Woodcarving to Record Abnormalities

Chapter 109: You guessed it! (Please subscribe!)


Looking at the empty room, Zhao Wenbo's first reaction was that Chen Meng might have been abnormally run away.

But he changed his mind and felt something was wrong. If he was kidnapped abnormally, this guy would have to at least struggle, or make some noise.

But what he heard in the bathroom just now was a small door closing sound, as if he was deliberately lowering the sound to prevent himself from hearing it.

While buckling his trousers and belts, Zhao Wenbo quickly walked to the door, opened the door and walked out of the corridor. He looked at the campus playground outside under the corridor. In the dim lights of the dark night, a figure could be seen quickly running away. It soon disappeared.

And that direction seems to be the west gate of the school.

Now that I am going to chase him, I will definitely not be able to chase him, but according to the appearance, it seems that Chen Meng really left alone. Is it possible that he will be abnormally possessed, and then control him to leave

I just went to the tuba, my stomach still aches faintly. It must be the toxins in the school cafeteria that caused the enteritis. Zhao Wenbo couldn't catch up even if he wanted to chase him.

However, he didn't look like he was going to chase it. Instead, he took out a cigarette and followed his lead, Zheng Ruijun. After lighting it, he took a deep breath, put his hands on the corridor guardrail, and watched the misty night.

Apartment Building No. 1, Room 508.

After Su Tong returned to room 507 next door, Shen Xing went to the bathroom to wash her face, picked up the facial cleanser she gave herself and looked at it, but did not open it, but put it aside.

Washing your face with cold water allows people to stay awake. After returning to the bedroom to sit down, Shen Xing found a suitable mobile phone charger in the room and plugged the mobile phone to charge.

Immediately he took out the phone and called Feifei, who was alone at home. Feifei's phone watch was quickly connected, and her immature voice came.

"Hey, Uncle Shen."

"Is he here?"

"No, I am alone at home, no one has knocked on the door." Feifei replied.

"In this way, if he knocks on the door outside this time, don't open it first to see if he will stay at the door and not leave." Shen Xing suddenly raised this thought.

"Yeah, okay." Feifei nodded, "Uncle Shen, how long will you be back?"

"It might be tomorrow morning, but if things go well, I should be able to come back later today." Shen Xing said.

"Well, then I'll go to bed first." Feifei yawned, feeling that her beauty sleep still didn't make up enough, "You must pay attention to safety."

"Well, remember to lock the doors and windows." Shen Xing reminded.

After hanging up the phone, a sound came from the intercom not long.

Because it was in the dormitory, Shen Xing adjusted the volume of the walkie-talkie to a very low level, as long as he could hear it accurately.

Originally, Shen Xing thought that after the walkie-talkie rang, it was because there was an abnormality in the next door, but Su Tong's voice sounded calm.

"Brother Shen."

"Well, yes." Shen Xing replied: "Did you find something?"

"No." Su Tong said: "I just feel scared, so I want to find someone to talk to."

"Then you remember, if you are sleepy, drink a cup of coffee or wash your face and don't let yourself fall asleep." Shen Xing reminded.

"Yeah." After a pause, Su Tong hesitated and asked: "This... Is there really a ghost in this world?"

"Maybe, maybe not." Shen Xing's answer was ambiguous.

"Why do you say that?" Su Tong was a little puzzled, "Isn't it a ghost that I ran into last night?"

Shen Xing said: "Maybe it's just an illusion. You and Chen Meng both have an illusion at the same time. That's why Justice Zhao and I need to confirm it through tonight."

There was no response for a long time. After about a minute, Su Tong's voice came: "Hope is only an illusion, I hope this is just a dream."

"Yes, hope is... a dream." Shen Xing murmured, not knowing whether he was answering or talking to himself.

He looked out of the bedroom window, and touched the night sky through the treetops. The stars were dotted with stars, as if hanging on the treetops, bearing tiny luminous fruits.

The two of you said each sentence, and Shen Xing couldn't remember what he said.

After about eleven o'clock, Su Tong, who hadn't responded for a long time, suddenly heard another voice.

"Brother Shen, Brother Shen, are you?" The voice was very small, as if he was holding his throat while talking.

There was only a small yellow bedside lamp on Shen Xing's side. There was no way. If the lamp was too bright, there would always be some small insects in the room, and they would often pounce on his face.

He, who was staring at the night outside the window, refreshed, pressed the call button and replied: "Yes, what's wrong?"

"I seem to hear movement in the bathroom!" Su Tong's voice was so small that it was so low that Shen Xing could hardly hear it.

"I'll come over and take a look." Shen Xing immediately got up and walked quickly to the door.

"I saw a shadow standing at the door of the bathroom!" Su Tong's anxious voice came again.

Shen Xing twisted the door open and walked quickly to the door of the next room, inserting the key in his hand into the keyhole, and suddenly twisted the door lock.

After opening the door, he found that the headlight of Su Tong's room was on. Su Tong was sitting in his arms, his back was close to the wall, his hands were on his knees, and he stared at the bathroom direction unblinkingly.

But there was no one in front of the bathroom.

Shen Xing walked over to turn on the light, turned on the different pupils and took a closer look. As expected, there was nothing. When he walked to the outer room, he found that except for Su Tong's eyes, there was a faint red scent diffused in the other parts of the room.

He walked over, leaned in front of the frightened Su Tong, and took a close look at her eyes.

Su Tong was a little uncomfortable by his stare, but the expression on his face was still more frightened.

"It's okay, there is nothing in the bathroom." Shen Xing comforted.

Su Tong finally recovered, patted her chest, and said: "Just... just now, I... I actually fell asleep for a few minutes. Later, I felt the bed moved suddenly, and it seemed that someone was lying under the bed."

Hearing this, Shen Xing immediately backed up two steps, lay on the ground and looked under the bed. With the help of the electric tube light, he still found no abnormalities.

Su Tong continued: "After I sat up, I felt the sound of nails scratching the bed board under the bed, bit by bit. I felt that my nails were about to be scraped and turned over, revealing the flesh. This picture made me feel. Horrified."

Shen Xing's alien pupil did not close at this time, he paid attention to the surroundings of the room again, and indeed there was nothing.

I still can only see Su Tong's own eyes, which are full of red aura.

"Sure enough, I was infected." Shen Xing affirmed his guess.

After a little thought, he was ready to use the method he had decided earlier to completely get rid of the abnormality in Su Tong's eyes.

"I will now use a very unique method to get rid of your hallucinations for you." He said to Su Tong.

"Is it an illusion? Isn't it true?" Su Tong was surprised.

"It's definitely an illusion, but whether it can cause substantial harm is unknown. I don't think you want to experiment with yourself?" Shen Xing said, "So you must get rid of it. Then you just need to do what I said. Don’t ask why, don’t question, don’t make any movement, no matter what happens to you, don’t panic, don’t panic, so that I can guarantee that your hallucinations will be removed."

"Well, what do you need me to do, I'll listen to you." Su Tong nodded quickly, his heart beating, not dare to care.

"You just sit in the ** now, no matter what happens or see, don't move, just wait a while, just a while." Shen Xing ordered.

When the words fell, he opened the black domain flashback and released Grandma Yuan.

At this moment, the footsteps of many people heard outside the door, and Zhao Wenbo's voice sounded: "Shen Xing?"

"Just like I said just now, sit here and don't move, I'll be back soon." Shen Xing ordered, opening the door and walking to the corridor and then gently closed it.

Su Tong didn't know what medicine he sold in the gourd, and he didn't dare to move, so he sat straight upright.

When Shen Xing came to the corridor, he saw three people walking behind Zhao Wenbo. Among them, two burly sheriffs in uniforms pressed against a young man in the middle. This man was Chen Meng.

"Sure enough, you guessed it right, this guy is really going to run!" Zhao Wenbo lowered his voice and said with excitement. (End of this chapter)