Woodcarving to Record Abnormalities

Chapter 77: the truth


Worried that he might remember wrongly, Shen Xing got up from the **, turned on the laptop, and called up the video he had watched.

Zoom in on the video and face Ye Ting in the direction of the corridor.

I can see it more clearly, Ye Ting has a blood hole on his forehead, and his abdomen is also soaked with blood. Upon closer inspection, there is no ups and downs in his body, that is, there is no breathing at all.

Look at the shooting time in the upper right corner of the video. It was 4:08 in the morning on November 12 three years ago.

The next video will be almost the same time on November 13th.

If Ye Ting hadn't died, could it be that he could come back from the dead under the current circumstances

He put his phone in front of him again, and Shen Xing took a closer look. Before Ye Ting sent the last text message of "I hate you" on November 22, he also sent a message to himself on November 21, and even exchanged information with him. Through the phone, she said that she was tired and didn't want to quarrel with herself anymore.

At that time, Shen Xing and her exchanged phone calls probably meant "I don't want to make noise, but it is really important."

In other words, in the ten days after Ye Ting's death in the video, although the two did not meet each other, they used to communicate with each other through phone calls and text messages.

This proves that Ye Ting’s SMS on November 12 could not be sent regularly.

Recalling this, Shen Xing's brain felt a kind of acupuncture-like pain.

At that time, he did not have a soul passing through, and the communication with Ye Ting was also going on with the original owner. Since his soul passed through, he learned the situation by picking up the memory of the original owner.

However, whenever you want to recall this past event, as if this is the most painful area of the original owner's memory, Shen Xing's brain will feel like acupuncture pain.

After a moment of recollection, he had to give up.

However, one thing is certain, the original owner did send text messages with Ye Ting after November 12th and also made a phone call.

So now there are only two possibilities, one is that Ye Ting was not dead at the time, and the other is that she resurrected after death.

Shen Xing held his head in his hands, leaned his elbows on the workbench, and stared at the woman in the video.

There is still too little useful information.

At this moment, he deeply felt that it was necessary to show his abilities to the special case investigation team, so that he could use their peculiarities to get more clues to the investigation of the Self-Government Office.

At this time, the door opened sounded, and Lin Feifei went home carrying a small schoolbag, her small face flushed with the sunlight outside.

She first looked at the cold medicine on the table, and asked in surprise: "Uncle Shen, haven't you taken the medicine?"

Shen Xing shook his head: "It's alright, my body recovered very quickly, my throat was dumb the first day, and I basically recovered the next day after taking the medicine."

"It's better to pay attention." Feifei shook her head lightly.

Putting her schoolbag away, she changed into the little pajamas that she wore at home, and said as she walked into the kitchen, "The teacher said that my school uniform smelled of oily smoke. Now I have to pay attention to not wearing school uniforms for cooking."

"Don't you do your homework?" Shen Xing asked curiously.

"The teacher asked for leave for the last class today. The other children were playing games. I took the opportunity to finish all my homework." Feifei replied.

This good boy, Shen Xing doesn't have to worry at all, let alone remind her what to do.

Feifei walked into the kitchen, and the voice continued from inside: "Uncle Shen, what did you eat for lunch?"

"Two fried eggs and a carton of milk." Shen Xing replied.

"You have been ill and have been eating abnormally these few days. I will prepare the meal early and you will eat it earlier." Feifei said.

Shen Xing nodded, he suddenly had the illusion that after he adopted Feifei, he was taking care of her or she was taking care of himself in turn.

This kid is simply too sensible!

Taking advantage of Feifei's cooking time, Shen Xing returned to the workbench to carve the woodcarving. Blood pupil could not do it for the time being. Among the wood purchased in the store, there is also a shadow wood that was placed in the store and was not retrieved.

He is going to make a brand new one based on the current woodcarving of the wardrobe, and by the way wax the original woodcarving of the wardrobe.

After working for more than forty minutes, Feifei's voice sounded at the bedroom door: "Uncle Shen, can you eat?"

Shen Xing had eaten very little this day, and his stomach had begun to gurgle. Hearing that, nodded, and went outside the living room to see that Feifei had put the dishes on the table.

He went to the kitchen to hold two bowls of rice, returned with two pairs of chopsticks, and handed them to Feifei.

After sitting down, he asked casually: "How about studying recently?"

Feifei took a bite to eat: "Not bad, first in the whole year."

This is not bad? Shen Xing was stunned for a moment.

Seeing his appearance, Feifei couldn't help but chuckle: "We also have a male classmate named Lin Xuanqi in the second grade of elementary school. Together with me, he was called'Shuanglin Domination' by the teachers. During the time I transferred to the orphanage school. , He was too arrogant in the second year of Old Town No. 1 School, and now when I come back, I'll be scared!"

Shen Xing was so amused by her description that the meal almost came out.

Finally stopped the laughter, reminded: "Don't be proud."

"I've never been proud." Feifei shook her head, "They like to compare, whether it's shoes, watches, mobile phones, or family cars."

He paused and said: "Whenever they say this, I pretend not to hear. But when they say that mom and dad bought things for them, and they prepared a lot of gifts for them on their birthdays, I I just walked away."

Speaking of this, Feifei's expression dimmed slightly.

"What do you want? I can also buy it for you." Shen Xing put a chopsticks garlic cabbage in her bowl.

Feifei shook her head: "Some food and some clothes are fine. My mother said that people should not be compared with each other, and that they would be pissed off. Let me not ask why she knew."

Shen Xing smiled.

Feifei raised her head and looked at him: "The happiest thing for me now is that you are there every day when you go home. Even if you are not at home, you will leave a note to tell me so that I will not be worried at all."

Shen Xing looked at the note on the table and smiled: "I will buy a stack of colorful sticky notes in the future. From now on, it will represent another way of communication between us. Save it and don't throw it away!"

"Okay." Feifei smiled, her face was slightly fat, and two shallow pear vortices appeared at the corners of her mouth.

"But clothes and shoes are still to be bought." Shen Xing said: "Although I can't afford expensive ones, there is no problem in satisfying daily life. Well, tomorrow is the weekend, let's go shopping together."

"Yeah." Feifei nodded quickly, obviously excited.

She also followed the way of Shen Xing, and put some lettuce fried pork in front of her and put them in Shen Xing's bowl.

Shen Xing took a bite, then smiled slightly.

He pointed to the lettuce and asked Feifei casually, "Feifei, is this dish salty when you eat it?"

Feifei was taken aback, put a piece of lettuce into her mouth, chewing lightly, but made no sign.

Shen Xing put down his chopsticks, his expression was soft, looked at her seriously, he hesitated for a moment, and then he asked: "It's nothing, Uncle Shen won't blame you. Tell me, don't you, you can't eat salty taste?"

Feifei also put down her chopsticks and stared at the lettuce fried pork in front of her. Slowly, the crystals in her eyes began to flow, and she nodded slowly: "It's not just salty, but actually sweet, sour, bitter, and spicy. I... Can't taste it!"

"No taste!?" Shen Xing was stunned. (End of this chapter)