World of Wuling

Chapter 213: Holy Spirit (1)


Jiehun suddenly said, "Boy, the people from Jiuyou Villa will definitely not do anything to Liang Qianxun. At least they won't offend you!"

"Are they afraid of me? Don't they dislike my cultivation level?" Liu Feng asked in confusion.

"They are afraid of your potential. Just wait. They must be brewing a conspiracy. Although this conspiracy has nothing to do with you, you can go and join in the fun. Isn't there a saying that when two tigers fight, the fisherman benefits? You can just be the fisherman for once!"

Liu Feng nodded without thinking too much and headed straight towards Tianmu Peak. Perhaps there would be greater challenges there.

"Friend, how do I get to Tianmu Peak?"

I don't know how long I walked when I suddenly heard a strange voice behind me.

Turning around, Liu Feng saw a group of people carrying big swords not far behind him.

Jiehun suddenly said: "They are from Daoyu Tyrant Sect!"

Liu Feng pointed to the east and said, "Just keep going along this road and you'll be there soon!"

"Thank you!" The people from Daoyu Badao Sect rushed towards the road that led to nowhere. They came quickly and left quickly. Liu Feng laughed secretly and said, "I'm afraid you won't be able to reach Tianmu Peak even if you walk along this road for ten days!"

After walking for a long time, the sky gradually darkened. Liu Feng lit a bonfire in the wild, sat cross-legged on the ground and quietly felt the water elements around him. Liu Feng almost never stopped practicing the Water Spirit Art of the Nine Spirit Divine Art.

"There's a fire ahead, let's go take a look!" A man's voice suddenly came from not far away.

Liu Feng opened his eyes instantly, and at this moment he saw two dark figures slowly approaching from a distance. When they came closer, he realized that the attire of these two people was the same as that of the Ba Dao sect member from Xing Dao Domain during the day, so they were naturally also members of Ba Dao sect.

"Friend, did you see a group of people dressed like us passing by?"

Liu Feng shook his head and said, "No, where are you going?"

"We're going to Tianmu Peak!"

"Going to Tianmu Peak? What for?" Liu Feng pretended to know nothing.

"My friend, you don't know that a Holy Spirit Venerable appeared in the Human Domain. Many people in the Sword and Knife Domains died at the hands of the Holy Spirit Venerable. Now we heard that the Holy Spirit Venerable is at Tianmu Peak, so we are rushing over to fight against the Holy Spirit Venerable together!"

"Oh? Is there such a thing? I would like to go and see the excitement!" Liu Feng seemed a little confused. The Holy Spirit Venerable was at Tianmu Peak? Was there really such a thing? Did this character he made up really exist

The man from Ba Dao Sect looked at Liu Feng and said, "You should be just a mid-level spiritualist, right? You can't go to that place, why don't you go home and practice well? I won't say anything more to you, we still have to hurry!" The two of them hurried forward, and Liu Feng suddenly stood up. Perhaps he should also hurry on his way overnight, at least he couldn't miss the good show on Tianmu Peak!

(End of this chapter)