World of Wuling

Chapter 686: Naked threats (4)


"That's easy. Since it's the only way, we have to do it this way!" Liu Feng threw away the wooden stick in his hand and left.

"Come back, come back!"

Snow Girl's voice came from behind. It was a pity that Liu Feng missed Snow Girl's figure and beauty. But for a woman he was not interested in, no matter how good her figure or beauty was, she was just one of thousands of women, and there was nothing else to her.

"One day, I will kill you, I must!!!" The cry of the Snow Girl came from the ice castle. The heart-wrenching voice caused the snow in the snow area to collapse. At this moment, Liu Feng had already galloped towards the direction of the Demon Realm.


There was peace and tranquility in the Demon Realm. Except for the evil force of Yang Tianxie, all others had already become the forces of justice. The surging Demon River was right in front of Liu Feng. Coming here, Liu Feng felt relaxed, but there was also a hint of worry in his heart, because he didn't know how to talk to Gongsun Huaibing.

The soul worm has penetrated deep into Gongsun Huaibing's body. Is Gongsun Huaibing willing to destroy his own soul to save his life? Although this is a bit cruel, I believe Gongsun Huaibing will definitely make his own choice.

Near the Spiritual Valley where the Spiritual Cult was located, Liu Feng could smell the scent of medicine from afar.

"When did the Spiritualism Cult start to concentrate on refining medicine?" Liu Feng couldn't help but feel puzzled.

"Him? He is Liu Feng? Liu Feng is back!" The gatekeeper at the entrance of Tongling Valley suddenly shouted.

Liu Feng squinted his eyes and looked at the familiar man, who then glided down. When he got closer, Liu Feng saw clearly that this was the Demon Flame King who had fought him so hard before. This Demon Flame King was actually just a gatekeeper in the Spiritualism Church.

Liu Feng couldn't help but ask: "Lord Mo Yan, what's going on with this medicinal smell that fills the air?"

The Demon Flame King said, "The Nine Dragons Golden List Contest is about to begin. Is everyone preparing to participate?"

"Nine Dragons Golden List?" Liu Feng seemed to have heard these four words before, but did not understand them.

(End of this chapter)