Woodcarving to Record Abnormalities

Chapter 10: night terrors


The female sheriff nodded her head while writing a quick note in a notebook.

Shen Xing also saw a recorder with red dots flashing beside her thigh.

"Are you living alone?" The male sheriff looked around.

"Yes." Shen Xing nodded.

"What about the parents?"

"They don't live in this city."

"what do you do?"

"Wood carvings, make them and sell them yourself." Shen Xing said: "I opened a small shop, and it's on Chunyu Street, which is about 20 minutes' walk away."

"Have you heard anything unusual downstairs these days? For example, arguing, crying, or the sound of something hitting or breaking." The male sheriff continued to ask.

Shen Xing recalled a moment and shook his head: "No, I usually focus on woodcarving and need a quiet environment. To be honest, although this community is very old, it will be very quiet every night after nine o'clock. It is very suitable. I work as a night owl."

"In other words, if there is a special sound, you will notice it soon?" the male sheriff asked with a frown.

"Yes." Shen Xing looked directly at him, without avoiding him, "If there is an abnormal sound, I may be more sensitive and more attentive than others."

At this time, the female sheriff raised her head and asked, "Is this room your own or..."

"I used to rent it because it is cheap and quiet, and it doesn't matter whether the house is small or old." Shen Xing replied.

From the sheriff's questioning, he probably guessed that the other party did not rule out that Lin Wanru's death was a homicide, so he asked and investigated from house to house.

As long as you cooperate well, it will help the sheriff to catch the murderer as soon as possible.

"How is Lin Wanru's daughter Feifei now?" This is what Shen Xing is currently worried about.

The male sheriff shook his head: "Don't worry, it's the police who called Feifei after returning home from school. At present, the little girl has been frightened and has been sent to the Public Security Department. We have someone to look after and provide psychological counseling."

The female sheriff looked up and asked: "What time does your neighbor next door usually go home at night?"

Shen Xing calmed down and replied: "The next door was originally an old man in his seventies, but he moved to his son's side. There is currently no one in the room and he has not rented it out."

Old-fashioned residential buildings like Ivy League have only six floors in total. When they were built, they were strangely designed to be opposite. There are two stairs in different directions on the left and right, leading to different residential floors.

Like the floor where Shen Xing lives, there are only two households with him, and if you want to go to the opposite side, you need to go downstairs and go up another staircase.

After asking a few more questions, the two sheriffs stood up and walked to the door.

The male sheriff turned around and exhorted: "The scene on the third floor has been sealed off. Don't approach it temporarily when you go up and down to avoid destroying the scene. If you think of anything, you can call me this number."

After that, he gave Shen Xing a card with a phone number written on it, and the name on the card was Xiong Wei.

Shen Xing raised his head and glanced at the male sheriff. He was less than one meter tall and thin, and his character was the opposite of his name.

When the door was closed, he saw the two sheriffs continue walking upstairs.

I recalled carefully, it seems that Lin Wanru’s mother and daughter’s neighbors just moved out last month, and the room is still vacant. I felt safe on the board.

After returning to the workbench to work until about 12 o'clock, Shen Xing put down the finally completed wood carving of the Buddha statue in his hand, yawned, and went to the bathroom to wash for a while.

After urinating, the obsessive-compulsive disorder was committed. After checking all the doors, windows and door locks in the room, he returned to the bedroom.

He closed the bedroom door and checked the lock.

Originally, he didn't close the bedroom door when he slept at night, but what happened today made Shen Xing always feel uneasy for no reason.

Turn off the light on the workbench, climb into the bed, and fall asleep when he is a little sleepy.

Shen Xing tried his best to put his memories before going to bed on the Buddha statue that had been polished all night, without thinking about the blood-red eyes.

This Yungu city has a subtropical humid and mild climate. The summer nights cool down quickly. The highest temperature is noon every day, but it is about 27-8 degrees.

This city is a real summer paradise.

Sleeping Shen Xing even unconsciously pulled Xia Liang to be covered by himself.

I don't know how long he was awake.

I opened my eyes in a daze, and found myself curled up into a ball, hugging a pillow, but the quilt was still well covered on my body and was not kicked off.

"what happened?"

Still feeling a little cold, Shen Xing pulled the quilt and made sure that he was still covered. Then he felt the foot of the bed move slightly, as if a person was curled up under the bed, it seemed that his head or back was touching the edge of the bed.

The drowsiness faded a bit, and Shen Xing didn't know whether the feeling just now was an illusion or true. After all, he just woke up and his head was not sober.

He raised his head slightly, looked towards the end of the bed by the moonlight outside the window, and was suddenly startled, his eyes widened, and he stared at the bedroom door.

In his eyes, the bedroom door is open at this moment!

Shen Xing clearly remembered that he absolutely closed the bedroom door before going to bed.

At this moment, the bedroom door that had been opened made him completely drowsy, and even his hands and feet felt cold.


There was a very soft sound at the foot of the bed, and there was a slight jitter.

This time Shen Xing was sure that the first jitter just now was definitely not an illusion.

At this moment, the moonlight outside the window is full, and most areas of the house can be seen even without turning on the lights.

He stayed lying flat, his limbs were still, but he slightly raised his head and cast his eyes in the direction of the foot of the bed where the vibration was coming from.

A slow rustling sound sounded at this moment, as if someone was crawling on the ground, crawling very slowly.

Immediately, Shen Xing seemed to see a group of black things arching slightly from the direction of the foot of the bed, and then calmed down again.

A thief may have entered the house!

The slightly arched thing just now seemed to be the back of a crouching person. This was Shen Xing's first thought.

There was a brief silence in the bedroom.

Shen Xing supported the bed with his right hand and slowly sat up with his eyes wide open, trying hard to see exactly what was in the dim darkness at the end of the bed.

His heartbeat has begun to speed up unconsciously.

After sitting upright, he stretched out his hand to touch under the pillow and touched a flashlight placed there, clenched tightly.

After waiting for a while, Shen Xing slowly turned his body and stretched his bare feet to the ground without wearing shoes. This ensures that he will not make any noise when he moves, and the slight icy feeling from the ground makes him quickly become calm.

During the process of getting out of bed, except for a slight noise from the bed board, there was no other movement, and his eyes kept staring in the direction of the foot of the bed. (End of this chapter)