Woodcarving to Record Abnormalities

Chapter 44: another me


After seeing his clothes clearly, Shen Xing once again turned his eyes to the person squatting behind the door.

At this moment he felt like he was falling into a dream.

This person... even wears the same socks as himself, but the other person cannot be deliberately disguising himself!

Is it just a coincidence

Shen Xing stared at the man who squatted silently in disbelief. No, it couldn't be a coincidence.

His Adam's apple moved, and he said: "Come out, I have seen you."

There was no response from the squatting man.

The current situation is too unbelievable. Looking at the person behind the door, Shen Xing has the illusion of short-term hypoxia.

"Come out!" yelled again.

The other party still did not respond.

No way, he strode over, clenched a fist with one hand, and pulled the bedroom door with the other, so that the squatting person was completely exposed under his nose.

This person is indeed a man, squatting with his hands on his knees, wearing exactly the same clothes as himself.

Now even if the other party does not look up, Shen Xing is still sure that this guy is very likely to be himself.

He did not approach any more, but instead took a step back and stared at the squatting "self" guardedly.

"Can you hear me?" Shen Xing asked.

After a few seconds, the squatting man slowly raised his head, his eyes lost, and he didn't seem to be paying attention.

Shen Xing put all his attention on his face, as expected, exactly the same as himself!

Immediately this person let go of his arms around his knees and slowly stood up, but his face was very stiff and his expression was indifferent, as if he could not see Shen Xing, and walked towards the living room.

Shen Xing looked at him silently, until the person disappeared from the bedroom, and the sound of footsteps outside the living room quickly stopped.

Ever since this person stood up in front of him, Shen Xing had the illusion of looking in the mirror. Except for the other's stiff behavior, he felt that he was originally himself.

There was no movement from outside the living room.

After a pause, Shen Xing also slowly walked to the bedroom door and glanced at the living room.

The other one who walked to the living room did not disappear, but sat on the sofa outside, staring at the front blankly, doing nothing, just like a ZZ without thinking.

Shen Xing stopped talking, just stared at the person's side face like this.

He seemed to understand a little bit in his heart, did he absorb the characteristics of the fake Hongbin that he had absorbed when he absorbed the blood pupil wood carving? Because what happened to myself now is exactly the same as what happened to Hong Bin back then.

He felt that this situation should not have occurred after absorbing the characteristics of the fake Hongbin. Looking at it this way, it seemed that something unexpected happened.

And Shen Xing doesn't know whether this same self will always appear, or because of some side effects, after it appears now, it will disappear in a specific way in the future.

But now it seems that besides being ZZ, this guy doesn't seem to be a threat.

The most important thing is that after this person appeared, he did not start to become confused or behave abnormally like the real Hong Bin.

Perhaps this is the difference between active and passive.

Hong Bin met this guy and was copied. This was a passive situation. On the other hand, he is actively absorbing the characteristics, and then a copy appears due to a certain "side effect", which is produced because of the initiative.

The difference in doing this is that it is extremely likely that one's own deity will not be affected by the other party, while the copy of Shen Xing, on the contrary, behaves very dumbly.

But having said that, his profile is quite good-looking, as if aged wine, the more it tastes, the more fragrant it is.

Don't Bilian's secret appreciation for a moment, Shen Xing turned back to the bedroom.

When he came to the workbench, he picked up the wooden sculptures of fake Hongbin and the blood pupil and examined them carefully for a while, and found that the black shadows in the wooden sculptures were all intact. The only thing was that they had no characteristics.

Shen Xing turned and walked to the living room, and glanced at the man sitting on the sofa.

This guy opened his lips slightly, motionless, feeling that a scorpion would be dripping out in the next second.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Shen Xing, open the door."

Hearing the voice seems to be Li Naijing!

Immediately, I saw a figure shaking outside the window next to the living room door, as if I wanted to look through the window to see if he was in the house.

Shen Xing was startled. There were papers on the window, and the inside could not be seen from the outside, but at this moment Li Naijing was definitely not allowed to see the other herself.

He glanced at the man sitting on the sofa, who still looked like ZZ.

Shen Xing did not answer Li Naijing, but hurriedly walked to the bedroom, picked up the phone, and immediately turned it into silent mode.

Not long after the adjustment was made, the screen of the mobile phone changed and it displayed the words "Sheriff Li Naijing is calling."

He took the phone without answering, and walked gently to the living room, staring at the other self who was still sitting motionless.

It's best to let this guy hide first, and Shen Xing turned to look around, preparing to find a place in the house where people can hide.

He grabbed the seated self, pulled him up, and pushed him into the bedroom.

In the process, Shen Xing finally saw the halazi in this guy's mouth fell off, and slammed it to the ground, and he was pushed into the bedroom.

When I turned around and returned to the living room, the phone call status had lasted for nearly a minute before finally hanging up.

Li Naijing's voice came from outside the door: "Is she at home? He didn't listen to the phone."

The young man Zhao Wenbo's voice replied: "Maybe something has happened, maybe it's going out, do you want to wait a little longer?"

After this sentence, there was no movement outside the door.

After a while, the door lock of the living room rang suddenly, and it seemed that a key had been inserted into the keyhole.

Shen Xing was shocked, and heard Zhao Wenbo say: "Sister Jing, do you want to go in directly?"

The voice in the keyhole stopped, and Li Naijing replied: "The guy came back from Song Xiaoyu's house, and now he shouldn't knock on the door, and he won't answer the phone. What if he is possessed by the missing scalp again? You must go in and have a look. Besides, our special case investigation team has the right to enter any private sphere without the consent of the owner."

In Shen Xing's impression, he remembered that he had heard Li Naijing say the same thing. Obviously, this was Li Naijing's classic mantra.

But listening to this, the woman seemed to be forced to enter the house because she was worried about her safety.

For those who do such things frequently, even though the lock of her own door has been changed now, Shen Xing has no doubt about her ability to open the lock.

He quickly turned around, preparing to go into the bedroom to hide the other himself, but he turned his eyes around and found that there was no one in the bedroom.

The guy who had just been pushed in by himself was nowhere to be seen at some point.

I don't know if it was hidden or disappeared. Shen Xing didn't have time to think about it, the door lock behind him began to twist again, and he made a click.

Just listen to Li Naijing: "The door was locked from the inside, but I opened it."

The implication is that there may be people in the house all the time.

Although the other party was kind, but now Shen Xing still raised his throat with a heart, and rushed to his throat, motionless, pretending to be asleep, and at the same time tuck the phone under the pillow.

The next second, the door was opened, and Li Naijing and Zhao Wenbo walked in one after another. (End of this chapter)