Woodcarving to Record Abnormalities

Chapter 91: Dark Stairs (3)


Before eight o'clock, Shen Xing came to the gate of Yungu Vocational College as scheduled.

Li Naijing and Zhao Wenbo's car parked beside the gate of the college. The two of them had just got out of the car and were taking care of their backpacks.

When Shen Xing saw their outfits, he was slightly taken aback. He didn't expect that he and them would be together, and even the backpacks were almost the same.

However, Li Naijing and Zhao Wenbo have been here last time, and now they are doing this, it must be based on the last encounter, and there is a reason for this.

After Shen Xing approached, Li Naijing looked at the backpack on his body and nodded and said, "Yes, it seems that you have prepared in advance, and I have left you a set of tools."

With that, he snarled at the back seat of the car.

Shen Xing looked down, and there was a black backpack inside, which was obviously for him.

Open this backpack, the contents of the bag are almost the same, but it seems that the quality of the backpack and the tools inside seems to be better.

He immediately replaced the backpack with what he needed in his bag, and put it on his back as a black backpack dedicated to the investigation team.

He noticed that there was an embossed six-pointed star logo on the backpack, which was the exclusive logo of the Special Case Investigation Team.

After Shen Xing changed it, Li Naijing handed him a work certificate, which was a temporary case-handling certificate of the investigation team. It was a palm-sized hard-shell card in dark black with gold fonts and was valid for three years.

Shen Xing took a closer look and found that it was not much different from Li Naijing's formal security officer ID. It also had a six-pointed star logo, but it didn't have Li Naijing's security officer ID leather case, which seemed a bit less compelling.

Then Li Naijing handed over another bank card.

"This is your remuneration card. The initial password is six zeros. If you assist us in handling the case in the future, you will be paid per piece. This time it is 3,000 yuan. After the case is completed, it will be transferred to this card within five days."

"Thank you!" Shen Xing took the bank card.

If you are paid, this is different. At least you have to be more careful when you do things yourself. Who can let life pressure him out of breath

"It's like this." Zhao Wenbo introduced on the side: "There was a haunted record in the basement of the auxiliary building of the library of this vocational college ten years ago. At that time, Zheng Ge even came to investigate, but there was no result. Later seven. There was another recorded haunting record two years ago, and then two years ago. Well, it is said that people died two years ago, but they were suppressed by the city hall and the college."

"Then what's going on now?" Shen Xing asked.

Li Naijing took the words: "A librarian told the school last week that he could hear some weird sounds behind the door of the basement of the annex building almost every day. Later, the school organized security guards to check. The security guard ran up and said that he had hit a ghost."

"The time I called you, were you here?" Shen Xing asked curiously.

"Yes." Li Naijing nodded, "At that time, Zhao Wenbo and I were walking down the stairs in the basement, but we couldn't get our heads. We were always going down the stairs. Later, we felt wrong, and we checked the floor and found something very difficult. Strange phenomenon, but did not find the real anomaly."

After a pause, he said: "Later we wanted to leave, but we couldn't get out anyway. We were spinning around on the second floor anyway, and some bad things were happening. At this moment, you called, and It happened that the mobile phone had a signal. After I connected to your phone, I found that the elevator suddenly became normal, so I hurried upstairs and ran out."

The three of them walked into the academy while talking,

Shen Xing thoughtfully said: "You said the situation you encountered is a bit like the Penrose ladder, also called the impossible step. The staircase is like a ladder that always goes up or down, but never walks up. ."

Li Naijing and Zhao Wenbo were stunned to hear, and asked in unison: "Who is Penrose, and is the last name Peng? This name is very strange."

Shen Xing knew that there were no foreign names in this world, and he didn't bother to explain: "Just pay attention to what I described. The stairs you may encounter are the ones that you can never walk up to."

"Never go to head?" Zhao Wenbo repeated.

Shen Xing originally wanted to talk about "Mobius Ring" and "Klein Bottle", but both of them are foreign names, and they will have to explain it again, so think about it and forget it.

The three of them went unimpeded all the way, because it was almost late for their studies, and there were not many students on the way. These students just looked at them a few more times after seeing them.

The school security had long been greeted by the school, and no one stopped them.

I soon came to the library and approached the attached building. I saw the sheriff and a security guard staying here on duty with a look of horror, staring at the small iron gate with a seal.

"What are you doing?" Li Naijing asked.

The sheriff pointed to the iron door and said, "Just now there was a voice calling for help. Who else is hitting the door, we didn't open it."

"It can be opened now." Zhao Wenbo instructed.

Because this small iron door has a light above its head, even though it is dark now, once the door is opened, this area can still be seen clearly.

The security guard hurriedly took out the key and opened the door. The moment he opened the door, he immediately stepped back, almost backing behind Shen Xing and the others.

The light can shine into the door about two or three meters away, because the stairway extends downwards, so the farther distance is already plunged into darkness, and nothing can be seen.

Everyone took a closer look. Among them, Shen Xing, Li Naijing, and Zhao Wenbo were closer, while the ordinary sheriff and security guard were farther apart.

There is nothing at the door.

"Are you sure you heard someone calling for help?" Li Naijing asked back.

"OK." The security and sheriff nodded one after another.

"It's possible that the anomaly inside is at work." Zhao Wenbo whispered.

Li Naijing nodded and said, "Now we are acting according to the plan, and all three of them can't go down. Shen Xing is a novice, Zhao Wenbo and I will go in first. If there is something wrong or we need your help, we will contact you. If we can't If you run out, you will be prompted to the outside through a string. Just pay attention to the feedback."

At the end of the conversation, she and Zhao Wenbo took out a string from their backpacks and demonstrated the signal to pull the rope again.

I don't know what material the string is made of. It is not only slender, but also strong and tight. After it is tightened, it will not break even if it is cut with a steel knife.

The string is very long after being pulled, one end can be fixed somewhere, and the other end is like a belt, which can be tied to the explorer's waist, so that the explorer can be pulled out after entering a certain area.

Li Naijing and Zhao Wenbo tied their waists with belts respectively, and Shen Xing fixed the other end of his two strings to the railing of the flower bed not far away, and pulled them twice, feeling very strong.

Li Naijing told Shen Xing: "You also tie a string around your waist and prepare to be on standby. Zhao Wenbo and I will go down now."

When the words fell, she and Zhao Wenbo walked into the open small iron door one after another, walked down the stairs, and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

Shen Xing still remembered Li Naijing's words that all the lights in this area under the stairs were not on. I don't know if it was broken or the cause of abnormal interference, so I could only use a flashlight to light it.

After Li Naijing and two of them entered, he tied up the string on his body. Together with the ordinary sheriff and security guard, he stared at the two thick bundles of string on the ground. As Li Naijing and the two entered the small iron gate, he was constantly being Pull in. (End of this chapter)