Woodcarving to Record Abnormalities

Chapter 11: Lin Wanru


Holding the flashlight in his hand, he slowly stood up. At this moment, Shen Xing did not turn on the flashlight.

Holding his breath, he tried to take a step forward, but in order to get to the bedroom door, he had to pass by the end of the bed first, because Shen Xing moved cautiously and made no sound at this moment.

But after just two steps forward, a black lacquer object appeared at the end of the bed. The object remained motionless, like a wooden sculpture, but it was impossible to distinguish it accurately in the dark.

After hesitating for a moment, a strange feeling rose in Shen Xing's heart. Although he knew very well that in this case, keeping quiet and keeping the room dark is the best choice, but it seems that something is driving him and he must See clearly what is in the dark.

Gently gritted his teeth, he turned on the flashlight, and a bright light appeared, shining toward the black object.

Under the light of the torch, he found that the black thing was wrapped in a ball of hair, and slowly raised his back, it turned out to be a head, a head belonging to a woman.

The woman's hair was loose, and she was originally squatting at the end of the bed. At this moment, after the flashlight came on, she raised her head and slowly stood up.

The woman's cheeks were pale and thin, without blood, her lips were slightly open, her right eye was half open and half closed, and her left eye was wide open and bloodshot.

This face belongs to Lin Wanru.

At this moment, Lin Wanru stood up and stared at Shen Xing silently, without any other actions.


Seeing this scene, Shen Xing exploded on the spot, his scalp was numb, he quickly stepped back and pressed his back against the wall.

I only saw the woman's body during the day. At this moment, Shen Xing didn't believe that Lin Wanru was still alive.

Lin Wanru is wearing the light blue short sleeves in the morgue and a pair of trousers of the same color. She just stood up in a weird posture, not like her feet are exerting force, but like a puppet, being lifted by a force of force. Head straight up.

His arms swayed unconsciously as the body stood up, his head tilted, his lips slightly opened, and he could see a trace of darkened blood flowing along the corners of his mouth.

But the blood-red eye pupil that was wide open was still staring at Shen Xing.

No matter who sees this scene in this dark night, it will not be better. Shen Xing has never encountered such a situation before. The whole body is stuck to the wall behind him, his body stiff.

It is impossible for a person who is sure to die to run to his room and move by himself!

It is very likely that Lin Wanru cheated the corpse. Maybe it was because he was killed and couldn't swallow the breath and cheated the corpse, but somehow she found herself!

Regardless of why this weird situation happened, the most important thing is to escape first.

After a pause, she found that Lin Wanru did not move anymore.

Standing on tiptoe, he immediately moved to the bedroom door, and at the same time turned off the flashlight, staring at Lin Wanru who was standing at the foot of the bed, not daring to let out the atmosphere, like a crab, approaching the door little by little against the wall.

In the process, Lin Wanru still didn't move, just stood so stiffly.

However, Shen Xing guessed that the obviously congested eye pupils were most likely still staring at him.

At this moment, he was taken aback for a moment, and a line of text suddenly appeared in his mind.

[Blood pupil, 0% understanding of current characteristics. 】

Except for the two words "blood pupil" and the percentage value in this line of text, the other prompts are exactly the same as the text prompts behind the sculpture of the bust that Hong Bin was included in.

The "Blood Eye" that appears now is obviously the same ghost as Hong Bin, but the current level of understanding of it is 0%.

Unexpectedly, the dead Lin Wanru would turn into a ghost named "Blood Eye"!

At this moment, the atmosphere in the bedroom was extremely weird. In the dim space, apart from the sound of my own breathing, no other sound could be heard. In order to avoid exposing himself, Shen Xing deliberately reduced the number of breaths, making the whole person very uncomfortable.

Leaning against the wall, he moved forward little by little. Soon, he was about to approach the bedroom door with a horror. At this time, Shen Xing's position had turned to Lin Wanru's diagonally back, but Lin Wanru was still standing so motionless.

Shen Xing, who came to Lin Wanru's back, his eyes suddenly stopped, his expression became stiff, his eyes fixed on the back of Lin Wanru's head.

It wasn't until after turning to this direction that he found that Lin Wanru's back head was completely bloody, and a place was obviously sunken in, which should have been caused by a heavy blow by something.

This scene made him almost stop breathing.

In normal times, he would never believe that a person could stand motionless in front of his bed under such circumstances.

Isn't this a ghost, what else can it be

It turns out that this world is really different from my previous world!

His body was numb for a moment, and he quickly started to move again, came to the door of the bedroom, grabbed the doorknob, stepped out of the bedroom, and closed the door with his backhand.

At this moment, Lin Wanru, who had been motionless, suddenly turned around and opened her lips, and masses of blood clots about to coagulate came out of her mouth and rushed towards Shen Xing.

The action she threw was also very strange, her hands barely moved, as if she was being pulled by her head, and her whole body rushed towards the door with a hideous face!

In shock, Shen Xing slammed the bedroom door, but Lin Wanru's head was already close and snapped. This was the first time in his history that he saw a person's head caught in the crack of the door.

Then there was a click, because Shen Xing's current strength in both hands was greatly increased, and the door was closed too hard, it seems that the other's face bones have been squeezed and deformed.

Lin Wanru's strength was equally incredible, and as if nothing had happened, she grinned, trying to get out, tilting her head, showing her teeth, and desperately biting Shen Xing's left hand holding the door handle.

Shen Xing shivered suddenly. Although he could contend with the opponent in strength, he still let go of his hand subconsciously, because he couldn't guarantee whether he would be infected with "corpse poison" if he was bitten through the skin by this woman.

The bedroom door was opened immediately, and Lin Wanru's head rushed forward, making a weird grunt from her throat, and rushing towards Shen Xing.

Shen Xing backed away quickly. He originally wanted to open the door of the living room, but it was too late, so he had to step aside to the left and waved a flashlight with his backhand at Lin Wanru's head.

Because at this moment, he tried so hard, the flashlight broke and fell to the ground, knocking Lin Wanru's body forward and blocking it in front of the living room door.

Before Shen Xing had time to take a closer look, he turned and got into the bathroom. Before he could turn back and close the door, Lin Wanru had already followed closely. She threw her head behind Shen Xing's shoulder, opened her mouth, and bit the collar of his pajamas.

Shen Xing almost subconsciously immediately squatted, stretched his hands to the back and pulled, as if grabbing the woman's long hair, his buttocks pushed back, his feet pressed hard, his hands suddenly burst out because of the weird power after absorbing the fake Hongbin characteristics , Made a perfect back throw.

Unexpectedly, although Lin Wanru's power was also very strong, he was still thrown forward by him.

The area of this bathroom was originally small. Lin Wanru, who fell out, smashed the window ribs and glass, and flew out directly from the window. For about two seconds, a dull sound came from downstairs, and then the trash can was tilted. The sound of rolling down.

"Drop... I dropped it!"

Shen Xing was undecided, and reluctantly stood up, walked to the window and glanced down.

The downstairs behind this is an alley, where there is usually garbage piled up here, there is a smell, and the light is dim, and you can vaguely see Lin Wanru lying on the ground. (End of this chapter)