Woodcarving to Record Abnormalities

Chapter 16: Eye pupil (5)


Coming out of the gate of the community, after turning a corner, Shen Xing carried a shovel to the place where Lin Wanru's body fell.

The place has been cleaned up, and even the sewage has been washed. At this moment, there is not much garbage smell, but there are still green garbage bins parked in the corner.

He opened the three trash cans close to the corner of the wall, endured the odor that was constantly rising from the trash alley, and searched them one by one with a shovel.

However, after searching for a long time, he did not find the dead dog that Uncle Wang said.

Recalling carefully, the place that Uncle Wang said must be here, and there is no better place to throw a dead dog than here.

Ten minutes later, Shen Xing gave up rummaging, convinced that the dead dog was gone.

He shoveled the shovel into the trash can, found a small ramen shop not far from the alley, went into the kitchen to wash his hands with hand sanitizer, and ordered a large noodles and meat in the shop. Bowl of ramen.

While eating and thinking, Uncle Wang would definitely not tell lies. The dead dog must have existed just now, and it must have been thrown into the trash can.

He was a little stunned to think of this, this dead dog wouldn't be picked up and stewed by anyone who didn't want Bilian? !

Anyway, the person who picked it up didn't eat it himself, and made it into fragrant dog meat, which could be sold for money.

Thinking of this, Shen Xing showed a different color, and couldn't help but ask the owner of the small shop who just came by: "Sister Hui, your shop is full of beef, don't you have dog meat?"

Sister Hui stopped and looked at him seriously: "Xiao Shen, if you eat dog meat in this weather, I will ask you if you are dry?"

"Just ask." Shen Xing smiled, lowered his head and concentrated on eating noodles.

Normally, his appetite is not very big. This bowl of beef ramen with an extra amount makes his stomach full.

After coming out of the ramen shop, Shen Xing was not in a hurry to go home, but walked around the street twice, digesting and digesting.

As night fell, the number of people walking and shopping on the street gradually increased, and a small square nearby was crowded with dancing aunts.

There are many missing floor tiles in the streets of this old city, and there are too many pedestrians to walk carefully.

After walking for half an hour, Shen Xing turned back to the Ivy League.

When I went upstairs, I saw the place on the first floor where the dead dog originally appeared. At this moment, it was covered with a layer of gray-white fine ash, so that it can not only absorb the water vapor on the ground, but also prevent the odor from spreading.

Uncle Wang should have done it. This old man usually looks hot-tempered, but he has a good heart and likes to help his neighbors.

When passing the third floor, Shen Xing noticed that Lin Wanru's residence was still surrounded by yellow cordon and still blocked.

He glanced at it, remembering the weird scene when Lin Wanru's body was standing at the end of his bed, and he suddenly felt furry, went up to the fourth floor a few steps, took out the key to open the door, and entered the room to close the door.

I pressed the light switch without any response.

Shen Xing froze for a moment, and pressed it twice, but still did not respond. He looked at the drinking fountain in the living room that had been plugged in, and the steady green light had also gone out.

There should be a problem with the circuit at home.

With the light outside the window, he walked towards the bedroom door, ready to find the flashlight to see if the switch had tripped.

When I just walked to the bedroom door, I remembered that the flashlight had been smashed while fighting with Lin Wanru's corpse. At this moment, the broken flashlight was lying quietly in the trash basket beside the sofa.

Shen Xing immediately turned around and was about to go downstairs to buy. But at this moment, his gaze condensed and he vaguely saw a foot in dark trousers at the door of the kitchen, quickly retracting into the kitchen.

Seeing this scene, Shen Xing immediately held his breath.

There are people in the room!

Also, the light line is broken!

He suddenly realized that this was probably not accidental, perhaps it was caused by the guy who sneaked into the house secretly.

At the same moment, he felt a deep resentment against the lock of the living room door.

This lock must be changed. People from the investigation team can come in, and people who are now hiding in the house can also come in. It feels like this lock is purely a decoration.

I can't stay in the room any longer, I don't know how long the person has been in, maybe the other party has already prepared a method against him, just waiting for him to go home.

Shen Xing didn't believe that this person was a thief, because there could be no such a coincidence. Now whether it is Lin Wanru or the thief, he patronizes himself one after another in the past two days.

When he walked into the bedroom just now, the person who was obviously hidden in the kitchen was about to follow, but he didn't expect to suddenly turn around and walk out, so he was discovered.

And this person is wearing ordinary pants, not the dress of Lin Wanru's corpse, but a living person.

Shen Xing retracted his gaze, pretending not to see the abnormality at the kitchen door, and muttered to himself: "Why tripped again?"

While talking, he came to the door of the living room and reached out to pull the door.

At this moment, from the corner of his eyes, he found that the people in the kitchen seemed to be unable to restrain himself, and the figure was revealed again, and then a small black shadow flew towards him at an extremely fast speed.

Shen Xing had just opened the door at this moment, before he had time to go out, he almost subconsciously squatted down after he noticed something flying, and with a puff, a kitchen knife plunged into the door panel above his head, almost in three-thirds of it. One.

Because the doors of the old quarters are not replaced with metal anti-theft doors, this kind of wooden door can easily be embedded with a kitchen knife.

When he looked up, Shen Xing suddenly got a cold sweat, feeling chilly on the top of his head.

"Nima, throw kitchen knives so well, is it acrobatic?"

An idea came up quickly, and the person hadn't stood up completely. A tall man at the door of the kitchen rushed out when the kitchen knife was thrown out, and a very violent side-shoulder impact was directed at him.

Shen Xing hadn't stood still at this time, and the hidden man had a majestic figure, and he was slammed into the face with a bang.

The two of them pressed their bodies against the door panel of the living room, and the door was suddenly distorted with a click.

The tall man who knocked down Shen Xing moved quickly, and after steadying his figure, he grabbed Shen Xing's arm and dragged him into the house.

Unexpectedly, after catching it, Shen Xing's five fingers were hooked, and his strength was greater, sinking into the muscle of the opponent's right arm, but forcibly grabbed the man.

The tall man suffered a pain in his right arm, and his left hand immediately grabbed the handle of the kitchen knife embedded in the door panel, took it off in one fell swoop, and slashed his head against Shen Xing, who was holding him.

There was no ambiguity about this knife, it was extremely powerful, and it was completely killing people.

In fact, Shen Xing’s head was buzzing right now after being hit, but he also knew that this man had a good intention of his own life. After he realized that the kitchen knife was slashing against his forehead, he immediately released the hands of the man. Tilt his head to the left.

The kitchen knife fell quickly and slashed on the ground next to Shen Xing's right cheek. A string of sparks appeared on the ground.

At the moment the kitchen knife slashed across his face, Shen Xing really felt a violent wind blowing over his face, and was almost cut in his face, his cheeks were hot, and his breathing was stagnant.

He immediately grabbed the man's left hand holding the knife, and the strange power erupted between his five fingers. He heard a click, the man snorted, his wrist broke, and the kitchen knife fell to the ground.

In the next second, the man slammed a punch, hitting the bridge of Shen Xing's nose, and suddenly blood was flowing.

Although his strength increased at the moment he stretched out, his fighting experience was obviously not as rich as that of the tall man. This punch could not be avoided, he was stunned and his vision became blurred.

Taking this opportunity, the tall man pressed his right knee firmly against his stomach, and the intact right hand grabbed the kitchen knife on the ground again, this time aiming at his neck and slashing it down.

Shen Xing's whole body was numb, and his body turned desperately to avoid the blade. The kitchen knife slashed along the edge of his ear and slashed into his shoulder with a chuckle.

The severe pain hit, and Shen Xing's left body suddenly numb, as if he no longer belongs to him.

He immediately stretched out his right hand and squeezed the tall man's knees, with all the weird powers, his five fingers like iron.

Hearing a click, the man screamed in pain. Although the knee did not immediately shatter, at least the bone was already cracked.

This man never expected that he would sneak attack on Shen Xing with his own skills. He was originally caught by his hands. How did he know that Shen Xing, who was smaller than himself and thinner than himself, was so powerful that his hands were so powerful!

Now although he hurts the opponent and he has the upper hand, it is because of the sneak attack that has seized the opportunity.

But the tall man was also injured, his left wrist was broken, and his left kneecap was cracked.

Enduring the severe pain from the two injuries, the man raised the kitchen knife again, facing Shen Xing's neck when he was about to continue cutting.

At this moment in the corridor outside the door behind, a strange sound suddenly remembered.

The sound sounded like grinding teeth, and it seemed to be coming from the throat, like a strong warning from an animal about to attack. (End of this chapter)