World of Wuling

Chapter 197: A Line of Sky (8)


As long as there was hope of survival, Liu Feng would struggle. Liu Feng let go of his hands and simply let himself fall into the sea. At least if he fell into the sea, he would not be immediately swallowed by the snake beast.

Liu Feng never expected that the speed of the Weishe beast was so fast. It stretched its body and caught Liu Feng who was falling down. Fortunately, Liu Feng fell on the neck of the Weishe beast instead of its mouth.

"I'll hold your neck and see how you eat me!" Liu Feng secretly rejoiced and held the snake beast's neck tightly with both hands.

The snake beast, whose neck was held, did not struggle, nor did it immediately rush into the sea. Instead, it hovered on the cliff that stretched straight into the sky like a line, and slowly went to the top of the mountain.

Soon the Snake Beast rushed through the clouds and jumped to the top of the Yixiantian Peak. It stopped at the top of the Yixiantian Peak. It suddenly became quiet, so quiet that Liu Feng was a little at a loss.

"What do you mean? Are you going to send me here?" Liu Feng asked puzzledly.

The Weishe beast did not respond but placed its head on the rock wall at the top of Yixiantian Peak, as if to let Liu Feng leave its neck.

Jiehun smiled and said, "The cultivation of this Weishe beast was originally equivalent to that of a Holy Spirit Master. That day, you helped it swallow a golden Dapeng, which was also at the Holy Spirit Master level. Now its strength has greatly increased. Perhaps it sent you up here to thank you!"

"Is there such a thing!" Liu Feng jumped off the neck of the snake beast and came to the top of the Yixiantian Peak. He looked around. The space here was very small. There was a cave with flickering fire in front of him. Perhaps the legendary imperial artifact was in that cave.

Liu Feng turned around, clasped his fists, and said to the snake beast: "Thank you very much!"

The snake beast suddenly roared, circled in the sky, and rushed straight to the sea.

Liu Feng nodded and walked towards the cave. There were steps leading downwards in the cave. The steps were made of bricks. Isn’t it a miracle to build bricks on the top of Yitiantian Peak

Walking into the cave, a gray skeleton was lying not far ahead, with two arrows beside it.

Jiehun said: "This man was shot to death by a poison scissors. Perhaps it has been a while, even the arrow body has decayed away, leaving only the arrowhead!"

The passage of the cave was very deep, but there were torches lit at regular intervals along the walls of the passage, presumably lit by the seven Holy Spirit Masters from the Knife and Sword Domains. Liu Feng walked slowly along the passage, and from time to time he could see skeletons on the road. Those were killed by the mechanisms in the passage, and most of them died of poisoning. Perhaps most of those who could reach the top of the Yitiantian Peak were masters at the Holy Spirit Master level. Ordinary mechanisms probably had no effect on Holy Spirit Masters, and those poisons were another matter.

Liu Feng suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart. Will I die here like these skeletons? The further he went in, the more worried he became about seeing seven fresh corpses. If the seven Holy Spirit Masters in front of him also died here, how could he survive with his cultivation

Just as Liu Feng was thinking, he suddenly heard the sound of fighting in front of him. The sound of fighting was very close to here. Perhaps that was the end of this passage. Could it be that the seven people were fighting for the emperor-level artifact? Liu Feng quickened his pace in doubt.

(End of this chapter)