World of Wuling

Chapter 4: Waste materials (4)


"Even a tiger won't eat its own cubs. You are worse than an animal." Liu Feng shouted coldly. He didn't know when he had already grasped a small stone in his hand. For a child of twelve or thirteen years old, the lethality of a small stone might not be great, but for Liu Feng it was probably a different story.

"What did you say?" Liu Tiancheng shouted and a red aura appeared in his hand.

Isn't this red aura the first level of a martial spirit? Liu Tiancheng actually also possesses a first level martial spirit. Is he actually a true spiritualist? Many people couldn't help but exclaim. It's probably hard for someone in this small town of Qi to possess a martial spirit. This time, Liu Tiancheng's move was really a feast for everyone's eyes.

(This world is called the Spirit World, and it is the world of spiritual practitioners. Every child will have their root bones consecrated when they are seven years old, which is to test their root bones. There are levels one to nine, with levels one to three being low, levels four to six being intermediate, and levels six to nine being high. There are very few children with high-level root bones, and even if they only have intermediate root bones, the child should have a bright future in the Spirit World. It is difficult for a child with low-level root bones to become a true spiritualist.

Children with good roots in the spiritual world can cultivate innate spiritual energy. When the innate spiritual energy breaks through the ninth level, the spirit is formed. The spirit at this stage is called a martial spirit, and people who possess a martial spirit are called spiritualists. There are nine levels of martial spirits, and each level has nine ranks.

The ninth level of martial spirits can further divide spirit masters into low-level spirit masters, intermediate spirit masters, and high-level spirit masters;

After the spirit breaks through the ninth level of the ninth martial spirit, it forms a soul. People who possess a soul are called soul masters. Souls also have nine levels, and each level has nine ranks. The nine-level souls also divide soul masters into low-level soul masters, intermediate soul masters and high-level soul masters.

After breaking through the ninth level of the ninth level of the soul, the Holy Spirit is formed. The Holy Spirit also has three levels: primary, intermediate, and advanced. After the Holy Spirit is the God, and the God is divided into low-level gods, middle-level gods, and high-level gods. After the high-level gods is the Spirit Emperor, and after that is the Spirit Lord. The Spirit Lord is the supreme existence in the spirit world.)

"Such a strong internal force?" Liu Feng couldn't help but exclaimed. He didn't know that it was the strength of a first-level martial spirit, a primary spiritualist. That move must be extremely powerful. If he didn't take action quickly, he would probably die at the hands of Liu Tiancheng.

At this moment, everyone held their breath and waited for Liu Tiancheng to kill his son with his own hands.

Suddenly, with a "whoosh" sound, the stone in Liu Feng's hand flew out, dragging the air, and hit Liu Tiancheng's forehead in the blink of an eye. Although Liu Feng's strength was not enough, his hit rate was extremely high.

(End of this chapter)