Woodcarving to Record Abnormalities

Chapter 26: Only you can see it


In an instant, this face opened his eyes, his slightly dark brown pupils, slightly raised corners of his mouth, a straight nose, and his facial features were exactly the same as Song Xiaoyu himself.


The familiar laughter that awakened Song Xiaoyu from this weird cheek mouth, the white-skinned mouth was cracked, without teeth, but the waste paper under the waste paper basket behind the face could be seen through the cracked mouth.

The long black hair spread out in the paper basket, the pale face, and this face exactly like him was smiling strangely at Song Xiaoyu.

This scene caused Song Xiaoyu, who was in extreme fear, to tremble subconsciously. Before she screamed, her consciousness quickly disappeared.

Time goes by every minute and every second.

Song Hao usually snores after falling asleep, and his wife An Lifen has been accustomed to his snoring for a long time, but this time, Song Hao was shaken up by An Lifen forcefully.

He knew that his snoring might be causing his wife, so he turned over and was about to continue sleeping.

An Lifen shook his arm again.

Song Hao opened his eyes sleepily, his tone a little unhappy, and asked, "What are you doing?"

An Lifen's voice was so low that she seemed to have woken up a long time ago. She leaned to Song Hao's ear and whispered, "Someone was in our bedroom just now!"

"Ah!" Song Hao was startled, and he was more than half awake from sleep.


He raised his head and looked left and right. Although there was light coming in outside the house at this time, the bedroom was already very dim, and there was nothing to see from one meter away from the bed.

So Song Hao didn't believe that An Lifen could see someone in the room.

"That person has been standing by our bed just now." An Lifen's body was trembling slightly, and her voice was trembling, "I dare not move, I can only pretend to sleep."

Hearing his wife's description, Song Hao also felt horrified and fearful. He quickly sat up and turned on the bedside lamp. The two immediately scanned the bedroom, but no one was seen.

"Maybe a thief entered the house." Song Hao guessed, and his expression was shocked, "I wonder if there is anything wrong with my daughter?"

When the words fell, he immediately stood up, took out a flashlight from the head of the bed, held it tightly, and said to An Lifen: "Take your phone!"

He walked quickly to the door of the bedroom, but found that the bedroom door that was originally closed was hidden at the moment.

There was a sudden shock in his heart, Song Hao slowly approached the door, and when he was about to open the door, the door was pushed open from the outside, and Song Xiaoyu walked in quickly with a pale face.

"Dad, I'm scared! Just now... I seemed to have a nightmare!"

Song Hao immediately hugged her and took a look at the aisle behind Song Xiaoyu. He found no abnormalities. He heaved a sigh of relief and asked, "Did you find a thief in the house?"

Song Xiaoyu shook his head.

Song Hao turned around and said to An Lifen: "Did you make a mistake?"

An Lifen stared at Song Xiaoyu for a moment, as if thoughtful, nodded and said, "It's possible... I was wrong."

"It's okay, Xiao Yu, you go back to the bedroom first, and Dad walks through each room to make sure."

When the words were over, Song Xiaoyu returned to his bedroom. He himself looked at the living room, kitchen, closet room, study, and Song Xiaoyu’s bedroom and bathroom, and found no abnormalities. He checked the door locks and they were all intact. , And there is no sign of being opened.

At this time Song Xiaoyu was already lying in her arms and seemed to be asleep.

Song Hao closed the bedroom door for her, returned to the master bedroom, and returned to her sex.

"There's no one else in the house. You might have been drowsy just now, and you made a mistake." He muttered, pulling Xia Liang to cover himself.

Suddenly, he found An Lifen's body was trembling, he couldn't help turning his head to look at her in wonder.

An Lifen shivered and said: "Just now... after seeing the light rain... I am sure that she... has been standing by our bed before you wake up."

Two days later, Hong Anjie returned from a trip with his father Hong Bin.

This guy called Shen Xing as soon as he got home, saying that he wanted to invite Shen Xing to dinner, first to thank him, and second, to take away his own custom-made father's half-length wood sculpture by the way.

Shen Xing had already prepared the second half-length wood carving.

The dinner time is set at 7pm, and the location is in the Yuemanlou Restaurant in the old city. It is also convenient for Shen Xing to bring out the woodcarvings, while Hong Anjie and his son drove over.

The sky at 7 o'clock in the evening is still very bright. In the summer of Yungu City, the night usually falls after 8 o'clock.

For reasons of ordering and preparation, the Hong family and his son arrived at the restaurant earlier than Shen Xing. The dishes on this table were very rich, with seven dishes and one soup for three people, but it was a bit wasteful in Shen Xing's opinion.

In the private room, while eating vegetables and drinking Baiqu sauce wine, Shen Xing asked about Hong Bin's physical condition.

Hong Bin, who had been traveling for a few days, seemed to be in a good mood. He was already a normal person. According to Hong Anjie, his father never behaved abnormally before.

After eating for a while, Shen Xing opened the video on the phone, then opened the video passed to him by Ma Jinlong, the deputy leader of the Missing Persons Group of the Public Security Department, and handed it to Hong Anjie.

"This is the final video of Ye Ting, which was found by the Public Security Department. You can look it over and see if there is anything worth noting."

The reason for this is that Shen Xing wants to test with Hong Anjie to see if he sees the weird scene he saw before when he is watching this video.

In order to avoid that weird situations would not happen if two people watched it together, he stopped Hong Bin, who wanted to watch the video with his son because of curiosity.

"Uncle Hong, I'll show it to you after Anjie finishes it."

Hong Bin nodded, raised his wine glass, clinked the glass with Shen Xing with a smile on his face, and drank it in one gulp.

It can be seen that this old man usually has a good amount of alcohol, and his physical fitness should be fine. If the pre-breaking time is not dragged down by the fake Hongbin, he will not faint at any time.

During this period, Shen Xing had been observing Hong Anjie's expression. Halfway through the video, Hong Anjie's brows were furrowed, obviously feeling a little weird.

After the video playback ended, Hong Anjie still held the phone and kept still, and looked up at Shen Xing, "Are there any other videos?"

"Nothing." Shen Xing shook his head, "You first replay the video and show it to Uncle Hong, and then let's talk about it."

He was afraid that Hong Anjie's words would give a certain degree of psychological hints to Hong Bin who had not watched the video, so he prepared to ask them what they saw and thought after both of them had watched it.

Hong Bin took the phone and looked at it seriously.

I have to say that in the process, the expressions of the father and son were carved out of the same mold, exactly the same.

After Hong Bin watched the video, Shen Xing took the phone and asked Hong Anjie: "What do you think is the strangest thing in the video?"

Hong Anjie said: "When Ye listens to the air outside the window, he is still gesturing. I don't understand this at all."

He and Shen Xing and Ye Ting were both college classmates, and the three were familiar with each other before, so after Ye Ting's disappearance, Hong Anjie was also worried.

Moreover, Hong Anjie knew Ye Ting's character. To him, this abnormal behavior of the other party was indeed incredible.

Hong Bin was surprised at this moment: "Is this girl talking to the air? I thought she was talking to someone in the opposite building, even when she was talking, she didn't seem to be loud!"

"Other than that? Did you see anything else?" Shen Xing asked.

"Nothing." Hong Anjie shook his head, "It feels like Ye Ting is talking to someone, but making this kind of action outside the window is strange."

Shen Xing nodded calmly. He knew that neither father and son had seen the weird scene he had seen in the video.

So far, only he has seen Ye Ting in the video suddenly look in the direction of the camera. (End of this chapter)