World of Warcraft: Foreign Realm Domination

Chapter 38: before the war


After several days of preparations for the battle, everyone in the Lion King Territory felt as if it was the calm before the storm. A storm was coming soon. It might sweep the city without leaving a blade of grass, but it might also resist the storm. After the rain, the sky cleared and a beautiful rainbow appeared.

After this period of rest and reorganization, Xiao Yu's 1,000 troops have been assembled, which also made Xiao Yu breathe a sigh of relief, because if the number of 1,000 troops does not reach the full quota, after all, the combat effectiveness will be weakened.

Looking at the teams of elite soldiers in front, five hundred orc infantry, one hundred human infantry, two hundred elf archers, one hundred elf hunters, and one hundred dwarf musketeers, Xiao Yu was full of confidence in the upcoming battle.

During this period of time, in order to upgrade some new recruits, Xiao Yu ordered Grom, Tyrande, and the great magician to lead these soldiers to the depths of the Ankola Mountains to hunt and kill monsters for combat training. upgrade.

Xiao Yu discovered that these produced soldiers also need to go through the baptism of war. With the accumulation of combat experience, the combat will be more flexible and the combat skills will be more perfect.

In the beginning, Xiao Yu led the orc infantry to attack those little robbers, and they would all be killed. If these veterans are now, even if they are only level one, they can easily kill those little robbers without any damage.

With constant fighting and constant contact with this world, Xiao Yu discovered that their IQs will also continue to improve, and they will no longer be as rigid as they were at the beginning.

When the IQ is improved, the strength is the real improvement. No matter how powerful the robot is, it will be wiped out by human beings because they do not have independent intelligence.

Therefore, before the battle, Xiao Yu asked them to fight some battles to hone their combat experience.

After several days of uneasy waiting, finally, Long Hui's spies sent back the news that Kalu would launch a large-scale attack in four days.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they got the accurate news of the attack. No matter what the result was, they finally didn't have to suffer in waiting.

Xiao Yu called back all the troops and prepared to fight. The elf hunter also started to investigate, and reported the news as soon as possible.

Xiao Yu's fourth sister-in-law, Xuesha, was still wearing armor, and she was going to participate in the defensive battle. Xiao Yu secretly asked Long Hui to send someone to protect her so that she would not get hurt.

Different from last time, although Kalu has 20,000 troops this time, which is much stronger than last time, everyone no longer feels that he must fail like last time. Although the strength of the enemy and us is very different, everyone holds With a little fantasy, I feel that this mysterious lord with orc and elf soldiers may really lead them to create miracles again.

Four days later, the elf hunters had reported the current location of the Karui army. Xiao Yu had already ordered all the soldiers to go up the city wall, and each soldier was given some snacks and a few bottles of wine. Eat a little, drink a little, and work hard when they are full to harvest the other's heads.

Long Hui was very disgusted with Xiao Yu's actions, and he resolutely did not allow his soldiers to be so lazy at the juncture of this kind of battle, saying that it would affect morale.

Seeing Long Hui like this, Xiao Yu had no choice but to let his troops eat and drink together, and then several people gathered together to play backgammon.

Backgammon is a tool that Xiao Yu came up with to develop the IQ of these soldiers. Only by letting them think independently can they have a higher IQ, be more humane, and better become a real orc or elf instead of being rigid. The summoned machine.

This simple but extremely fun game was quickly welcomed by all the soldiers. Even the rough orcs can now skillfully play chess, shaking chess pieces that are not as big as their thumbs with their huge fingers The big head is brooding.

"I said you don't bring such things, how can you take back the chess you played? Master, you make the decision for me, he is cheating." Beast Eighteen loudly protested Beast Fifty's rogue behavior, demanding that Xiao Rain does justice.

"It's not a gentleman to regret chess, don't regret chess, think about it before you play." Xiao Yu left a sentence and continued to sit on a rocking chair with a history book in one hand and a glass of red wine in the other.

At the next table, Tyrande and the great magician Antonidas were also drinking red wine and playing a more advanced game of Go.

When the war came, the city of Lion King City was full of hip-hop scenes, like a vegetable market, where a group of aunts were fighting for a dime.

Originally, those soldiers under Long Hui heard that Kalu had 20,000 troops, they were extremely nervous, thinking that they might die in battle this time, and they were extremely pessimistic about the future.

But when they saw Xiao Yu eating, drinking and having fun, they even forgot for a moment that a fierce battle was about to take place, and they all relaxed.

Although some soldiers did not dare to come over under Long Hui's supervision, they secretly watched the game of the soldiers here. Some smart soldiers quickly understood the rules of backgammon, and often opened their mouths anxiously, wishing to tell the stupid Stupid orcs should take another step.

Boom boom boom...

Accompanied by such a frolicking, everyone felt that a banquet was coming, and everyone was waiting relaxedly before the banquet. In the distance of Lion King City, bursts of sound of iron hooves sounded, billowing and connecting into one piece, as if it was the sudden movement of spring thunder.

Karoo's army finally arrived.

"Damn, they're here, hurry up and get ready to fight." Beast Seven shouted.

"Don't worry, I won this round, don't even think about running away, what other tricks do you have, use it, or I will win this time." Beast 21 grabbed Beast Seven and prevented him from leaving.

Xiao Yu didn't care about this situation, anyway, it was still so far away, so why worry.

There are more than a thousand people on my side, and they can be lined up as soon as they are recruited, so there is no need to worry about not being able to form a formation temporarily.

This time, Xiao Yu summoned all the elf hunters into the city, and let them ride leopards up the city wall to conduct a mobile guerrilla attack.

After several battles, the elf hunters have basically reached level 2, and some have reached level 3. They have learned the skill of spinning wheels for a month. They can throw the wheel saw in their hands, spin it to attack the enemy, and then take it back. .

This skill has made Xiao Yu envious for a long time. When he was young, he used to like playing this kind of spinning dart very much, but he couldn't play it well, and he couldn't return it after throwing it out.

On one or two luxurious carriages in the distance, Karu sat upright with gloomy eyes, while the dog-headed military division stood aside, not daring to speak.

"Xiao Yu, let me see how you can resist my army this time? This time I will make you regret coming to this world." With a snap, Karu directly crushed a delicate amber wine glass.

Karoo's 20,000 troops advanced in an orderly manner and lined up neatly, showing good fighting qualities. After more than a month of running-in, these soldiers have cooperated with each other very tacitly. Each soldier is full of confidence in his troops and feels that he will definitely be able to win the Lion King this time.

Karoo promised that after capturing the Lion King's territory, they would be allowed to plunder for three days. This made them look forward to it extremely and formed a considerable fighting force.

In addition, in order to stimulate the fighting desire of these soldiers, Karu specially offered a reward. The first person to attack the top of the city and the first person to break through the city gate will be rewarded generously.

With a great reward, there must be a brave man. Karu still understands this truth. This time he is determined to win. As long as he can occupy the lion king's territory and ruthlessly ravage Xiao Yu, all the sacrifices will be worth it.

At a glance, the 20,000 army was densely packed, like a tide. If Xiao Yu's 1,000 people were thrown into it, it would be like a larger stone, and it would disappear in a blink of an eye.

Twenty times the gap, this gap is almost irreparable.

boom boom...

The sound of hoplites trampling on the ground was thick and rhythmic, just like drumbeats. Without beating the drums, the morale of the soldiers would naturally increase.

This kind of heavy army makes all soldiers extra confident.

"What about the orcs? Back then, the orcs were strangled by the heavy infantry. What's more, we still have magicians and fighters. If it wasn't for the siege battle, we don't need cavalry, and we still have heavy cavalry. It is a great honor to be able to kill these orcs and cut off their heads, and you can show it off everywhere you go back."

Each soldier not only has no fear of orcs, but has a feeling of eagerness to try. They are not the kind of untrained bandits. They have strict training, excellent equipment, a huge number advantage, and magical support. Therefore, in their view, orcs are just that.

The orcs are so powerful, aren't they also exterminated by the human race

After more than half an hour, Kalu's army finally stopped at a distance of more than a thousand steps from the Lion King City.

ho ho...

The orderly shouts of the soldiers added a bit of strength to the 20,000-strong army, and also showed their confidence in conquering the Lion King's Territory.

Hold down the ground, the general attack is about to start.

(end of this chapter)