World of Warcraft: Foreign Realm Domination

Chapter 63: female assassin


"Damn, dare to hit me?" Xiao Yu immediately jumped up, as a hooligan, such insults are unacceptable. Isn't it just to see you? Didn't do anything to you, but dared to slap Lao Tzu? My mom never hit me like that.

The beauty immediately put on a smile and said, "What? Did it hurt? My little baby?"

Xiao Yu was stunned for a moment, not understanding what this beautiful woman meant by being arrogant and respectful, but when he was in a daze, this beautiful woman slapped him hard again.

Xiao Yu was thinking about this beauty's attitude, so he didn't take precautions, and this beauty's attack was too fast, it was difficult for Xiao Yu to dodge with half-handedness, so he was hit hard again.

"If it hurts, hit it again and it won't hurt." The beauty squinted her blue eyes, like a lazy Persian cat, but her subordinates were as swift as a leopard.

At this moment, the other adventurers in the lobby laughed out loud when they saw this scene.

"It's a very happy thing to be slapped in the face by the beautiful Océlia."

"That's right, there are not many men in this lobby who haven't been slapped by Osilia."

"Boy, flirting with beauties will also have long eyes in the future. Some roses have thorns."

These adventurers gloated and looked at this side with great interest. Obviously, this kind of thing is already commonplace.

"Your grandma, if the tiger doesn't show its power, you treat me as a hellokitty. If I don't restrain you today, you don't know what a hooligan is?" Xiao Yu rolled up his sleeves and was about to strike, but at this moment, Xiao Yu But Yu suddenly felt a pain in his lower abdomen, and his body had already flown out.

"Show me what a hooligan is, right? I see hooligans every day, ma'am. You don't even ask the people here who I am. How much is your little dragon? I bought it." This Ossie Liya kicked Xiao Yu out, lovingly stroking Xiaolong's head, and asked the price.

Xiao Yu got up in embarrassment, and there seemed to be flames burning in his eyes. He had never suffered such a big loss when he grew up so big. Although he has many powerful skills now, but he is not good at basic skills, so when facing a master of martial arts like Osilia, it is easy to catch the way.

"The gangster is very angry, and the consequences are serious." Xiao Yu was really angry this time, and suddenly shouted to the outside, "Grom, bring someone in, I'm going to kill flowers today. Nima's barbed Even if it is a rose made of steel, I will break it off."

With Xiao Yu's roar, a big man in a black cloak rushed in from outside the door.

"Yo, there are quite a few people. Oh, it's like this every time. I think I'm great because I have a lot of people." Osilia still didn't pay attention to these bodyguards of Xiao Yu. There are more than a dozen people, but she still doesn't think so.

"Nimal Gobi, today I will let you know how to write the word rogue. Give it to me. She needs to be caught. I will train her well this time and let her know how to be a woman." Xiao Yu waved his hand, motioning for the orc buddies to start.

Seeing Xiao Yu being beaten, these orc soldiers were extremely angry. Xiao Yu was their master, so he dared to hit their master, which was directly equivalent to slapping them in the face.

So, as soon as Xiao Yu spoke, these orc buddies immediately took off their black cloaks, revealing their green skin and sharp fangs.

When he first entered the town, Xiao Yu asked the orc soldiers to wear big cloaks in order not to draw too much attention from others.

But since there is going to be a fight now, the cloak must be too in the way, so they just pulled it off.

"Orcs." The lobby immediately screamed, and everyone subconsciously stood up. A hundred years ago, perhaps it was not surprising for everyone to see orcs, and there would be orc slaves in slightly larger cities, but now there are fewer and fewer orcs, almost extinct.

A dozen orcs suddenly appeared here, which naturally surprised everyone.

"It turned out to be an orc?" Osilia was also slightly surprised, she didn't expect that this rascal would have an orc as a bodyguard. What is his background? In this day and age, those who can be so luxurious as to have orc bodyguards are definitely not ordinary people.

But Osilia doesn't even care about the prince of a country, so what if she has status

Although the orc was tall, his movements were extremely agile, and he rushed up quickly to catch Osilia. But several orcs stretched out their hands together, but in the end they caught nothing.

At the moment when more than a dozen big hands of the orcs stretched out together, Osilia's soft body was like a swimming fish, and with a turn of her waist as tough as a willow branch, she crossed a few tables and broke free from these things. The orc infantry chased and intercepted them.

The orc infantry then followed, but their size, in places like the lobby, there were tables and chairs everywhere, obviously they couldn't use their hands and feet, and they couldn't squeeze through the gaps in some small shops.

But Osilia is like a fish in water here, holding the little dragon around, the eleven orcs, including Grom, can't catch her at all.

Grom also used two heroic jumps, but Océlia was so quick she was able to escape each time.

"Roar..." The orc infantry was enraged by Osilia, and smashed the table. For a moment, the scene was extremely chaotic. Ten orc infantry jumped around and kept chasing Osilia, but they let her escape every time.

In the end, Osilia seemed to be tired of playing. She giggled and jumped onto the pillars in the hall with a bang. Like a civet, she grabbed the smooth pillars and stuck firmly to them, as if a Like a spider.

"A clumsy guy like an orc also wants to catch my old lady? Just dream, thinking that it would be great to have a few orc bodyguards. Since you are not willing to pay the price for this little dragon, then I will take it away directly. The right is for me Compensation." As she said that, Océlia's figure gradually became blurred and merged with the pillar.

"My day? Assassin." At this moment, these two words flashed through Xiao Yu's mind. In this world, only assassins can be invisible.

"No wonder she is so crazy? A powerful assassin, even with the power of the whole country, may not be able to catch it. Assassins can be invisible, good at hiding, and can disguise themselves. If they run into the crowd, there is nowhere to find them." Xiao Yu's eyes flickered, thinking about the strength of the real assassins in this world.

"Interesting, since that's the case, then we have to catch her even more." Xiao Yu's face showed the same treachery as before. He was not very worried about the other party's capture of Xiaolong. It's easy to get caught.

Sure enough, when everyone was guessing where Océlia was, a ball of flames spewed out of nowhere suddenly from the direction of the stairs, and Océlia showed her figure.

"Little villain, I will take you away and give you delicious food. Why are you making trouble?" Osilia slapped Xiaolong angrily. She sneaked here just now and wanted to escape through the window, but she didn't expect Xiaolong to spray a ball of fire, completely exposing her figure.

"Fuck, is it that easy to leave? Tyrande." Xiao Yu shouted.

Xiao Yu knew that the orc infantry was absolutely king on the battlefield. In this kind of lobby, moving around was absolutely inferior to the flexibility of an assassin. If he wanted to catch this assassin, he would have to tear down the inn. .

But Xiao Yu also has a sharp weapon against assassins. Hunters, ancient hunters, and assassins are a pair of enemies, and their skills restrain each other.

And Tyrande is the boss among the hunters.

Tyrande now has Eagle Eye, and has a natural Elven Eye, which can detect invisible units to a certain extent. Of course, this is not absolute. If the assassin is well hidden, it will be difficult to find. But in this inn, the space is limited, and it is not so easy to hide.

It would be great if the store could sell the Dust of Appearance, so I wouldn't be afraid of any assassins.

Tyrande was playing chess with Antonidas upstairs, but when she heard Xiao Yu shouting, she immediately put down the chess pieces in her hand and rushed out immediately.

Regarding Xiao Yu's orders, Tyrande never disobeyed.

Tyrande was also wearing a black cloak, but when she appeared in the lobby and looked at Océlia with her purple eyes, Océlia was immediately startled and faintly guessed Tyrande's race.

"Tyrande, this guy dared to beat me and steal Xiaolong. It is simply unforgivable. I must catch her today, and if I want to catch her alive, I must punish her." The reason why Xiao Yu emphasized Ossile Ya beat him and stole Xiaolong because Tyrande and the others have high IQs now. If Xiao Yu was bullying men and women and trying to grab women, Tyrande would definitely not help.

But if Xiao Yu was attacked and Xiaolong was robbed, then Tyrande would definitely make a move.

Sure enough, Tyrande heard that Océlia had beaten Xiao Yu and wanted to steal the little dragon she also loved very much, so she immediately drew her bow and arrows and shot seven arrows at Océlia.

chi chi chi...

The sharp sound of piercing through the air sounded, and Océlia was taken aback. The seven arrows of Tyrande immediately blocked all her exits, and wherever she ran, an arrow would hit her.

But Osilia is worthy of being a powerful assassin, she stood upright, rushed forward, and passed through the gap between the two arrows.

"Excellent movement." Even Xiao Yu couldn't help admiring after seeing this scene, and at the same time, he was determined to catch her even more.

After Océlia sprang out, the Juggernaut saw the timing right, and suddenly used the heroic jump again, sped out, and grabbed Océlia.

However, Océlia made a graceful turn in mid-air, pulled out a dagger from nowhere, and stabbed at the Juggernaut. This force, however, fell to other places.

At this time, the orc infantry rushed over quickly, blocking all the exits. Although they couldn't catch Osilia, their huge bodies, whether it was the door or the window, could be easily blocked to prevent Osilia from escaping.

Osilia jumped up and down, fleeing in all directions, dodging Tyrande's continuous shooting, while also being careful of Grom's big hands.

Grom started the wind walk. Although his movement was not as flexible as Océlia's, his speed was fast enough to catch up with Océlia. For the convenience of chasing, Grom often doesn't dodge over obstacles with a graceful movement like Osilia, but charges forward directly, smashes them all at once, and then quickly pursues them.

Under the attack of Grom and Tyrande, Osilia also felt a lot of pressure. She had never met such a powerful archer like Tyrande, who could shoot so fast and so accurately. If she hadn't been extremely skilled, she would have been shot by Tyrande long ago.

Moreover, he had never seen such a fast and strong orc who could catch up with her. Under the attack of these two people, it was a matter of time before she was caught.

"Oh, why is it so lively, my old man can't sit still." At this time, the great magician Antonidas appeared on the stairs.

"Well, this little girl runs very fast, so let me slow her down." As he spoke, Antonidas stretched out his hand, and a circle of icy blue light immediately covered it, with a bang, then All of it was covered in ice.

Océlia's legs were immediately frozen and could not be pulled out for a short time, and this time, Grom was definitely enough to catch her several times.

"ah… "

Océlia screamed, and Grom grabbed Océlia's waist with two big hands, forming an iron hoop, unable to break free no matter what.

"Fuck, damn, you dare to slap me, kick me, and steal my little dragon? If I don't train you well today, I won't be called a hooligan in the future." Xiao Yu smiled grimly, like a The satyr who had been hungry for several months walked towards Osilia step by step.

Seeing Xiao Yu's eyes, Osilia suddenly felt something was wrong.

(end of this chapter)