World of Wuling

Chapter 150: Resistance (1)


Liu Feng knew that a book like this must be very difficult to practice. Being able to cultivate one spirit to the level of a Holy Spirit Master is already a great achievement. To cultivate a second spirit requires opportunity. However, to cultivate the third, fourth, and even the ninth spirit is even more difficult and almost impossible.

"I want to see how difficult this is!" Liu Feng continued reading while thinking. The first few pages of "Nine Spirits Divine Art" basically talked about the benefits of self-cultivation. It recorded that self-cultivation can not only help people relieve the depression in their hearts, but also has great benefits for spiritual cultivation.

"No wonder Sister Lin likes playing the piano so much!" Liu Feng couldn't help but mutter to himself.

The practice of the Nine Spirits is based on the principle of the Five Elements: wood produces fire, fire produces earth, earth produces metal, metal produces water, and water produces wood. Now the main attribute of the spirit in Liu Feng's body is water. He can use the water attribute to derive a wood-attributed spirit. Although it is very easy in theory, it is extremely difficult to accomplish in practice.

"Perhaps I cannot cultivate a second spirit, but the Water Spirit Technique among the Nine Spirit Techniques is already a very powerful technique." Liu Feng closed the book, wishing he could break the blocked meridians immediately and start practicing the Water Spirit Technique right away.

Liu Feng immediately walked out of Ouyang Mansion and went to the market to buy materials for refining the Blood-Deriving Pill. Although the meridian reorganization was painful, he had to do it. He could not bear the days when he could not practice his internal energy for even a moment.

Liu Feng has plenty of money now, and the cost of the materials for the Blood-Deriving Pill is a piece of cake for him.

Of course, Liu Feng not only bought the medicinal materials for making the Blood-Driving Pill in the pharmacy, but also bought many medicinal materials needed for making the Life-Sustaining Pill, the Heart-Calming Pill, etc., just to be prepared. At least he asked Jiehun to refine some first, which would definitely be useful in the future.

Three days later

Liu Feng woke up from a daze. The pain he felt yesterday when his meridians were reorganized was long gone.

At this moment, he felt extremely relaxed, but the silence around him made him seem very uncomfortable.

After opening the door, he hurried to the hall of Ouyang Mansion. He didn't see a servant on the way, as if everyone in Ouyang Mansion had disappeared.

"Liu Feng, why are you still here!" Ouyang Lin's voice came from behind.

"Sister Lin, what happened?" Liu Feng turned around and asked in confusion.

"Hurry, come with me!" Ouyang Lin hurriedly took Liu Feng to the backyard of Ouyang Mansion. On the way, she told Liu Feng everything.

The previous housekeeper Cheng was not actually called Ouyang Cheng, but one of the four elders of the Demon Subduing Sect, named Yang Kun, and the master of the sect's evil leader Sima Lianchen. Now Yang Kun has gathered more than a hundred sword masters to attack our Lingdu. They vowed to massacre Lingdu. Now Ouyang Lin wanted to take Liu Feng into a pre-prepared tunnel and leave Lingdu along the tunnel.

"Sister Lin, we escaped, but what about the other civilians in Lingdu?" Liu Feng asked puzzledly.

Ouyang Lin said: "All civilians are the same, they will evacuate from the tunnel in an orderly manner!"

Liu Feng asked anxiously: "Is there no way to stop those people in the Sword Domain?"

(End of this chapter)