Woodcarving to Record Abnormalities

Chapter 5: Mental antibodies


With doubts, Shen Xing dropped two eye drops in his eyes, blinked, and found that the three lines of text with similar attributes were still there.

It is now certain that the appearance of attribute text has nothing to do with one's own body, but through sand sculpture, uh, not through the wood carving system, and then manifested from the spiritual or conscious level.

Looking at the bust of Hong Bin again, the black shadow has been curled up inside.

This night, Shen Xing could not sleep through the night, because no matter whether his eyes were opened or closed, the three lines of attribute text were in front of him and he could see it.

There has been no prompt that should be given after the golden finger is activated, although he doesn't know how the woodcarving housed the figure of Hong Bin

But now the wood carving system is undoubtedly turned on, give yourself a reason not to hang on first

At about two in the morning, Shen Xing, who could not sleep, simply got up from his sex. Instead of turning on the light, he came to the workbench and sat down, pressing his elbows on the table, leaning forward and staring at Hong Bin’s. Half-length wood carving.

The bedroom was filled with the smell of wood, beeswax, and paint. Shen Xing is now accustomed to these smells. On the contrary, he felt that the smell of wood was not an exaggeration.

It's like some people like to smell ink, some people like the smell of just printed books, and some people like the aroma of lettuce oil.

He has no idea now, whether he likes to smell the wood in the first place, or he discovered this special habit after crossing over.

Maybe, maybe this is just the preference of the original owner of the body, but now it affects me.

Perhaps this is just the preference of the person in the photo, but it affects me through the physical memory of the original owner.

Her gaze moved, cast on the clean and delicate frame on the workbench, the young woman in the photo was smiling, with two shallow pear vortices at the corners of her mouth, her gaze seemed to be watching herself.

Ye Ting, the girlfriend of the original owner of this body. To be precise, it should be the fiancée.

After Shen Xing was reborn and obtained the memory of the original owner, it was discovered that the young woman named Ye Ting had been missing for three years.

Shen Xing's first feeling for Ye Ting, who was originally reborn, only stayed on the sensory perception of appearance beauty, but slowly was affected by the memory of the original owner, and from time to time his brain would be occupied by a flood of longing, and there was no way to escape it. .

He still remembers the moment when he was reborn, he found a very deep cut on his wrist. The tool of the crime comes from a carving knife, and the hand holding the knife belongs to him, or the original owner.

After three years of failing to find his missing fiancée, the original owner of Shen Xing believed that Ye Ting was dead, so he chose to end his life with his fiancée and his favorite carving knife.

And after I went through the rebirth, my body was extremely weak for the first few days, but after all the fatal injuries on my wrist began to recover strangely, it slowly improved, until now there was no scar left on my wrist.

The memory from the original owner tells Shen Xing that Ye Ting and the original owner are college students and both like woodcarving. They opened a woodcarving shop separately, but after Ye Ting’s disappearance, the original owner sold his own shop and only operated Originally belonged to Ye Ting's wood carving shop.

In the process, he spent all the money in his store looking for Ye Ting, but until the moment he gave up his life, he still had no clue.

After taking a long breath, Shen Xing's gaze withdrew from the photo. Just now, a deep sense of longing was uncontrollably rising in his heart. This bitterness with a bit of sweetness often came suddenly.

Even the woman in this photo now seems to him because of inheriting the memory of the original owner, the sweet taste of being in love with her is lingering.

Turning his eyes, sliding over the workbench, the engraving tools on the table are neatly arranged, there are different models of arc knives and flat knives, wire saws, a stack of sandpaper, whetstones, at the other end of the workbench A vise is also fixed.

According to Ye Ting's usual work habits, these tools are easily accessible during the engraving process.

For so long, Shen Xing has also developed the same habit.

He had a certain foundation in painting in his previous life, so although he felt that he had been exposed to wood carving for the first time after his rebirth, the combination of his painting skills and the original master's wood carving skills did not seem to take much effort when he started carving.

His eyes were fixed on the bust sculpture belonging to Hong Bin for a long time, and his thoughts fluctuated. He feels that the more he sits now, the more energetic he feels, and there is still no sleepiness.

After a while, Shen Xing's eyelids suddenly twitched, and he recovered, and immediately noticed that the three rows of attribute values under his eyes seemed to have changed!

The progress bar on the first line of "mental antibody" seems to be increasing!

Concentrate and take a closer look. It turned out that the progress bar that was originally in gray status was filled with a light white at this moment. Although it is less than one-tenth of the entire progress bar, it is obvious that the mental antibody column has changed .

I don't know what causes the progress bar of mental antibodies to increase

Shen Xing aroused doubts, just now he was thinking wildly, without a certain idea, and his eyes seemed to be staring at... this wooden bust!

Could it be the reason for this wood carving

To be honest, there is no light in the room at this moment, and with the light from the outside of the house through the window, his vision when staring at this wooden sculpture is actually blurry.

Reaching out and turning on the lamp on the workbench, he placed the woodcarving under the lamp. Shen Xing didn't think about anything, just staring at Hong Bin's woodcarving.

About half a minute later, he again noticed a change in the attribute value at the lower right corner of his eye.

This time the change is still in the column of mental antibodies, the light white progress bar is extending forward, and the speed of extension is very slow.

Shen Xing stared at the wood carving without any other movements. Now even if he doesn't deliberately look under the corner of his eyes, he can still notice the progress bar increasing.

Slowly, after about half an hour, the gradually spreading pale white occupies about one-fifth of the entire progress bar.

This more obvious change surprised Shen Xing, but at this moment, a deep drowsiness struck, and Shen Xing did not resist at all. He lay directly on the workbench and fell asleep like this.

time flies.

After waking up, it was past two o'clock in the afternoon.

He straightened up in a daze, only to realize that he had fallen asleep on the workbench last night.

Immediately, Shen Xing felt a little cold in his body, and he was very likely to catch a cold after sleeping like this. He stood up and moved his limbs that were almost stiff, and his neck was also tingling.

Go to the living room and turn on the hot water switch of the water dispenser. After washing, I poured myself a cup of warm water, found two cold medicines, and swallowed it with hot water.

Regardless of whether you will catch a cold or not, take precautions first.

Taking this opportunity, Shen Xing checked the attribute value under the corner of his eye, and found that only the mental antibody column was the change from last night, and there was no movement in the other two columns.

"If your body's strength increases, maybe you don't have to worry about catching a cold one night without sleeping under the quilt." Shen Xing muttered inwardly.

As for the meaning of the third attribute "Latent Skill", he didn't have any clue.

I don’t want to open a store today, so I’m ready to take a day off and digest the bizarre experience from yesterday to the present.

To be honest, he still doesn't know whether the black shadow of Hong Bin trapped in the woodcarving is a ghost.

But what is certain now is that staring at the wood carving that trapped Hong Bin's shadow for a period of time can raise the attribute value of one's mental antibody.

As for what this mental antibody can be used for, it is temporarily unknown. (End of this chapter)