Woodcarving to Record Abnormalities

Chapter 76: Perfectly hidden


This latent skill called "Black Domain" contains a lot more information than "face change" and "different pupils".

After the shock, Shen Xing began to analyze carefully one by one.

First of all, the normal state of this skill is to passively use it, but under certain probability or conditions, it can be actively stimulated.

And the function of passive activation is not the same as that of active activation.

Passive skills are "hidden", almost so to speak, they can hide everything in the black domain.

And in the process of passive skills, mental power is consumed little by little, and the speed is slow, so it tends to zero.

As for the active skills, there are two types. One is to trigger the flashback effect, such as flashing back the "Grandma Yuan" in the current ghost card.

The purpose of this kind of active stimulation should be that Yuan Apo can help herself and fight the enemy together.

As for whether the other party will attack him in reverse, although it is not stated in the information, Shen Xing must also be on guard.

However, the activation of active skills will cause a moderate consumption of mental energy. Shen Xing guessed that this should have at least two consumption values of the progress bar.

And what kind of black domain messenger, there is only a very low and very low probability will be triggered, the problem should not be big, as long as you pay attention, you can avoid it by using less flashback.

Now Shen Xing probably knows how to use flashbacks, but he is puzzled that if Yuan Apo's flashbacks run out, then she is very likely to disappear like that "Ker" and no longer appear.

Then how should I find this kind of ghost, then use the black domain control, and release the flashback at the appropriate time

This is a question that is worth thinking about and making good use of. If you use it well, it will be of great help to you in the future.

So far, Shen Xing's body strength is 140%, which is manifested in the powerful strength of the ten fingers, as well as the black fascia protective film on the chest, back, and shoulders. This protective film should have good defensive capabilities.

There is no big problem with resisting the assassination of sharp objects, but I don't know if it can withstand bullets. I think the possibility of being able to directly resist bullets is still low.

Moreover, Shen Xing found that this black fascia protective film had automatically faded, and the muscles were restored to their color, but when his thoughts arose, the black fascia would immediately appear.

Now in addition to the body becoming stronger, he has also acquired three potential skills, different pupils, face change, and black domain.

At the thought of the Black Territory, Shen Xing couldn't help it. He stretched out his hand and stroked the electric tooth machine on the workbench at hand, thinking about hiding this thing in his heart.

As soon as the thought came up, the electric tooth machine in front of him instantly disappeared without a trace.

Shen Xing was taken aback, and reached out his hand to touch the place where the tooth machine was originally placed, but there was nothing in the place where he started.

Originally, he thought that the hiding of the black domain was just making something invisible to others, but now he learned that it was really hidden and not in place at all.

It's just that from Shen Xing's perspective, the familiar electric tooth machine is still well placed on the workbench, but it appears to be a state of phantom in his eyes.

This is like, the electric tooth machine at this moment seems to have entered another strange space controlled by the black domain. It is not invisible, has not disappeared, and is still in another space on the spot.

When the thought in his heart moved again, the phantom in front of him instantly became solid, and the tooth machine had never been moved on the workbench.

"The black domain can not only hide physical objects, but also memories and virtual things."

Shen Xing tentatively focused his attention on the phone he wanted to hide, and locked on the abnormal "Hong Bin", "Blood Eye", "Skin" and "Closet" documents.

While locking, take out the phone and open the interface of the phone where the documents are stored.

When I cast my gaze, I saw a group of black shadows suddenly covering the text titles of the four documents, and then the black shadows disappeared, and then the four documents became phantoms just like the electric tooth machine just now.

This phantom can only be seen by Shen Xing himself.

And it's not just hiding. No matter what means in this world will be used in the future, it will not make document information in a different space be stolen.

Shen Xing returned to his senses and noticed the mental antibody progress bar under the corner of his eye.

Although the progress bar was not completely full at this moment, he found that after the passive hidden skills were turned on, the rate of his mental power was declining ridiculously slow, and he didn't seem to decrease a bit after watching for a long time.

It may take a long time to be able to detect signs of mental decline with the naked eye.

This is very good, no need to worry about documents leaking, and no need to worry about a large loss of mental power.

Since sneaking into He's house for the second time in the evening, Shen Xing has been busy watching the video looking for clues from Ye Ting after absorbing the wardrobe like a woodcarving, absorbing abnormal characteristics, and experiencing physical strength and potential skills.

It's just that the thought of Ye Ting lying motionless in the video and having died for a long time makes his heart panic.

If Ye Ting died and her body was put in the closet, was it already affected by the black space, and was transmitted to some other area like a flashback

It's just like the "Ama Yuan" ghost I got now.

Of course, now that there is no clue to follow, he can only guess wildly without basis.

Thoughts were a little confused, Shen Xing stood up, stretched out his limbs, and temporarily put these thoughts behind him.

He tidied up the things on the workbench, and placed the fake Hongbin, the blood pupil, the face and the wooden sculptures of the wardrobe on the wooden sculpture display stand on the side. The few wooden sculptures left by Ye Ting were placed on the top floor. , These are placed on the middle layer.

In order to divert attention, Shen Xing cleaned the house, then rolled his sleeves into the kitchen.

I have all the vegetables and meat I bought before. When Feifei comes back, she will go to the kitchen after finishing her homework.

So now, Shen Xing washes the vegetables and meat first, and has done all the preparations that should be done, so that Feifei can save worry when she cooks later.

It took more than half an hour to finish it. After returning to the bedroom to lie down, Shen Xing began to think about the next plan.

Not long after the SMS ringtone rang, he picked up the phone and saw it was a spam text message, because the phone has been used for a long time and the memory is not very sufficient. He hardly thought about it. Shen Xing subconsciously deleted the message.

Immediately, his heart moved slightly and he sat up from his horns.

This phone was bought before Ye Ting disappeared. It was new at that time, but now it has been eliminated after three years.

It's just that Shen Xing himself didn't care about these very much. Even after the rebirth, as long as the phone can be used smoothly, he never thought about replacing it with a new one.

Reopened the SMS interface, swiped the thumb quickly, and continued to scroll down. Soon the time for sending and receiving SMS stayed three years ago.

At that time, there was no convenient instant messaging software, and Ye Ting sometimes texted him.

Before Ye Ting went missing, he seemed to be in the cold war period after a certain quarrel with her, and the two did not bow their heads to each other.

At that time, Ye Ting sent him a text message.

Shen Xing clicked on this text message, and after reading it, he was suddenly a little surprised.

"I hate you!"

The content of the text message seems to have been heard recently.

Well, in that nightmare.

Immediately, Shen Xing took a look at the time when the short message was sent, which was November 22 three years ago.

After seeing the sending time, he was stunned, and the last time Ye Ting fell in the video corridor appeared in his mind. It was the early morning of November 12 three years ago.

"She sent me this text message on the tenth day after her death?" (End of this chapter)