bian Nan asked.

"Well, my brother planted grapes, and many other things." Erbao stopped in front of a courtyard gate in the alley, opened the door and walked in, "That's right here."

Sure enough, a shelf is set up in the yard, and the vines have produced a lot of new green leaves, which should be able to cover the shelf in summer. Sitting under the shelf, holding a pot of tea, and a plate of snacks, this is my father's favorite state .

"Dad—" Er Bao led him through the grape arbor, pulled out the key hanging on his chest and opened the door of his house, "Dad, I brought a friend back to play."

"Uncle," Bian Nan hurriedly called out, the lights in the room were not turned on, and he didn't even see where he was, "Good evening."

"Good evening, good evening," a man in the back room responded, "A friend of Er Bao's?"

When Bian Nan was about to speak, a man in a wheelchair came out from the back room.

"Does Er Bao have such a big friend?" The man smiled and nodded at Bian Nan, "Is this your brother's friend?"

"No! It's my friend," Er Bao said seriously, took a cup and poured a cup of hot water for Bian Nan, and emphasized again, "It's my friend, called Da Huzi."

"Yes." Bian Nan took the water.

"Big Huzi," Erbao beckoned, and walked into another room, "Come."

"Oh," Bian Nan replied, and smiled at Erbao's father again, "Uncle, I'm sorry."

"Don't bother, don't bother," Er Bao's father looked at him, "Have you eaten yet?"

"I've eaten, I've eaten," Bian Nan said quickly, rubbing his nose and smiling, "I happened to be passing by, so I came to play with him for a while."

Erbao closed the door, stuck it on the door again, and then whispered, "My dad has gone back to the house."

"Your father has bad legs?" Bian Nan also asked in a low voice.

"Well," Er Bao nodded, opened the bottom drawer of the bedside cabinet, and took out a red envelope, "My brother said that Dad had a car accident and couldn't move his waist..."

"Oh." Bian Nan sat down on the chair. This room is not big, with a double bed, a bookcase for more than one person takes up a lot of space, and a desk with two neatly arranged rows Clay figurines, some have animals, some are painted, and some are still white.

"This is the money back for you." Erbao took out three ten-yuan ones from the red envelope and handed them to him.

"Okay," Bian Nan couldn't bear to refuse any more, reached out to take the money and put it in his pocket, then pointed to the clay figurine on the table, "Who made this?"

"My brother made it," Er Bao suddenly became interested, and took a small clay figurine, "This is me."

Bian Nan took the clay figurine and looked at it. It was a little boy wearing a vest and shorts, holding a ball in his arms. I can't say how delicate it is, but it still surprised Bian Nan.

"Your brother is very skillful." Bian Nan put the clay figurine next to Erbao's face for comparison, "It's quite similar."

"And this one, this is my mother." Er Bao took another clay figurine, "I don't remember what my mother looks like, so my brother made one for me to see."

Bian Nan took a look and found that this clay figurine was more detailed than the previous one, and the hair and eyes were quite vivid.

"Your mother is a beautiful woman," he said, looking at the clay figurine again, "like a foreigner."

Hearing this, Erbao smiled and lay down on the bed, holding up the clay figurine and looking back and forth: "Yeah!"

Erbao was in a good mood, so he brought out a big jigsaw puzzle and asked Bian Nan to do it for him. Bian Nan worked patiently for a long time, but only one corner was solved.

"You can't do it!" Erbao sat cross-legged on the bed, "My brother can finish it all in an hour."

Bian Nan got such an evaluation because his eyes were blurred. He squinted at Er Bao: "Of course your brother can finish it in an hour every day."

"No, my brother finished it the first time he bought it!" Erbao raised his face proudly.

"It hasn't been demolished yet." Bian Nan gritted his teeth.

"It's broken!" Er Bao snorted, "You just aren't as powerful as your brother."

"Okay, okay..." Bian Nan looked at him happily, "Of course your brother beats you up every day."

Er Bao laughed and rolled on the bed: "But your temper is much better than my brother's."

"My temper isn't very good either," Bian Nan stretched, messed up the unfinished puzzles, and knocked on the bookcase next to him, "Are these your brother's books?"

"Well," Er Bao nodded, "His baby."

"Have you finished reading it? It's still a treasure," Bian Nan glanced at it. He had an inexplicable resistance to books, and he didn't even get a single title of the book. "I'd probably go crazy if I wanted such a cabinet of treasures."

"My brother doesn't have time to read now." Er Bao looked at the bookcase and sighed.

Bian Nan stayed in Er Bao's room for more than an hour, it was exhausting to accompany such a young child, Bian Nan checked the time: "Er Bao, I have to go back to school."

"Let's go..." Erbao was obviously depressed, but quickly asked again, "When will you come to play again? I'm bored by myself at night."

"Not necessarily," Bian Nan stood up and stretched, "Won't your brother play with you?"

"He's at work, and he won't be home until almost twelve o'clock." Er Bao lowered his head and thought for a while, "Then do you come over to play when you have time?"

"Okay," Bian Nan touched his face, "wait until the game is over."

"What game?" Er Bao asked with great interest.

"Tennis." Bian Nan said.

"Can I go and see?" Er Bao's eyes lit up, "I think playing tennis is very handsome!"

"Okay," Bian Nan thought for a while, "But someone has to take you there, I don't have time to take care of you during the game."

"I asked my brother to take me there."

The author has something to say: There have always been silly girls chasing after Gongshou, let me briefly talk about it.

Because it is Qingshuiwen and there is no boat drama, so I didn’t divide Gongshou. I really didn’t think about Gongshou, so you don’t have to ask me how I decided. Whoever is attacked, if you think Bian Nanshou is Bian Nanshou, I definitely can't go against it, because their style of painting will not change, um.