World of Wuling

Chapter 204: Skyward Sword (3)


Liu Feng was puzzled: "But I can't point my sword to the sky in every move, and charge my opponent with every move!"

"This requires practice, but the Sky Finger Sword is best saved for the last move, because it is the most powerful at that time!"

Liu Feng nodded in understanding.

The butcher put away her sword and said, "Practice well. Once you have mastered the Finger to the Sky Sword, I will teach you the Universe Sword!"

Liu Feng smiled and said, "Thank you so much, butcher!"

Grandma Tu nodded and left the room. Looking at her back, Liu Feng inexplicably thought of his mother. However, in his impression, his mother was not as kind and gentle as Grandma Tu. "I wish I had a mother like Grandma Tu!"

Afterwards, Liu Feng also walked out of the house and came to the yard to practice the Sky-Pointing Sword. The retrograde meridians are the foundation of the Nine Swords of the Reverse Spirit. He started with the left-hand sword technique. After a few moves, Liu Feng raised the black iron sword at will. When the sword slowly fell, the impact force of the retrograde meridians that had just been stored in the dantian suddenly burst out. The black iron sword dragged out a faint water element, and there was a muffled sound, and a powerful momentum burst out.

"Pointing to the Sky Sword, ha, it turns out that this Pointing to the Sky Sword is so easy!" Liu Feng shouted excitedly.

Jiehun said disdainfully: "Just now your Sky-Pointing Sword lost all its power, yet you are still so happy. If you were to duel with someone else, wouldn't you cut them into pieces if you used this move?"

"That's because my cultivation is not good enough and my sword skills are not proficient enough!" Liu Feng defended.

Jiehun said: "This is an excuse!"

"I'm talking to you, old man. You're just envious, jealous and hateful, right? Stop disturbing me!" Liu Feng was practicing the Sky-Pointing Sword while speaking.

Several days passed while Liu Feng was immersed in it. However, what made Liu Feng gain unexpectedly was that he could feel the water elements around him while practicing sword. When he was dancing with the sword, there were many water elements moving around his body following his movements. Unknowingly, his martial spirit had also made a breakthrough. The original level 3, level 1 martial spirit had been upgraded to level 3, level 7 in just a few days.

A woman with a veil on her face stood in the distance, staring at Liu Feng quietly. It seemed that she watched from afar like this every day. When she saw Liu Feng practicing hard, her eyes revealed a kind of admiration. She was the mysterious lady from Jiuyou Villa. She once told Liu Feng that as long as Liu Feng could get the imperial artifact on Yixiantian, she would show Liu Feng her face. However, Liu Feng did it, but she failed to fulfill her promise.

When Liu Feng was practicing with great concentration, Jiehun suddenly laughed and said, "Boy, that woman is peeking at you again!"

"Are you talking about her? Let her peek. If she doesn't come to find me, I won't have to give her the Blood-Drinking Knife!" While speaking, Liu Feng suddenly raised the sword high. The impact force of the water element and the retrograde meridians had accumulated a lot. This sword must be very powerful.


He pointed his sword to the sky and chopped down a rockery. Liu Feng put away his sword and said proudly: "It seems that the power of this sword has reached its limit. I must improve my cultivation to make it more powerful!"

While he was talking to himself, suddenly there was a "whoosh" sound, and a small object shot from a distance and went straight into Liu Feng's mouth. Unexpectedly, Liu Feng swallowed it.

Liu Feng tried to spit out the thing, but he said with a bitter face: "Who attacked me? This is poison?"

Jiehun said: "Don't worry, it's a Soul Gathering Pill!"

"Spirit Gathering Pill to improve cultivation?" While speaking, Liu Feng looked around and could not see a single figure. Perhaps it was the woman who did it. However, this was a good thing. After swallowing the Spirit Gathering Pill, Liu Feng's martial arts cultivation soared to level five, stage seven.

(End of this chapter)