World of Wuling

Chapter 11: Not a weakling (2)


When Lin Yunfei saw Liu Feng was about to leave, he immediately called out, "Liu Feng, come back, where are you going?"

Liu Feng turned around and said coldly: "I am not a weakling, I don't need your pity."

Lin Yunfei asked: "Aren't you going to eat?"

"I don't want it." Liu Feng gritted his teeth. Although he was extremely hungry and kept swallowing saliva, he would rather starve to death than let others laugh at him for being a weakling.

At this moment, the eagle that had fainted on the ground suddenly flapped its wings and flew up. The huge eagle circled in the yard as if it was identifying the person who had just attacked it. When it saw Hu Tian, it showed its sharp claws.

"Hu Tian, be careful." Lin Yunfei shouted as the eagle flew towards Hu Tian. However, it was too late for Hu Tian to dodge. At the critical moment, Liu Feng suddenly raised the sand in his hand, and two stones in the sand went straight to the eagle's eyes. There was a shrill scream, and two lines of blood flowed from the eagle's eyes at the same time. The eagle immediately lost its direction, and Hu Tian escaped.

The blind eagle was flying around in the yard. It took a lot of effort for a group of teenagers to capture it. At this moment, Hu Tian was staring quietly at Liu Feng at the door. If it weren't for Liu Feng, he would have died under the eagle's claws.

Hu Tian was about to say something, but Liu Feng spoke first: "You saved my life before, and now I save your life, so we are even now."

"Yes, we are even now, so I won't say thank you, but I want to say sorry." Hu Tian paused and then said, "I shouldn't have called you a weakling just now. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. You are a strong man, a real strong man. You don't have innate spiritual energy, but you were able to destroy the eagle's eyes from a distance of several feet. I really admire you. Don't leave, stay?"

Liu Feng's lips curled up slightly, and he felt a different feeling in his heart.

Lin Yunfei at the side said with a smile: "Are you still leaving?"

"I'm not leaving. I want to eat the wild boar meat and the big eagle meat too." Liu Feng was in a good mood, but he knew that he was different from the others. Without innate spiritual energy, he could not practice and could not become a spiritualist. But he believed that as long as he worked hard, he would achieve something.

(End of this chapter)