World of Warcraft: Foreign Realm Domination

Chapter 560: end


Sargeras died, Xiao Yu rode on the little dragon's back, looked at the chaotic battlefield, and suddenly felt a little confused in his heart, it's over, everything is over.

As predicted, he defeated Sargeras, he saved the world, and he is about to become the greatest king in the world.

Xiao Yu quietly gave Alsace an order to retreat immediately with the undead. Afterwards, only the human coalition army was left to kill the demons. It would last for a long time, and all of them would be wiped out slowly.

Gul'dan could no longer pose any threat. After this battle, Xiao Yu's strength had doubled several times. Compared with Xiao Yu's forces, Gul'dan's forces were no longer at the same level.

Not long after, people from all over the world began to seek refuge with Xiao Yu, enshrining him as the new king of the continent and establishing a brand new dynasty.

Everything went so smoothly, as if it was a process that had been designed long ago.

Everything is so weird, it seems that all this is a little unreal, it seems that it is very familiar and strange.

Three years later, the situation in the mainland was completely stabilized. Gul'dan was driven to Sunset Swamp by the army led by Qin Che, and never came out again. Arthas fled into the Undercity with the undead, and never came out again.

On the day Alsace left, Xiao Yu found Alsace. At that time, he finally couldn't hold back Alsace and wept bitterly.

His favorite Alsace is about to leave.

Since the day Xiao Yu summoned Alsace, he had been wary of Alsace and did not train him with all his strength. However, Alsace did not have any complaints, and was still loyal to him, and at the final moment of the decisive battle, he saved this world.

No one knows why these undead appeared and then left suddenly.

Only Xiao Yu knew that it was Alsace's silent contribution.

With the establishment of a new dynasty and a new capital city, Xiao Yu doesn't need to worry about anything. Naturally, someone will take care of everything for him. He only needs to wait for the enthronement ceremony.

The original emperor of the Tianshi dynasty had already abdicated, and he voluntarily gave up the throne to Xiao Yu, and married the princess to Xiao Yu, hoping that their royal blood would still exist in the future royal family.

On the day of enthronement, the entire continent was celebrating, and everyone shouted, blessed, and worshiped Xiao Yu's enthronement.

The history books began to record the history of the new dynasty, and gave endless praises to Xiao Yu. The former rascal lost all his indecent aura and became an elegant, wise, brave and perfect man.

When Xiao Yu saw those history books, she just smiled lightly and said nothing.

Regardless of everyone's objections, Xiao Yu married Lin Muxue as the queen, and the other women became concubines. Lin Muxue is the new guardian of the mainland and saved the mainland at a critical moment. Although there are some objections from diehards, there is no big obstacle.

Therefore, after the enthronement ceremony, it is the hall of the emperor's wedding.

Everything is perfect, like a fairy tale.

From then on, Xiao Yu became the emperor of the mainland, and lived a happy life with Lin Muxue, Xi Wen, Scarlett, Osilia and other women. Those women who had a little relationship with him became his concubines. , no one had any criticism, but praised Xiao Yu for being wise and martial, and won the favor of many women.

A few years later, Tyrande and Malfurion came to say goodbye with people. They were going to leave the human kingdom and go to the forest to establish a new elf dynasty.

Xiao Yu naturally expressed respect for their decision. Now that the battle is over, it's time for the elves to return to their hometown and become a new kingdom of elves.

Not long after, Grom and Thrall also brought people to say goodbye, and led those orcs to re-open an orc kingdom.

Then, Kael'thas and a group of blood elves also chose to leave, but they didn't leave too far away, just looking for a place to continue studying magic, Xiao Yu satisfied them, not far from the human kingdom, and they can often visit it when they have time Look at Xiao Yu.

Under the leadership of Muradin, although the dwarves also left, they still maintain close ties with the human kingdom. They often sell some dwarven weapons to the human kingdom, which is very popular.

Xiao Yu gave them a lot of money and materials so that they could have a good life, and issued a decree in the human world that hunting orcs and elves was strictly prohibited, otherwise they would be sentenced to death.

Uther became a new generation of gods in the Guangming Church, propagating new teachings. Xiao Yu specially built a holy city for him, and rectified his status, making him a legal religion.

Antonidas, as the chief great magician of the human court, was still by Xiao Yu's side, which comforted Xiao Yu a little.

All the former partners left, Xiao Yu's life has really become a wise emperor, peaceful and prosperous.

Everyone praised Xiao Yu's wisdom and gave him extreme respect. He is the savior of this continent, the savior of all mankind.

Occasionally, that boy Tuoba Hong would come here to chat and play chess with Xiao Yu, which made Xiao Yu very happy.

The three magicians passed away one after another, because that decisive battle consumed all their energy.

Before his death, Theodore gave Xiao Yu a box and told him that if one day his heart felt so empty and the world was no longer real, he would open the box.

This box will give him a real answer.

However, Xiao Yu never had the courage to open the box.

Isn't prosperity and wealth what everyone wants? Now that Xiao Yu has everything, he should be very happy, but he finds that he can't be happy.

Because, he always felt that something seemed wrong, but he couldn't remember what was wrong no matter what.

After ten years, Xiao Yu's life is all right, the only shortcoming is that he never had a child, this is his biggest regret.

He has always hoped to have a child, not just to inherit the throne, but just to have a comfort in his heart, but God refuses to grant his little wish no matter what.

Another ten years later, Xiao Yu has reached the age of forty, he began to miss those first days, the days when he and Grom went to qiangjie robbers, at that time, it was so simple, so happy, so interesting .

But now, it seems that the days seem like years.

Xiao Yu missed those people and partners from the past very much. In fact, these partners would come over every once in a while to celebrate Xiao Yu's birthday together, and the whole country carnivaled, praising him as the greatest king in the world.

Xiao Yu didn't want them to leave very much, but they had to leave when the time came.

Xiao Yu suddenly felt old, really old, very old.

In fact, his body is not old, what is old is his heart.

At the age of fifty, he still had no heirs. At this time, he knew that he should establish an heir, otherwise, the country would fall into turmoil.

Therefore, Xiao Yu established Qin Che as his successor, who would take charge of the country after his death.

Qin Che made great achievements during the war. After the war, he governed the country extremely wisely and introduced many correct policies, which were highly praised by others.

Finally, after giving this order, Xiao Yu went alone to the room where Theodore's magic box was stored. He decided to open the box and see what the answer was inside.

Mustering up all the courage, as if making the biggest choice in life, Xiao Yu finally stretched out his hand tremblingly, and slowly opened the box.

A burst of dazzling white light flashed, and Xiao Yu's eyes suddenly changed completely. He found that he was in an inexplicable world, in an inexplicable room.

This room is no longer the room of the magnificent palace, but an ordinary game room similar to his previous life.

And there seemed to be something on his head.

At this time, a figure walked in, smiling, and came to Xiao Yu, saying: "Dear experiencer, you have finally woken up, how do you feel? This is your reward for the championship of this Warcraft Tournament. A 100% realistic virtual game Sims. This is our brand new product, and you are the first official experiencer of it, which is very lucky.”

"Experiencer? Game?" Xiao Yu stood up in astonishment, touched his head, it was a metal helmet, and then looked behind, it was an alloy bed, surrounded by dense instruments.

Suddenly, Xiao Yu seemed to understand something.

Could it be that everything is fake? Grom, Thrall, Alsace, Lin Muxue, Océlia

For some reason, Xiao Yu felt a pain in his heart as if a piece of flesh had been gouged out. He suddenly fell to the ground and vomited profusely. The staff immediately surrounded him to check on his condition.

But at this time, Xiao Yu suddenly fell on the ground and cried loudly, unscrupulously, tears blurred his vision, and it didn't stop for a long time. It's like, it's a child who lost his most beloved thing.

(end of this chapter)

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