World of Wuling

Chapter 237: Tianfen Cave (1)


They didn't know how long they had been walking before the Jiuling Mountains were just around the corner. Looking from afar, they saw many large and small peaks stretching towards the sky. The legend that the Jiuling Mountains surround the human realm, sword realm, demon realm and god realm of the spiritual world might be true, but Liu Feng believed that no one in the human realm had walked through the entire Jiuling Mountains. Perhaps this miraculous record still needed him to break.

Sima Lianchen pointed to a corner of the Jiuling Mountains and said, "The cave where the Heavenly Burning Furnace is located is in that direction."

Liu Feng said: "Let's go, it seems you will be free soon!"

Sima Lianchen shook his head and walked forward. Soon they came to a valley filled with smoke, singing birds and fragrant flowers. This was the foot of a small hill in the Jiuling Mountains. The damp area in front was full of weeds. If you walked in it, your clothes would be soaked by the moisture all around.

Sima Lianchen said: "The cave is in that pile of weeds. It is full of traps. You have to follow me!"

Liu Feng understood that Sima Lianchen didn't dare to do anything to him for the time being. At least Sima Lianchen still thought that the super centrifugal powder poison in his body could only be cured by Liu Feng.

After pushing aside some weeds, they indeed saw a cave. There was the word "Tianfen Cave" written on the entrance of the cave. It seemed that the Tianfen Furnace must be inside.

The Tianfen Cave was stuffy and hot, and the humidity made it even more unbearable. Sima Lianchen reminded: "This is just the beginning, it will be even more uncomfortable inside, but it will be fine once you reach the deepest part!"

Under Sima Lianchen's guidance, they did not encounter any traps on the road. However, the Ring Soul in the Lord of the Rings was always in a state of shock, because he could clearly feel that there were many exquisite and wonderful traps around him.

The further they went inside, the hotter and stuffier they felt. They sweated profusely, and their clothes, which were already soaked, became even wetter.

Liu Feng asked impatiently: "How long will it take?"

Sima Lianchen also said weakly: "It's almost there, it won't be so unbearable anymore!"

After walking for a long time, there seemed to be a strange light in front, and Liu Feng's eyes lit up. Perhaps that was the end. It seemed that the Tianfen Furnace in front was no longer the point. The point was that Liu Feng had to leave this terrible Tianfen Cave as soon as possible.

Jiehun couldn't wait to say: "I feel it, I feel it calling me!"

Liu Feng could quicken his pace. He had to leave here as soon as possible no matter what. However, Sima Lianchen behind him revealed a cold and evil smile in the corner of his eyes.

After walking a few steps, Liu Feng suddenly stopped and looked back, wondering, "Is there no mechanism ahead? Why don't you walk ahead?"

Sima Lianchen said: "There is a mechanism ahead, but you have already triggered it!" Sima Lianchen's tone changed completely, as if he had taken the initiative at this moment, as if he already had a handle on Liu Feng.

(End of this chapter)