World of Wuling

Chapter 2: Waste materials (2)


Liu Feng walked aimlessly in the busy city and found himself like a devil. Many people avoided him when they met him, and some even pointed fingers at him behind his back.

Curses like "the good-for-nothing second young master", "he committed suicide but didn't die", "he will definitely be a disaster in the future" were heard everywhere. Of course, all this had already angered Liu Feng, but when Liu Feng turned his head, those people turned around and left. They didn't dare to look into Liu Feng's eyes, let alone be looked at by Liu Feng.

Everything needs a reason, but why did they treat themselves like this? What did they do wrong? Liu Feng was very confused. After all, he was still unfamiliar with everything here. He didn't even know what this small town was called. He needed to recall it slowly.

There were sounds of festive gongs and drums not far ahead, as if there was some happy event. People who love to join in the fun would inevitably go over to join in the fun. Liu Feng was one of those people who loved to join in the fun. If someone was getting married, it would be a beautiful thing to witness the beautiful face of the bride.

"I heard that the Liu family is celebrating the death of their second young master?"

"Celebrating after someone's dead? Is this second young master an unlucky star?" Liu Feng was a little confused.

"That's the bad luck star. I heard that the second young master was born without any physique and couldn't cultivate spiritual energy. Master Liu invited countless medical doctors but they were all helpless. He was born to be useless. One day, a master appeared over the Liu family and said that the second young master of the Liu family was the bad luck star for our entire Qi Town. After the second young master of the Liu family knew about this, he committed suicide."

Some people were discussing, some were listening, and Liu Feng was one of the listeners. The second young master of the Liu family was really pitiful. He was born without a natural aptitude and could not cultivate spiritual energy. Being called a waste was enough of a blow, and he was also called a disaster star. It was understandable why he wanted to commit suicide. As Liu Feng thought about it, he felt an inexplicable pain in his heart.

But thinking back, something suddenly seemed wrong. Wasn't the second young master of the Liu family talking about me? Am I not the second young master of the Liu family? Liu Feng's face flushed instantly. He believed that he was not a waste, and he believed that he was not a disaster.

"The second young master is not dead, the second young master is not dead." Someone shouted in panic.

In an instant, many people around Liu Feng retreated, and the crowded avenue became spacious. In front of them was the decorated gate of Liu Mansion. The appearance of Liu Feng made the surroundings suddenly silent, and the laughter of the people celebrating suddenly became much stiffer.

This was a huge irony for Liu Feng. His death was celebrated with lights and decorations, and the person celebrating was actually his biological father

(End of this chapter)