Woodcarving to Record Abnormalities

Chapter 17: Eye pupil (6)


The tall man was taken aback, looked back, and then froze.

In his gaze, a mangy dog with a dirty body and part of his bones already exposed was standing behind him, staring at him grimly, his lips opened, exposing white fangs, and his throat before attacking. Growl.

The gaze is ferocious, because the left eye of this mangy dog looks very weird. The blood-red eyeballs fill the entire eye socket, and it looks completely asymmetrical with the right eye.

It seems that it is not a dog's eye at all, but a human eye!

After seeing this scene clearly, the tall man couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

In the next second, this mangy dog looked like a puppet, with its head being pulled forward by an invisible force, pounced on it, and bit at the cheek of the tall man.

The tall man was stunned by the bloodshot eyes, and because he had injured his hands and feet, he couldn't react at all, and his sharp teeth instantly plunged into his thigh muscles.

The man suffered from the pain, but did not scream, gave up and continued to kill Shen Xing, turned around, and wanted to chop the mangy dog's head with a kitchen knife.

One person and one dog fight together.

Taking this opportunity, Shen Xing immediately kicked his feet on the ground, propped his hands back, and crawled backwards quickly.

The pain in the injured shoulder was unbearable at the moment, but he didn't have the time to pay attention. He just crawled to the door of the bedroom desperately, closed the door, and then stood up and walked towards the end of the bed.

In the process, bites and painful screams came from the door of the living room, and the kitchen knife in the hand of the tall man slashed the mangy dog's neck frantically.

However, the more he slashed, the more alarmed he became. According to common sense, the mangy dog should have died at this moment with this degree of stab wound, but instead of the other party being dead, he took away several pieces of meat from his thigh and waist. Very ferocious!


The mangy dog bit the man's wrist holding the knife, and the kitchen knife fell to the ground.

The tall man was unable to stand with injuries to his hands and feet, and finally broke free. He wanted to grab the mangy dog’s hair and threw it directly. Unexpectedly, the piece of fur fell directly under the pull, but the mangy dog seemed to have nothing to do with it Biting against his neck.

At this time, Shen Xing pulled a pair of pajama pants from her body and wrapped her backhand around her shoulders, trying to tighten the wound to stop the bleeding, but now only one hand can move, and the left shoulder can't be used forcefully, and it can't be bandaged.

She wrapped her shoulders indiscriminately twice, and suddenly a muffled grunt came from outside, and the biting and struggling sound stopped.

Shen Xing looked at the bedroom door. The bedroom door had been damaged because of his fight with Lin Wanru's corpse. It could not be closed as well. At this moment, there was a dark crack in the door, and nothing could be seen.

But Shen Xing had a bad feeling. He held his breath as much as possible. Now not only does his shoulder hurt badly, his left body is numb, and his chest is hit by the man’s knees. The pain is also unbearable, his head is humming, as if I'm going to faint at any time.

He squeezed his right hand into a fist, and walked gently towards the door a few steps, trying to hold a chair against the bedroom door.

But just as he stepped forward, a weird low growl suddenly sounded outside the bedroom door.

Shen Xing paused and didn't dare to move forward, because hearing that voice was already close to the door.

When I opened my eyes and recognized the past carefully, I saw a red eyeball slowly approaching the crack of the door, staring coldly at the room.

Being watched by those red pupils, Shen Xing was numb.

He knew very well that at this moment the pupil was in the eye socket of the mangy dog, but in fact this was not a dog's eye at all, but a human eye, from Lin Wanru's eye.

It turned out that Shen Xing was wrong at all. That night the mangy dog didn't eat the eyeball at all, but was directly occupied by the eyeball and became a part of the mangy dog's body.

At this moment, looking at this, the dog should be in a strange state of life. It is said to be dead, but it can be clearly heard that it is growling and panting, if it is not dead, the knife wound on its body, and the ** The bone that came out seemed to tell Shen Xing that it couldn't be a living body.

Being stared at by this bloodshot eye pupil, Shen Xing did not dare to move for the time being.

Seeing this scene, it is certain that the death of the tall man outside the living room must be terrifying.

At this moment, Shen Xing had probably guessed the identity of the man, otherwise he could not think of anyone who would want to kill himself as soon as they meet.

Although the tall man is dead, for the current Shen Xing, the situation is equally dangerous and even worse.

After a few seconds, he could feel his stiff body slowly recovering, and he could move again. At this time, the mangy dog's low growl approached, and the head embedded with the bloodshot eyeball came in a little into the bedroom door.

Shen Xing's shoulder was still bleeding from the stab wound, and the clothes on his left arm had been soaked and stained with blood, but the situation was critical at the moment and he could not stop the bleeding for the time being.

I glanced at the direction of the workbench, where the light from the street lamp outside the window shone in, and it looked brighter. At the moment, on the workbench near the window sill, various sizes and models of arc knives and flat blade knives lined up.

But the distance I stood was separated from the workbench by a bed.

At this moment, the mangy dog's bald head was halfway into the bedroom.

Before Shen Xing had time to think about it, he stepped on the bed and rushed to the workbench.

At the same moment, the mangy dog reached the bedroom door, and the low growl in his throat turned into a warning when he was about to bite. He bypassed the end of the bed and rushed towards Shen Xing.

Shen Xing grabbed the wooden armchair in front of the workbench. The armchair was lighter, but the wood was so strong that it could be picked up with one hand. He swung the chair behind him, and at the first moment he held it against the mangy dog who had bitten with his mouth open. .

The four legs of the wooden chair are connected by solid wood bars. It is these bars that temporarily block the head of the mangy dog from the crazy impact.

However, the sawdust was bitten by it and splashed everywhere, and the force of the impact was very strong.

It may be the cause of the blood loss. Shen Xing felt that he could not support it for long. He immediately pressed his right hand against the wooden chair, and with his left hand resisting the pain of shoulder pulling, he reached out to the worktable and grabbed it with an arc knife with the blade model of the knife.

The blade of this knife is relatively wide, and now his left hand cannot make a fist because of a shoulder injury, so he can only use a weapon.

After grabbing the wooden handle of the arc knife, a strong smell of blood has blown over his face. At least two of the legs of the chair were bitten off by the mangy dog. Its head passed through the legs of the chair and quickly leaned in front of Shen Xing.

Shen Xing was too late to react, and the left hand holding the arc knife took advantage of the trend and forced it into the red eye socket of the mangy dog.

Puffed out.

Because his left shoulder was severely injured, the strength to penetrate the target was not great. Shen Xing gritted his teeth abruptly and yelled. The injured left shoulder changed over, desperately against the wooden chair, and freed his uninjured right hand. Stretched forward, grabbed the arc knife that was still stuck in the mangy dog's eye socket, and thrust it with all his strength, then slashed it horizontally, and then pulled it back abruptly.

Unconsciously, I used the usual carving techniques and techniques.


The bloodshot eyeballs were plucked out and fell to the ground.

The mangy dog immediately paralyzed to the ground and stopped moving.

And after this eyeball rolled on the ground for a short period of time, its original rolling inertia has disappeared and it should have stopped moving, but suddenly, a strange force made it roll forward again, round a small bend, and sit opposite. Shen Xing on the ground rolled. (End of this chapter)