World of Wuling

Chapter 34: Dongmen Market(1)


Chapter 9: Dongmen Market

"Where can I find the blood-clotting grass and red dragon beads?" Liu Feng really knew nothing about this kind of medicinal herbs.

Jiehun said: "Blood Clotting Grass and Red Dragon Pearl cannot be bought in pharmacies, they are only available in the Lingbao Market!"

"Spiritual treasure market? Where is the spiritual treasure market?" Liu Feng knew nothing about the market in Chu City. However, since it was a spiritual treasure, it must be extremely expensive, and Liu Feng could not afford it.

"You don't even know about Lingbao Market? I really want to knock you on the head. What is your head for?"

"I just don't know, but I can go ask Ye Xin! I wonder if the unconscious Ye Xin has woken up?" Thinking of the unconscious Ye Xin, Liu Feng hurried to Ye Xin's room.

However, before he walked out of the back garden, Ye Xin hurried over.

"Liu Feng, are you okay?" Ye Xin's anxious voice came from the front.

"It's okay, nothing happened! How about you?"

"I'm fine too, how about your hand?" Ye Xin looked at Liu Feng's hand in disbelief. Liu Feng's hand, which was almost cut off by the black-clothed man's sword, has now completely healed.

"My hand is fine, look!" Liu Feng looked at his hand in confusion, and it looked as if he had never been injured.

"Your ring?" Ye Xin had also noticed that the originally black ring in Liu Feng's hand had now turned dark red.

Ye Xin knew that the ring was put on Liu Feng by the demon. From the changes in the ring and the recovery of the injury on Liu Feng's hand, Ye Xin seemed to have noticed something.

Ye Xin paused for a moment and then said, "I heard that many artifacts will have many incredible uses after being dripped with blood. Your ring is called a magic ring. The blood from your injured hand just now dripped into the ring. Did you open it?" Ye Xin's expression was a little excited, and his originally slightly gloomy face couldn't suppress his excitement.

"Really? Maybe it's really been opened!"

Ye Xin exclaimed again: "No, most of these rings have the function of space storage, you can see what's inside!"


Jiehun responded hastily: "Nothing, absolutely nothing!"

Liu Feng looked at Jie Hun with a puzzled look. If there was nothing, why did he react so strongly? There must be something fishy. While thinking, Liu Feng smiled strangely and said, "Really, there is nothing? Don't lie to me, old man, okay?"

Jiehun quickly shook his head and said, "I definitely didn't lie to you!"

"Really? Let me see if it is a space ring!" While speaking, Liu Feng's consciousness had already probed into the ring. This ring is connected to Liu Feng's blood. You won't know until you see it. You will be shocked when you see it. There are all kinds of treasures in this ring, including beads of different colors, metal-like plates, and clusters of herbs. In short, there are treasures in the magic ring.

"Old man, you said there was nothing, what? What are these?"

"This?" Jiehun squeaked and hummed for a long time without saying anything.

(End of this chapter)