World of Wuling

Chapter 5: Leave (1)


The stone hit Liu Tiancheng right on the forehead. Liu Feng's attack power might not have reached the level that could hurt a junior spiritualist, but Liu Tiancheng let out a scream and fell backwards.

"A first-level martial spirit, a first-level spiritualist with the strength of a junior spiritualist, was knocked unconscious by a child with no bones?" Everyone couldn't believe their eyes, but at this moment, wherever Liu Feng's eyes swept, everyone retreated in horror.

"Is this kid possessed by a demon? Will he kill us?" Many people began to flee. After all, a first-level martial spirit with first-order strength was knocked out by Liu Feng, so they would probably be even more vulnerable.

Liu Feng said disdainfully: "A bunch of cowardly rats, didn't you just say you wanted to kill me?"

Liu Feng no longer cared about Liu Tiancheng's life or death. After Liu Tiancheng committed suicide, Liu Tiancheng was no longer his father. At least no father would celebrate with drums and gongs after his son's death.

Liu Feng strode out of Qi Town. Since he was reborn in this strange world, he would not fall. Even if he had no talent, he would carry forward the flying knife skills he had when he was in the martial arts world.

A young man was standing quietly at the town gate. He was tall and thin, and his eyes were full of pity as he looked at Liu Feng.

"Brother." Liu Feng couldn't help but shout.

The young man was Liu Feng's elder brother Liu Ming. Ever since Liu Feng was diagnosed with no root bone when he was seven years old, Liu Ming was the only one in the entire Liu Mansion who would talk to him and often play with him.

"Are you leaving Qi Town just like that?" Liu Ming said indifferently.

Liu Feng nodded and said nothing. At this moment, he didn't know what to say.

Liu Ming handed over some coins and said, "This is my pocket money, take it, you may need it."

Liu Feng took the coins and nodded again. Liu Feng knew that no matter which world you are in, no matter how strong your martial arts are, money is still the foundation of life.

"Liu Ming is Liu Feng's brother forever." Liu Feng waved and left. He didn't dare to look at Liu Ming. He was afraid that he would cry, because he didn't know when he would come back. Maybe he would never come back to this sad town.

"Liu Feng is Liu Ming's younger brother forever." Liu Ming's voice came from behind.

Liu Feng didn't look back because he knew Liu Ming was standing there watching him. When Liu Feng couldn't help but turn around, Qi Zhen had disappeared from his sight.

Liu Feng was walking along, obviously aimlessly. For the time being, he had to find a place to settle down and practice his internal strength. At least the flying knife skills required enough internal strength to be lethal. If he wanted to reach the level of willow leaf flying knife, he would need even stronger internal strength.

Walking on the tree-lined avenue, Liu Feng felt a sense of loneliness he had never felt before.

"What a hell of a place! I've been walking for so long and haven't seen a single passerby. Am I going to starve to death on the road?" Liu Feng complained, but when he took a step, the mechanism of a trap was activated and he was suddenly hung in the air by a net.

(End of this chapter)