World of Warcraft: Foreign Realm Domination

Chapter 3: upgrade


With the Wind Walk, Xiao Yu couldn't wait to try it out.

He just thought about it for a while, and immediately his body began to become unreal, as if it had become a transparent medium that could blend with the surrounding scenery.

Although it is not completely invisible, as long as it is not close, it is almost difficult to be found.

"It's great, haha, I can go peeping now, so many beautiful sister-in-laws, how happy I am." Xiao Yu was Yindang thinking about a happy life in the future.

"It's just a pity that the invisibility time of Level 1 Wind Walk is too short, only 1 minute, which is frustrating. Fortunately, the cooling time is only 5 seconds, so there is no problem if you use it carefully. There is still one skill point left. Do you want to use it again?" Windwalk is upgraded to one level."

Xiao Yu thought about it in his heart, but in the end he gave up. After all, there are still many skills that need to be learned in the future. The first level of Wind Walk is enough for the time being, and it will be more practical to have more attack skills at that time.

At this moment, a system sound sounded, interrupting Xiao Yu's flirting.

"The barracks have been built, do you want to buy arms?"

"The barracks is finally finished, it's great, haha, immediately buy a hundred orc soldiers." Xiao Yu shouted passionately.

"Sorry, your amount is insufficient." The system coldly poured cold water on Xiao Yu's head.

"Damn, I was so excited that I forgot that this thing needs money." He immediately checked the system's fund display.

Resource list: food 100, stone 0, wood 0, metal 0, money 1000.

"Damn, it's all 0. It seems that these have to be mined. This is reality after all, and it's not exactly the same as in the game." Xiao Yu immediately realized that he couldn't direct the game completely according to the ideas in the game.

"How many soldiers can 1000 gold coins buy?" Xiao Yu asked first. Now, building troops is the key, after all, there will be a big battle soon.

"The price of one orc soldier is 100 gold coins." The system replied.

"Damn, it can't be so dark, one soldier needs 100 gold coins." Xiao Yu was extremely depressed. In this case, he could only produce 10 soldiers first.

"How can I get gold coins?" Xiao Yu asked. After all, this is not a game, there is no gold mine, how to get money is a big problem.

"All the currencies in this world can be used as funds." The system replied.

"Days are actually connected. But if this is the case, it is reasonable, after all, we have arrived in a real world. Um... These stones, metals, etc., do they have to be mined?" Xiao Yu asked again.

"You can rely on hard work to mine, or you can use the resources that already exist in reality." The system replied.

"They are all connected. Do these soldiers also need food?" Xiao Yu looked at the 100 food, thinking that it would be enough for the soldiers to eat for a few days.

"Yes, not only food is needed, but also the orc burrows are needed to provide shelter. If these resources are not provided for a long time, the laborers and soldiers will die due to exhaustion of energy." The system hit Xiao Yu mercilessly.

"Damn, no, there are so many restrictions." Xiao Yu thought that these summoned soldiers don't need to be provided by robots, and it seems that they have to be supported.

The point is, Xiao Yu doesn't seem to have any resources at hand now. It is very difficult to develop in this way. In the game, if there are gold mines or something, they can be mined directly, but there is no way here.

"I have to find a way to get money, and then build a cave. The blacksmith shop and other buildings can only be delayed for a while." Xiao Yu sighed, thinking about how to develop this beast base. In the game, he is an elite, but in reality, he is a novice, but he has to slowly develop.

After thinking about it for a while, he found that it was very difficult. He had to build buildings and develop, and recruit troops to prepare for battle. One month was too limited.

"It's a question of money. Can you go back to the city to see how much stock is left? For materials, let these hard workers mine first. You don't need too many things to build an orc cave. You just need money and wood. They are all forests, so there is no shortage of wood. Let’s produce some soldiers first, and let’s see the combat effectiveness.” In the end, Xiao Yu made up his mind.

"Produce 10 orc infantry." Xiao Yu gave the order.

The center of all operations now is to build soldiers. Without soldiers, there is no way to resist Kalu's army.

After receiving the order, the barracks immediately began to produce orc infantry, but what made Xiao Yu depressed was that it took half an hour to produce one orc infantry, and a maximum of 48 could be produced in 24 hours a day.

"But it's okay, anyway, I don't have the money to buy so many now." Xiao Yu thought so, and ordered those hard workers to cut wood, while he himself was going to take the sword master out for a walk.

Now that you have your first hero, of course you have to experience the strength of this hero first.

With Grom, Xiao Yu walked towards the depths of the mountains, where there were monsters everywhere, just for the sword master to practice. Since they are characters in the game, they can naturally be upgraded, so at the beginning, helping the Juggernaut to upgrade is a major task. Only when the level is high, the strength of the Juggernaut can be reflected.

After walking more than ten miles deep into the mountain range, Xiao Yu was already so tired that he could barely move. His body was too poor. He couldn't ride a horse in this mountain range. He really suffered.

"Fortunately, my body can also be gamed now, and I can gradually improve it. This body is too deceptive, and it is weaker than my previous body."

Just as he was considering whether to take a break, suddenly, a roar of a beast resounded through the forest.

Xiao Yu cheered up, and looked towards the direction where the sound came from, only to see a huge brown bear staring at this side a hundred meters away.

"I'm here to practice." Xiao Yu said this, but his heart trembled a little. After all, it was the first time he saw such a huge beast, and it was also a strengthened monster.

If there was no Juggernaut, such a giant bear would definitely slap Xiao Yu to death.

Although the giant bear looked clumsy, it actually ran extremely fast, but in the blink of an eye, the brown bear had already hit Xiao Yu not far in front of him.

Grom didn't wait for Xiao Yu to greet him, he let out an angry roar, stepped forward, and slashed at the brown bear with his sword.

The ferocity of the orcs is not afraid of any wild beasts. They are born to fight. The fiercer the battle, the more blood can be stimulated in their bodies.

The brown bear is only a first-order monster, and it doesn't look in Grom's eyes at all. His sword slashed out quickly, and his superb swordsmanship was manifested at this moment. In the blink of an eye, several wounds were left on the brown bear's body. , but the brown bear couldn't hurt Grom in the slightest.

swish swish swish...

Grom's sword kept slashing, and the brown bear's body was getting more and more scars. However, the biggest characteristic of the brown bear is its thick skin. Although it has suffered more than a dozen swords, it is still tenacious.

"If I knew I was going to learn Invincible Slash for the Juggernaut, as long as I slashed down, I would definitely inflict heavy damage on the brown bear." Xiao Yu felt that the Juggernaut's heavy firepower skills were not enough.

"But it doesn't matter, you can learn it when you reach level 2." Xiao Yu is looking forward to the power of the sword master after Omnislash.

After about a minute, there was a miserable howl, and the brown bear finally fell to the ground, covered in blood, with only a few breaths left.

Although Grom was also hit twice by the brown bear, but Grom's strong body can completely withstand these two hits, and there is no serious problem.

"To kill a giant bear so easily, it is estimated that it can match the combat effectiveness of four or five human soldiers." Xiao Yu measured Grom's combat effectiveness at this time.

Such a giant bear needs at least four or five human warriors to deal with it. Level 1 heroes still have limited combat power.

"Killing the giant bear, the Juggernaut gets 50 experience points, you get 5 experience points, and get 1 merit point." The voice of the system came.

"50 points of experience is a lot. I can still gain experience without doing anything. It seems that I can enjoy a part of the hero's experience. What are meritorious deeds?" Seeing that he had gained experience, Xiao Yu was very excited, but he didn't understand what meritorious deeds were.

"The meritorious value is the meritorious service you have obtained as a commander. Only with the meritorious value and military rank can you upgrade the base, buy other buildings and the heroes behind it." The voice of the system said.

"Damn it, isn't it? It turns out that upgrading the base doesn't just require money, it also requires meritorious service and military rank?" Xiao Yu said in surprise.

"Yes, meritorious service is the standard to measure the level of a commander, and it is the direct data to advance to the military rank. Without meritorious service, the commander is not worthy of having a stronger base and soldiers." The system said coldly.

"There are so many restrictions, how many ranks are there in total, and what is my current rank?" Xiao Yu asked. He understood that here, he is a commander in charge of the game base.

"It is divided into marshal, general, major general, major, knight captain, knight lieutenant, knight commander, sergeant major, sergeant major, sergeant, corporal, and private. (This military rank has been slightly changed with reference to World of Warcraft, no need to go into details) You now His military rank is private." The system replied.

"It's just a private soldier. It seems to be the most elementary level. Then how is the merit value calculated?" Xiao Yu is also very concerned about this.

"The results of a battle based on the command of the commander are calculated by the system." The system said.

"So that's how it is." Xiao Yu pondered in his heart, guessing that if he wanted to obtain more buildings and more units in the future, he would need this meritorious value and military rank.

In this case, he will have to fight continuously in the future to be able to accumulate.

Knowing the role of meritorious service, Xiao Yu took the sword master and continued to search for monsters. The Juggernaut only needs 500 experience points to upgrade to the second level, kill one to get 50, and then kill nine brown bears to level up.

Xiao Yu didn't dare to go too far from the mountains, because there were some large monsters there that the Sword Master couldn't compete with now, so he led the Sword Master to search for them all the way around the periphery, until it was almost dark, and finally killed all of them. The first level of Warcraft.

Twice, they encountered two first-order monsters at once. Although the Juggernaut killed them all, he also suffered some minor injuries. However, the Juggernaut's body is strong, and the orc's strong will completely ignore these injuries.

When the ninth monster was finally killed, a burst of golden light came down, and the Juggernaut was finally upgraded, reaching level 2.

(end of this chapter)