World of Wuling

Chapter 238: Tianfen Cave (2)


"What mechanism? Is it poison? Colorless and odorless poison?" Liu Feng frowned and glared at Sima Lianchen.

Sima Lianchen said coldly: "You guessed it right, it is poison, and it is more terrible than your super centrifugal powder! This is what my master prepared specially for you!"

"Your master? Are you talking about Yang Kun, who used to work as a butler in the Ouyang family?"

Sima Lianchen nodded and said, "Let's go, my master will wait for you inside. But as long as you give me the antidote to the Super Centrifugal Powder, I will persuade my master to give you the antidote to the strange poison."

"It seems that you have planned this in advance!" Liu Feng strode forward. He did not show any fear on his face. Perhaps at this moment all he wanted was to take away the Tianfenlu and leave this damn place as soon as possible. As for the poison, perhaps it could be solved with Jiehun.

In the red light ahead, Liu Feng saw a familiar figure standing quietly. He was Yang Kun.

When Yang Kun saw Liu Feng, he narrowed his eyes and smiled: "I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Where is the Tianfenlu?" Liu Feng asked directly.

Yang Kun pointed to the front and said, "It's over there! What? You still want to take away the Heavenly Fen Furnace?" A mocking look appeared on Yang Kun's face. He didn't care whether Liu Feng could take away the Heavenly Fen Furnace or not, and let Liu Feng approach the Heavenly Fen Furnace.

The surroundings here are much wider and more comfortable than the narrow and stuffy passage. There is indeed a furnace placed on a stove in front, but is that the real Tianfenlu? Liu Feng walked straight towards the Tianfenlu without saying a word.

Jiehun said: "This is the Heaven Burning Furnace, no doubt about it!"

"Then take it." Liu Feng said while completely ignoring Yang Kun and Sima Lianchen behind him.

"You are more anxious than me!" Jiehun laughed.

At this moment, a dark shadow rushed out and blocked Liu Feng's way. It was the poison master. Although he was dressed in black, Liu Feng could recognize him. At least there could not be such a strong man in the human domain.

The man in black said calmly, "Do you want to take the Heaven Burning Furnace as well?"

Liu Feng said: "Of course I do, otherwise why would I come here?"

The man in black laughed and said, "Are you so confident that you can take the Heavenly Burning Furnace? Don't you know that you have been poisoned by my powerful poison, the Heavenly Poison?"

"Wutian?" Jiehun couldn't help but exclaimed.

"What is Wu Tian Poison?" Liu Feng asked puzzled.

"Wutian is the number one figure in the Demon Realm. This poison must have been made by him. How could the Wutian poison flow into the human realm?" Jie Hun seemed extremely surprised while speaking.

Liu Feng asked in confusion: "Old man, am I really poisoned by this? Why don't I feel anything?"

(End of this chapter)