World of Wuling

Chapter 144: Rescue (3)


Ouyang Lin suddenly shouted angrily: "If you dare to come one step closer, I will bite my tongue and commit suicide, so that you will never get the emperor-level artifact!"

Ouyang Cheng hurriedly stepped forward and begged for mercy: "Sir, please spare my young lady!"

"I can spare your young lady, but you have to make her take off her veil!"

"Miss, please take off your veil. It's getting late. Let's set off early! What about the clan leader?" Ouyang Cheng seemed to be playing the role of a middleman, but he still pretended to be loyal to the Ouyang family.

"Let's go!" Ouyang Lin walked forward without waiting for Ouyang Cheng to finish his words. Naturally, she ignored the housekeeper Cheng. The five masters of the Sword Domain looked at Ouyang Lin's back in astonishment, and after a long time they had to follow her out of Lingdu City.


In a cave on a hill outside Lingdu City, Liu Feng had been waiting here for a long time. Although his meridians were blocked by poison, after his constant persuasion, Jiehun agreed to give him several heavenly-grade hidden weapons. He wanted Ouyang Lin to lure all the evil people from the Sword Domain here and kill them all with the heavenly-grade hidden weapons.

"Jie Hun, are these one thousand and one needles really that powerful?" Liu Feng was holding an extremely thin silver needle in his hand. However, Jie Hun said that the silver needle would split into one thousand and one needles the moment it flew out. There was a deadly poison on the silver needle, and each of them could kill a person. This was considered the best among the heavenly-grade hidden weapons, and it could even penetrate all the defenses of a junior Holy Spirit Master. If Liu Feng had not vowed to create an identical heavenly-grade artifact and return it to Jie Hun, Jie Hun would really be unwilling to take it out.

Jiehun said: "One thousand and one needles cannot be used carelessly, there is also a slightly inferior hidden weapon, which is absolutely suitable!"

"What is it?" Liu Feng asked curiously.

"Flying Stones." Jie Hun guided Liu Feng to take out a small bottle from the magic ring. The bottle was a bit heavy and contained some strange stones. Jie Hun introduced: "These heavenly hidden weapons I gave you can penetrate the defense of a junior Holy Spirit Master. Although the attack of the Flying Stones is single, it can make a junior Holy Spirit Master-level character explode and die. But you have to use them sparingly. There are only seven Flying Stones in the bottle."

"This thing is good!" Liu Feng said with a smile as he accepted the Flying Stone. He then asked, "Are there any other good things I can control?"

Jiehun said, "Don't be greedy. If there is nothing left, I won't give it to you. Besides, how long will it take for you to make these things and return them to me?"

"Tsk, just wait, I will definitely make hidden weapons more powerful than these things of yours!" Liu Feng said disdainfully.

At this moment, Lin Yuqing's voice came from outside the cave: "Here they come, here they come, Sister Lin is here with her people!"

"What are you shouting for? Come and hide over here!" Liu Feng was on full alert. The cave was pitch black, and he and Lin Yuqing were hiding in it without being noticed. They only heard Ouyang Lin's cold voice coming from outside the cave.

"The treasure house is inside, shall we go in?"

(End of this chapter)