Woodcarving to Record Abnormalities

Chapter 87: Go and come back


After hanging up the phone, Shen Xing was stunned for a while, feeling that this customer named Zhuo Datong was always a little weird.

It seems that he likes the wood carving of the mask he placed in the store, and he is afraid that the mask will be bought by others.

However, Shen Xing had already taken out the wooden sculptures he had ordered separately, and locked them in the cabinet. As long as it did not exceed too much time, the person named Zhuo Datong didn't need to worry at all.

The Tingwu shop will be open the next day as usual.

Shen Xing's current finger dexterity is very strong, if he devotes himself to it, the speed of making wood carvings is at least three times faster than before.

On this day in the store, I finished the woodcarving of the wardrobe that was reserved by the customer in the previous period, called the customer to take it away, and made another mask, but it was only a semi-finished product.

It was almost noon when I received a call from Li Naijing.

Hearing the voice of the other party, he seemed very tired.

Shen Xing was a little puzzled. After talking to her on the phone yesterday, she felt that Li Naijing seemed to have something very important to do. She couldn't even take it off, so she had to let Zheng Ruijun, who was still in hospital, rush to Zhang Shu's house.

"There is a case here, you may need your help." After the call was connected, Li Naijing didn't make a roundabout, but directly spoke.

"What case?" Shen Xing asked strangely.

"At Yungu Vocational College, we have now blocked that place in the college." Li Naijing said, "When you called me yesterday, I almost couldn't get out, but it was fortunate that you made the call."

"Is it so powerful?" Shen Xing was even more curious, "What the hell is it?"

"We don't know for the time being. We can only estimate that there is an anomaly lurking in the academy and it needs to be resolved." Li Naijing explained, "This anomaly can control a certain spatial range, so you must be very careful after entering it. "

"Then how long will you start your next action? I'll come over." Shen Xing asked.

"I want to prepare here, tentatively scheduled for tomorrow night, and the specific time will wait for my notice." Li Naijing hung up after speaking.

Shen Xing knew that after Zheng Ruijun went to Zhang Shu's house, he was asked to return to the hospital and stay in the hospital for observation.

Because his body was originally thin and thin, if the trouble of overdosing the anesthetic is not completely solved, it will be difficult to leave the root of the disease at that time.

In other words, if Zheng Ruijun was there, Li Naijing wouldn't let herself help.

The woodcarving shop closed an hour in advance and went to the wholesale market. Shen Xing bought more than 20 pairs of black rubber gloves, two strong ropes, several bright flashlights, several lighters and a climbing pick for mountaineering. Equipped with two daggers, plus the telescopic sticks that the investigation team gave him, the previous masks, foot covers, windbreakers, etc., are all available.

After returning home, I cleaned up all these things, then took out the set of necessary items and put it in the backpack, waiting for Li Naijing's call.

This time, until noon the next day, Li Naijing called and told him to start acting at 8 o'clock in the evening and meet at the gate of Yungu Vocational College.

Shen Xing was stunned for a moment and asked, "Why night? Can't you go during the day? Or the abnormality only appears at night."

Li Naijing replied, "There is no difference between day and night. You will know when you go there."

We ate early with Feifei at home, and it was only less than six o'clock depending on the time.

The two went for a walk down the street together, walked in the park 300 meters away, and watched the square dance for a while.

Now the time of dusk seems to be ahead, and the weather is much cooler than before. After watching the square dance, in the learning machine shop on the street, Shen Xing bought a children's phone watch for Feifei and opened a phone card.

Sometimes she is not at home, so Feifei can easily contact herself.

The two returned home when it was almost seven.

Feifei sat on the sofa lovingly fiddled with the dial of the phone watch, and then looked at the manual again.

Shen Xing drank a glass of water, took his backpack, and said to Feifei: "I will go out now and try to be back before eleven o'clock. You close the door and don't open it if anyone knocks. You can call directly if you have anything to do. I."

Feifei nodded, did not ask him where to go, just exhorted: "Be careful."

Shen Xing was slightly surprised, turned his head and glanced at her, and saw that the girl started to fiddle with the watch settings again.

Checked all the doors and windows to see if they were closed, and told Feifei to close the bedroom windows before going to bed, and then closed the door and left.

After leaving the community, this place is not easy to take a taxi now. After turning left, he planned to walk to the park to take a taxi.

Not long after leaving the gate of the Ivy League, I walked back with a black backpack, entered the complex, and returned to the third floor from the stairs on the left.

Walking straight to his door, Shen Xing did not take out the key to open the door, but knocked on the door.

Although the lights in the room were on, no one responded.

Shen Xing did not speak, and reached out and knocked on the door again, just standing at the door, silent.

After a while, there was a slight sound of footsteps in the room, and then the sound of moving stools. Although the people inside seemed to be deliberately concealing these sounds, the legs of the stool collided with the ground, inevitably making movements.

Feifei inside the door has moved over a plastic stool, kicked off the slippers, climbed onto the stool, and looked outside at the cat's eye on the door.

Originally, this door didn't have a cat's eye, but after experiencing so many incidents, Shen Xing kept an eye on him and asked someone to install a cat's eye so that he could see the situation outside in the future.

After seeing Shen Xing standing outside the door, Feifei froze for a moment, then took a closer look.

Although the sky was dark at this time, the voice-activated light outside the door was on. She could see clearly that it was indeed Shen Xing who was outside.

"Did you forget to bring the key?" Feifei asked carefully, climbing down from the stool.

Shen Xing outside the room did not answer, but Feifei had already seen clearly, it was indeed Shen Xing that was right.

Move the stool away, twist the lock catch, and open the door.

Shen Xing walked in without saying a word, put the backpack he was carrying on the sofa, as if he was not ready to go out, then walked into his bedroom, sat in front of the workbench, turned on the lamp, and just sat quietly. .

Feifei stood at the door of the bedroom staring at him, feeling a little strange, and asked: "Aren't you going out?"

Shen Xing, with his back to her, shook his head.

Feifei was even more strange. She glanced at the backpack he had thrown on the sofa. The backpack was bulging. She walked over calmly, ready to unzip the zipper to see what was inside.

Who knows how to open it.

At this time, Shen Xing suddenly walked out, walked into the bathroom, turned on the hot water, and took a pot of hot water, then carried it to the living room and placed it in front of Feifei.

"It's time to sleep."

Feifei was surprised, but said nothing. She took off her socks and put them aside, putting her feet in the basin, and the water temperature was right.

"Thank you Uncle Shen! But is it too early to go to bed now?" Feifei smiled sweetly.

Shen Xing squatted in front of her, raised his head, his facial expression twitched, and then the corners of his mouth curled up, the corners of his eyebrows bend slightly, his eyes squinted, and the muscles of the cheek bulge vigorously, seemingly working hard to make an expression.


But the horror of this smile made Feifei's heartbeat miss a beat. (End of this chapter)